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by Amica
Rated: E · Chapter · Entertainment · #1576319
The story-date with Miguel that needs to be told...
The Halloween dance is a week away and I still don't have a costume idea or a dress. Gregory even offered to go shopping with me to help me find one, but that just seemed a little too gay, so I declined him. All he could say was that 'it doesn't matter what I wear, he's just happy I'm going with him.' Cheezy I know. Anyways, I know the last entry I didn't want to talk about what happened with Miguel and I when he asked me out, but I think I need to finally let this go and just write it out. Basically rant some more. Here's the story...

So, Miguel asked me out for Saturday night. He called me on Friday and told me to meet him at the place where we first met. Out by the waterfront, by the shores I waited for him. He told me to meet him there by 5. He didn't show up till 6. I was about to leave around 5:30 thinking I got stood up until my phone rang. Miguel was on the other line with a really raspy voice. Like it wasn't him, but I could tell by the way he was talking on the phone, that it was him. His nice, friendly (yet totally raspy) voice on the phone. It sounded like he was running, because he was panting as well. He said he was coming. So, silly me.. waited till 6.
He arrived with flowers which smelled freshly picked (he got me daisies which I love) and gave this whole speech of how sorry he was about being an hour late. I wanted to get the date over with because I had to be back home before 8:30. He took me to this restaurant around the waterfront where I found out how much of a klutz Miguel was. He spilled the soda all over me when he tried to reach for my hand. The soda got on my pants, but it was a good thing I was wearing a dress shirt, so it was long enough for me to just wear that and take off my pants. I didn't realize how cold it would be without them on.
He offered me his jacket which was very warm when I put it on. That would probably be the highlight of the date. Where he showed his nice sweet side. And by nice sweet side I meant the smell of his jacket. His cologne smelled like...manly honey. Weird but it worked.. for him at least. Ok, now here's the reason why I'm still a little bit like... "gah!" about the date.

We finished dinner (which didn't really go smoothly) and decided to walk around. We decided to back by the beach, throw some rocks. I showed him that I can thanks to him. He smiled and we had a contest of who can skip the farthest. He made win obviously. The date was starting to get memorable until some mystery man started running towards us. I hid behind Miguel, scared of what the man wanted. It seemed like he was screaming out for help, but yet he was coming towards us, with crazy eyes. He came out from the shadows and was wearing a skull mask and totally clothed in black. Miguel told me to look away as he went towards the man. Then complete darkness. Miguel and the man after us were in the shadows. I wanted to go and call for help, or butt in, but I just stood there. Seeing who would come out of the shadows victorious. I heard a loud crack, silence, then Miguel approaching me. He was looking down, his sleeve ripped off the shoulders. I wanted to know if the man was still there..alive, but Miguel turned me the other way. He didn't say anything after that. He just walked me home, silent the whole way through. I felt like I was talking to a wall. I tried my best to get a response from him. Fail.

I gave up and didn't even bother saying goodbye. This was definitely a date I would remember, not because it was the romantic butterfly first date feeling memory I would have, but because this was the most bizarre first day I've had..ever. Guys back in California just bring me to the beach for a picnic, and have me home before sunset. We got home 10 pm. I was about to go inside when he tugged me back. He looked up at me, with the saddest face I've ever seen. As if he had spoken and I understood what was wrong (which I completely didn't), I just hugged him. I was hoping that my hug would reassure him that everything was going to be alright. A few seconds later I felt him hug back. He didn't seem to want to let go. I pulled back and I guess he got the message so he slowly let me go. His head still down. I lifted his chin up and looked at him. His eyes met my gaze and they were black. Darker than mine. This was weird because his eyes were, as I remembered, were ocean deep..like aquamarine. I was shocked so I leaned in closer thinking it was just the lighting. He looked away. I stepped back from his personal bubble space and he looked back up at me. I finally said goodnight. All he did was smile. I went inside the house, up to my room. I looked out the window, Miguel was still there. I waved at him, he gave a smirk and walked away.

Now the reason why it was our first and last date, also why it bugs me so much: it was the most confusing, awkward, terrifying, clumsiest, yet secretly sweet date I've ever been on. I couldn't sleep properly that night. I kept thinking about what happened with the man that was running towards us, was he dead, if Miguel killed him, would he kill him, what he was thinking of... all these things ran through my mind, constantly. I ended up sleeping from overload. (If that's even possible, which in my case it was). I never saw Miguel after that night, even until now. I pass by the art store everyday after school, and its always locked. Makes me wonder what happened to him. Hopefully he shows up, and that nothing bad happened to him. Well, thats the story. I don't want to think much about it anymore. Though the hug was one of the best ones ever. Not even my grandpa can top it. Anyways, I gotta go get ready for bed. Tomorrow, Johanna talked me into shopping for the dance. Maybe I'll go as the man who ruined my date with Miguel. Hah! Till the next entry...
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