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rough draft for a script i'm working on |
Heidi Baker Script Rough Draft INT. CHURCH – NIGHT A soup kitchen is set up in a large room. There are tables and chairs set up. Some homeless people, with old tattered clothes and dirty faces, are huddled over their bowls of soup, not talking to anyone, eating as if it’s the last meal they’ll have for a long time. There are a bunch of teens serving soup at a long table, and homeless people waiting in line to get food. THOMAS is a homeless man waiting in line with an empty bowl. His clothes are tattered, he wears a long silver cross necklace, and he has a twitch, he is scratching his arms and neck. Two girls busy themselves to avoid him. Girl #1 Ugh, Thomas. Let someone else serve him. He gives me the creeps. Girl #2 Let Ava serve him, she gives me the creeps. AVA is already making her way towards Thomas. Ava is a sixteen year old who dresses like a hippie, complete with piercings and a tattoo. She walks up to Thomas, grabbing him by the arm, guiding him to the table, where she personally serves him some soup. Ava: Thomas, let me help you with that. How are you doing today? Thomas: (stuttering) I-I need to t-talk to you Ava. Ava: Okay Thomas, let’s go sit down. CUT TO: INT. SECRET ROOM – NIGHT There are three robed figures, whose faces we can’t see, preparing some sort of ceremony. One moves a rug from the floor, revealing a painted circle with an upside down star painted inside, a Satanic symbol. Two more robed figures carry candles and set them at the edges of the circle. Robed Figure #1 Where is the guinea pig for possession sacrifice? Robed Figure #2 The others are bringing him. CUT TO: INT. CHURCH- NIGHT Ava is sitting next to Thomas, waiting for him to speak to her. Thomas takes a bite of his soup and looks around him to make sure no one care hear before he speaks. Thomas I-I can’t c-c-come here no more. Ava Why not Thomas? Thomas (scratching his arms then face) It’s n-not s-s-safe. It’s bad. Ava Thomas, this is the safest place you could possibly be. (chuckles) It’s a church. Thomas N-n-no Ava. No. Ava’s eyes widen at Thomas’s words, she takes a deep breath and then stares at him, awaiting an explanation. Thomas There are r-really bad… Evil… evil th-things… here. Ava looks around, her eyes widen and she seems confused. Ava Here? Thomas Shhh… I-I want you t-to be safe. You’re my f-f-friend. Pray. Pray all the t-time. CUT TO: INT. SECRET ROOM- NIGHT The three figures are seated around the circle, waiting for the guinea pig. A large door creaks in the background and shuffling feet and whimpering are heard. The last two robed figures are dragging a whimpering man into the room. The man has a bag tied over his head, but he is wearing tattered clothes, and a long silver cross necklace, and he is scratching his arms when he doesn’t have them held by the men. He is tripping because he can’t see where he’s going. The two robed figures push him to his knees in the middle of the circle and one holds a knife to his throat. He is still whimpering and slouches. The first robed figure picks up a book and begins to read from it. Robed Figure #1 “The god of the dead, Mephistopheles, binds thee to me!” Suddenly the man with the bag over his head stops slouching, he sits straight up and his head tilts back. He speaks in a clear, distorted, and possessed voice. Thomas Teach them the ways of the Lord. Once they believe you, seek me again for guidance. I will teach you how to make them yours. The first robed figure nods and blows out the candle in front of him. Robed Figure #1 “The death god has given thee to me, and now he calls thee back!” Thomas falls to the ground, the robed figure who held the knife to his throat now rolls Thomas onto his side. The robed figures begin to chant in unison. All robed figures In the name of all unholy, we offer to thee Mephistopheles. The robed figure next to Thomas slits his throat. Thomas hasn’t moved, still weak from the possession. He bleeds out onto the upside down star. CUT TO: EXT. CHURCH- NIGHT One of the robed figures is dragging Thomas’s body out behind a shed back behind the church. He takes a gas can out of the shed, and pours gas in and around the dead body. He crosses himself, laughs, and throws a match on the body, watching it go up in flames. All we see are the giant flames. CUT TO: EXT. CHURCH PARKING LOT- DAY All we can see is the sun shining at first. Soon, Ava and her family come into view. They are walking from the parking lot towards the church. Ava walks quickly ahead of her family with a smile on her face. Close behind her, Ava’s younger brother chases their younger sister. The two laugh and bicker. Ava’s parents walk behind the rest of the family side by side, her father with a big Bible in his arm. Ava reaches for the door handle. CUT TO: EXT. PSYCHOLOGIST’S OFFICE- DAY A YOUNG AVA, twelve years old, reaches for the door handle to the psychologist’s office. Her mother is behind her and places a hand on her shoulder, almost as if to push her in. CUT TO: INT. CHURCH ENTRANCE- DAY Ava enters the church and a young couple is greeting some people who have come in before her. Ava embraces the young woman. Wife Ava! Thanks again for watching Trevor on Wednesday. Ava No, thank you. Trevor never even cries, and he only needed one diaper change. Wife He never cries for you. (To husband) See honey, he never cries for Ava. The husband who has just finished his conversation with another member of the congregation looks over and shakes Ava’s hand. CUT TO: INT. PSYCHOLOGIST’S OFFICE- DAY The young Ava is shaking the hand of her psychologist, Dr. Fern. Dr. Fern is a stout woman in her early 40’s. She also shakes Ava’s mother’s hand. She motions the two to sit in leather chairs. The office is as typical as it can get. Leather chairs, big wooden desk, bookshelves, and fake plants. Ava and her mother sit down. Dr. Fern sits down in the chair behind the desk. Dr. Fern So Ava, I hear that you’ve been having bad dreams? Ava nods her head and looks at her mother. Her mother nods her head in the direction of the psychologist. CUT TO: INT. CHURCH HALLWAY- DAY Ava moves on from the young couple and as she walks away an older woman walks up to her. OLD WOMAN Hi Ava. Do you think that you could come help out with the kids baseball game Thursday? AVA Well, I have a really big test on Friday that I need to study for. OLD WOMAN Please Ava, you can study during the game, I just need someone to supervise, and I’ve already asked everyone else and no one will do it. CUT TO: INT. PSYCHOLOGIST’S OFFICE- DAY Young Ava wearing a different outfit, is seated in Dr. Fern’s office. Her mother is not sitting next to her this time. Dr. Fern sits behind her desk across from Ava. DR. FERN So the demon stabs someone and ties them to a cross and burns the cross? Ava, those are quite vivid dreams for someone your age. What are your favorite television shows? AVA Well, I mostly watch cartoons and music videos. I don’t really have time for anything else. Ava kicks her feet in the chair. They don’t reach the floor. DR. FERN Are you ever up late at night when the scarier shows are on television? Or do you watch any scary movies? AVA No, I’m not allowed to stay up that late. I don’t like scary movies, because they remind me of the dreams. Sometimes I wake up and it smells like fire in my room, and I can see someone in a robe in the corner. DR. FERN Do you sleep next to a heater or a furnace? Could this person in a robe be a shadow? Ava shifts in her seat and rubs her forehead. She lets out a sigh. Suddenly, there is a knock on the door. In walks Ava’s mother. The session is over for today. DR. FERN Hi, Mrs. Landes. Ava, could you wait in the hall while I talk to your mother really quickly? CUT TO: INT. CHURCH HALLWAY – DAY Ava is still talking to the old woman. AVA I mean, I guess I could… OLD WOMAN Oh thank you, Ava, we can always count on you. The old woman walks away, and Ava sighs and continues walking towards the sanctuary. The two girls from the soup kitchen are standing against a wall staring at Ava and whispering. Ava overhears only bits and pieces of what they say about her. GIRL #1 (whispering) Crazy Ava… The two girls whisper inaudibly. GIRL #2 Best friends with homeless people… The girls continue to whisper, but Ava just walks away. CUT TO: INT. HALLWAY OF PSYCHOLOGIST’S OFFICE- DAY Ava waits outside the door of the psychologist’s office for her mother. She presses her ear against the door to hear what the two are saying, she has no difficulty making out their words. DR. FERN (overheard) Mrs. Landes, I’m extremely concerned about Ava. CUT TO: INT. PSYCHOLOGIST’S OFFICE- DAY DR. FERN Does she ever watch scary television shows or movies? Even read scary books? MRS. LANDES Ava has never liked things that are scary, especially now that she’s having these dreams. She often crawls into bed with us, because of some man she swears she sees in her room. DR. FERN A man in a robe? MRS. LANDES Yes. With red eyes. DR. FERN It’s really hard to determine a case like this. She has very vivid details of the dreams she has and the things that she sees. The stories you told me before you brought her in and the stories she tells me match, she has a very developed sense of imagination. MRS. LANDES What do you mean? DR. FERN I don’t want to scare you Mrs. Landes, so I’ll come right out and say it. Ava is a smart child, she has a really good memory and a better imagination. I don’t doubt she has some bad dreams, but I think that she embellishes and remembers her stories well. MRS. LANDES Oh my goodness. So how do we stop her from having these nightmares? CUT TO: INT. HALLWAY OF PSYCHOLOGIST’S OFFICE- DAY Ava is still listening at the door, tears have formed in her eyes. She rubs her arms as if she’s cold. DR. FERN (overheard) Well, we’ll keep talking to her some more. Try to get her to notice her embellishments. I don’t think she does it on purpose. We can also give her a mild sleep aid, that way she’ll sleep so soundly, it’s unlikely she’ll remember her dreams in the morning. Ava shakes her head, trying to hold back tears. CUT TO: INT. CHURCH HALLWAY- DAY Ava has walked past the whispering girls and continues on her way to the sanctuary. MARK, walks up to Ava with two Styrofoam cups. Ava smiles instantly at his presence. Mark is Ava’s age, and his jeans are a little tight. He wears one of those shirts from Salvation Army that says something ridiculous on it, complete with a year that was clearly before he was born. He hands one of the Styrofoam cups to Ava. MARK Some coffee for the Aviator. What up Ava? AVA Merci beaucoup, Mark. Speaking of French, what did you think of the test we had Wednesday? MARK I got an 80%. Better than failing, but not making the rents proud. AVA Nice. MARK What do you get? AVA I did okay. MARK Well, I know you did okay, what did you get? Ava looks at the floor, digging at it with her ballet flat. She blushes. AVA 92%. MARK Woot woot! That’s my girl! Ava laughs softly. CUT TO: INT. PSYCHOLOGIST’S OFFICE- DAY Young Ava has on yet another outfit. Another visit to the psychologist. This time Dr. Fern looks very pleased. DR. FERN Ava! That’s great! This marks the third week that you’ve gone without the nightmares. Ava adjusts in her chair. The leather squeaks as she moves. AVA Yep. DR. FERN This also means that you’ve gone one week without the sleeping medicine, and still no dreams. I’m so glad. We really didn’t want you relying on the medicine, that’s not good for you. AVA I know. Ava stares at her feet, dangling off the edge of the chair. She nods. CUT TO: INT. CHURCH HALLWAY- DAY Mark holds his hand up for a five. Ava laughs, shaking her head and looking at the floor. She offers up a limp hand that barely touches his. She looks up long enough to find his hand, then looks at the floor again. MARK Okay, I gotta go find the mom. Save me a seat? AVA Yeah, of course. CUT TO: INT. CHURCH SANCTUARY- DAY Ava begins to walk into the sanctuary. She smiles as she walks down the aisle, but keeps her eyes forward. She walks quickly to a seat towards the back of the sanctuary and sits on the end of the bench. She doesn’t look up, but rather she inspects her fingernail polish and picks at it a bit. CUT TO: INT. YOUNG AVA’S BEDROOM- NIGHT Young Ava walks slowly towards her dark bedroom. It’s a very girly bedroom, perfect for a twelve year old. Once she’s past the threshold, she walks quickly to her bed without looking around. She jumps into her bed and pulls the covers over her head shivering. CUT TO: INT. AVA’S BEDROOM- NIGHT Ava is working on some homework while lying on her bed. There are no more childish and girly pink things in her room. She now has band posters and pictures of her and her friends on the walls. Her cell phone is also lying on her bed. It begins to ring. We see that it’s Mark calling. Ava smiles, sits up, takes a deep breath and answers. AVA Hello? MARK (on the phone) Aviator, it’s Mark. AVA Hey. MARK I forgot to ask you earlier today, did you see Thomas in church at all? AVA No, why? MARK Well, he was acting kinda funny at soup night. I mean, I know Thomas is kinda funny to begin with. But he was not normal Thomas. I was worried that he might not be taking his meds, or he could be sick or something. Ava squints her eyes, cocks her head to the side, and stares toward her wall. AVA He was acting weird on soup night, you’re right. And no, I didn’t see him today. MARK I called the shelter, and they said he wasn’t there. They didn’t tell me where he went. They said the last time they saw him was soup night. AVA They couldn’t tell you where he was? They don’t keep tabs on him? MARK Well, no, they don’t really have to. He’s homeless Av, he can go where he pleases, or he can stay there if he wants. AVA I hope he’s okay. I’ll let you know if I hear anything. MARK Okay, peace Aviator. See you tomorrow. AVA Bye Mark. Ava closes her phone and shuts her textbook. She leans her elbows on her knees and puts her hands over her mouth. She is deep in thought. CUT TO: INT. YOUNG AVA’S BEDROOM- NIGHT Young Ava is under the covers, asleep. The clock beside her bed reads 2:56. She is stirring slightly. CUT TO: INT. YOUNG AVA’S BEDROOM- NIGHT The clock beside Young Ava’s bed now reads 3:17. Ava is stirring, tossing and turning under her blankets. CUT TO: AVA’S NIGHTMARE All we see are flashes of images. We see demons, blood, crosses, crosses burning, blood dripping from knives, and then all we see is fire. CUT TO: INT. YOUNG AVA’S BEDROOM- NIGHT Young Ava is still tossing and turning. The clock reads 3:18. Suddenly, she sits up, gasping. As the blanket falls away from her face… CUT TO: INT. AVA’S BEDROOM- NIGHT As the blanket falls from her face, we see sixteen year old Ava. She is breathing hard and looking around her room, she swallows hard as she looks down, closing her eyes. |