Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1617770-Angels-and-Demons-Episode-2-p1
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1617770
The first fight between Monster and his first enemy Bust-it. The Power of an Angel
The Power of an Angel pt.1

Monster stared, and stared some more. "Are you an angel?" If he wasn't so shocked he would have hit himself for sounding so dumb.

"Naaaaaaw, I'm God." The angel chuckled as he did a forward flip and landed upon the street gracefully. He took a step forward, a wild grin upon his face as he punched his right fist into his left. The contact shot out a pulse of energy.

He dressed weirdly, mostly a light blue with white trimmings. He wore a light blue visor across his eyes, his hair hidden under a silver chained bandanna. His body covered by a skin tight jump suit with silver gauntlets wore over his hands and feet. Upon his upper body silver chains connected at the end, covering his chest and back with a white orb engraved in the middle of his chest. Around waist were silver chains that reached down to his knees and connected at the ends. His right gauntlet was strangely larger than the left with a disk spinning upon the back of its hand. "No but seriously my name is Bust-It and let's get this shit going man."

Monster didn't know how to respond as the angel jumped and hopped around. Like a lightweight boxer with extremely fast and skillful footwork. He moved around with such a bounce it was like he was walking on air. Monster's one eye followed Bust-it as he moved and bounced around him and Julia. Monster felt a tug on his shoulder. He reluctantly looked down to Julia to see she was deeply scared. What was he doing? If he kept holding Julia here she might get hurt. "Wait a minute." Monster stated timidly, he felt pressured and scared. Like leaving the school knowing a bully was out there waiting for him.

"Whatever, I got all the time in the world man just no running!" Bust-it spoke with charged up attitude and was ready to fight. He couldn't help but find himself lucky when he came across a stream of people. Going up river he saw the source and his mind nearly explode. He was too excited to keep it in and started shadow boxing.

Monster watched him fearfully and thought about the option to run. It was easy to scare off humans but an angel just knocked on his door. Slowly he got up and trudged towards the side walk to the closets alley. It was dark, wet, and inviting. For the first time in his life he sought for its security. But instead he placed Julia behind the weak safety of a dumpster. "Stay here." He said solemnly.

"No! Not-" She nearly screamed when Monster placed his hand over her mouth. Her eyes were wide and fearful as they slowly began to chip into Monster's being. He let go of her and quickly backed away from her. "Are you stupid? You should run not fight!" She yelled, getting the angel's attention.

"Don't worry ma'am I deal with him pretty quick just wait there and I'll rescue you in a heartbeat." The angel chuckled as he took a few steps towards them.

Once he heard that Monster was angered. "Keep your focus on me." Monster growled, he challenged the angel's steps with his own. He had his back to Julia. He didn't want to see her tears and break down. The quick flash of anger dispersed once he stood close to the angel. It's a miracle that he's standing on his own will. The presence of the angel was breath taking. Was it instinct or was it natural he wasn't sure. But he would rather take the mob of humans any day.

"You ready Cyclops?" Bust-it asked. He walked towards demon some more before he took a stop a few feet in front of him. He held his wide cocky grin, his arms crossed as he tapped his boot.

"Not really." Monster shrugged. His cape began to flutter but before he knew it he was decked in the face by Bust-it's left fist. Monster's head rocked back and his body was pulled along with it. His feet lifted off the air as he traveled a good few yards into the door of a car. His body buckled to the floor, leaving a large dent into the side. Monster grunted painfully, he never been punched that hard before. He shook his head and tried to get on his feet, sliding his back against the car.

Bust-it simply walked forward, a slow march actually. He gave the demon all the time to move out the way before he pulled his left fist back and slugged him hard across the face. Monster's head snapped to the side as his body followed the momentum. He didn't even get a chance to fall as he met the backhand of the same fist. It hit deep against his hood and into the pit of darkness that was his face. The force knocked him back onto his feet.

Monster finally took the idea of blocking as he anticipated another painful hit to the face. Wrong. He took one into the belly as his upper body heaved forward. His back was forced into the car. The strength of the punch smashed the door in as the window shattered. The car shoved into the sidewalk as Monster gasped for air. While Monster was still bent over and somewhat sitting in the car. Bust-it leaned forward tightened his arm into his side. Again he attacked with his left fist. His right, the bigger of the two was kept loosely at his side.

Monster, unsure of what was next, received a huge uppercut. The fist directed into the pit of darkness where his mouth should and it indeed connected with something solid. Bust-It, followed through, forcing the demon out from his sitting position and into the edge of the roof. Ripping through it like tinfoil as it shredded. It wasn't enough force to send him flying but he landed on what's left of the roof. His legs dangling through the shredded bite he caused.

Bust-it chuckled a little as his grin began to fade. He backed away and waited for the demon to respond. But Monster simply laid there as he took the time to breathe and understand how much pain he just went through. It felt like every hit was from a hammer swung by an Olympic body builder. Monster was surprised by the sudden appearance of the angel who lost his patience. He stood upon the car with his boots planted on each side of Monster's body. Their eyes traded a long stare before someone finally spoke.

"You know…I can kill you any time I want." Bust-it cracked his fingers before punching his right fist into his left hand. Monster's gaze switched from the angel's eyes and to his right hand and back into Bust-its blue eyes.

"Why don't you?" Monster remarked dryly. Bust-its response was drilling his left fist into the demon's head. The power punched his head through the roof and crushing the roof some more. The angel then grasp Monster's collar and pulled him out. His hood shredded slightly from the ripped edges of the roof. Monster breathed deeply, staring silently into the angel's face.

"You're scared of me aren't ya?" The angel snickered lowly as he crouched down. His face inches from Monster's as he demon only responded with silence. "I don't blame you…but don't fear me I'm simply here to do my duty. So it's your choice man. Either pull some crap out your ass and stop acting like a pussy. Or piss down your legs as I hammer you with the power of god." Bust-it's light tone vanished leaving behind the low seethed hate of an angelic force. It was a voice that strike deep fear into Monster's being. He couldn't maintain the stare as his gaze sided towards the alley.

"Fine," Monster said lowly, his eye averted from the angel's gaze. With a powerful tug, he was thrown back onto the street as he landed face first. Slowly he climbed to his feet when Bust-it landed in front of him.

"Well, let's do this with a new slate so why don't you have the first try." Bust-it offered, his humorous tone returned.

"Hm, whatever," Monster commented as he got to his feet. A sigh escaped his lips as he straightened up and stared at Bust-it. The angel stood still, his arms crossed. He waited for Monster's first strike. Monster, all too readable charged as Bust-it predicted. The demon threw a right as Bust-it cocked his head to the side. Monster followed up with his left as the angel ducked under it with ease. Another punch came from below but met only air as Bust-it leaned back and skipped backwards to get some distance.

"C'mon son, that's all you got?" He hopped on the tip of his toes as he stuck his right fist behind his back. Raised his left hand and gestured for Monster to come at him. Monster did, attacking with the same punch. Bust-it dodged it the same way but was surprised when he found the heel of Monster's shoe leveled with his eyes. With extraordinary balance and flexibility he leaned back and watched as the roundhouse sailed a millimeter from his nose.

Monster wasn't going to lose the chance to keep the angel off his feet. He followed the momentum as his left foot fell to the ground. He leaned his weight on it as he lifted his right leg up and above with a frontal hammer. Bust-it fell back as his left hand touched the ground and with a flick of his wrist he twisted to the side and spun into a crouched position. Monster continued the attack and once his right foot landed he followed up with a sweeping kick. Bust-it hopped above the sweep and then ducked under another roundhouse once he landed. This time Monster used the swing of the roundhouse to power a right fist down at Bust-its face.

Bust-it returned to a crouched position and with a smile he jumped at Monster's fist. His forehead collided with the punch but the damage dealt was more towards Monster. Not as much physically but mentally as everything came to a complete halt. "What?"

Even with a fist drilled into his forehead Bust-its grin could not be concealed. "What's wrong demon? Did you think your little fist could actually hurt me? Oh no man I was just playing with ya?" Bust-it simply laughed, his stance held under Monster's motionless fist. A second past and like before Bust-it lost his patience. Just when Monster flinched, Bust-it disappeared and when Monster found him he also found a fist drilled into his groin.

Monster grunted painfully as he fell forward. Bust-it rose, rubbed his fist upon his chest before he blew on it. "OW! That got to be painful!" He mocked as he walked and bopped around Monster's body. "You never thought an angel would hit below the belt did ya?"

"You…you ass," Monster groaned as he grasped Bust-its leg. The angel stopped taunting, his grin ever apparent as he watched the demon grovel at his feet. He watched as Monster needed his help to get up. What he didn't watch was the black cape eating away at the concrete, bit by bit. Monster took some time to breathe before climbing all the way to his feet. He straightened up, his hands moved up until they landed on Bust-its shoulders.

"So…what's up?" Bust-it didn't move an inch. He barely cared about the demon's grip on his shoulders.

Monster lined up, face to face with Bust-it as his red eye burned into Bust-its blue ones. "Anything but you," a smile of straighten sharp teeth widened from side to side. His mouth opened and before Bust-its own eyes he saw the bowl of hell. Two sickle-like claws came out and reached over behind him. They latched onto Bust-its back and dug deep. As he screamed in pain two more sickles came out of Monster's mouth as they dug in as well.

Bust-it for the first time met the face first with fear as he released a hellish scream of pain and surprise. He knocked off Monster's hands but was already imprisoned by the creature coming out the demon's mouth. He struggled as much as he can as more of the sickles dug into his back, six of them in total. And then followed by the long thin oozing brown arms was a head. Bald but female, the eye sockets hollowed with the mouth sewed close. Its head shook profusely as it released screams from slits on its throat. The body that followed was like a swollen diseased carcass with an oozing brown film covering its body, its body ripped, shredded, and horribly contorted. The body also followed by a wriggling and lively tail.

"What the fuck!" Bust-it screamed as the whole creature came out before him. It was the size of a van, pulling its way towards him using the sickles dug into his back. He in return dug his heels into the concrete and pushed backwards as he tried to squirm and wriggle the sickles off. He worked and move to distance himself away from this monstrosity. But all that did was drag the creature along. Bust-it tried even hard as the sickles ripped into his back. It was to no avail as the creature pulled itself closer, its wide chest and obese belly split open into a huge hungry mouth that bore sharp fangs and more sickle like arms. It released a tremendously loud roar of hunger and eagerness.

It spat acid and mashed its huge maw repeatedly. It emitted a foul stench of decay and rot that made the angel gag. The tail whipped behind it, trying to help propel it forward. Bust-its eyes nearly popped out of his own head as the huge monstrous mouth was nearly upon him. In seconds it was a foot away from his own body as it overpowered him and got on top of him. The tail swung around his legs, wrapping them up as they toppled over. "SHIT!"

"Have fun jackass!" Monster laughed, he planned this from the beginning. From the second his cape fluttered, it's been gathering materials for this creation. Bust-it never noticed the deep groves and trails caused by his cape eating away at the ground. Nor did he notice that the car Monster got hammered into was eaten inside out. It was silent, thorough, and precise. A great plan with painful sacrifice as Monster ignored the screams and horrendous roars and took the time to breathe. He allowed the pain to fade away as he lost interest in the fight. It's over.

A wet explosion proved him wrong. He looked back and the van size creature he summoned was in dripping pieces. Its guts and reeked fillings was all over the street. It's back blown out along with its upper body completely gone. Its arms ripped off but its tail still alive and squirming. That didn't last for long as a forceful boot fell on top of it. It was severed from the body as it soon died with the rest. Standing among the carnage was Bust-it, covered in the creature's remains. He breathed deeply, his grin gone and his right hand balled into a fist. Smoke emitted from the large gauntlet as the flesh and blood that covered it sizzled.

Soon enough the remains disappeared like a fading red dream. It was all gone, no trace of it. Monster, a good distance away from the angel simply stared at him. "I really hoped that would work." He said lowly, just enough for the angel to hear.

"Well," Bust-it paused as he rolled his shoulders. A neutral look on his face easily cracked into a smile. "Damn man you've been holding that back the whole time!" He let out excitedly as his own blood dripped from the wounds on his back.

"What?" Monster stared at him as if he was crazy.

"Now c'mon I can't help but give you mad props bro. To set that up you must have initially planned to take those hits aye. I guess I got no choice but to take you more serious." Bust-it figured, his right hand stroking his chin as he thought about it.

"You're crazy." Monster sighed as he backed away. His cape came to life, this time his patience was dried up.

"Nah, I'm just having fun." Bust-it leaped towards the beaten down car. He grasped it with his right hand as the disk attached to it spun and brightened. It flashed white as a bright rainbow coat covered the entire car. "Have a taste of this." Bust-it lifted the car with his right arm with ease, as if it weighed nothing. Monster stopped in mid-action, shocked by the glowing frame of the car he got beaten into and ate. Bust-it turned towards Monster and tossed the car in front of himself. He then punched his left fist into it and like a rocket it flew at Monster.

Only twenty feet away, Monster was like a deer in headlights. Hit by the glowing frame of a car, it instantly exploded into a bright white explosion. White flames engulfed a sizable area with Bust-it included. He stood among his own flames unharmed. After a few seconds the flames died quietly leaving behind smoke. After the smoke cleared, Monster was nowhere to be seen. "Are you dead demon," Bust-it yelled into his cupped hands as he looked around. There was no answer as Bust-its grin shrank to a smirk. "Heh…and as always, the power of God triumphs with ease."
© Copyright 2009 Westland (westlandcobra at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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