Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1573359-Chapter-3-and-4
by Amica
Rated: E · Chapter · Entertainment · #1573359
Ch 3 - A dream within a dream Ch 4 - Sweet Nightmare
Chapter 3
It's 3 am and I wanted to write about this while its still fresh. Have you ever had those dreams that just seem so real? Like you were in that reality until you realize that it seems to good to be true? I woke up from one just awhile ago. I know that just before I was going to sleep, Miguel's smile was all I could think about. But I couldn't see who my mystery man was. I think this time it's a different one...or maybe it could still be him. Wait, lemme write down my dream from the beginning...

It was early morning. The sun wasn't shining but it was bright enough that I could see. I went out for a jog. I was jogging past houses, coffee shops, clothing stores...the whole place just seemed empty. The cold air, the mist, my sweat sliding down the side of my face, my breathing getting harder and harder every time I step. I ended up stopping by the beach. Hearing the waves crash onto the shore. Birds echoing back to one another. I bent down to grab a stone. (Probably came into my dream because of last night.) Just when I was about to skip it, someone covered my eyes. The person didn't want to let go. I screamed, but no one seemed to hear me. This is where my dream jumped into another scene.
I was in what seemed like the basement of some old abandoned house. Papers were scattered everywhere, books ruined, burnt pictures... except for one. Framed onto the wall like it was just hung. Odd. It was a picture of this beautiful woman. She wasn't smiling, but even that she pulled off looking stunning in her red dress. Her skin was to die for. So perfect. Her hair silky smooth. Her eyes were, what I think, the weirdest yet suitable color for her. One eye was a hazelnut colored brown, while the other eye looked like Earth from outer space. I envied this picture. Then I noticed the initials 'ME' on the corner. I was so focused on the picture, gazing at its beauty, when I saw a hooded figure behind me from the reflection. I turned around and asked what it wanted from me. The person just pointed. I didn't know if it was to me or the picture behind me. I needed to get out of there before things got weirder. I bolted for the stairs. Once I was almost out of the basement heading for the door, he grabs me and kisses me. I don't know why I kissed back in my dream, but I did. Then it changed scene.. again.
I'm now laying down on a mattress. Covered up in old blankets. Fluff and candles everywhere. I turned to my side and I was beside a half naked guy. He didn't turn to face me. He stood up and walked away. That's when I took the time to look around me and realized that surrounding the mattress where I'm guessing we made love, was blood. The odd part was it didn't seem like blood, but like red paint. Did someone paint with our or MY blood? Besides that, there was a note on the pillow where he was. It read, 'To the most beautiful woman. I love you, but you must die. I'm sorry. Love, ME'. I instantly took the blankets off me. I had blood all over me, and a big wound that was carved into a symbol on my stomach. I started to fade into unconsciousness...before everything faded away, the last thing I saw was his smile.....

THEN I WOKE UP. Ok, maybe it wasn't really a good dream, but what does it mean? Dreams do mean something right? I don't know what that dream was trying to tell me, but hopefully it doesn't happen again. I should get some sleep, or at least try. I'll just write about what happened earlier today at the end of tomorrow. Goodnight..again. Till the next entry...

Chapter 4

I have two days worth of ranting. One from yesterday and stuff that happened today. First about yesterday (besides the dream that totally woke me up). Yesterday, we brought my dad to his dream job so we could see the place for ourselves and soak up the excitement with him. However, we couldn't stay long for we had to check out the school we were going to study in. Portland High School is an old school from what I've heard. And I could tell, but I couldn't complain about it. It was one of the best high schools here in Portland. Plus, my parents both graduated from this school. Adam and I got our schedules for the school year, were in most of each others classes except for Art. He has his on a different day. Anyways, skipping the boring school stuff, we went to Old Port and ate at Bill's Pizza. My dad met us there and we stuffed ourselves with their big pizzas. Well, big for me for I have a small stomach. Nothing exciting happened much yesterday. Probably because my dream took up most of my thoughts today that I don't remember much of yesterday. All I know was yesterday was a typical day being a newbie here in Portland and all. We were still what I would consider tourists.

And now for what happened today....
This morning my dad showed us the newspaper and he circled in his very first article. It wasn't that big of a story, just about some animal helping develop science. Still, it was nice to see my dad happy....so happy he wanted to frame it even. Which my mom proudly did so. We hung it right beside the clock in the dining room. Then my dad left for work. School doesn't start until tomorrow for me and my brother so our grandparents decided to take us out and show us around Portland. My mom decided to go shopping for a house, but she said she would meet up with us later. They didn't show us to any place where we saw people our age around. We went from Casco Bay, to the Old Port Exchange, to Hadlock Field, then around East End. I think my grandparents took us around Portland.. literally.

The sun was starting to set so we settled down to eat at Maria's. My parents met up with us just in time to order for dinner. During our dinner, Adam accidentally spilled soda on me. What’s worse is that I was wearing a white shirt and his soda was in a big glass. I was soaked! Thankfully, my mom actually did some shopping and picked out a.... freaky coincidence part of my day......a red dress. She bought it for me telling me that every girl should have a sexy dress in her closet. My soda soaked shirt didn't bother me as much as the red dress was because I had just dreamt about it. It took me a few seconds to react and take the dress from my mom to go change in the restroom. I was in the stall taking off my soaked tee and I felt as if I was back in my dream. It made me think of the woman in the picture, the note... it was me?? Was it?? I snapped back into reality and tried not to think too much about the dress. I was finally clean, at least off of soda, which by the way Adam didn't stop apologizing over until he saw me in the dress. He said I looked better post-spillage of soda.

After dinner we went out for some coffee. I ordered hot cocoa instead and decided to walk around. My family never seemed to mind seeing as I've had my basic knowledge of the places in Portland. I came across an art gallery. There was this strange statue of a man with a big belly and a small head so I went inside to check out some more interesting things. No one was inside except for this guy. He was sculpting a woman's body out of this big block of clay. It was amazing to see for he had no model to look at. I panicked thinking I shouldn't be there that as I turned around I knocked down a little brown statue. It broke and it startled me and him. I felt so embarrassed that I quickly tried to get as much of the broken pieces off the floor and left it on the table. He then called out to me. (This part may not be exactly worded, but it went something like this.)
"Hey, you know you have to pay for that."
"I'm sorry." I then walked over to him and offered $10. As I was about to leave he tapped my shoulder.
"I can't take this."
"Why not? I broke your little statue."
"Its not worth this much."
"Well, keep it. Its also my pay for intruding. Sorry."
"No its ok. Glad you came in."
"Well, there wasn't any CLOSED sign and your big belly statue guy caught my eye."
"Oh, well, haha. My uncle inspired me for that."
He was a funny guy...cute too. He reached out to shake my hand...THEN HE SMILED AND SAID "Hi. I'm Miguel."

Ok.. I was totally weirded out about my mom buying me a red dress just like in my dream, but then seeing Miguel.. again. This time I introduced myself to him and surprisingly he remembers me. I can't word out our conversation, but it would have been totally memorable to keep it here in my diary if I could. We talked about our first encounter and how were surprised that we saw each other again. He told me his uncle owns the place, but all his art was displayed. He then made me laugh by telling me that the statue in the front of the gallery makes it feel as if his uncle is around all the time. He even complimented me on my dress so I told him about how I had to wear it. Telling him the story seemed to make this red dress just icky to wear every minute. Time just seemed to have stopped when we were getting to know each other. He was so charming and cute. I've probably met one of the most talented and good looking guys in Portland...and trust me, I think I've seen them all. My phone starts ringing and my parents wanted me to go back to the cafe. I was a little bit bummed that I had to say goodbye, but at least I knew where I'd find him. When I had to leave he gave me, what he called his last artwork for the night. It was folded neatly into a square and he told me not to open it until I got home. We hugged... but longer this time. As if the hug made us both not want to let go, but just stay where we were, enjoying each others company late at night. If only.....

Eventually, I had to go. We went our separate ways and I was home. I was about to go to bed until I remembered the paper he gave me. I opened it up and it was a sketch of me.. on the phone. I thought to myself 'wow, that was fast.' His number was above and a little note saying call me on the bottom. THEN THE THIRD THING THAT SHOCKED ME TONIGHT! The initials 'ME' were on the bottom corner. I threw the paper across the room. At least I tried. It got halfway where it landed right underneath the door. My mind started to wander everywhere and anywhere it could.. from my dream to what happened today and especially from a few minutes ago. I didn't want to know what was to come tomorrow. I didn't even want to think of Miguel, even though he was the highlight of my night. I feel like I'm dreaming again, but this time I was awake...and that's never a good thing for I don't know how to wake up from it. I'm going to put on my earphones, blast some sounds into my head as so I don't hear my own thoughts racing like a little hamster on its wheel. Tonight was definitely.. what I would call my 'sweet nightmare'. Hopefully tomorrow, school will take up most of my thoughts and distract me from tonight... if I could ever forget it. Till the next entry....
© Copyright 2009 Amica (purplemunster at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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