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Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1575014
The sixth ch of the long awaited Setting Sun. Power without love is madness in disguise...
Writer's Note: Bear in mind that this preview is close to the middle of the story. There may be times where you won't understand the whole idea. Setting Sun takes place in a vibrant world in an entire different galaxy. Their culture is different and will be explained in the introductory chapter's once published. (Looking for agents and publishers) For now, enjoy the intense emotion poured into the characters and the amazing plot twists that come your way.

Chapter Summary: Jet wakes up in great spirits, believing nothing could bring him down. His exploration of power afterwards only boosted his enthusiasm as he found a large amount of hidden abilities opened to him. However, there was still one problem that needed to be dealt with: Crystal.

Can he make his day perfect; will he be able to leave her present in her locker without confrontation? Or was his day about to take a shot for the worst? Could there be unforeseen twist and turns that would lead to hatred and sorrow? And if so, would the bitterness in his heart truly open the doors to the Realm of Nightmares?! 

Also, a warning to the reader: This chapter came from Word and some of my characters will have their thoughts italicized on the file. Needless to say, they won't be italicized on here. When it all of a sudden goes into first person, you now know why...


                                                      Chapter 6


Jet’s eyes opened with incredible ease before jumping out of his bed. It was almost surreal at how easy this feat was. Normally, Jet would have slept through his alarm. Now, however, he woke up before the alarm could even go off. He flicked his alarm switch off in advance and grinned to himself. He probably was the first one up for a change. Closing his eyes, he soaked in the moment. I could get used to this.

He reached in his pocket, pulling out the jewelry box. It amazed him how one little object held a variety of memories. He cringed as he remembered Gabren’s malignance.  Quieting his thoughts, he placed the box on his dresser and began taking his dirty clothes off. After pulling off his shirt, he was again reminded of Gabren, staring at the white bandage on his arm. The blood had spread through, and discolored a large part of the white fabric to a light red. 

Finally out of his clothes, he approached his door. On his door, he pulled off a red robe and dressed himself in it. Jet grabbed his clothes for the day and opened his door. 

He was reminded again of how drastic this change of pace was, as he met a darkened hallway. The lights were off—it was evidence that he was the only one up. Even the sun itself couldn’t beat Jet’s rising. 

Jet looked out through the large glass window across the balcony he stood upon. By now the sun was just a scarlet ball of fire peeking out of the horizon. 

Even with the lights switched off, he walked deeper through the hallway without any trouble. This was another impressive feat. Without light or sun, Jet used to see the illusive image of darkness swallowing part of the hallway—it was nothing but a screen of black before. Strangely though, the two cylinder beams overhead were no longer needed. The wall of darkness was just a memory for Jet now. He could only see a huge contrast of black and white, though—no color. 

He made it to the bathroom with relative ease then shut the door behind him. He flicked the light switch on,—though not really needed— turned the metal knobs beside him, and threw his night robe off, waiting for the water to get warm.

He checked the water with his hands and determined the temperature was satisfactory. He pulled the sky blue shower curtains back and began to step over the edge of the tub. During this attempt, he stubbed his toe and fell forward towards the white tiled wall. He let out a light gasp and, out of reaction, threw his arms forward. His arm landed onto the hard wall—his injured arm at that.

It hadn’t hurt the way Jet expected it to—not nearly as much as a gaping wound should. He felt no burning sensation whatsoever; it only felt like a tap on his arm. As he regained balance and stood in the shower, his eyes remained a victim to the bandages magnetic pull. It was too strange to ignore. Had the stained red bandage not still been wrapped around his arm, he would have believed the fight with Gabren never happened. He found himself wondering if he’d find a wound at all were he to take off the bandage. He creased his eyebrows as he stared. “Just a peek wouldn’t hurt.”

He used two of his free fingers and the grasping of his teeth to untie the knot on his bandage. He had to be careful and very gentle. Even from the light tap he felt by falling on a hard wall, he was not yet convinced of the wound’s recovery. There was a possibility the wound just caused him to go into shock—that his arm just grew numb. If that was the case, he needed to remove as little as possible. The more he took off, the harder and longer it would take to put it back on. A gash like his wouldn’t be so patient.

He loosened the bandage while holding it underneath the rain of warm water. His two fingers opened sections of the bandage as he held it underneath the showerhead. The water ran through the bandage, falling in the tub as a pale red liquid. 

After the thorough rinsing of his injury, Jet lifted his arm, peering at the side of the bandage while pulling it slightly back. He found no gaping wound. More so amazing, Jet saw no scar. 

He ripped the bandage off effortlessly, twisting his arm violently as he searched for a mark of the injury. Still no scar. How was that possible? He just received a huge gash last night and it had already healed. It would have taken weeks to become a scab, months to heal completely, and even totally healed, there would have been a scar left on his skin. The wound just…disappeared…as if it never existed in the first place.

In his contemplation, he detachedly began his washing routine, lathering his hair with shampoo. Through this process, he recognized his knuckles. They reminded him of the realm of dreams and how the Moon Wolves brought about the untimely birth of his powers.  He shuddered as he recalled the feelings of their fangs ripping his flesh apart. He was surprised the process didn’t kill him. More so surprised, however, that his knuckles also bore no marks. 

It all came at him at that second. Warpup had promised that death would not come to him and his gaze fully healed his fatal injuries. Perhaps during the creature’s gaze, the damaged arm healed long with his penetrated knuckles. Yes. That was the answer. That explained everything.

Upon finding a resolve, Jet rinsed his hair, turned off the shower, and stepped out of the tub. He was truly grateful of Warpup. Ever since his father healed Comet, Jet had to fight with his desire. He was tempted on asking for the same treatment. That would have been catastrophic. Furdanin was connected to Jet’s mother in a powerful way. Once he knew, she would know and wouldn’t take, “It’s confidential” for an answer anymore.

He threw his stained bandage in the dark green basket, relieved to know there was one less thing to keep secret from his family.

  He opened his toiletry bag and turned to the mirror. The steam of the shower fogged the reflective glass, and Jet had to wipe the mirror with his hand. As Jet finished wiping the mirror, he stared, awestruck at the figure reflected. His muscles, while having not grown by size, seemed to define themselves in a way. They almost looked as if they were carved from stone. He flexed a little, delighting in the effortless show of muscle. He smiled at the reflection in the mirror. This day just keeps getting better and better.     

Christiane groaned in annoyance as a hot tongue ran all over her face. She forced her eyes open—barely opened, but still opened—to make out the rescued pup standing over her. “Go away,” she whined as she turned her back to the pup. The pup continued to lick at her cheek, unaffected by her grumpiness. “Knock it off…” she murmured, barely pushing the pup away with her weary strength.

The pup’s persistence won in the long run as Christiane sharply threw her covers off. “Fine,” she replied curtly. “I’m up, I’m up!” The pup yipped in approval and jumped off the bed, the drowsy Christiane following after.

She headed towards her small private bathroom, washing her face and the sleep from her eyes.  She was no longer drowsy, just irritated. Her alarm wasn’t set to go off until another hour. It didn’t seem fair to lose so much sleep.

This was all Jet’s fault. He must have left his door open last night.  She decided revenge would tame her agitation and began to walk—in her white silk dress—towards Jet’s room. Her power muted the sound of her steps as she approached her brother’s doorway. Having the ability to mute, manipulate, and amplify the vibration of sound, she would focus her scream only in his room. That would both keep her parents from waking up and grant her the ultimate wrath. She snickered evilly at the idea.

At first, she peeked from the edge of the wide open doorway, then rushed inside the room soon after as she witnessed something quite unlikely. Her brother’s covers were kicked away and Jet was no where to be found. Was he up already? How was that possible?

Christiane had no idea how long she had been staring at the empty space. Time was a stranger at this moment. She was too shocked to count even a millisecond that passed. She would have been less dumfounded had a unicorn emerged in his room.

By the time she noticed her mouth had been hanging open, she felt a firm hand ruffle her hair—the hand seemed stiff and stronger than usual.

Her brother had moved passed her swiftly. She closed her mouth forcefully as Jet went about grabbing a jewelry box sitting on his dresser.

“Mornin’ sis,” he almost chirped. 

Her eyes were still wide as they finally left the empty bed and fell on her brother.

Jet turned towards her after receiving no response. He was tempted to burst into tears of laughter as he saw his sister’s bewildered expression.

Her eyes only got wider as Jet not only had been up hours earlier but also had taken his shower and gotten dressed. How early did he get up, anyways?

A small grin rose on his lips as he looked at her attire. “You’re still in your pajamas?” he mused, his sister too dazed to even make a glare. He walked off, leaving the frozen sibling. “Hurry and get dressed for school,” he called from behind as he jogged down the stairs to prepare breakfast.

Finally fighting through her stupor, she recognized the snickering within his words. He must be enjoying this role reversal. Had his dog not waken her up, she would have bet her last penny Jet would have delighted in doing it himself. She was thankful it was the dog, though. Jet probably would have done more than licks on the cheek. She shuddered. Vengeance now seemed bittersweet.

Jet moved about downstairs, preparing breakfast. As he began to cook on the stove, Comet’s bark summoned his attention.

The pup had a look of plea as its golden eyes flickered from him and the food being cooked.

The look made Jet laugh lightly. The pup looked so pathetic. He succumbed to its plea and bent over to feed him his food—it wasn’t like they couldn’t afford it; all the animals of this planet were herbivores. Jet fixed a salad for the canine and it yipped in approval as it kept close proximity to him.

“Here you go,” Jet sang as he kneeled and began serving the salad in a small bowl on the floor.

He stood back to his feet, his lips rising to a smile as he heard Sket still sleeping in his bed. It seems he can beat Sket at something, after all.

…But to think, he was actually hearing Sket’s snore perfectly! And his room was the furthest from the kitchen. The joyous thoughts of this phenomenal change simply could not be contained. “This is just too cool. I can hear almost anything I focus on!” Jet cried out in jubilance. “I can’t wait to get to school! It’s going to be awesome! With powers like these, my classmates will definitely see me differently!”

Finally…he could be with Crystal without criticism. He finally had the capability to care for her and protect her.

And if Electro had a problem with that, then he’d get a good taste of his GIFT too! Besides, Jet needed a target to experiment his powers on anyway.

Despite Jet’s enthusiasm, the pup turned, looked up, and whined. Its expression made Jet frown in confusion. Jet kept his eyes on the animal’s golden ones. They seemed to hold pity yet plea.

Warpup… That was the exact face Warpup was making when the dream was ending—it seemed so concerned.

Jet became solemn as he stared at the creatures expression. Both Comet and Warpup held a face that seemed to understand a dark secret best not told… Jet shuddered to think of what it was.

The second he quieted his thoughts, he recalled Warpup’s warning, his eyes staring past Comet. A demon senses the individuality of the GIFT for the duration of one day. He may have scared you into this power to locate you.

Just as expected, this pup was connected to Warpup. How was he? Jet had no clue. Only that they both seemed to know just as much as the other. Telepathic thought, maybe…

Either way, Comet bore the same plea Jet didn’t want to see…

He gave a heavy sigh. “I see…” This time, he was looking straight towards the pup. He offered a sad smile. “I understand… They’ll start hanging around me again if I show them… So no one should know, right…?”

The pup whined again. Its cry was laced thick with rue, sorrow, and sympathy. It nuzzled Jet’s leg in attempts to comfort its master.

Jet bent over to pet its head. “It’s okay. I know… I’ll be alright… I only have to wait one more day, right?”

A gleeful bark came from the creature.

Jet smiled at the thought of tomorrow. “It’s decided. I’ll be quiet for today,” he concluded as he placed his attention back on the stove.

The four pancakes were ready to be served but his family was still fast asleep, aside from Christiane. That was expected though, seeing as how today was her choir practice—it started insanely early.

Jet gave an impatient sigh. “Come on, guys. Time to get up,” he muttered, waiting for their arrival.

Christiana snuggled against her husband, smiling underneath the covers. The two were truly one—in body, soul and mind. It would not be over-exaggerating to say they knew everything about each other, even their darkest and deepest secrets.

The thing responsible for such a phenomenal link was a marking known as the Mark of Blessing. This mark was an evergreen filled triangle, its outer-layer a bold golden outline—located on the back of their right hands.

It joined them in two profound ways. One way, was that their thoughts and memories were one. The only thoughts unknown of by their lover were the thoughts they intended on speaking about anyway. There were no secrets. Another profound connection regards their power. Once two Nebulanian’s become each other’s Blessed—husband and wife, that is—each are capable of using their partner’s GIFT.     

The Mark of Blessing was a symbol of matrimony in Nebulan, like an engagement ring found on earth. It held a sweet promise between two who loved each other greatly.

However, unlike the engagement ring, Nebulanian’s couldn’t simply buy this mark. It had to be given to them by God. A Nebulanian only confessed their love for someone if they wanted Adonai to judge the relationship, and if God approved of it, the Mark of Blessing would be formed. Nebulanian’s called this process of confession, Blessing’s Request.

The smiles of the two rose as they continued to dream the exact same dream.

Beep, beep, beep.

Christiana’s eyes fluttered open just before the alarm went off, her BLESSED groaning in defiance as he turned his back to her and the alarm. As he did so, she turned towards the alarm, silencing it with one of her delicate fingers.

She threw the covers off from her side and stood to her feet. She turned to watch the humorous display of Furdanin’s defiance, and then crawled on the bed to kiss his forehead lightly. Her lips touched his ear. “Come on, honey,” she cooed in a whisper. “It’s time to get out of the bed.”

He shivered in delight as he felt her warm lips move against his ear. He turned back around, and ran his fingers through her brownish-blonde hair. “You don’t watch yourself and getting out of bed will be the last thing on my mind.”

She laughed at the remark, leaning in to kiss his lips lightly. He pushed for more, but she pulled away, nearing her side of the bed and ultimately her dresser. “You have to get up if you want more.”

Oh…that was low.

It was almost frustrating at how easy she was able to get up. Every morning it was the same routine. She was so precise…to the point of it being unnatural to him. The alarm was there only for him, she had no need for it to signal. Christiana would have woken up as soon as it hit seven, regardless of whether the alarm went off or not.

Furdanin was the complete opposite of her. He was not a morning person at all. If it wasn’t for her, he probably would have slept in until noon.

Christiana smiled in amusement at his thoughts. He was so hopeless without her. “Whether you think it’s weird or not, you still need to get up,” she chided then smirked, “Unless, you don’t want my lips anymore.”

Furdanin groaned in disapproval but slowly got up and groggily sauntered towards Christiana’s side. She can be so evil…

Christiana exhaled a breath of laughter, slightly agreeing with him. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and kissed his lips with more force—hopeful that her passion in it was enough to compensate.

After sometime, she pulled away, smiling, her arms still around his neck. “See? Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?”

“It was bad,” he disagreed. His arms hooked behind her waist, and pulled her into another kiss then smiled as he parted. “But…it was worth it, I suppose.”

Christiana smiled, satisfied with his answer, and laid the side of her head against his chest.

As a few minutes past, Christiana spoke within their quiet embrace. “Do you want to take your shower before or after me?”

Furdanin pulled away, his green eyes pleading as he pouted. “We can’t together.”

“Absolutely not,” she giggled. “You know what happens when we take it together.”

Furdanin frowned. “I’ll be good…” he promised, still begging.

She gave a humored smile. “No. I’d rather us not tempt ourselves anymore than we already have.”

Finally Furdanin gave in and made his way to their personal shower. Christiana chuckled. He was always so persistent. But she supposed that might have been one of the reasons why she loved him so much.

Still in her silver silk sleeping gown, a knock came from her door. Christiane’s voice came from behind it. “Mom, I’m heading to choir practice.”

The mother’s voice was surprised and a bit apprehensive. “Oh…OK, hun’. Be careful.”

“I will.”

“I love you.”

Already, Christiane was losing her patience. “You too, mom. I got to go now.”

“I understand…take care.”

Her voice was distant now, and her mother guessed that she was close to the door. “I will! Bye mom!”

Before Christiana could answer her daughter, the door slammed shut.

She sighed heavily. Guess they’d be one family member short for breakfast.

Christiana made her way to the shower the second Furdanin got out, her thoughts in heavy conflict. As they passed, she heard her BLESSED’S thoughts meant for her.

Don’t worry so much. She’ll be fine. And…I highly doubt she’s forgotten what today is.

She took her clothes off, hanging them on the wall and jumped into the already running shower. She answered back in voice as she began to wash her hair. “How can you be so sure?” she asked, still skeptical. “She’s got a lot on her mind ever since the choir wanted her to join.”

“True,” he agreed, now fully dressed and shaved. He applied toothpaste on his toothbrush. “But one would think she would put her family in higher regards,” he added, and then began to brush his teeth.

Like the way you regarded our anniversary?

Her thought had a vigorous edge in it. He spit into the sink. “You are never going to let that go, are you?” he asked, just as annoyed.

The humming of the shower ceased and the love of his life stepped out of the shower, trying to wrap her self in a white cotton towel as she spoke. “Yeah, well it’s kind of hard for a woman to forget when her own BLESSED chooses work over her.”

Furdanin glared as he turned his attention to brushing his teeth again, brushing more harshly than needed. I am one of the founders for Project: Eden. That organization—

Her fragile arms wrap around his stomach abruptly and her lips press against his neck. “I know, I know,” she murmured. “You needed to be there…I understand that.” Her hands traced up to his chest. I just…hate it…when I’m without you.

Furdanin smiled and held his hand over hers, locking her to him. “I could say the same.”

Furdanin waited outside the bathroom door in his lab coat and khakis. He refrained from sitting on the bed, not wanting to take the risk of falling back to sleep. It’s Jet you’re more concerned about, isn’t it?

Christiana emerged from the bathroom, fully dressed in a fleece sweater, knee-length skirt and trendy suede boots. Her hair was formed into a pony-tail, with it ending slightly above her mid-back. Her lips were rosy-red due to her lipstick.

I don’t know… she replied sadly, walking to her dresser and putting on her jewelry. Jet’s probably not going to invite anybody. It’s just so sad…

After putting on her favorite earrings,—they were a present from her BLESSED for her birthday—she turned to face her lover. “It’s just…this day only comes once a year. And… he tries to avoid such a celebration.”

Furdanin shrugged, agreeing dismissively. “Well, honey, Jet has every reason to. This day implies his worst experience. Would you still celebrate yours, if that had happened to you?”

Her face was troubled. “Well…no…but…” She let out a heavy sigh as she closed her eyes in resent. I just wish things didn’t turn out this way…

Furdanin frowned as well. “I know,” he sighed. “I don’t like it either.”

Wanting to end on a good note, he added with a soft smile, “You never know though, maybe this one won’t be as bad.”

His eyes grew wide. “Come to think of it, are the boys even up yet?”

His wife’s eyes popped open, almost horrified.

Do you’re stuff, babe.

She smiled as she met his devilish grin, and then gave a nod in return. She closed her eyes as she pressed her hand to the wall.

He watched as five purple strings of light embedded into the wall. The cluster of five began swarming in a closing circle, expanding, and meshing until it formed a large bright purple orb.

Furdanin knew this orb all too well. It was the formation of all her senses. When they united into this orb, she was capable of transferring her voice into it. The orb shot out of vision like the flash of lightning.       

Furdanin reflected on how luck seemed to despise their children. Not only did they have a father who could stop, rewind, and fast-forward through their movements, but they also had to deal with a mother who could cast her five senses into anything she touched. They may as well have a security camera in every room.

He closed his eyes and quieted his thoughts to see the same vision his BLESSED was experiencing.

As feared, Sket was lying in bed, still asleep. “Sket! Sket, wake up! School starts in an hour!”

He only grumbled and turned to his side.

The sight was almost infuriating for Christiana. He was supposed to be up fifteen minutes ago. Honestly, he was just like his father!

The husband smiled. Not quite, my dear. You can’t use seduction on him, like you can with me. With him…well, you’re SOL.

Christiana clenched her jaw shut. Shut up. Why do I get the feeling you’re enjoying this? “Sket! Wake up, right now!”

Her fury only rose as he groaned and switched to his other side.

Because I am, Furdanin answered unabashedly, every minute of it too.

Her lips pursed into an aggravated scowl. His father wasn’t helping the situation one bit.  “SKET BURNER, IF YOU DON’T GET OUT OF THAT BED…!”

She didn’t have time for this… She wanted to have breakfast together as a family for a change!

That wasn’t going to happen though—not at this rate… And this was just with Sket. Jet was even worse!

Don’t worry, honey, I’ll take care of him, Furdanin reassured warmly. If his BLESSED wanted to have breakfast together, he was willing to do anything in his power to make that happen.

Christiana smiled brightly. Really?!

Oh, thank you so much, Furdanin.

He smiled as he walked out the door. You can make it up to me later, he thought darkly.

She smiled, but only for a brief second. Her lips fell back to a scowl as she watched her son sleeping without a care in the world. Her blood boiled. Alright, fine…you want to play hardball!

She watched as her sense of touch engraved against the floor and ran up the bed’s legs. It stopped at Sket’s neck, and she pinched her own arm, transferring the sensation to his neck.

Her son gave a jolt as his eyes shot open, allowing him to catch sight of the sense of touch running back with the other’s and meshing back into an orb. “Mom,” he whined, looking straight at the orb, rubbing his neck with his hand. “What was that for?”

The orb flashed brighter with every syllable pronounced. “Look at your alarm clock,” she snapped.

Sket did as told. “Wow…that late, huh?”

Christiana thanked the Lord above for this power. Because if it wasn’t for her GIFT, she would have beaten that child half to death. His indifferent tone had her fuming. She spoke slowly as she shook in anger. “Get. Out. Of. That. Bed. And. Come. Down. For. Breakfast.”

The ferocity in her voice, made Sket’s hairs stand on end. He jumped out of bed. “OK! I’m up! I’ll be down soon!” he replied quickly, hoping that would quench his mother’s wrath.

It did. She smiled at his response. “Good to hear.”

“HONEY!” Her BLESSED’s voice cried, shrill with surprise. A mother’s job is never done… She wondered what it was he was so worried about…and realized, oddly enough, that she couldn’t find the answer…

She rushed unsure what it was. The MARKINGS OF BLESSING were no use as of now. She only heard the incoherence of a rattled mind.

How could he… And he even…!

When his thoughts began to be clear, her pace quickened. She had to see it for her self—that was the only way she could believe the thoughts spouting from her lover’s mind.

Sure enough, she was staring at a fully dressed Jet, the boy smiling as his gaze flickered between them.

“If you two don’t hurry, your breakfast will get cold,” he mused.

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