Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1592802-My-life-from-my-point-of-view
by Renee
Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Biographical · #1592802
just like the title says its how ive seen things in my life
So I think im going to write a book about my life and how I see the things that have happened in it. Do I think anyone will read this no im not an important person by any means im not even an important person in my community. Do I think that I will become famous from this or that anything at all will come from it. I would have to say no to that one as well sadly the only reason that im doing this at all is because im a procrastinator and I don’t want to clean the house. Yeah I know its sad but I have to say its killed a good min. of time so lets keep going shall we.

I guess you would like to know about me who I am and such.  My name is Tuesday meadows im am 21 years old with a beautiful 2 year old daughter her name is Grey. Im a single mother and as of right now I live with my dad im unemployed living in a very small Appalachian community in the hills of Virginia.  Add to that I am also engaged to the love of my life Eric rose. Now you may ask why I don’t live with him and its very simple. Eric is a soldier in the united states army and is stationed at fort Lewis in Washington. that’s the state not d.c. some people get it confused. But anyway that’s pretty much the facts about me. Im not sure what else I could tell you. Unless you want the hard facts about me and to get them im going to say that you should keep on reading because maybe this for me will be more than a way to put off house work maybe I will rediscover who I am but then again maybe not because I have to say 10 min. killed.

                                                 My parents

Im not really sure where to start this is suppose to be about me but how can It be about me without being about the people who brought me into this world????? But who to start with my mom or my dad or maybe my brother and my sisters (there is a lot of us 7 all together) but I guess that they as well will come in time. Now please note that this is from my point of view from the stories I have heard and I don’t want to hurt any member of my family because I do love them all.  And I really hope that there is no hurt feelings.  I have to say that im going to go with my mom first. As of right now she is 40 years old living in a trailer somewhere if Florida with her boyfriend of I would say about a year. She is unemployed as well. But that’s now lets start with her life as I know it. She was the youngest child of 6. I would say her life growing up was hard probley harder than most. My mamow I would say was not the best parent in the world. My mom has talked about living in Chicago and a biker gang coming and beating the hell out of my mamow so this is where im getting this. My mom was raised in poverty going out back in the creek to was cloths no indoor plumbing so forth and so on in a holler called green bire.  Its not a town or anything mostly its just a street you have the right hand fork and the left hand fork and for the most part they stick to them selves. My mammow was the fist woman to learn how to drive in green bire and she taught most of the other women. I would have to say that that was her greatest achievement in life.  Its not much but I guess its something to be proud of.  Mamow was a stay at home mom and was married for sometime to my pawpaw they ended up getting a divorce when my mom was young and I guess you can imagine what that was like on my mom back in that time in a small church going community. Not that my family is really big on religion anyway at least not my parents. Anyway my pawpaw was a coal miner and they married when my mamow was 13 or 14 I think. I don’t know a lot about pawpaw no one ever really talks about him much. So I guess I cant say that much about him either and im sorry for that. But my mom and my pawpaw was close they say that mom was his pet. And im glad that my mom did have someone that cared so much about her. She’s not had an easy life.  My mom didn’t have him a long time in her life her parents stayed on good terms from what I understood they still loved each other when pawpaw died he left everything to my maw maw years after the divorce so it was either love or him wanting to take care of his kids.  I have to say that he didn’t die in a good way my pawpaw was killed some say by accident and some say it was murder me im not for sure I only have my families point of view because it was before my time ya know. But this is what I know my pawpaw was walking home and he got hit by a van.  They say that the guy that hit him was by no means his “friend” and he had supposedly killed his wife as well. After hitting my pawpaw the man drove on and washed his van at the carwash and went home to sleep. He was never changed.  But I also know that when they did his autopsy they said it was a miracle that he wasn’t dead anyway from the amount of alcohol in his system. My maw maw lived  a long life she died when she was 67 a natural death. My moms life didn’t get any better after my maw maw died. she’s talked about maw maw being mean to her and walking in on her having sex with many many different men as well as a black man. Now I know how racist that sounds but please rember that my mom is a child of the south and this was years and years ago in a small white town where black people was still discramated against. But my mom also talks about her brother sexually abusing her while maw maw was asleep on the couch. And later in life my mom also found out that the guy that she thought was her daddy for so many many years was not her daddy at all she found out that a guy that maw maw had an affair with was her dad I can only imagine what that would be like. I have to say by many many years I mean she was 30 something and they saw on the news that a guy had died with that guys same name and they thought he might have left my mom something. Sweet family I know.  I’m sorry that I cant really go into more detail about her childhood and what she went through but that’s all that I know

Now I have to say that my dads childhood was very different from my moms. I also know more about my dads childhood than my moms because there is always stories being told about them when we all get together. My nana was a stay at home mom for the most part and my pawpaw was a coal miner as well ( I told you a small town in the Appalachian mountains what more do you expect). My dad is almost the youngest child my aunt Billie came 10 years after he did. He had 4 sisters and one brother.  I know that my nana had a nervous breakdown but she had 3 kids in one year. And 5 kids in diapers so I have to say that I would have had one as well. From what I understand my pawpaw was a hardworking honest man he went to work everyday and loved his children very much and tired to teach them every thing that he could. One example of that would be my dad use to work with him and my dad being a young man would stay out late all weekend and party and on Monday when pawpaw was ready to go to work and dad wasn’t ready he would be pulling out of the driveway didn’t matter if dad was ready or not. Dad said their was a lot of mornings he was running after him still getting dressed. And my nana was a fun loving very caring person and a little bit mischievous. No one ever knew her age she even lied about it on her tombstone and one time she hid an entire living room suit from pawpaw for a month which im sure he knew but he went along with it. I imagine it would have been a good house to grow up in. from what I understand they was respected in their town. Nana ran a store and she treated all people with respect no matter who they was.  Dad grew up in a smaller town as well very close to my momma but it was different as well. Their was a more diverse people and by that I mean you had more well to do people as well as the poor people where as my moms everyone was at the poverty level.  I have to say that I never met that pawpaw either but I would have loved to.  I did get to spend some time with nana it wasn’t much I was around 3 when she died they both died of cancer. But I have to say I do rember her not much or well but I do rember her I rember little flashes of things like my hand on her seat in the car going to visit her in the hospital getting her a troll doll in a nurses uniform while she was their going to her house and seeing her and dad sitting at a table  and playing with at little thing in her kitchen its not much but I do rember that.

Now where to go from here??? I guess it would be my parents meeting. I don’t really know how they met. How sad is that most kids know how their parents met but I how ever do not. Anyway how to start this my dad had been married once before and had a child from that marriage. That would be my second to oldest sister. He didn’t have anything to do with that child because his ex-wife felt that it was best for her my dad was on drugs and drank a lot so I guess I can see where she was coming from.  My mom also had a child my oldest sister she had her when she was 15. My maw maw had custody of her. So they both came in with baggage I would say but then again they didn’t because none of them had much to do with their kids.  But from what I understand my dad called my mom one day and ask her if she wanted to get married she said yes and they went to the justice of the peace and said their I do’s. its very romantic I know. They then moved to Columbus Ohio where I was conceived and born. It couldn’t have been a very happy marriage because they got a divorce soon after.  Matter of fact I don’t even rember them being together.  I’m guessing that’s a good thing because I was never traumatized by a divorce.  I know that the custody battle between them was horrible they was in court every week my dad fought for me and my mom wasn’t giving me up.  I don’t rember a lot about it I just know what I was told and what I do rember about that time.  My mom was living with my maw maw and dad lived by his self.  When my dad would come and pick me up their was always a fight so it got to where my nana would have to come and get me and take me to my dad.  My dad remarried to wife number 3 soon after and together they gave me my brother who is two years younger than me.  When they had him the custody battle was still going on and I rember them coming to get me and me and mom lived in a small trailer on the left hand fork of green bire and mom would cuss Zelda and my dad calling my brother a bastard child.  My mom would hit my dad and scram and cuss. And my dad had a hard time at it. Looking back in this day and age I would have been sent to live with my dad in a heart beat but back then it wasn’t meant to be I guess. My mom was always leaving me with babysitters and I would never really see her she was always going out to party with her friends. My mom was only 19 when she had me so she was still very young and wanting to live her life I guess.  My dad always had a problem getting me home always she would never be their or the babysitter would be their and dad wouldn’t leave me with them.

my weekdays was spent with my mom and weekends with my dad or that was how it was suppose to be anyway. So I guess Ill go back and forth and hope that it doesn’t get to confusing.

My home life with my mom even back then wasn’t great like I said she was never around. I was either with babysitters or with my maw maw and my sister. When she was around she always had a lot of boyfriends and “guy friends” coming over.  I use to have a fish tank and they would all get drunk their and end up poring beer into the fish tank and killing my fish. I know that it shouldn’t be a big deal to anyone but it was very much a big deal to me.  It had to have been for me to rember it all this time.  I rember this one boyfriend my mom had his name was Tony and he would come over to the house a lot. Him and my mom both worked at dairy queen together and I rember my mom going into the hospital and him taking me to see her.  She was hurting and I didn’t understand why. She showed me her belly and it was cut open. I ask her what happened and she told me the doctors cut her belly open. That was a very tragic thing for me I was 3 years old and seeing that has stuck out in my mind forever. I never knew why they did that. Later in life I found out the reason that her belly was cut open was because of a c section. I don’t rember my mom being pregnant and I don’t rember the baby. My mom gave her up and denied being pregnant the whole time.  She sold the baby for a thousand dollars and a car.  She also brought the baby home. I don’t understand how anyone could do that but I know for a fact that it was what was best for the baby.  I was told that I loved it that I wanted to help take care of it. I never got a chance to do that. I was told that it had to go back to the hospital because it was sick.  Everyone else was told that because of the custody battle between my parents it was either give up me or give up her.  I stayed. As far as I know she has had a good life. Her parents are very loving people.  I’ve never met her and I doubt i ever will
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