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Rated: 13+ · Poetry · Other · #1614869
A new poem I have been working on for a while now
The Poet

Part I: Child Of War And Peace

Born into our darkest time
When war raged and fathers died.
He watched bombs fall
and millions die.
Saw the towers crumble
and his father cry and die.
His misfortunes were many
and his pains were more.
through his pain he became a torn soul.
He was filled with hate and rage
but searching for peace and love
his destiny was decided.

Part II: Tortured Poet

At fifteen he wrote his first verse
telling of doom and pain.
Perfect rythm perfect rhyme.
Those to read it cried and screamed.
His next work caused many
nightmares and made children run.
Grim Desolate mind
full of darkness yet only wanting the light
He kept on writing his darkest words
till ne day they came and took him away
locked him in a padded room.
He had not pen nor paper yet he still
scratched his words into the walls of his cell
and so the poet wrote and wrote and wrote.

Part III: Fading Ink

For once it was time for the poet to scream
at nigh he yelled from his cell
" I am not insane! I am not insane!
I am merely a torn heart that writes
instead of crys in the night"
He screamed and screamed every night
till the morning would come then
he would find a blank space on his
wall and begin a new verse of dark words.
He never slept he ate and drank only when forced to.
He prayed his nightmare to be over soon.
No one came to visit no one saw him but the orderlies.
The poet was not mad when he went to the asylam
but it is pushing him to that edge.

Part IV: Masterpeice

By the age of thirty five twenty years of imprisionment
and isolation had driven the poet mad and he knew it.
and so he began to write his masterpeice a work
greater than anything to come before now.
He bit his finer and began to write his last work in his own blood on the wall
in this bodily ink he wrote his imagination flaring.
The world will remember him for this last peice.
for three months he wrote his final work.

Part V: The Last Verse

The orderly came in to check on
the poet to only find him hanging from
ceiling by his sheets with his
own blood all over the walls his last words
his last world changing words.
as the orderly looked on and
read the poets final rhyme
he actually smiled for in his
darkest time the poet found his peace
the last verse written for the
world was about love and peace and healing
though he may have been driven mad he still died happy.
The poet's last words brought a change onto the world
they found peace for everyone they all learned to die happy
the poet's last words were as written simple and sweet
" Night is lifting light is shifting time is coming and peace is here."

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