Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1574975-Wyxt-and-Sia-Visit-the-Lonely-Inn---1
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Adult · #1574975
Wyxt and Sia visit the Lonely Inn to 'relax.'
Wyxt makes her way up the porch, her beloved in tow as the trolless purses her lips (as best a troll can with her dainty little tusks). She takes a short moment to catch her breath... after all, it wasn't a short walk they'd been on, and getting wet and excited fondling Sia didn't exactly leave her breathing easy, either. At any rate.. the trolless pulls the door open for her beloved, the edge of the door pulled between her crimson clad tits now, cleavage swelling around either side, as she waits for her wife to enter with a smile. "...Aye, welcome t' th' Lonel'h Inn m'love. ...By th' All Seein'... th' place be dead tonight!" Wyxt peers in, then frowns. "'ell, I 'ope it ain't livin' up t' th' name, I been gone a while."

Sia laughs faintly as she peers inside a moment, then walks in, hips swaying softly as she walks and lets her gaze drift through the room lazily, crimson eyes taking in her surroundings as she pauses just after stepping in. Hands on her hips, her crimson dress, snugly fitting the curvy figure of the trolless has obviously been recently "customized", the tear at the front showing the bottom of her large, heavy breasts and almost explose her nipples, which are obviously hardened...from the cold outside or from something else. She smirks faintly, licking her lips for a moment before nodding. "Mhhh, comfy place it be...but aye...tad bit empty it seems." she chuckles.

Rila grumbles a little at the sounds coming from below... she thought the place had been empty, and thus a good spot for a meditating nap... She opens her eyes to look down at the door and who was entering... and what was entering was the largest squishies she'd ever seen. Even her tail stops twitching as she can't believe their size... plus, the women actually looked like formidable opponents as well. Perhaps she'd watch them like the jungle cat she was...

Wyxt watches Sia's hips in motion as her wife wanders in, the lavender trolless never tired of the simple but effective dance of Sia's body in motion. Wyxt gives a soft, pleased sigh, and thinks herself quite the lucky pirate for the booty she's plundered as she slips into the inn behind her beloved, letting the door thud closed somewhat heavily as she slips back up to Sia, pressing her own tits against Sia's back now as she grins. "Well, mayb'h it jus' be th' 'our. Last time I 'ere 'ere 'twas in th' middle o' th' day. Now it's th' dead o' night. So let's not worr'h about it too soon eh?" Wyxt's hands slip once more under Sia's dress to knead and fondle her swaying green breasts as she ponders. "Y' want t' sit at the 'earth? I can see if m' old room still be free."

Sia nods lightly and grins, leaning backward slowly to place a light kiss on Wyxt's cheek, then leans a bit further backwards and gently nips at her beloved's neck again, chuckling softly as she does so. "Aye love...I'll ju take tha seat there an get comfy..." she nods softly and looks around until she has localized the hearth proper and sets herself into motion, hips swaying gently as she walks, hidden, but clearly defined by the tight, snug-fitting dress she is wearing. Her tits jiggle slightly with her feathery step, she seems to be in a good mood.

Rila watches them continuously from her perch position up in the rafters. Her tail starts moving again at the curiousity of the two. She knew their kind as trolls, but didn't know more... they didn't seem the mean type, but... who were they really?

Wyxt is in a great mood herself. It'd been a while since they left the last inn and Wyxt had handed over the keys, and she was anxious to get back in the swing of things with her beloved. The lavender trolless eyes the tail hanging from the rafters a moment... they are rather wild trolls after all... considering it, before turning to the bar. Leaning over the bar, heavy tits come to rest and pool on top of the wood, her curved ass high in the air, metallic red thong nearly hidden betwixt the cheeks, as she leans close to speak in hushed tones to the bartender.

Sia meanwhile arrives at the hearth and pulls up a comfortable sort of chair into which she lets herself fall and lean back, closing her eyes a moment. As she reopens them, her gaze catches the tail swinging lazily from the rafters and she blinksa moment, then grins briefly, though not making any move right now. For now, she is happy to sit down. It has been a while and a very long walk since she has last found herself this comfortable in front of a fireplace and she intends to enjoy it to the fullest. Stretching luxuriously, and thereby threating to tear the fabric of her clothing even further as her large breasts strain to be released from the tightness of the dress, she smiles happily.

Rila creeps along the rafters to get a better view down below. The natural curiousity encouraging her to peek over the edges of the beam down at the strange troll woman. Plus, the size of her breasts were much larger than Rila's... and probably really squishy too.

Wyxt isn't worried about Sia's dress. After all, Wyxt is wearing far less and is comfortable... the biggest worry in that situation is that darling Sia is a jungle troll, not frost, and winter, while a ways off, was still on the approach. Hmm, well, she'll just have to keep Sia warm herself, with the occasional help, this season. Wyxt smiles widely as a key is held out to her. "Thank ya darlin'. Y' think y' could 'ook us up wit' two flasks o' rum? I don't know 'bout gettin' wasted, too quiet, but we could use a nip aft'r th' walk." So she continues to wait at the bar for now, not minding the small bit of rum that spots her tits as it's poured, licking her lips.

Sia turns her head to look to the bar a moment...and of course to let her eyes feast on the great view of that lovely booty while she's at it before she siddles a little more into the chair and mrrs happily to herself for a moment, the crimson of her eyes reflecting the flames from the fireplace as she watches them dance. True, it was colder in these parts and she had often wondered how people could consider anything even colder than she had already experienced, which was, by the by, also a reason for her to wear this dress. Even though the fabric was thin, it did offer a lot more protection than her old clothes, from wind and weather.

Rila takes a crouching position overhead... able to see both the girls from the shadows as she lifts her tail up to hide that from view... She could easily watch them and determine what part they played in the inn's role.

Wyxt smirks as she turns about, facing Sia and the hearth once more as she makes her way lazily back towards the hearth. Flasks of rum sloshing just a bit, heavy lavender tits jiggle and threaten to rip and fight the crimson silk fabric of her vest with every step, hips swaying in counter rhythm to the weight of her chest as Wyxt makes her way back to her beloved. Then, bending over to offer Sia her own flask of rum, Wyxt would slip into the couch beside Sia, before pulling her beloved into her lap, to sip at her own rum over Sia's shoulder. While the weather might slowly be getting colder, Wyxt only seemed to be gettign warmer. She blamed Sia for that.

Talbain 's large form pushes its way through the front door, broad shoulders and thick chest bare as usual save for the shag of fur that covered his body. Silk pants clung to the muscles of his legs as well as what hung between. Big bushy tail flicks back and forth like a pendulum as his golden eyes scan the room, landing on the pair of trolls he had not seen before.

Sia grins, accepting the flask happily before being pulled with a light little 'eep' into Wyxt's lap and then makes herself comfortable there, curlip her feet up and snuggling close, pressing her back against those heavy, lavender tits before she takes the first sip of the Rum and then lets out a soft, pleased sigh. The rum was warming and the fire was doing its part, albeit she had to admit that a large percentage of her own warmth was certainly coming from her beloved's attentions...but that was nothing new. She figured she could hold out the cold nights here as long as she had her to cuddle with after all.

Wyxt licks her lips. "Wint'r be on th' 'proach. Slow, but sure. It's been a while, y' can't 'magine 'ow 'ot th' blood'h desert felt t' me, but it was fun out there. I show ya what fun y' can do wit' th' cold an' fightin' dat, too, lat'r." Wyxt purrs, nuzzling lightly against Sia's ear, teasing a moment, before she takes a sip of her rum. She leans forward, and nips Sia's ear, though of course taking care not to break the skin, before her somewhat rough, but warm, tongue rubs at the sensitive nipped lobe. Her free hand idly rubs at Sia's tits in a slow, circular massaging motion, and the frost troll idly wonders when one of the others is going to speak up.

Sia shivers and grins playfully, being reminded just how her beloved would be able to drive any cold away from her. Feeling her nip her sensitive ear, she gives a soft little gasp before she grins and just sighs pleasantly, raising the flask to her lips occasionally to take a long drink from it. "I liked tha temperature back then...but ya know...always open fer sumthin new....though I dunno about...playin with da cold...what can ya possibly do?" she inclines her head and blinks. She had been to some...very cold areas before, in her eyes at least, but she had never seen any use for the cold except for fur-traders to be happy. Apart from chilling her, it also caused everyone to cover up all tight and stuffy...which she didn't like, either.

Rila bends down over the beam and flicks her ears as she makes her presence known to the trolls... simply by hanging down by the backs of her strong knees... This was an odd kitty of sorts.

Talbain 's padded feet bring him closer and closer to Wyxt and Sia as he watched with interest until his height was towering over the two, not missing the way Wyxt was fondling Sia's tits, eyes widening with a slight fasp. "Hello, are you two new here?" he greets them with a warm smile, hands coming to rest in front of him on top of each other, lest his excitement be too quickly revealed. The tip of his tail flicks back and forth as his gaze shifts between the two.

Wyxt wags her fingers. "We ain't ev'r been drugg'd b'fore, but 'member 'ow dat turn'd out? There be a use f'r ever'thin'. I'll show ya when I can darlin'." At Talbain's approach, Wyxt winks over Sia's shoulder. "A bit. I s'pose y' could say that strang'r. Y' 'ear t' tell us 'bout what a pleasant place this be t' bring m' wife?" Wyxt runs her tongue, slowly, up Sia's neck now, one tusk scraping lightly at green flesh, before she glances to Rila. She doesn't 'say' anything, since Rila's not talking, but it's clear she's not surprised nor hostile.

Rila hangs down from the beam for a few seconds... just watching the two before she speaks to them for the first time. "Nyah, what you?"

Wyxt waggles her eyebrows at Rila. "I be purple, she be green." And that's all she says. Being a mean tease, of course, her grin is one of sheer amusement. Sia grins faintly and she just gives a friendly nod to the man approaching, then another of those nods to Rila as soon as she notices her, though that nod is cut a bit short as she shivers from the tusk grazing the skin of her neck. She grins playfully, eyes gleaming as she watches for now, not speaking yet. She has always been the more quiet of the pair after all, more in the background or more in the shadows as it were. Her gaze briefly travels over the form of the Wolven, inclining her head slightly, but not chosing to comment either.

Rila considers that. "Purple be have good squishies?  Be much more big than Rila.  Green look be have good squishies too... Together good squishies."

Wyxt peers at Rila, peering through one eye now as the other closes, squinting, Wyxt pondering that. "I can't tell if she be meanin' that fine ass o' y'rs 'r our tits love." Wyxt takes another sip of her rum. She decides 'not' to spill some on Sia's tits for a change, just to be different.

Lucia Moore, the bartender, wearily walks downstairs, yawning a bit as she moves behind the bar with a soft sigh. The human girl looks worn out, as if she hasn't slept well in a while. Her eyes scan the room casually as she leans on the top of the bar, wondering if anyone would care if she just crawled up onto it and slept.

Talbain 's eyes open even wider at Wyxt's open affection to her wife, although that was nothing unusual here, but still, it was enough to maken his cheeks redden slightly. "Ah well... the two of you seem to be enjoying yourselves already..." Hungry eyes rove over both of their forms, lingering for long seconds on their fullsome breasts. "I suppose it depends on what you're looking for though," he adds with a thoughtful look, distracted for a moment.

Sia laughs lightly and shrugs at that. "I bet she means the tits love...had more time to study those...an a better look, too thanks to ya." she grins and gives a light little wink to Rila before her eyes settle on Tal again for a moment, grinning and licking her lips slowly after taking another, long drink from her flask and she shifts a bit on Wyxt's lap.

Wyxt shrugs just a tease, which causes her nipples to rub against Sia's back, nevermind her heaving breasts. Wyxt can feel the crimson silk being tugged, just a bit, off of her chest due to how tightly she's pressed against Sia, but doesn't complain or move to fix them. Her free hand comes to rest on Sia's thigh, kneading and rubbing now, as she considers her response to Talbain. "I s'pose it depends on th' mood. Mostl'h, I need a nice place t' keep m' love warm f'r th' wint'r... unfortunatel'h 'er big tits an' that plush ass won't do short o' whorin' an' we ain't in familiar territor'h t' do that." Wyxt grins wickedly, then... "But o' course, now that we got a room, there be oth'r ways t' play at keepin' warm too, savv'h?" She purrs, just a bit.

Rila nodded. "Nyah... Yeah... Rila call squishies cause say boobs when with stranger no be good.  Cause... cuase thems... really big squishies... Wheres you from?"

Wyxt blinks, then taps her chin lightly with the flask of rum before she speaks. "Boobs, tits, squishies... people get 'ffend'd 'round 'ere 'r somethin'? They ain't seem sensitive last time I check'd in. Ah well, diff'rent strokes f'r diff'rent folks. We be from a long ways away, t' th'..." Ah, how to explain it? ...Well, just be 'honest.' "T' th' south, aye."

Sia chuckles faintly at Wyxt's words, nodding almost thoughtfully for a moment. She still can't wrap her mind around the temperatures getting much lower than they already are outside. But nevermind that! She looks to Rila again and grins lightly. "Ye can talk as ya want with us...be used ta a lot worse words than them." she winks and shrugs slightly. "As fer where we came...yeah...t'the south." she chuckles and leans back once more as she takes another swig from the flask.

A door upstairs pushes open and a fiery-headed human slams it shut behind him, slipping the key into the lock and making sure none of his... uhm, clothes, are going to be stolen. Really, that's all the 'wealth' the human really owns that wouldn't be on his person. Heavy brown leather boots clomp their way down the stairs as he enters the common room, yawning a little and scratching slender fingers through his orange-red hair, peering about the room with emerald green eyes. Almost immediately they settle on Sia and Wyxt, blinking a little at the overly endowed troll women as he slowly walks into the common room, sort of... mystified by them, settling down at a table nearby the duo.

Lucia Moore also watches the two women curiously. She rarely saw females that weren't of the...well, so-called 'fairer' races. Pixies, humans, elves, moriel...though she had to admit that there was an attractive edge to the more brutish females of Nanthelion...orcs, trolls, barbarians...she had a thing for dominant, forward, brutish females.

Talbain 's blush turns even redder as he hears Wyxt say such naughty things, although his ears prick up with interest. "Oh I'm sure you'll find people around these parts quite friendly, no matter what... activity you're seeking to engage in." He extends a large clawed hand to Wyxt, then Sia, introducing himself. "The name is Talbain, it is a pleasure to meet the both of you," he adds with a short bow, forgetting for a moment what his hands had been covering, revealing that burgeoning hardon in his pants.

Rila smiles. "Nyah... what way is south?  Rila from far away... Come from very warm forest... lots trees and stuff... rain lots and trees much different than here.  Is okay here, always food for Rila.  No have hunt and live in bad place.  Have big house and room here."

Wyxt and Sia were not standard 'ugly' troll women. Dear heavens, one might not even be sure of the breed if they didn't have the feet for it. But trolls they were, and big trolls at that. Heh. "Desert. Lotsa sand an' lotsa bugs." Wyxt waggles her eyebrows at Rila a moment, then glances to Talbain and purses her lips. "Nice t' meet y' Talbain. Sia, shake 'is 'and, m' hands're full wit' ya." Wyxt grins a bit, then sips at her rum. She glances over to Rila, then... "M' name be Wyxt. Wyxt 'Lust' Sinblade. But I be preferin' Wyxt 'r Missus Sinblade. M' wife 'ere..." and she trails off, of course expecting Sia to speak up. A glance is given to the others in the room, as well as a welcoming, though somewhat wicked, grin.

Sia snickers slightly and inclines her head a moment, then nods to Talbain again, taking the hand and giving it a firm squeeze, never minding the talons apparently. She also adds a bright and playful wink and a slow lick over her lips as she notes his...-predicament-. Another wink and she turns her attention back to Rila. "And I'm Sia Sinblade....pleasure ta meet ya cute-stuff." she chuckles and the comment is obviously directed at both parties.

Rekos throws a distracted wave towards a passing feline, smiling at the catgirl as she wanders past his table towards the bar. Adjusting his tunic a little, he looks back over to Wyxt and Sia, tilting his head and giving them a polite, friendly nod as they're speaking with Talbain and Rila, not especially keen on itnerrupting an introduction. He flags down Fugly as she passes by, quietly asking the ogress for a mug of cream ale. She grunts, and heads off to retrieve the drink, as he turns the emerald eyes back to look at the pretty troll woman, far beyond the 'standard'.

"Nyah, Rila not from there.  Yous like wrestle?  Rila be good wrestle.  There no be many strong people here who wrestle.  Well, be men, but Rila see that always go for clothe first.  That not how wrestle.  Always wrong way.  Rila no get why no follow rule of wrestle." Rila speaks up.

Sia blinks and then chuckles lightly. "Wrestle...eh, thas no longer my piece a game cutie. I'm no longer as strong s I used ter be." she mutters softly and then smiles again, licking her lips once more. "Been doin priestly work since a lil' accident...so not so much muscle...only booty..." she giggles.

Lucia Moore tilts her head a bit at Rekos as he orders an ale from the ogress despite her standing right there. She frowns a little bit, then shrugs and turns her attention back to gazing at the trolls.

Wyxt seems a bit distracted as Rila talks to her... after all, Talbain is.. uh... obviously very interested in the troll women and Wyxt has been talking about 'fun ways to keep warm' all night, after all. "Mmm... hmm... ah, Sia stop wigglin' like that, I'm alread'h wet as is." Wyxt pinches Sia's ass lightly, then glances to Rila, blinking a few times, then shrugs just a bit. "Ah, no, I ain't much f'r wrestlin' m'self.. an' definitel'h not m'lady 'ere. I might get t' learnin' it lat'r though. If I gotta fight, I tend t' pref'r weapons, but mostl'h we ain't 'ere f'r no fightin'." Wyxt shrugs just a touch, then smirks.

Talbain gives Sia's hand a firm shake and then releases, fingers lingering a bit longer than necessary. He quickly looks down, noticing the tent he had been pitching, and embarassedly returns his hands to their original position, trying in vain to hide what was quite large to hide. "Umm... would you two mind if I joined you on the couch? On the end there. My legs are feeling a little tired." He eyes Rila curiously, snickering a bit at her confusion over clothes and wrestling.

Rila flexes. "Nyah... Gotta have da muscles.  That be good way to bes strong!  Can wrestle and carry thing real far!  It good to be train like that.  Ah?  Ah!  Wrestle be good way keep warm!  Rila can show.  It okay, Rila be go easy cause no strong like Rila.  It not be fight, cause you be get strong by doing!"

Lucia Moore smiles a little, looking over Rila...the catgirl that seemed to have a lot of physical ability and...well, not quite a lot of mental ability...not that it was a big deal, anyway. She was hardly a genius herself. She liked the muscles, though, and wondered what it'd be like to wrestle the catgirl.

Sia chuckles lightly and smiles to Rila a moment, her crimson gaze lingering on the Catgirl for a long moment, then she shrugs. "'s as m'love says...might be tryin dat later...fer now, I 'ad a long long walk an I do feel a bit tired, so...no wrestlin right now..." she chuckles lightly and smiles, another one of those playful smiles before she wriggles herself against Wyxt once more, never-mind what that might do to her, but she wants to get real comfy now as she leans back her head on Wyxt's shoulder and closes her eyes, placing a light kiss on her beloved's neck as she does so.

Wyxt vaguely wonders why Talbain is hiding his 'tent' but decides not to ask... if people took comfort in being bashful, all the more fun she supposed. Ronick comes to mind for some reason. Free hand rubbing Sia's ass lightly now, occasionally giving the lightest of slaps just for a little jiggle, Wyxt sips at her rum, then nods to Talbain's question about the couch. Then, to Rila... "Eh. I'll think 'bout it. I ain't 'ere t' wrestle, got more th'n enough o' grapplin' jus' gettin' 'ere thank ya darlin'." Wyxt smiles and shrugs slightly at Rila. She peers down at her beloved, recognizing the pleased but tired expression on Sia's face, and decides things will need to stay a little tame tonight. Poor Talbain. Still, though, room is made on the couch for him to sit all the same. "Definitel'h not tonight, m'love be worn out." Wyxt nods.

Rila bites her lip and looks a little saddened, then she thinks a little bit and nods... yes, walking a lot is tiring. "What's then... yous want rest? Ah! Rila know! When Rila tired from do stuff, Rila take bath! Yous want take bath? Can talks about more stuff then!"

Lucia Moore blinks a bit, snapping out of her staring daze as she looks at a catgirl addressing her. "Oh, I'm sorry! I must've been daydreaming...can I get you anything?"

Well, he had no idea Lucia was tending, and just happened to see Fugly. Anyway, the ogress returns with his drink, and he thanks her, winking at the large woman and whispering a thank you. Yawning, he takes a deep swig of the drink, and looks back over at the troll duo, smiling a bit at their... character. Also, at their jiggling, their rubbing, and their general affection towards each other. Much like the conversation he'd been having with Alta, he thinks about how he mentioned he barely ever sees affection and caring like that in a place like this. It makes him smile.

Sia grins softly as she rests there for now. She idly lets her free hand slip down to play along Wyxt's thigh, but otherwise remains mostly motionless, just the rise and fall of her heavy breasts being a steady indicator that she's just sleeping...and also something nice to look at, especially after Wyxt made that tear in the fabric of the robe. She seems relaxed and just enjoys the warmth, emanating from the fire and from her beloved beneath her.

Lucia glares at the woman for a moment, supressing the urge to snap her fist across the bar and knock the woman from her stool. It was a simple mistake, the attitude wasn't necessary in her eyes. Still, she slips off to the kitchen and quickly returns with the requested drink, setting it down quickly in front of the woman.

Talbain nods and steps around the couch, sitting down a short distance away from Wyxt and Sia before quicking grabbing a throw pillow and covering his lap with it, hands resting on top. Turning his head to look over the two, he can't help but let his eyes wander over their forms again, very keen on where Sia's hand was going. "Perhaps the catgirl is right, a bath would be most relaxing..."

Lucia nods a little. "Sorry, I got distracted. When you're as small as I am, you tend to try and keep an eye on those bigger than you are, you know?" off to the side, speaking to the catwoman.

Wyxt shakes her head. "Nah, we ain't funk'h. We jus' want t' sit 'ere like lazy cats in front o' th' 'earth. Y' can't possibl'h tell m' y' can't relate t' that." Wyxt grins at Rila over Sia's shoulder, then shrugs just a touch, before she glances Lucia's way. 'That' makes her grin, before she glances back to the rest quietly. Her hand leaves Sia's rump, instead coming to rest lightly on her beloved's belly, rubbing in a slow, circular, comforting motion as she idly rests her chin on Sia's shoulder. Occasionally, when not talking to the others, Wyxt whispers soft, sweet nothings in her beloved wife's ear, teasing about things they've done and things they'll do, while massaging her lady. She waggles her eyebrows at Talbain then, and purrs. "Sorr'h by th' way Talbain darlin', Sia or I'd 'elp y' out wit' that achin' shaft o' y'rs, but I gotta let 'er get 'er rest first." Hmm, tease first, please later? It seemed to have worked well with Sia. Lucia blushes and glances away when the pretty troll looks over at her, realizing she'd been caught staring.

Rila gives a little shrug and unhooks her knees from the beam; rotating around and landing in front of the new trolls. She moves towards the hearth as she places her back against their chair... taking in the fire and yawning softly. "Nyaaaaaaa...aaaahhh... Fire is warm. That good for Rila. Rila like be warm. Get cold here too."

Sia mrrrs softly at the rubbing on her belly and smiles. She seems barely awake anymore anyway, though she does, occasionally, open her eyes slightly to peer around at the others, that playful gleam never quite leaving those crimson orbs as she rests comfortably in Wyxt's lap and lets herself be treated and giggles occasionally, apparwently from some of the comments Wyxt now and then whispers to her. Not a giggle directed at anything, but a giggle coming from images playing in her mind.

Talbain nods, looking a bit disappointed. The baths would have been a terrific excuse to see them naked. Ears prick up again and swivel towards Wyxt, trying to hear what kind of naughtyness she was whispering into Sia's ear. His eyes open wide in surprise as Wyxt says something about his shaft, pressing down ever more on that pillow on his lap, which seems to just spring back up just as hard. "Umm... whatever do you mean?" he asks, face a deep shade of red now.

Wyxt smirks. "Then y' know why me an' m' wife be way too laz'h t' wrestle right 'bout now!" She grins at Rila. Of course, the Frost troll herself didn't give a damned about the cold as much as what the cold did to other people, which she played with sometimes. She decides that she likes the catwoman. She might not be one for wrestling and fighting all the time, but the catgirl, while coming off a bit simpleminded, seemed spunky and friendly enough. The vast amount of muscle was a 'little' intimidating, but she supposed it ranked up there with the.. uh... goblinoids from back home, heh. "Y' can't tell me y' don't expect two gals like ourselves not t' notice a tent that big right in our faces, seriousl'h. We be new to th' area, but not t' th' mindset mind ya." Wyxt smirks. Baths? There was no excuse needed when the two 'weren't' tired.

Wyxt rubs Sia's belly in those slow, tender circles, purring lightly again. Occasionally, she nips Sia's ear... not enough to distract her resting wife, but just to tease, and occasionally, she nibbles her way along Sia's shoulder and neck, before licking at the sensitive, slightly darkened flesh, kissing and making small suckling noises. "Mmmm, rememb'r th' back all'h Sia darlin'?"

Rila stretches her arms out as she yawns again... her head near the two trolls as she warms herself by the fire as well. Her ears flick softly through her spiky orange hair... the jungle kitty's tail swaying behind her. She felt like she wanted to ask the trolls if she could cuddle, but was unsure of asking strangers...

Sia giggles softly in her seemingly dazed state. She notes the catgirl sitting down now and chuckles softly, then returns to the soft little, pleased sounds that escape her lips at the treatment from Wyxt. She lets one foot dangle a little and brushes it against Rila, just a sort of friendly nudge since her own sentiments basically match Wyxt's. She would make more comments about that ten she can see whenever she opens her eyes a little, but she decides to let Wyxt do the teasing for now. She's good enough for two at it anyway.

Green eyes flicker over the troll girls again and he chuckles, setting down the half-empty mug of cream ale on the large, wooden table, leaning back in his chair and kicking his boots up onto the edge, hands sliding behind his head to intertwine with that fiery orange hair a little. Chewing on his lip, he laughs after a moment, and calls out, "You ain't hidin' the tent that she's talkin' about that well, mate," to Talbain, grinning towards Wyxt and giving the buxom trolless a playful wink. They were having a profound effect on the human as well, it seemed, if one even... glanced, at his lap.

Talbain looks down, realizing how futile his efforts had been, and releases the pillow with a sigh, which is promptly catapulted over his shoulder by the massive, rock hard, cockbulge that had been hiding beneath, springing to its upright position. Eyes peek over at Wyxt and Sia, wondering what their reaction might be. "Oh... you mean this? Ah well, it kind of is both of your faults..." Rila blinks a little at the foot and turns to face Sia, tilting her head and uttering a questioned, "Nyah..?"

-Finished in Part 2-
© Copyright 2009 Wicked Wyxt of the Freak (purrversion at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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