Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1570591-is-it-true-love
by Shana
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1570591
Melissa Drenvra, who's been in love wiht Butel Jhonson for the longest and he loves her.
                          Chapter 1                  Bye bye Mother

I could remember everything thst happen that day vividly. I could still hear mom voice begging dad to stay: “please stay for your own daughter sake” she beg him, she cry the whole night blaming herself for my dad leaving us. One month later, I saw my dad with another woman he was smiling and he totaling forget  about us. I try to talk to him but he ask me not to ruin his life because his new don’t know about his pevious life. I was shocked and I feel abandone by my own father really hurts me. I always wonder if one I was in love with someone will he leave me too. Then after all that my mom was able the recover that shocking news and remarried had a baby. It was my new brother and my new father. Only three years afterward, he found out that he had a daughter, and now I have a sister and brother to play with. Two years later I was in fifth grade, I met my prince. He was not a prince thought. We start getting along smoothly; he was my first best friend. We hang out a lot, watch movies, and he lends me his shoulders to cry on, when I am sad. What I did not expect was for him to love me back, I ask him to let me think about which will be no need for, since I love him back too, but I was not ready for what is going to happen next. The ways I explain it to you make it sound like I have an easy life, but it was a nightmare: my parent always argue and even physical hit each other. Sometime I think that, if I were not there they would kill each other, consequently I would go cry my heart out to Bultel. I always plan to go to Japan when I am eighteen; I plan everything, so I could be ready to take action when time is ready. Of course, Bultel involve in this plan. Everyday I dream the day would come when I confess my feeling to him and went to vacation with him in Japan. In addition, today was the day to make a move at his birthday party tonight.  My birthday is today too, it incredible likes we were meant to be together, we will be eighteen together. This morning, I was reading anime in the computer, but my little brother wants to play game in it. “No you won’t, you’ll wait until I’m finish” I scoffed. “No give it back, I had it first” ridiculous he wake up early in the morning to get the computer just to play game; I was getting irritates by listening to his ridiculous rule that he made up. “You were playing around and when I’m on it, you want it,” I scolded him. “Well yeah” he responded. “No” I said angrily “give it back to back to him, you always on it, nobody know what you doing” his father yell, talk about being unfair “no, I ‘m not finish” he grab his belt as if he was going to hit me. I‘ll ignore because he could not and he was not my father. He starts swinging the belt around and I argue with him being so unfair, I was so mad. I get up and go to my room. Then after 3 minutes, I came out, pick up the phone and call my mom. I ask her to drive me at Bultel birthday party. I guess you wonder why I do not have a birthday party. I dress up and wait for her outside. I saw her car coming in the parking lot, she get out of the car, running toward me. “What wrong?” She asks me. What is wrong…? Is that husband of yours? “Why are you waiting outside? Is there something wrong” she blabbed, “No mom, would you just drive me to the party already?” I said hurried inside the car “okay no need to rush me” said mom while she get in the car. When I arrived at the party, I put on a happy face and said “happy birthday, wow you look hot” I smiles “why thank you” he grind wider and wider. “So Bultel do you have a girlfriend yet” I ask him. “No” he yells looking at me with the poppy eyes dogs “what? Why are you looking at me that way?” I said joking around. “You know how I felt about you, yet you choice to play with it” he explain. I look at him feeling guilty and smile. “Here’s your birthday present from me” I walk closer to him and kiss him. “My answer is yes, did I give you what you want the most for a birthday present,” I whisper in his ear. He blushes and I grin by the shock expression on his face and he grabs me to kiss me more passionate. “Does that mean we are boyfriend and girlfriend now” he grins at me, I laugh. We walk to the dance floors and dance like crazy. Then suddenly the DJ passes a slow song. I try to escape it but he grabs me by the waist. I blush and his squeezed me closer. I could feel his heart beating, oh how I like to tell my plan to him but instead I stay quietly until the music is finish and ask him “Bultel can I used your phone.” “Sure” he yells over the music “where is it” I yell back “downstairs to the left” he shouts back “okay thanks” I shout over the top of my lungs, by then the music was finish, so I scream over nothing, I sight. I ran downstairs, pick up the phone, and start dialing my mom phone numbers. She picks up “hello.” “Hello mom” I said, “is it time to pick you up yet” she ask, mom it only 8:45 pm “mom I’m not coming back” oh my god how is she going to take it. “Why not” she said it calmly, so she does not sound as if, she was not freaking out. “I have enough! “I explain to her but she did not get it. “What? What do you mean you have enough? “She screams at me over the phone.”Mom I'm sorry, I'm leaving the country with Bultel," I tell her, it may sound like a joke but it no joke I am serious. "What? Are you crazy leaving, where you are going? Is this a joke" she asks me furious. “We’ll be going to Japan of course" I say annoyed “but you just turn eighteen” she  try to stop me, but it was too late I already made up my mind to leave. My reason to leave is obvious, I just can stand watching them, taking my fun away, I not a babysitter and I have my own life to live. Life is too short for me to be waste it away on babysitting my parent, like mom said is that a ‘woman cannot survived without love’.  “Yes I know mom I’m an adult now so good bye” oh, my god I am sure she is crying right now. “Wait you idiot,” she screams but I hung up the phone and ran up stair again, the party ended and everyone is gone, the place is all mess up. “Bultel where are you?” I said at loud “right here” he responded me, I run to him and sit on his desk “let’s go to Japan now” I said holding his hand .“It will be a vacation, some where we could celebrate on becoming girlfriend and boyfriend or to make memories together ok” I ask, it felt like a drop the bean to him too early. “What? Are you sure, did you tell your mom” he said, sheeeh what is wrong with that boy, a girl he like want to be along with him and all he can think about is her mom, seriously. “Do you want to go or not” I got angry, he stare and jump off the chair. “You right I should start making reservation ahh, I’ll be right back” he ran, he is so cute when he is blushing. I stated packing but I have no clothe here but I pack he’s clothe for him. Knock, he knocks the door “everything is set, we’ll go to the airplane at 8:00 am the flight start at 8:30 am…” he stay quiet for a while then say. “Let’s go to sleeps” he turn off the light and we enter the bed together. OH..., MY GOD! I DO NOT BELIEVE IT; I AM SLEEPING IN THE SAME BED AS A GUY, I JUST CONFESS TOO.  I scream at myself in my thought. “Bultel, are you asleep” I ask him “yeah” he responded me. “Oh” I turn around. “do you need something “ he ask me as he turn to face me “well you see I did not bring any clothes” I said embarrassing  “so when I saw you change out of your party clothes….. Ahh are you naked now” he runs to turn on the light. “So you do want to saw me naked,” I said, grinning at him, “I swear I didn’t look,” he said covering his eyes. “Of course I wearing something” I scoff. “See, I’m wearing your shirt” I smiles, he walk to me “do you have any idea how much I like you” he exclaim “I love you so much that I don’t want to share you with anyone” he continued, stay silence for a second and go on “are you trying to seducing me?” he muttered under his breath. “Well you don’t have to share me with anyone, I love you and I want to stay by your side and you by my side” I responded him, tries to avoid the seduced part.  I stare at him as he held onto me; we kiss, starting off sweet and slow, but then it intensified until we on the bed kissing with true passion. His hand quickly slips under my shirt. However, at first contact of his hand to her skin, she jumps and pushes him away, skittish.  Flustered and embarrassed, he realize hat she does not will not to go any further and stop. He went to sleep in the guess room leaving me in his room…. Peep the alarm, but I was already awake. I made breakfast and take a quick shower. “Bultel… Bultel” I call him “huh” he responded, he sounds so sleepy. “It time to go” I tell him, he hurried to the bathroom, take a quick showing up, and eat the breakfast I made him, he looks like his was enjoying it. We grab a cab, as we arrive the airport, I saw my mom holding my suitcase. “I ask her to bring your clothes for you since you said you forgot it,” he explains, I pushed my mom in the corner, “you did not tell him about the fight we have, right.” “God no, anyway goodbye be careful okay” she said hugging me. “You not mad” I ask her “n-no honey I’m sorry okay and I wish you happiness” as she said that I felt the guilt running down my spine, afterward I start to cry “ I call you as soon as I got there okay.” I said waving my arm to her “remember to invite me to your wedding okay,” she said “okay” I respond back. “Promise me” she asks me “I promise,” I swear to her. “Bultel did you tell her we going to got married” I ask him angrily “no she just assume it was, since I said we dating now” he respond, I got in the airplane crying but still I will look forward to the new life that Bultel and I will build together. 


                              chapter 2                     


                                      My new life

“Fasten your seatbelt we will be landing now,” The pilot announce in the speaker. “Hey Melissa wake up, we arrived” Bultel shakes me awake “what time is it” I ask. “14 am” he responds “can you just told me in a way I can understand” I pound, he shake his head “fine 2 am, satisfied now” he said, I kiss him “where are we going now” I ask him as we ride the cab “to a hotel” he said pointing at the  Peninsula Tokyo five star hotel. As we get off the cab. The butler puts our suitcase in the cart and then shows us our suites, all the way in the top to the very last suites on 314 floors. He was telling us something, but I did not understand a thing, Bultel seem to understand since he is the one having a conversation. “What were you guys talking about” I ask him curiously “oh I ask him if he can find somebody to give us a tour around tomorrow” he claim, I was so excited to know he speak Japanese and he kind of sound sexy when he speak it. “I didn’t know you can speak Japanese” I continued, “You sound so sexy when you were talk to that man.” “ You want me to teach you as well as me” he tease me “are you a that good enough to teach me” I flattering him “ohohohoh are you making fun of me” he push me in the bed and tickle me as punishment “ahahahahahaha s-s-stop it ahahahahahaha” I laughs. He stands “hey come here, I want to show you something cool.” He arms are wrapping around my waist. He opened the sliding doors and we stood out on the balcony. I leaned on the cool metal rail and gazed at the busy street down below. “Wow that so cool” I amazed. We enter the room again and go back to bed. “Are you having fun” he ask me as he turn off the lights “yeah” I put my arm around him and whisper in his ears “I like you”. “Me too” he replied in low voice. As we fell asleep, I feel like this is the happiest time of my life, whenever I am with him my heart beat faster and I like him more and more. I want him to love me some much more and I want to be his most precious treasure person he can lose and him mine. Sniff what that smell…. It coming from the kitchen, I got up and follow where the good smell where coming from, “you can cook” I said envious and excited to eat what he cook for me, it almost like we newlyweds. “Eats, we have a lot to do today,” he said hurried take off the apron. “Where are we going today” I ask while stuffing the food inside my mouth fast. “It a surprise” he grinned, grabs me in my wrist and hurry to a cab. He handed a paper to the driver. On the paper there was an address written in Japanese. “Hmmh… What is this place” I manage to choke out at last. “Since you love anime, so I bring you to the anime center first” he grinned, revealing a tiny dimple at the corner of his mouth. “Oh my” I scream in lower voice as I touch those new manga that just came out. “So much of them I want to buy all of them” I murmured, not daring to move. “I don’t think I can afford them all thought” he laugh, I could not help staring at the book. “Do you want it” he smiles and he buys me two books: W Juliet volume 11 and 12.  Then we visited the Meiji Jung shrine in Shibuya, we pray as we saw the Japanese do next to us. We brought the fortune cookies. “Wow where are going now” I ask excitedly impatiently to wait to hear what he has to say. He pulls me by my arms and hurried I a taxis. As we got off the taxis I cannot help but stare the ride was very tall. “Whoa I’m not going to ride that,” I said, feeling very scares “why?” he asks confusing. “Do you need to ask, look how tall the ride is and it call mad house” I argue forcing him not to ride “oh no it the name is Eejanika” he corrected me “what but-but, ooh I like the Japanese decoration” I said trying to distract him. “Ahahaah” he laughs. You not going to get yourself out of that one he thought. He drags me in the lines, he keep hold on to my waist so I did not escape. Huuh humph we are holding hand in public eeeheeh I thoughts. I sat right to him “oh my god, Bultel I swear if…” “I buy you the cotton candy you want to eat” he smiles at me. “Oohhh really… hey don’t you use cand---yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. Aaaaaaahhhh” I scream as soon as the ride drop us down and rotating us around. The ride was 25minutes long man that was the longest ride I ever rode and the scariest too I thought. I grip his hand hard and start crying, “Hey what’s wrong?” he asks me but I ignored him. “Ok I’m sorry I should let you ride it, I know you were scare but I didn’t man to scare you to death sorry.” “It not that” I wipe my tear away. “It not than what is it then” he asks, worried “it just that I wasn’t prepares and I hurt my neck very baldly” I mutter as we walk around the park. “Come on, your feet hurt right so  ... I’ll give you piggy back ride” he grinned. I accept and get on his back. He buys me the cotton candy and goes to more rides this time I was prepared and have fun. I was thrill to ride that entire ride. The second ride was the Arrow hyper coaster then the B&B mega coaster. The third one was Intamin mega coaster, Giovanoca mega coaster, the Togo hyper coaster and the last one was Mange-Morgan hyper coaster. After all that, we were so tired and hungry, when we saw a ramen shop. I think we eat about 10 bowls each after that we drink some alcohol we were waste and it was fun. Moreover, before we went to sleep we play card and watch the star, we fell asleep outside on the balcony. Ah, I wish we could stay like that, as we are in this chair so close to each other. I could felt him breathing down my neck; I could even hear his heart beating. I like it; he made me feel warm and cozy. I kiss him on his forehead and I cover both of us with a blanket, so we do not catch a cold. Hugh, what time is it I asked myself. The sun was bright and the city was a life. I check to see if Bultel was still next to me, but he was already awake. I check the kitchen, he was not there, and I could find him anywhere. I thought he probably left just like father. Just when I though he was gone, someone knock at the door. I went to open it. I saw him standing there with a lot of bag full with my favorite food. Macaroni, instant noodles, frozen pizza, fresh fish, chicken nugget, and other. He brought like    strawberry ice cream desert Instead of helping him I hug tight really, tight so he could not escape, “hey what’s wrong” he lifts my face. “I though you left like dad did that night after he hugs me he left with another woman,” I said, sobbing and weeping continuously knowing how she would miss him if he would left her along and felt desperately ridicule to that she thought he left. He wept away my tears, he apologist for not leave a note telling where he went. He knew about me not trusting any guy because I thought they would betray me. An instant later they were on their feet, pressing against each. He’s lips were devouring hers, uncontrollable     

They continued, his hand slip under her shirt…… as soon his skin made contact she pulls away skittishly. Embarrassment and frustrated…… thank god he was save by the ring of the hotel room phone. “Hey Melissa did you felt lonely when I was gone” he ask as he hung up the phone. “Yes, I feel scare and lonely” I sat down on the side of the bed. “Don’t you think it will be too cruel to leave you here in an unknown country” he sat behind me and hugs me tight from behind. I could feel tears falling out of my eyes and my heart is aching each time I remember my mom voice when she was crying that day. “I had a nightmare last night” I wailed “what was it about” he asks me, not letting me go “I saw you getting farther away from me and I wasn’t able to stop you”.  “     


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