Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1608172-Chapter-One-Part-Two
by Vaan
Rated: ASR · Chapter · Experience · #1608172
Vaan:BleedingRose-2/2-Chapter One; edited further.
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                                                          Part two of Chapter One

        I only ever genuinely regretted one thing about my pig headed stubbornness, and it was returning with the knowledge that I had let Mother down, that I had hurt her. It pained me beyond realization too, and I could clearly see how deeply my resistance to this place and predetermined life saddened her. How deep it burrowed...
         The anguish never dulled-in fact, if anything, it only grew more potent each time I happened to glance into those watchful, hazel eyes of hers when I returned, usually with an escort, and always in trouble.
         The lonely silence  stretched loosely between us, every second a stabbing pain, a sharpened dagger twisting inside my soul. Then, she would leave-each time planting an honest kiss on my cheek and in a smooth voice ask me, in a tone that left no lingering question mark at the end, to behave myself. A simple glance was often enough to communicate certain things, so her words were unnecessary, only that look in her eyes. That sad, hurt look.
         Why did I do it if it hurt us both and only caused more hassle for myself and those close to me? Perhaps it was my way of rebelling against everyone else who I felt was trying to rule my life and take control from me. Maybe thats why I never responded to her greeting, except to meet her gaze with my own steady stare, silently pleading her forgiveness with my unusual eyes.
         Yes... Maybe.
         Mother meant everything to me-besides being the only family I had ever known well and connected to. No, she was far more than a mother, more than a close friend. I don't know if there is a such a word which could captivate just how important she was in my life. All I can do is search vainly for the word, or try explaining what I mean...
         Understand that a caged beast will bite anyone who comes too near, even those with good intentions in mind. The people getting bite were also the ones I cared deeply for, not just those who held the whip behind their back. But she ignored her own bite marks gone scars, intent on reaching out to the snarling beast, taking it into a gentle but firm hold until it was able to control its' own rage and see past eyes clouded by anger and hate.
         She was constantly saving me from myself. Her compassion and understanding approach were the key dominate traits in her personality I admired. Her ability to keep her composure and be what others needed her to be, yet still be herself without feeling overwhelmed. How come I hadn't inherited those factors from her...?

         Leaning back, I breathed out slowly, observing the serenity gently suspended like pollen drifting on a current of air.
         In the distance the front gates groaned somberly, rocking back and forth slightly on a current of air from the south. Though I could not see them from my position I knew well their cast iron bars, twisting together in a web of black, their mass weaving patterns as they spun ever upward into the sharp points of spears. They groaned again, differently this time and longer for a horse and carriage to come rattling up the cobbled route.
         The well bred animal snorted once as it slowed to a mere canter, pulling the carriage up to the second gate where its' passenger crawled out in a dignified manor, straightening their clothing. The second gate creaked open for probably either an aristocrat or Nobel from the city dropping by for reasons I didn't care to know.
         Voices carried themselves over the walls to my ears, their words clear though meaningless.

         Guards casually sauntered in and out of the back doors, some holding wooden cups of drink where as others just lumbered out, evidently drunk.
         Apparently I had fallen asleep at some point for a sizable chunk of time, only recently haven waken. Now the sun was already well on its decent. Mother would be expecting me to come in anytime, more than likely aware of my disappearance by now. Originally I had planned on taking a stroll through the forest, but as it was, I had pushed my luck far enough for one day. Besides, it could be dangerous out there at times-I didn't need to fine out how friendly the wild life was feeling tonight... Or how hungry for that matter.
         Dumb luck had gotten me this far and vaguely I wondered how long it would last. Probably not long; I would turn myself in soon enough. For now though, I would enjoy the air and-
         “Hey,” The voice boomed in my ears, breaking the silence they had accustomed them selves to. I snapped upright, arms flailing wildly for something to hold on to and caught a thick limb near my head. A couple branches down I spotted Leon Venture, holding back an awful snicker at my horrified expression.
         “Not too fond of surprises, are you?” He asked, not expecting any real reply from me.
         I grunted and growled in an irritated tone, “You could say that,” shooting him a look of utter annoyance. In return he smiled innocently, shrugging his shoulders as if he had not the slightest clue why, of all people, I would give him such a look.
         “Well anyways, things are clear inside and the old mans' asleep. He hasn't realized you've gone missing just yet, so you better get back to the Palace before Mill finds you.” He indicated the maid with a movement of the head. I looked at her a moment before sliding the glove I had been gripping loosely for the past hour or so back onto my left hand, not intending him to see everything.
         He observed what I was doing more closely, then scowled, retorting, “You know you're not supposed to remove that!” For an agonizing moment Mill stopped and seemed to be staring at us, perhaps searching the branches though seeming to find nothing with her aging eyes. Shaking her head she went in a different direction, catching the edge of her skirt on a woody plant; yanking it free we heard her grumbled something sharply, though weren't able to pick out what was said.
         Heh. I had to laugh at her. Any sane person would have given up long ago or at least reported me missing that the guards might come help look. Thankfully though, she was far too stubborn for that sort of help. I could relate her stubbornness at least-it was admirable in a humorous way.
         Anyways, he was right-I had to admit that much. No matter how long I thought, I could never determine what was so 'wrong' about it. A far as I was concerned it was just a strange birth mark, nothing to be terribly concerned over and hide from the world. All in all it didn't really matter-I had only to obey the simple command, regardless how silly it may have been. Yet even that was an invitation to rebel in a small way.

         “Yah yah, I know. You know I know that, and I know you know that I know I know you know I know that... Right?”A wry smile crept across my face.
         “Yep.” He grinned broadly, “I know everything. 'Cause I'm just that smart, you know?” His words with thick with sarcasm, drenched with it.
          “Oh yes. Totally.” I looked down at him with raised eyebrows, “My my, Leon, why are you such a nerd? You stick your nose in books and keep it there until it goes flat.”
         Leon looked at me again, content to turn my randomness against me, "Shwell, at least I trrry! It wouldn't hurt zis lil' head ov yurs' ta study ah bit too, yuh know? And me nose isn't flat...Oh no no. Unlike yuh brrrain...” I laughed into my arm, trying to stay quiet; his imitation of our tutors accent was astounding!
         Ah, the joy of being immature...!
         Pointing with his little finger he gave me a look that suggested I was being studied in a most unusual manor and he casually explained himself, “Yesh, yuh can see zee deflated part of yur skull  just above zist right ear, extending behind, towards zee bottom of zist left one over 'ere....” The funniest part was that he sounded completely serious the whole time, not even cracking a hint of any expression, which was extremely unusual for my dramatic friend.
         His face twisted in a smile again and I caught the sparkle in the corner of his eye.
         I grinned also, “Oh shut up! Mines just not nearly as over grown as yours; one of these days I should seriously get the gardener to lend me his shears! Might do you some good to trim back some of that ego you think is brain-must I state the obvious yet again? Perhaps yours blown up too much...? So much so that all that hot air is confusing your thoughts?
         “I could probably take a pin to your head and pop it, then watch as you blow all around; the vent only fed by yet more air!” I lowered my voice again to a whisper, afraid I had raised it too much, loosing the sarcasm, “You don't need to continuously feed the overgrown mass between your ears with useless information; take the time to enjoy life while you still have the opportunity too. At least you have a life you could enjoy. Don't toss it out the window by wasting away at a desk top your entire life... You have to at least put the information to use if any of that time is to be for naught.”
         He took a deep breath and looked up at me again, “Yah I see where you're coming from. But Vaan, you gotta let go, take some of your own advice for once. Enjoy the freedom you have now at least; you don't need to dread what will come-it'll come or it won't. Simple as that; not like it's indefinite.” He patted my shoulder sympathetically once level with my own branch, having slowly advanced upwards, “Besides, when you're so down like this it gets boring around here...” He chuckled, then raised his own bright eyes to meet my own and smiled again, “'Cause it's so much fun to get into trouble together, is it not? Hahaha...!”
         “Heh.” A brief smile passed over my cheeks, “Trouble with that is you tend to find some sort of unique trouble when you come down and somehow frame me. Which is funny because I take full advantage of your presence and do the exact same thing... Never seems to work for me though.”
         “Well that's because I'm too cunning for even you!” He threw a searching glance towards Mill again and I followed his gaze, finding no one. It appeared as if she had given up and gone back. Strange... Leon grinned at me again for no apparent reason. I wanted to hit him-for him being him, though at the same time I felt like laughing with my friend too. There was no denying the truth. I just hated it when he so bluntly pointed it out to me.
         I peered at him questionably, unsure of what to make of him anymore.
         “Aw, don't give me that look...! Don't hurt me! Please!” He covered his face with his free hand, acting dramatic. I felt the urge to smack him grow stronger.
         “Shush! Quiet already or I really will hurt you! Just keep your voice down...”
         “Fine, fine...” Leon looked around again clearly enjoying the view, his eyes bright with youthful life much like my own were, “Uh...” His voice faltered after a moment or two.
         “'Uh' what?” That didn't sound good, “Leon?” I asked after a moment, “What's wrong...?” He remained silent and realization collided with a jolt into my forehead.
          “Oh.” The simple word slipped from my mouth as I braced myself for what was surly coming, all the while blaming Leon. I could have made a retreat by now if not for him! Gah-put the two of us together in even the best of situations and regardless what we did trouble was bond to find us...!

         “Vaan!!” The single word sliced through the silence like a sword, piercing my keen ears so they rang violently. Instinctively my hands shot up, trying desperately to block out the painful sound. As I did this though I felt the air whiz past me, my back suddenly colliding with with the earth, landing with a solid thump. The wind had been knocked out of me and my head throbbed somewhat, but other than that I was none the worse.
         I gasped in pain, hands still clamped over my ears. Urg, why did her shrill voice always hurt so much?!
         Mill towered over me, a look of bewilderment mixed with displeasure clear on her aging face, though she couldn't hide her amused expression either.
         There was a muffled thud behind me on the other side of the tree followed by a series of fading footsteps on the mossy cobblestones, making their escape. Leon at least was smart. I laid there on my back, unable to think clearly for the moment, simply awaiting my regular punishment while he had the brains enough to get out while he still had the chance. What a way to go; left behind. Mind, I would have done the same thing-taken advantage of his misfortune; but only because it was him-it's our way of getting back at one another. Pitiful, I know. But fun none the less.
         She was quicker than I was when stunned, and knew much better than to just stand there-hence forth my finding of her foot on my arm before I could yet breathe never mind any half formed plan I might have had.
         We remained like that for a few moments, her eyes softening somewhat, probably at my bewildered visage and a moment later she offered me her stubby fingered hand, a gesturing of peace. I took it hesitantly, allowing her to help me back up on feet.
         “You may just be the end of me, you know that right?” The old nurse maid huffed, a look that said she didn't know what to do with me any longer. Smiling sheepishly I caste a glance around, rubbing the back of my head.
         From the back doors a soldier strolled carelessly out, clutching a mug of ale in his bare hands. He took a swig from it, peering over the rim at us from a distance while lifting a questioning eyebrow. I caught his eyes from over Mills shoulders and soundlessly pleaded with him while he casually sauntered over, shaking his head in dismay though his eyes remained fixed.
         “Excuse me Ma'am, pardon me for interrupting,” He coughed, “But Vaan has been summoned by his Majesty...” I felt his grip on my upper arm, “Sort of...” the soldier coughed quietly, “I've been instructed to escort him there myself as soon as possible.” He dipped his head in respect, smoothly maneuvering me away from her, out of her grip that kept me from running, “Please, enjoy the rest of your day, Ma'am.”
         She didn't have much chance to resist, hardly time enough to understand the situation until it was too late, “Huh? Oh, um, of course! Go along now Vaan, and please-be a good boy. No more mischief alright? Holler if you need anything!” With great difficulty I managed to hold my tongue while we started away, one of the soldiers heavy hands suddenly on my shoulder, almost protectively. Mill waved farewell and bowed once. turning in the opposite direction.
         Once out of earshot he spoke with an amused tone, “Heh. Never ceases to amaze me how much she still treats you like a child. I don't blame you for always trying to escape...Yah,” He breathed out, “I'd probably do the same thing.”
         “Honestly Elwood, what would I do without you?”
         “Live, I'd assume.” Shrugging he took another long swig from his mug and offered me some. I accepted the drink took a long drain before passing it back. He looked inside and frowned at how little was left.
         Laughing once he drained what was left and lowered the mug, “Well, that's what you get when you try to swindle your way out of everything.” Expressionlessly I nodded slightly, the suns' golden red hues fading away behind the city.
         Wiping away the moister from my mouth I looked around, ensuring no one had wandered  within hearing distance, “So...” I began again, tentatively at first, “Was I really summoned?”
         “No, but it makes a nice excuse don't you agree?” I was silent for a moment, then laughed heartily.
         He grinned as well, being good humored, “Glad you agree! Though until we're inside I shouldn't just let you disappear.”
         “Meh, whatever-gives me an excuse not to be bothered by anyone still looking for me. Anyways, thanks Elwood-I appreciate it.” We exchanged nods. I was glad I had somebody on my side for once and even gladder it was him.          
         Shifting his gaze back in my general direction, “Oh that reminds me, Lady Elaina was looking for you. Something about tomorrow, I think. Good luck with that.” Firmly patting me on the back affectionately Elwood removed his arm from around my shoulders, somewhat to my relief.
         “Thanks, I'll need it; though I fear it not be for that.”
         “Ahh, I see... In that case allow me escort you to your rooms then, or a place of your choice. Perhaps you won't be questioned then, my Lord?”
         “Sure-that'd work. But enough with formalities-you know me well enough by now to call me by my first name,” Then I turned and addressed him with a sarcastic tone, “Isn't that so, Sir Elwood Starling of the order?”
         A low chuckling sound emitted from deep within his scruffy throat, “Yes, yes, I see your point... Very well then.”
© Copyright 2009 Vaan (lucky-xiii at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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