Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1597102-The-Mothers-of-Love-part-2
by luojia
Rated: 13+ · Other · Fantasy · #1597102
part two of the mothers of love
It is difficult to describe the forces that carried Kenny across the plaza and delivered him to the base of the immense set of stairs which formed the precipice of the great hall, but, as far as science and neurology were concerned, a surge of endorphins had seized Kenny's brain and his chemical receptors had been elevated to a state beyond sensation.

The stately hall was severe in it's grandeur and grandly boasted ever aspect of the the mothers clitoral culture; pillars protruded up from the oval base of the immense building and blossomed into erect orifices which supported an enormous panoramic sculpture portraying the emergence of this now fully throbbing civilization. The passage of conception and laboratory experiments were exhibited in exotic motifs illustrating the fundamental principals of the prostrate condition of creation within the feminine form and the passage of souls into the sate of divine union was portrayed through the deities know, respectively, as Joan and James seen rising out and up through conditions of living: suffering despair, tragedy and titanic loss, longing and loving and dreaming about an other to complete the one, the one whole oneness that makes us everything and none, done delivered and driven out to face our immortal light and live alive under the ever burning sun; all of this was carved with erotic precision into the living rock that hummed it's vibrational rhythm against the material membrane made matter by mass perception and every pulsing part of the anatomy of all of our budding and bulging bodies blossomed forth from the rigid rock.

Kenny never even glanced at the staggering sprawl of symbols spanning across the space above his head as he ascended the stairs which lead to the immense entrance of the the divine hall that hosted his destiny somewhere within it's depths. He did take heed of the hulking soldiers that halted him in his path as he attempted to make his exalted entrance.
-Halt and take heed of my blade which holds the seed of our Grand Mothers creative strength; In the name of the soul I demand you to kneel and subject yourself to the sword of our Mothers, swift and true.
Kenny felt himself bend and buckle unbeknownst to himself and laid his body prostrate on the ground before the towering guard armed with and shielded in the Mothers holy ornaments and armory.
-State your rank, place and purpose in that order and allow yourself to processed in the proper manner.
- Linesman Kenny, of the Office of Internalized Information, summoned to the Mothers Hall of Everyone for an appointment with the Council of Collective Agreements for the purpose of properly assigned mates within the Institution of Souls, Kenny absolutely beamed as he brought his preamble to a close. The guard blinked twice and nodded at his counterpart stationed on the opposite pillar. Kenny, still facing the floor, heard another voice speak in a muffled tone and a static burst, undecipherable, was volleyed back after several moments.
- Stand and be recognized by the all seeing eye, Linesman Kenny, the guardsman half shouted and fully ordered. Kenny allowed his body to rise and he opened his eyes for the first time in what felt like a while only to be greeted by a black and shining orb that hovered about his head in insectly majestic grace, probing with electric amplitude the properties of Kenny's physique and form in order to properly establish identity, for identity was paramount when the purpose was the pairing of souls. After several eternities the appropriate particulars of Kenny were properly probed and permission to enter the great hall was granted by the electric ordinates of the outer security perimeter , for in the these dark times nothing could be trusted and no enemy could be allowed to breach the Mother's holy orifice and rape the holy ordinance of souls and mates and all things that made this society truly, truly, great.

Cold, flat granite stones moist and moldy encased the red, iron door that towered before Kenny; the egress, in all her rusty, crusted glory sighed, heaved and gave a long shudder that showed the years stacked upon her hinges before, easing herself open, allowing penetration from without and granting eager Kenny entrance. The grand hall shuddered as a stale breath of old stagnant air whooshed out, rustling the cobwebs, and then combined with atmospheric pressure chock full of positive ions. The gust momentarily engulfed Kenny and caused a gagging sensation in his guts; old pheromones drew out memories of dried afterbirth and broken umbilical chords; oedipal urges almost crippled him as the guards irritably ushered Kenny inside, excited to return to their fastidious posts festooned outside the glorious archway.

Inside. The stone gave way to magnificent sterility, stark and serene; artificial atmospheric pressure blended a mechanical mixture of molecules into the already sanitized and heavily oxygenated air supply, all this was needed to preserve the particular conditions mandated by the mothers internal mantra of preservation. The swiftly slamming door a mere metre behind our hero magnified the claustrophobic conditions within the complex: Kenny, felt all elation fade out of his formerly swollen and imagined self. A rude and unwelcome sensation was welling within his unstable stomach. Strength, which, moments ago seemed infinitesimal outside of this rancorous womb, had abandoned ship, leaving Kenny stricken and wounded in a sea of urgent and erect confusion. Somehow, his autonomic nervous system managed to salvage some energy form that had thus far remained dormant and Kenny's most loyal faculties were able to retain his mostly digested lunch, as well, some deep seated synapse received a certain order and fired upon the neurons responsible for the described situation; the particular response pattern activated what could be considered a skeleton crew of scrambling nucleated cell bodies. Kenny stumbled forward and fell to his knees a few graceless seconds later, shortly after gaining entry to the all consuming Mothers Hall of Everyone.

He came to without having had the opportunity to establish a motive for his now less precarious position within what appeared to be a hospital bed placed, near a window, overlooking the city square with all it's whirling circles symbolizing unitedness, an unfamiliar view of a most familiar place, which, as it would happen, he had just crossed what felt like moments before. All around him hung a hallowed and horrific white emptiness reflected back off retinas from florescent lights bound within sockets and electric circuitry. Quick, turn back; choke and run; pause, and pull the puke button: thoughts splattered on Kenny's smeared inner windshield but a familiar yet equally appalling entity appeared through the smudged screen and enticed his optical receptors into focusing on a face that hovered fuzzily within arms reach.

Craig. Conditioning Coach Craig. Craig, the crown prince of conscientious councilors crabbed across the space between Kenny and he, within the spacious hospital cell, and crouched at the bedside delivering to Kenny his full attention; affection oozed out of his pours as he prepared to properly engage his ward. Warily, Kenny walked his body into a sitting position on the bed and blinked a dozen times or more before addressing his often obnoxious yet decidedly dedicated and downright determined coach; however, his confusion hadn't allowed him ample time to consider etiquette.
-What the fuck . . . Craig . . . I . . . can't . . .
-Kenny, don't get excited, you had an immediate reaction to the inner sanctums enriched environment, it's not an uncommon tropism, and this arm of the Mothers hall is intended for situations just like yours. I want you to relax and and allow yourself to return to the island of creative energy that we have discussed and developed in our previous sessions. Imagine the ocean and the sand at your feet, all around you are open possibilities and your breath is the wind. Just breathe and in and breathe out. Each breath creates a new possibility and each new possibility is a continent for you to explore for you are the creator and the creator knows no bounds . . .. Craig was really on a roll now and Kenny felt his waxing energy begin to wane as Craig increased his rpms.
-Your positive energy here is precious Kenny, and you are a necessary part of the process; the Mothers know and understand this as only they can, that is why they are the Mothers Kenny, our Mothers, the mothers of us all, and this place here was breathed into life by our mothers as were you and I and now our breath helps breath new life into the future. That . . . is destiny Kenny, and that is the role that we all play within the play that we call life.

Kenny released an audible groan as Craig brought his well intentioned and over rehearsed speech to what appeared to be a close, unfortunately for Kenny, Craig was only warming up for what would be a grandly eloquent edifice of inspiration intended for Kenny's ears only.

-You see Kenny, in this unregulated experience of ours the duty of the human is to ascend above the irrational and often unpredictable nature of the outside universe. In doing so we elevate our conditions past the primordial prison of improbability. In essence, we overtake the reigns of destiny and begin to determine the once unpredictable factors at large in order to premeditate the outcome and step knowingly into our futures. This is what our forefathers and foremothers, for that matter, began to unfold when they started to fart about with reason so many centuries ago. What a long twisted tale that was, but the ebbing tides have delivered us to this now and now, after so many discoveries, deconstructions and the painful eradication of formerly supported illusions we can fully grasp the awful immensity of our everything and in a pragmatic fashion focus not so much on all of the mysteries of life but more so on what man can do within the great mystery. The key to being powerful, Kenny, is understanding what power you do have and reaching the maximum strength of that power ultimately brings us closer to what was once considered god. Now that we understand that man is not hear to cry out in anger but to breach that once infinite gap between the incomprehensible macrocosm swirling in immeasurable magnitude all around us and begin to manipulate those undulations that we were within our grasp we were able to comprehend the fact the we are responsible for the outcome of the ever unfolding allness. Do realize, Kenny, what all of this means?
-No Craig, I feel like I'm going to vomit for sure this time.
-Well you know where the bucket is. But, more importantly, Kenny, I need you to stretch your mind a bit after you relieve yourself and imagine the scope of the situation.
-MMMMMraaunnghhhh, Kenny finally relinquished his lunch into the readily available receptacle placed to the right of the of hospital bed.
-I bet that feels better, I'm certain you are just reacting to the medication. All things aside, I need you to focus on your breathing now more than ever before, because, in order for you to grasp, as I said earlier, the full scope of the situation at hand I will require your the full range of your visualization skills. So, Kenny, my question to you once again is: Do you realize what all of this means?
-That my mate is waiting next door?
-No Kenny, that you are the one who decides what will come next.
-yes I know Craig you've said that many times before.
-So, Kenny I need you to grasp this concept with every part of your inner self and imagine if you will what possibilities lie before you.
-So my mate isn's waiting in so adjacent room.
-Kenny, that isn't what is important here. I told you I need you to to use your imagination.
-I just threw up on the floor Craig, what could you possibly want me to imagine other than a mop.
-Forgive me for saying this Kenny but you are a fool.
-Don't apologize Craig, I know now that you are with out a doubt right on that point, I'm just glad that the mothers universal health plan payed for your services up to this point.
-Kenny, I hope you aren't beginning to slide back down the slippery slope that we spent so much time climbing out of. Let me ask you a question.
-Well, seaming that I'm bed ridden for the moment, you have my undivided attention.
-What is it that allows us to carry on with our lives? What reason do you have for getting out of bed in the morning?
-That's two questions Craig.
-It doesn't matter how many questions I ask what matters is how you feel. Why do you carry on as you do, working in the Office of Internalized Information, interpreting ordinances and altering texts to suit the needs of particular parties, in essence acting as a conduit for this fruitful society allowing all of us to air our individual vestige on present conditions.
-Craig, that's my fucking job, it's not some higher calling.
-That, Kenny, is precisely your problem, you don't believe in a higher calling and that is why you will never hear the call. If you really want that which you deeply desire you would submit yourself to the forces at work hear and relinquish your stranglehold on the dreary and awful drama you play out everyday. Kenny, while you drown yourself in darkness the world is awash with light and let me assure you the mothers are well aware of this. What you need to do now is answer with all your hear the question I asked you earlier.
-Remind me what that question was just one more time?
-Why do you get out of bed in the morning, or for that matter why do you do anything at all?
- Well, I . . .
Kenny, oddly was at a loss for words, his mouth moved but nothing came out, in his mind pictures formed and burst before he had the chance to make out the facts or faces. Something about the Craig's question deeply troubled him.
- It seems that you have started to slip away my friend. Is it because you can't find a suitable answer or because you are unwilling to tell me why you really feel the way you do?
- I'm not sure what you are trying to get at Craig but I'm pretty sure that I came here to meet with the council of collective agreements for the purpose of properly assigned mates.
-That is precisely why I'm asking you these questions Kenny. For which body do you think that I work?
- The Office of conditioning of course.
- You are right but that is also the wrong answer.
- That kind of makes sense.
- Kenny the office of conditioning is a subsidiary of the Council. Don't you think that is was strange coincidence that you were assigned to my care after you submitted your application.
- Well the two incidents did happen awfully close together.
- Of course they did Kenny, the council moves as quickly as possible when we try to make a match; however, Kenny it was all up to you. You had to fill out the application and you had to go ahead with the process.
- I really only fill my particulars into the form, that's hardly an act of destiny.
- But, if you didn't, you wouldn't here, would you.
- But, I don't see how that fits in with why I'm here.
- Kenny you really are dense sometimes. give me one more chance to explain it to you. The Mothers do not operate on uncertain terms. That means they cannot calculate the assignment of mates unless they know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that all the information they are operating on is absolutely authentic, therefore, they need to know that the subject in question, that being you , is honest and sincere in every aspect of their intentions, especially in matters regarding mates and the pairing of souls. Thus, the Mothers need an absolved soul to freely remove itself from the condition of uncertainty and move forward into the now determined future in order to properly place a mate. So in simpler terms: Kenny it is now up to you to step forward and accept the mothers ultimate sacrifice in order for you to advance towards your ultimate destiny with your soul mate.
- So, Craig what you are telling me is that isn't over.
- No, Kenny it's never over, it's endless, but you need to understand that what you do determines the outcome of the universe. And the Mothers have determined through the immense calculations of the, if you can excuse the term, "Soul Cruncher," that you have several options concerning your matehood; however, not all of these are easy roads.
- Options, I wasn't told there would be options.
- There are always options my friend. This is the universe we're talking about here not some paperback novel. Nothing is written, as I told you: you are in control of your destiny and you can determine the future.
- You know Craig, you're really killing me here. Why are you going on like this, and what aren't you telling me.
- I've been as forthcoming as possible Kenny, but you are right I haven't told you everything. I have been instructed to inform you of the present condition but I've also been asked to advise you on your options.
- But you haven't told me any options yet.
- Kenny, we have discussed your impatience before so I advise you not to rush and I'm certain you are going to want some time to think tings over before you make any decisions; this is you future that we are discussing, I don't want you to feel forced into making any decisions on the spot.
-Get on with it Craig.
-All right, as I see it, you can divide you options into two categories: the long and the short and these terms are in regards to time. Keep in mind that these choices have been determined by the "soul cruncher," although not entirely certain this machine has proven to be infallible give or take a few points.
- Keep going.
- The long option isn't what you could call pretty: You stay on at the Office of Internalized Information and and several themes could play out.
-What do you mean "could"?
- Let me finish, you are always jumping to conclusions. You continue to pursue your goals within that supreme command . . .
- My Goals? I hate that place . . .
- Your servitude to the system ensures a life of indentured solitude and you live out the remaining 17643 days in abject solitude whilst you wait for your mate to materialize. But, according to your current trajectory that meeting will not occur until at least half a dozen incarnations have come and gone.
- Kenny, if you carry on like you are you won't meet your mate for six more generations.
- I've been telling you all along I can't go on like this and now after consulting the fucking "soul cruncher" you come to me with this.
- I know you are upset but it's not that simple. Not even the mothers are certain of how all of this works but like we said before great faith will take us there and Kenny if you really want something in this life you have to believe that it is real and really out there. Do you really believe in your soul mate?
- Of course I do Craig, why do you think I'm here?
- Well if what you say is true I want you to consider the other option.
- Oh please, let's.
- The universe has ways of conjuring swift results; however, certain conditions must be met. Although, as some aspects of scientific investigation have proven, we can consider the universe to be an endlessly open and unwritten book be it past, present or future, there are some unceasing laws that do determine everything. There isn't any cosmic speed limit or ultimate ordinance that allows for omniscience but given the scope of unfolding events we can safely say that a law is in effect which governs the outcome of each souls "coordinates," for lack of a better term, along the pathway of the universe. What has been discovered through various trials and tribulations is that the souls journey towards it's mate is accelerated, or decelerated, for that matter by the amount the soul in question suffers during it's brief period of actualization in 3 dimensional matter. Therefore, Kenny, in more colloquial terms the amount you suffer through and sacrifice in this life is calculated by the rhythm of the universe and this amount brings you closer to your ultimate appointment with your mate somewhere in the vast reaches of space and time. So, the question I put forth to you is: How much are you willing to sacrifice and/or suffer to bring yourself closer to your ultimate destiny, Kenny?
-Closer? I was told that a match was made . . .
-A match was always made Kenny, the problem is bringing and your mate together. If you carry on as you have been in this existence you will not meet your mate for a very long time. I saw the numbers some time ago . . .
- Wait, you knew about this all along. I guess I shouldn't be surprised, nor should I be shocked that you've been acting as if you were on my side the whole time.
-But I am on your side Kenny. Helping you find the way towards your mate helps all of us. By combining the seemingly individual existence with it's appropriate other we in turn elevate the living universe to a higher vibrational frequency, because the the level of love is heightened each time a union is actualized, even though it may seem like a small thing, bringing two souls together has a tremendous affect on the universe as a whole.
-Cut the shit Craig, what is my other option.
- Again with the impatience, I feel like you haven't been listening at all; please Kenny, just try to breathe. I've already stated the factors that effect conditions related to soul mate alignment: sacrifice and suffering can allow us to "jump queue" if you will, and accelerate past lifetimes of waiting and mismatched mating. So the more you sacrifice and the more you suffer in your lifetime the closer you come to finding your mate.
-You are telling me right now as you torture me with this dribble, that I haven't sufferer or sacrificed enough in this lifetime. Well, Craig, how can I suffer any more and do I get points for putting up with you. I'm really at the end of my rope here.
- The most shocking thing about what you have just said to me is that you truly believe that the life you live is suffering and that you sacrifice yourself on a constant basis. But Kenny, I ask you to look back at your earlier schooling: what is the story of Joan and James?
- You've really got to be kidding me . . .
- No kenny, I'm not joking, tell me the story.
- Haaaannnhh, during the great war between the the Mothers and the Autonomtons, Jmaes wasa soldier and he was killed defending the life of a mother and her baby daughter. That woman was Emma one of the founding mothers of our civilization and she was able to find where that soldiers soul went using the divine math and calculated that her daughter Joan was destined to be united with this soldier born under the name James after victory over the Automotons was finally realized a few months later. I feel like I'm being tested in grade school.
-And that, kenny, was an A plus answer. James was unaware that his actions would allow for our civilization to flourish but he acted as a soldier should and put himself in the line of danger in defense of our people. The Mothers need you now Kenny, more than ever. You can waste away in the Office of Internalized Information and complain about your dreary existence down below or you can step out of your jump suit and join the outer ranks. You do realize that we are at war. Kenny, you are needed, The Mothers need you, Your mate, somewhere in time, needs you. An enemy waits at our borders, we are about to be besieged by a growing horde from the east and the mothers need all their sons and daughters to take up arms and fight those that oppose the rule of love. The story of Joan and James is the story of us all don't you realize that, my goddess man. Your other option is to enlist in the Grand army of the Mothers and defend your nation. The math indicates that your sacrifice will bring you closer to your goal. But Kenny, don't feel obliged to enroll just because I told you it would bring you closer to your soul's ultimate destiny, that is not why you should become a member of the Great Guard. You should join because you are a man and you must defend your Mothers. But, all those who sacrifice themselves for the state are justly rewarded in time. I have hear in my hand an enlistment form that would place you in the 87th division of Grand Mothers Standing Army. Because of your education and experience as linesman you would be placed as an officer in the communications division . . .
-Hold on a minute. Let me get this straight. If I don't join the army I will carry on, like I have, not only for this lifetime but for more lifetimes and have to go to more meetings with people just like you, but if I do join the army I will sacrificed for the state.
- Kenny, not everyone dies when they go in the army. I've been trying to tell you all along, you decide your destiny nobody else. The Mothers aren't asking you run out onto a battle field and take a bullet in the chest, They are asking you to defend your country and the life we have
here . . .

Silence blanketed the room as Kenny slid down from his seated position and he lay in the bed staring at the ceiling. What felt like minutes ticked by soundlessly in Kenny's head. He could here Craig rustling uncomfortably in his chair, the councilor was content to cease his verbal battery for a moment and let Kenny digest what he had just heard. Kenny was awash with wilted elation and he could feel his heart caving in, an implosion was imminent. He was surrounded now and he could no longer go on fighting. His hand trembled as he reached out and took the enrollment form from Craig's hand.

© Copyright 2009 luojia (paul2332 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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