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The revolution already started all over the world.
                                                                                START A REVOLUTION

         A question inside the darkness of my thoughts is starting to become an obsession. What if this world is so corrupted that whatever I am doing is not changing anything?

                I start thinking there are already so many politicians, so many priests and so many visionary men and women that use better words then I do, so many schooled people that have red many more books than I did, more people that have much more power than I have and they already convinced this world that they know the truth.

         Then I remember that this world is so big and so many souls are part of it and maybe one of them is looking for what I am writing in this moment. Maybe that is why I feel this crazy unexplained urge to express what is inside of me. Maybe this urge is one of these souls that feel me and needs a word or a thought that will set him free from the prison of his illusions.

I change the feeling inside of my heart and look at the world again hoping that my eyes will perceive the truth. Now everything looks different. I see clearly how many souls feel lost inside of this illusory reality and all of them feel that what they think doesn’t matter and they feel excluded and marginalized. If I can help only one soul to free itself it will be like I free myself  and I will not be alone trying to break this illusionary reality of sadness and desperation. Now we will be two as one and we will know. No words necessary to thank each other, no need to know each other’s name because we will become aware that we are much bigger then our name is.

         Two as one we are starting a revolution and after a little while us will be three as one and so on. I am realizing that is not necessary to convince the world, it is enough to feel the world a part of yourself and the world will become as you are feeling inside.

         We have tried so many times to start revolutions and each time it didn’t matter and this world got only darker. I understand now that there was no one to convince. All the revolutions that we tried until this moment didn’t start from our heart. All started from our head and we thought there is someone that had the truth and the rest were wrong.

         Starting a revolution with our heads was only an illusion because we were fighting each other. Evan if our eyes were seeing the blood of our enemy, our heart was feeling the pain of killing ourselves.

         There has never been an enemy. To see one means that you don’t see yourself. How it can be an enemy when our feelings are the same. Which is the difference between us and them? Who is us and who is them? How you can be sure that you have the truth and they don’t? How you can be sure that there is a truth? How you know that yours is the truth?

         All the revolutions that we fought until now were necessary for us to arrive to this last revolution. All the people that died and suffer did their part so we will learn that there is nobody to fight with. Ask the Earth and learn how to listen. It will tell you that it felt only blood, no names, no color, no empty words of freedom, and no illusions of who won the war and who lost like we learned in school. It felt only blood, our blood.  It was my blood, it was your blood, it was the blood of your mother and father, and it was the blood of your son and daughter. Ask the Earth and listen with your heart. Feel what it has to teach you and stop listening to empty words.

         Stop listening to empty promises, stop believing in beliefs that made us feel separate from each other, stop your foolish hope.

         How can somebody speak to you about the truth? How can somebody tell you what your truth is? How can anybody save your soul? How can something be more beautiful and more divine then your soul is? How can somebody tell you how your soul is?

         Let me share with you that my soul is filled of love and happiness… Why you should listen to what I have to say? Easy, just because I arrived to my soul and my soul is your soul and your soul is the soul of everything that exists. Please accept that this is not metaphorical writing. There is no metaphorical way of expression. There are only two ways that one can express: from his heart and with empty words. Forget what you have been learning with your brain. There is no possibility that your brain can learn what you already know. Everything that you think you know is only hiding the true color of your soul.

What you are reading in this second are only words for your eyes to see and for your brain to accept because the real you already know these things. The real you wrote these words with me. You can feel trapped inside of an illusion but the real you can’t be trapped anywhere.

         The time to break free from the illusion is here. Close your eyes and feel your soul. Feel who you really are. Feel how beautiful your soul is. Feel how infinite you are.

         Now, open your eyes again and look at the world. Now your eyes will see that the final revolution is here. The time for you to help this revolution has arrived. You don’t need to do anything. You have only to feel your heart filled with love and happiness and imagine a future for all of us. This is our final revolution. This is a revolution where we can only win, because there is nobody that can stop us! There has never been, we created even our demons!

         Every time that you close and open your eyes remember that the revolution started and you are part of it. You will feel your lips smiling because even your body knows.

Every time you think somebody made you feel sad remember that nobody can make you feel said, only you can, and feel again that your body already knows. Feel the same smile on your lips.

Every time you think somebody is making you unhappy, remember that nobody can make you unhappy, only you can and again feel the smile on your lips. It will be a sign that your lips know more than your brain does.  Your lips know better than all the preachers, then all the books that you have ever taken seriously and even better then what your eyes see.

Every time that you feel like watching some television remember that your subconscient is working to build a future that you didn’t choose for your children.


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