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Rated: E · Chapter · Personal · #1577629
Speaking with the ones you love on a day to day basis.
You find yourself with a specific set of people you love, on a day to day basis.  Usually, this is your spouse or significant other and your children, if you live in the United States.  If you live outside of the USA, you might have what we call fondly, the extended family.  This might also then include, your spouses parents (your inlaws), maybe even a grandparent or two, sometimes a sibling of yours or your spouses & possibly even their spouse or significant other and then, maybe, even their children.  Culture has a lot to do with who you deal with on a day to day basis. 

So let's start at the top of the day.  The awakening.  Tired, sometimes grumpy, stiff & sore, people emerge from their slumber to face the day.  Starting the day off on the right foot is imperative.  The morning greeting and the following interactions and communication, could possibly set the tone for the whole rest of the day. 

If you yourself are groggy, grumpy or just plain tired, try hard to breath, stay focused on your immediate task and to care for your present and apparent needs.  Try, during this initial time, to stay calm and clear your head of the fog, that sleep and sometimes medications, to include alcohol, as well as drugs, has set in place.  Wake yourself in a timely manner to accomplish such a feat.  To oversleep or miss an alarm, sets up many obstacles to a happy morningtime. 

Routine is important, but not imperative.  Try your morning self out on the one who's used to you the most; your spouse.  Practice your pleasantries; greet, compliment, remind of the days events & ask if there is anything that you need to be aware of or can do for them, now or later.  Your attitude and presentation at this time, could determine whether you get lucky later or not.  It also sets the tone for the rest of the morning.  Be prepared!  Children and possibly other family members are next.  And even beyond that, your commuting and work associates.  So lets start good. 

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Of course the daily routine with work associates is on a different level and will be discussed later, than with those you love.  But your daily association with them, CAN  and will effect your home life, if you let it.  Consider leaving work at work, so that home can be a place of refuge and somewhere you WANT to be at the end of the day and they want you to be. 

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Coming home, is one of the most basic instincts that humans can feel.  A place to belong, with those you love and also love you.  Your belongings are there along with memories of times past; your heritage.  This is what you are passing down to the next generation, so let's see if we can help make it good stuff. 

Be joyous, though you are tired.  You've battled dragons all day and are charred.  But that doesn't mean that others of the family unit have not fought their share of battles themselves.  So, what to do?  Call a family gathering, sometimes at the dinner table, sometimes after, where every family member has to attend.  Allow for the frustrations of daily life for one, but also the differences among the participants; age, gender, place in the family.  Give each their due, in time to vent, if need be, but also in support back.  Encouragement, guidance and opinions are important in these pow-wows.

To finish the day, never go to sleep, without having given each member of the family some sort of appropriate salutation; hug, kiss, words of encouragment for the day to come, praise for a deed well done.  Accept any and all input and weigh it against what will be needed tomorrow.  Care should be given that this happens every day's end. 

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Day to day routine and mundane tasks can be the undoing of relationships.  With effort on everyone's part, this doesn't have to be so.  Find special things that each member likes to do and schedule it in somewhere.  Remember to honor each others special occasions; birthdays, anniversaries, etc... with something special; preferrably an act or deed of some kind versus a purchased gift. 

By practicing some of these minute and simple tasks, your day to day relationship with those you love, could just become the most important part of your life. 

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Next:  Work Relationships-Not necessarily those you love, but affect them nonetheless.

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