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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Other · #1597440
work in progress - 20th century progress viewed from the perspective of the 22nd century
Ice Shelves broke off, glaciers retreated. Sea levels began to rise.

Coastal communities grew concerned. They surrounded themselves with levees, walls, dykes. Desalination plants marred dotted the horizon.

Man became the invasive species. His ever-speading tentacles destroying all that millions of years of evolution had created.

Like locusts destroying crops, his mindless encroachment continued inexorably, relentlessly.

A glimmer of hope appeared/arrived, in the shape of the UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol. But the worst offenders did not sign up.

Technologies that promised much disappeared. Purchased by big business that did not want to lose market share, or fizzled out due to lack of investment and soaring costs.

It’s the 20th Century. Unaware of the impact they are having on their planet, people view motorisation and industrialisation as progress. Chemicals spilling into rivers, mass deforestation of old growth, and the concomitant destruction of fragile habitats/ecosystems. All in the name of more, cheaper, better, faster… MONEY.

A few people woke up early on, but their voices were not heard amid the rumblings of the machine and the ring of the cash registers. Even at the summits in Kyoto and Rio little more than lip-service was paid to the issues being discussed and the actions decided upon. Those who cold have led the way, instead destroyed.

And perhaps, some amongst you will be thinking that we needed that destructive century so that we would reach where we are now. Perhaps. But I think not.

Watch the Century of Destruction unfold before you now. They taught their children, born on the cusp of the millennium, to take responsibility for the world which their vices and greed had created. Their children, our grandparents.

Even the “schemes” they came up with to offset their so-called carbon-footprints, were designed out of greed, not care – they gave money to other people to take care of things they were to “busy” to do themselves, the things they wanted to ignore, their dirty laundry, to make it look as though they cared. They didn’t want to get dirt under their so very manicured nails, instead they dirtied our world.

It’s now the 22nd Century and we live in a world irreparably damaged; irreversibly changed. Amongst the scientists, disagreement is rife.

The optimists say that with hard work and further sacrifice, we can claw our way back to a world similar to the dawn of the 20th Century, when life was more diverse.

The pessimists, as always, are all doom and gloom. Earth will become uninhabitable. More species will disappear. Those that remain will become like vermin/man, with no natural predators amongst them.
As I listen to the wrangling, all I can do is be glad that, despite their many failings that have brought us to the edge/brink of this abyss, our grandparents and their parents set up the World Seed Bank and Biodiversity DNA profiles of as many species as they could before they became extinct.
There were many they had missed (give examples here)

The 20th Century saw the World Wars; In the 21st Century they fought the Climate change Wars and the Resource Wars.
The latter were fought over non-renewable minerals that provided cleaner sources of energy and would improve technical capability. They fought so that they could strip the world of her being so they could continue their lifestyles. Today, there are no countries, the only thing that divides this OneEarth is the boundless oceans between the continents, but people move around the world freely.

If the Resource Wars were about greed, the Climate Change Wars were about survival. About access to water, arable land, food.

Our OneEarth began life as a movement, a call from the concerned for One Planet One Earth. There was no Planet B to move to when this one was destroyed/failed. The founders wanted all countries to work together for the good of the whole. The idea gained popularity as the Climate Change Wars progressed.

At the end of the last, a treaty was signed in the Headquarters of the United Nations. It was the United Nations of One Earth Treaty. Its ideal was Utopian: a world where everyone works for the common good of the Planet, and each other and to achieve their own best.
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