Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1591973-Work-in-progress
by Aria
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1591973
Something I have been working on, would appreciate some help!
It is rough and only a work in progress, if you have ideas please let me know! I am a little stuck at the moment.

There was a warm glow all around. Being in Hell Zane expected it to be more like the stories told to young children to scare them into being good religious children and not sinners; intense heat, eternal damnation, demons running about causing mayhem, but it wasn’t like that at all, it was almost pleasant. A warm, orange glow resonated from the stone walls leaving you feeling almost comfortable in this palace of darkness. But then again, maybe that was His plan, for you to feel safe. Zane was curious about the light, there was enough to see where you were going yet there was no distinct light source, it just seemed to be, and how every once in a while it seemed to get blindingly bright and then fade back into the soft orange glow. There was something else eerie about the palace that struck Zane as odd, there were never any people. Zane knew the palace was practically endless but he only ever saw the occasional demon that worked for Satan; the master of the palace, never any people.

From a distance Zane could hear faint footsteps; he slid against the wall and drew out his knife. The footsteps never got any louder but Zane knew they were coming closer. He readied himself for the thing coming towards him. Zane watched as a demon rounded the corner, but sighed and put away his knife as he saw who it was.

“Good evening Zane.” The demon spoke.

“And to you Abalam is there anything I can do for you?”

“Yes actually, He wishes to see you.”

Zane nodded and followed Abalam silently as they walked through the maze of hallways towards Satan's study. Zane knew he should feel some fear going to see Satan, after all he had heard whispers throughout the palace that most humans that went to see Satan were not seen again, yet he did not feel anything. If Zane were trying to find Satan’s study by himself he was certain that he would get lost, every hall looked the same.

Abalam stopped in front of a big oak door. “Go in, He’s expecting you.”

Just as Zane reached for the door, it was ripped open by a small, terrified looking boy, before Zane could stop him and ask what the matter was the boy fled down the hallway and out of sight. Zane was outraged, what had Satan done to that poor child?! He stormed through the door and slammed it shut.

“What the hell did you do to that young boy?!” he yelled at the older man sitting behind the desk. The man looked up amused.

“Young boy?”

“Yes! The one who just fled here terrified!” Zane gestured at the door.

Satan laughed, which only increased Zane’s rage. “That was no boy. That was an imp who has failed in a very important task I assigned him.”

Zane’s rage cooled slightly, “that was an imp?” he hadn’t seen one yet while he had been in hell.

“Yes, now why don’t you come a bit closer?” Satan didn’t seem even the littlest bit phased by Zane’s anger.

Zane feeling pretty stupid for his recent outrage obliged and stepped towards Satan’s desk, he quickly admired his surroundings. The room was filled with that strange orange glow that filled the rest of the palace, yet this room was different from every other room Zane had been in. The walls were lined with tall bookshelves that covered every wall but the far right one which had a tall stone fireplace that jutted out from the wall. In front of it were comfortable looking red chairs that fit with the atmosphere of the room. When Zane looked at Satan again he took notice of what the man looked like. He was older and looked to be in his mid forties, his dark hair was accented by a gray streak that ran along the right side. His eyes were dark and had a timeless look showing the true age of Satan. Zane snapped out of his dream world when he noticed he was staring at the high lord of hell.

Satan said nothing but instead stood and walked around his desk towards Zane. He was taller than Zane expected. 

“Which hand is your dominant hand?” Satan asked once he was standing in front of Zane.

“My left.”

“Interesting,” Satan paused thinking before asking, “hold it out please.”

Zane lifted his left hand out to Satan and watched as he examined it. Zane became a little self conscious seeing how dirty his fingers and fingernails were and having Satan examine them. He pushed Zane’s sleeve up slightly until he saw what he had been looking for, a small star shaped mark on Zane’s wrist. He let go of Zane’s hand.

“Good, just like I thought.” Satan said to himself. “Now I need you to remove your shirt and jacket.” This time he spoke to Zane, his dark eyes piercing his very soul.

Zane was star struck, “sorry?” he asked thinking he hadn’t heard right.

“Please remove your shirt and jacket.” Satan said again this time with a slight hint of annoyance in his voice. Zane did as he was asked and took them off laying them both on a chair in front of Satan’s desk. Satan circled the boy looking him up and down before walking behind him and placing a cold finger at the top of his spine. Before Zane could move Satan dug his claw-like fingernail into his flesh and pulled in a straight line downwards along his spine. Zane flinched involuntarily expecting pain that did not come; instead it felt more like a release, like freedom. Before he knew it two black forms spread from his back in the shape of wings. They were covered in a thick wet coating.

“Wha-what is this? Where did those come from? WHY THE HELL DO I HAVE WINGS?!”

Satan smiled as he walked in front of Zane. “You’ve always had them you just never had your wings released. You, like me are what is called a fallen angel, you’ve been cast out of heaven, although I don’t know why one so young would be, before you have commit any sins.”

“But this can’t be possible, I’m not an angel. I had a life! On earth! I don’t even know why I’m here in Hell; I don’t know how I got here!”

“Now that is interesting, you say you had a life on earth?”


“Well that shouldn’t have been, do you remember anything from your life?”

“I have vague memories.”

“Do you remember dying?”


“I see, well I don not understand all of this, but in time I hope to find out. As intriguing as this is, it is not why I have called you here. I have task for you.”

Zane backed away. “If you think I’m going to do anything for you, you’re crazy!” just the lights started to get brighter. Zane looked around before looking at Satan he instantly understood what caused the lights to grow bright. Satan was angry; it was his anger that caused the lights to grow bright. Deciding it was not a good idea to piss off the high lord of hell he decided to distract him.

“Okay, wait!” Zane paused, “What do you need me to do?”

The lights dimmed again. “I need you to go to earth and get something for me.”

“Go back to earth? Really? You can do that, send me back to earth I mean?”


“For how long?”

“When you have completed the task I have asked you to complete I can have it that you gain a new life on earth.”

“Okay and what do you need me to get?”

“A girl.”

Zane kept replaying the conversation he had with Satan over and over again in his head. He had no idea why Satan would want this girl but he didn’t really care, all he wanted was his old life back. He watched the girl. She looked bored and like she didn’t want to be there, she didn’t fit into the scene at all. There were girls dancing in their stunning colourful dresses, hair all done up into intricate designs on their heads. This girl was so different she was dressed in a black dress made out of lace, black fishnets and boots that reached her mid-calves. Instead of doing her hair up like all the other girls she left her long honey blond hair down, it looked so perfect but at the same time as if it were always like that. From so far away Zane could not distinguish any other defining features but to him it did not matter, she was his ticket to a new life, not a girl to take interest in.

© Copyright 2009 Aria (ariah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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