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This is about day to day experience with a little imagination added to make it spicy
I was eagerly awaiting for the publication of Dan Brown’s new novel, as I was very much impressed with his earlier novels Angels and Demons and Davinci code.So, waiting for his new novel eagerly.I heard pre publication bookings are in full swing but ,I don’t believe in registering and waiting for the book to be delivered to your doorstep.More over I don’t believe in our postal system,not that I will not get delivered,but they won’t bother about the condition,I may end up getting damaged parcel.Actually I love to walk into the shop and collect my sweet smelling new copy in hardbound.I do not want to increase my inventory of paperbacks, hardbound and library editions I simply love to keep in my small library.Don’t tell anybody… here I want to share one secret with you people,simply because it is hardbound and beautiful cover jacket I end up buying many books which were not touched yet, after going through some chapters.

Slowly I am drifting away from the subject I wanted to share with you.Coming back to the subject, I was waiting for the release of the much publicised book of Dan Brown’s “The Lost Symbol”.At last, the day arrived,I took a clean shower and shave put on my best dress sprayed with newly opened perfume brought from my recent Europe trip.The shopping mall situated in famous Mount Road of Chennai is opening only at 11 am.I was ready by 6 am, restlessly wandering between bathroom, terrace,and kitchen having three cups of coffee unnecessarily.My wife was repeatedly asking me what I am
upto,whether going to any temple or any friend invited me to
their home.I avoided answering since I was afraid that she may suggest that she should accompany me.Not that I don’t like to take her along with me ,if I want to take her along,I may end up going in evening instead of moning,which I wanted to avoid.
If I travel by city bus from our home to Mount road it may cost me four rupees up and another four for the return.But I preferred to hire an autorikshaw eventhough I have to shell around one hundred and ten rupees.On dot 11am I was at the gate of the shop,hesitating to step in,as the gates are just getting rolled up.Nobody else has any purchase on this day or what?People in South are so lazy that they don’t want to come for shopping at this time.Slowly I can see some boys and girls drifting into the vicinity,may be colleage students coming to purchase some text books(I am very innocent you know).
Slowly I stepped in to the vast shopping arcade. There were so many eye catching items spread all over the shop.In any other occasion I would have stopped and gazed with adoration.But today is different, I’ve come with a purpose.My eager eyes were flying all over at a time.Huge collection of books almost in all languages spread and stocked all around.My mind is all set for one thing,i went like a hungry dog all around to locate my search.

Alphabatically stocked books are in marked shelfs,so it is not that difficult to locate an author.Yes now I am in front of alphabet “D” marked shelf.Oh…. so many authors with first name starts with D….here…here…yes I got it Dan Brown.All paperbacks of Dan Brown novels.I was disappointed.The new one “The Lost Symbol” is not there,I need it that too in hard bound, for that matter I am unable to locate single hardbound book in “D” shelf.I now lost my patience and moved around the shop to one shelf to another,miserably failing to get what I wanted badly.My stretching hand stopped one of the uniformed staff who is having a eversmiling face, and enquired about my search.His friendly smile was enchanting,but I need to find my target, not interested in his sweet smile.I insisted for the help to locate The Lost Symbol, and I was worried that I am too late that all the copies were sold out.The sales staff encouragingly smiled again and sincerely wanted to help the helpless customer.His first reaction about my enquiry was, in which language it is sir?He is not even aware of all famous launch of Dan Brown new novel and asking me Dan brown writes in which language.My furious answer at that heated moment was…..TAMIL.Once again the helpful staff smiled foolishly and told “you are in wrong corner sir,all tamil books are in the extreme end of the hall,you may find whatever Symbol you want there sir”.

I restrained myself from slapping the young boy, afterall he was trying to help me.It is not necessary that everybody should know about Dan Brown, or may be I don’t know that Dan Brown might have started writing in tamil.Now I could not control myself.I wanted to use the bathroom.Eversmiling youth was always helpful, looked at me enquiringly.I barked at him “ I want to locate the toilet English not Tamil” Immediate response was “ Sorry sir, in this I can’t help you, we have only western and Indian toilets, if you are so particular about English you may contact shop manager.”

Pressure was building up in my stomach,I forgot what for I came to the shop.My immediate requirement was a clean toilet, but before locating the toilet I wanted to have a quick word with the top man of the book store.The eversmiling boy was eagerly looking at my face.Avoiding to take his guidance to manager’s location, I looked around.I can see a semi circular desk at the far end.Two girls were in front of computers and a well dressed man all written over his face that he is the boss.

I moved towards the semicircular desk.The well dressed person was busy bossing his assistants, sitting in front of computer terminals.While waiting for him to finish his lecture to the pleasant girls, I was just looking around.The desk was almost in front of the main entrance facing the entry point.Huge stocks of books lined facing the entrance.Hundreds of hard bound “ The Lost Symbol” was glaring at me.Lined up horizontally,vertically,and in every angle possible for viewing,still I could not see them until then.

I had a very good experience during the long span of life.If you search for a needle you will find thread all over,If you search for a small length of thread you will find needle of all sizes.Same thing happened here, When I was looking for a particular book I could not locate it even though they were displayed right in front.When I was looking out for the toilet the book I wanted is sneering at me from every angle.

I snatched one copy of The Lost Symbol , attractively hard bound with stylish jacket cover.I forgot what for I came to see the manager,picked up the book and marched towards the line of billing counters.Some thing was in my mind that I could not recollect, suddenly I remembered and turned urgently the pages of the book I picked.Thankfully Dan Brown still writes in English only, did’nt go for Tamil.

As I was nearing the billing counter, I completely forgot the rumbling in my stomach,I don’t need a toilet now, either English or Indian.But one thing I wanted to make sure, as I reach the counter.I should not fall short of money for the book’s price.So I reached my trouser pocket and fumbling to find my driving licence.Oh..you are wondering why I need a driving licence at this moment is it’nt?Dear friend, I cannot be taken for a ride always,experience teaches lessons., if you search for the driving licence, you’ll get your credit card and that is what actually I want.

To be continued.
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