Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1544680-Surefire-Dying-Flame-chap1-4
by Lola
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Emotional · #1544680
They wanted to hate me- I supplied them with reasons. Burn baby burn....
I’ve never been any different from them but I LOOK different.
In a town of blondes and brunettes I’ve always been the standout redhead.
The walking torch.
I’m the freak of Lanesboro.
They wanted to hate me…
So I supplied them with reasons.

Chapter One: Dreaming nightmares

~Beep beep beep! ~
“Uh, 4:30...don’ wanna get up...”
I scrambled around in the darkness for my stupid alarm.
“Ugh shut up Lola...”
I smacked the little pink alarm and it sang back to me the time: “Four thirty am.”
I rolled back over, throwing the sheets over my head; the warmth felt way too good to leave now.
“Five more minutes...”
My eyes lulled back together, my hands clutching my sheets.
“Just five more min...”
The sound of hooves grinding against brick came from behind me, gradually growing louder in my ears.
I brought my hands up to my head, trying to drown out the sound.
It was even more irritating than Lola...I must have forgotten to close the window.
I reached my arm out, my eyelids still shut tight, to grab my headphones from my nightstand, but nothing but air whisked though my fingers.
The sound is getting louder now louder; its almost like the source of it is right next to me...

My eyes snapped open and inches from my face where two giant sets of wheels and a horse seconds from crushing my head.


My brain kicked into gear; mechanically I rolled out of the way an instant before my head became engraved in the brick under me. I shook my sheets off of myself soiled and dirty, tossing them to the side. My legs shaking, I clamored to my feet.

"What the-! Where did my bed..?"

I faltered, my eyebrows scrunching together at the sound of my far off voice. A gasp escaped  from my lips as I caught a glimpse of my feet. Looking down at my hands I realized that my whole self seemed almost ghostly.

“What in all that is holy is going on here?!”

I felt unbearable heat in this place, wherever I was. I looked around and saw old buildings, deteriorated with time, unfamiliar to my eyes. It was like the streets of an old English world, bricks crumbling off fancy door frames.
From the corner of my eye something blazing red flickered into my vision.


Turning to face it I jolted at the scene before me.

I saw myself, as if my reflection had been personified in a mirror. Surrounded by fire, yet dripping wet.
I only knew it was me from the blazing eyes and fiery hair. The rest of my face was contorted, agonized.
Wetness flowed down my cheeks and I captured a tear as it fell.

“Why…does this hurt so much?”

I can feel her pain; I can see her shed tears.
Walking closer, I stopped barely a foot away; I won’t dare move any closer, not when I can smell something like iron so strongly already.
I have my answer.

Someone is dead.

My eyes search for the victim. I don’t want to know who the reeking iron smell is coming from, but yet I look anyway.
I feel compelled to.

My view is blocked by a set of arms wrapped around my mirror self, torn and grieving for reasons I didn’t know.
This girl, this angel, who is she? Her wavy golden hair brushed my image’s glistening cheeks. I knew the arms comforting me were attached to this angel.

A question flickered on my face.
*Why is it you’re hurting?*

And she is; I can see it in her gems sparkling with fresh tears of her own. She only frowns in reply.
I can’t take that sadness in her eyes; it’s unbearable. I look away at her hands and I see her orbs aren’t the only things sparkling.
The jewel on her finger, tantalizingly bright forest green, is sparkling too. It seems like it's holding the very essence of nature within it.
Tainted though, I watched as drops of crimson fell onto it.
My chest wrenched at the sight of the blood, making me want to choke, bile in my mouth already from the stench.
I tear my eyes away from it, forcing the sickening feeling away only to find more red.
On my own mirrored hand, there’s a fiery ruby ring like the green one. For a few moments I was entranced by it. The red color of it is almost like fire...so hypnotizing...
Like looking into a candle flame.

Beneath that fiery ring I notice my fingers entwined with another pair. I’m holding someone within my grasp, but the face is masked beneath my mirror’s body. Red is pooling in front of my mirror self and dripping from the fingertips in my mirrored hand, I see one drop glide from my held hand and merge with my own crimson cuts.

The hurt intensified at the sight.

My neck burned suddenly, right on my scar, and yet the pain was nothing compared to what my heart suddenly exploded into.
My heart, it burned excruciatingly.
I’m breaking, aching unbearably.
My heart, if not for its steady beat, I would believe it had been ripped from my chest and cut into a million pieces.
My eyes are getting fuzzy, like seeing through a cup of salt water, like something is hazing over my eyes.

"What..? Why can't I see..? What's happening?"

I grabbed at my eyes, rubbing them, coaxing them to work again.

It was no use, my world was blurring, phasing out farther. Something was awakening me, taking me away from my slumber.

The foreign entity kneeling next to my image moved the hair sticking to my tear stained cheeks and whispered into my ear.

“You’re…a killer…Kiata….”

There was a flash of sparkling light, and reality finally dawned on me. My breathing is quick and ragged, my heart hammering in my heaving chest.

“I’m ok…I’m ok...I’m alone in my house and there’s nothing to cry about.”

I spoke to myself and tried in a futile attempt to convince myself I wasn't scared.
Wet tears glistened on my cheek and I hastily wiped them away.

"Damn it, that dream again..."

I fell back against the plush pillow that may as well have been bedrock under my throbbing head.

“Why me…”

I moaned in protest against the soft scratching on my face. My eye lids opened though unwillingly to see my cat, Diana, pawing at my cheeks.

“Irmhm...Diana? Ugh, Diana leave me be!”

But she was insistent, if nothing else, pawing only more frantically than before.

I rubbed my eyes and let out a big yawn.
I was groggy from having been woken up.

“Hueah! Good morning, Diana.”

But she didn’t seem to hear me at all; she just kept pawing frantically at my alarm clock.

“Hm? What’s wrong Diana?”


I looked down at the time.
And I screamed.

Chapter two: Run

“Waaaaah! Its 7:20!?! Class is in ten minutes!!!! No, no, no, no this can NOT be happening. “

I threw open my curtains and sunlight blasted in my face.
I winced behind its spiteful impact.
Not good.

“I’m gonna be freakin late!”

It was Friday at last. The day I would finally escape from this godforsaken town.
Escape the eyes of everyone around me who called me murderer.

I ran into the shower and came bursting out two minutes later wrapped in a towel. I shivered from the cold, goosebumps trailing up my arms.
I threw my closet door open and came face to face with a pile of clothes randomly strewn everywhere.
Oh Jesus...

I grabbed the first pair of jeans I saw and a shirt.

Four months ago my parents both died in an accident.
But that wasn’t the end of the world.
Not for me anyway.
My parents weren’t exactly the type who told you not to play with fire.

“So freaking late...”

I quickly shoved on my clothes. One glance at my floor and I knew I’d have a heart attack. I flitted from one side of the house to the other, my time running short.

See, my parents were the ones who addicted me to fire. My mom always brought home multicolored candles with uniquely alluring scents. From her shop. I"ve inherited that shop. But what good is a shop nobody will buy from? Nobody wants to buy from a murderer right?

My dad- he was an astrologer who studied mars.

Fire everywhere I turned.

I used to sit at home for ours and play with matches and burn pieces of paper just for fun. I had this pyro love that almost terrified me. I don’t have a clue why, but even when I was a baby, fire lured me to it. The flames were pretty, the way they danced for me.

“Uh! No time for breakfast!”

My stomach groaned in protest.
My face contorted into a grimace at the strangled pull in my empty stomach.

“Oh, shut it...”
I mumbled as I snatched my backpack from my beanbag chair, then snatched my passport from the counter and stuffed it inside.

Too bad that my love for fire ended with me burning down our home. I didn’t like that so much. Hearing my mom screaming or my dad calling out for me-I didn’t like that so much either. I didn’t like the scar the flames gave me that became my brand.
The scar in shape of a flame.

“Bye, Diana! Behave for Granny May, alright?”

I kissed her head and patted her ears back until she purred thankfully.

My neighbor would be taking care of my precious kitten. I could not take her with me, not across the deep blue. I’ll come back to get her, once I’ve properly disappeared in England.

I tore off running full speed out the door.
Too long I’ve waited for this.
I’m finally leaving.

Chapter 3: Silver knight


“Oh, no! Come on bell, ring for just a little longer...”
I burst through my classroom door just as the bell ceased.


“Good morning!”

“Oh, well hello there Kiata, so nice of you to join us,” my teacher Mrs. Rockinbaw said.

She smiled at me with that signature grin. As always her curly honey-blonde hair was tied back in a messy bun and she was standing behind her podium, about to take attendance.

“Sorry, I was...huh...huh...My alarm....”

I choked out the words panting for breath, my heart racing.

“Yes, just like yesterday, and the day before that...and the day before that...”

She said offhandedly, sitting down at her desk and pulling some papers from one of her drawers.
My eyes glanced around the classroom, noticing that everyone already had their bags piled beside them, papers in folders ready to go. I turned to look back at my teacher but my eyes met striking gray. The face of one boy stood out amongst the rest and met those eyes…they were severely entrancing and my heart jumped. Why did that single smile affect me so much?

My eyes scrunched together trying to place a name to his face. My search was interrupted my Mrs. Rockinbaw’s silky voice.

“Do you at least have your passport, Kiata? The rest of the class has already turned theirs in,” She said with a tired smile.

My poor teacher.
I’m a tough student to have in class, yet she still manages to put up with me.

“Oh, uh, yeah. I can still go right?”

I said, twiddling with a lock of my hair. I always do that when I’m nervous.

“Yes, you made it. But just barely. I’m afraid you’ll have to take the flight leaving later this afternoon though.”

My happy spirits plummeted.
Damn it all...can’t a girl catch a break in this world?

“Since you won’t be boarding this flight, I’m going to have you go to your next two classes. Is that alright?”

I sighed heavily but nodded. She handed me back my passport and opened the door for me.

“Thank you maa’m.”

I turned to look back at the class picking up my bag from the floor. My eyes searched for those same shining silver eyes but they were gone.

“Your next block teacher will be able to tell you what time your flight will be leaving.”

I made my way down the halls, battling my way through the crowd. It was at times like this when being small was an advantage. So what if I was barely five foot? I considered myself five foot one of power.

I grabbed an energy bar from inside my emergency stash of snacks hidden in my locker. My growling stomach unknotted itsef in thanks.

Next up on my class list of doom, English Lit.
Oh joy.
I slammed my locker door shut and turned smacking right into none other than the she-devil herself and her lackey: Vernixia and Rauri.

“Hey, watch where you’re going!” Vernixia said sneering.

“Oh, it’s you! Little miss inferno herself.”

Rauri cocked her hip out and plastered that horrid toothy smirk onto her face.

Vernixia and Rauri, bitches extraordinaire. These two pride themselves on the misery they cause others- I’m their favorite target.
These two have a grudge from hell against me, a stupid one at that.
Because I’m a survivor of my own crime.
I’m not someone who picks fights or takes pride in making enemies, but my obsession to fire gave them reason to hate me.
The feeling is mutual.

Their hate hasn’t died over time; instead, I’ve become the main target of their tormenting.

I grabbed my bag off the floor and shoved past them.
*I don’t have time for idiots like them.*
The bell was going to ring and I was in a bad enough mood without their help.


I walked in just before the tardy bell rang, the devil’s daughters walking in behind me.

“Good morning, Kiata.”

My teacher Mrs. Crystal said, nodding at me.

Why do all my teachers have to be so darn peppy first thing in the morning?

I waved back and kicked through the backpacks cluttering the aisles to my seat.
Didn’t these people know how much of a fire hazard this was?

Just before I made it to my seat Mrs. Crystal tapped a ruler to her desk, calling the class’s attention.

“Before we start, would everyone please file in front of the classroom? I’ll be handing out the schedules and seating arrangements for your flights.”

There were numerous groans and mutters as everyone grabbed thier things and shuffled to the front.

*Whiney bunch of brats. Like it’s such a task to get up and walk to the front.*

“Alright now, I need you all to separate into the groups you will be flying in, and Vernixia, I’ll need you and Rauri to separate for me.”

She said catching the two girls flinging paper footballs at the back of a kid’s head two seats ahead of them and snickering amidst themselves.

“Ah! What!” Rauri said her face horror stricken.

“You heard me young lady park it right up here,” She said, pointing to a desk three rows over.
Grumbling and muttering something about lousy teachers under her breath, Rauri moved to her new seat.

Mrs. Crystal has kind of a short fuse, but she usually gets over whatever it is that gets her ticked and she’s her chipper self again. She loves writing, which I guess is why she teaches this class, because it can’t be because of her students.
Honestly we all suck...

I slunk to the front, taking my passport with me. I slouched back against the wall spent. Man. I just got here and I already feel like passing out.

My eyes shut and I drifted a little thinking of Diana at home waiting for me. Then of England and its tower. Big Ben...it seemed like it reached up and touched the heavens. I glanced over at the hands of time on Mrs. Crystal’s clock hanging above the door and watched the seconds tick by. The fluid movement was almost as mesmerizing as watching a flame flicker.

Tap, tap, tap.


I turned and there was a pair of bright blue eyes staring back at me.

“Hey, snap out of it, Kiki!”

“Oh, hey, Mauri. What’s up?”

Mauri, my best friend of always. She's been with me through thin, thick, and flame. Even when my world went up in smoke, she was the fumigator. She works with me at the "Candelabra",mom's old store, and she's always making me smile. She faught my battles, opened my voice, and forced me back into reality. I'd been sinking into the abyss that is depression when Mauri wedged her way through the onlooking peope who either threw stones at me or simply condemned me, and she saved me from myself.

“Other than your weird zone out? Nothing. I just got here, same as you.”

“So, wait, you’re on the same plane as me?”

“Apparently, your highness. Still the queen of tardiness, huh? It’s so nice to be honored with your presence, your grace,” she said, bowing mockingly.

“Oh, shut it, Mauri.”

She smirked, digging in her purse for her chap stick.

“Alarm again?”

I shrugged, moving up a few paces in line.

“That’s my story and I’m sticking to it,” I said, dumping my crap from my shoulders and onto the floor beside me. Only second block and already I was sucked of all my energy.

“Besides, I’m sure that the other thousand tardies won’t count against me since I wasn’t late today right?”

“Of course, your liege!” Mauri said, teasing me some more.

I chuckled a little. She tended to have that effect on me. She was chirpy ALL THE TIME.
Unless you made fun of her.
Messing with her was like verbal suicide.
Your words would be chewed up, spit out, and trampled.

“Your flights will both be leaving tonight at 7:00 sharp. The tickets are nonrefundable so don’t be late.”

Mrs. Crystal looked purposefully at me over her reading glasses.

“I’ll take care of her.”

“Mai, butt out!”

“So you’re saying you WANT to miss the trip to England?”

“No! But what does that have to do with you ‘taking care of me?’”

“I might as well be your mom, I’m always picking up after you.”

“You are not!”

“Am so.”

“Are...oh, forget it. There’s no wining with you.”

Mauri beamed.

“Haha, at least you realize it.”

“Ugh, I’m so tired…”

“Why? Que pasa, honey?”

“Nothing I’m just really zonked.”

Mauri looked at me with those eyes I can never lie to. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

“Fine! I’m just a grouch because I missed the flight for this morning.”

“Is that all?”

Her eyes got all squinty  and condescending.
Aw, geez, not those eyes! I hated those eyes--they burned!

“Yeah, totally…and I ran into the she-devils…” I mumbled, turning away.

Mauri’s eyes bugged out of their sockets.

“What happened!? If those she-devils so much as laid a finger on you I’ll-”

Mauri grinned an impish little smile.

“Mai...what’s that smirk for?”

Whipping out her cell phone she punched in numbers at warp speed into her little handheld, but the only thing I could see was that she had logged on to the internet.

“You have internet on your phone? I thought you couldn’t afford that?”

“I can’t, I just hacked into someone else’s signal; it's kind of like how a laptop can get wireless connection.”

“Ah. Of course. Why does that not surprise me...?”

Another little talent of Muari, she's the electronic wizard. If it has buttons and lights, she can work it.

I glanced back towards Mrs.Crystal tapping on the board busily, saying something about how Shakespeare was some brilliant writer, and how incompetent teenagers today make a mockery of him.

“Mai, whatever you're doing you might want to make it fast. Mrs. Crystal’s tirade can only last so long.”

Flashing lights scanned past her eyes as the yellow pages passed her vision.
Suddenly she stopped, her stylus pausing on a single phone number.


Rapid fire letters hit her tiny screen. I half expected her to be breaking through White House security or something.
Suddenly she snapped her phone shut.

“Expect an explosion in three...two...”

“Explosion?! Mauri, what did you-?”


“Cell phones? In MY classroom?”

Mrs.Crystal turned; her face was violet already. The cell phone was Satan’s favorite toy in her eyes. My lips curled themselves into a grin.

“Mai, you’re brilliant.”

“I know.”

“Phones in my hand now! Then you can march yourselves to the backboard and clean my erasers until I can think of a more suitable punishment.”

The gorgeous look of horror on the faces of Vernixia and Rauri were worth any threat they could ever offer to me.

The two looked at each other stunned to speechlessness.
When neither moved, her face moved got tight and full of fury.


I watched them slink to the back of the room, my grin only widening with their every step.

“Oh, this is priceless. Where’s my camera when I need it?”

“Got one right here.” Mauri said, pulling her digital camera from the inside of her massive purse.

“Do you have like, the world inside your purse, Mai?”

She shrugged, turning it on and pointing it at them both.

“Pretty much. Say hello to MySpace...”


“Sweet! Take a look.”

I looked at the picture she had taken and I had to cover my mouth before I combusted into laughter, tears coming out of the corner of my eyes.
Vernixia the dense had clapped the two erasers together and white chalk powder had covered them both. You’d have sworn it had started snowing on them, had you not seen them cause the pale faces to themselves.

“Wait I can so do better…”

“What’re you…”

But before I could even finish my sentence Mauri was already pulling out an extension cord from her purse and plugging it into her cell phone, then to the camera.

“This picture’s gunna make it to the entire student body in about three seconds. MySpace is only second best to a mass text...”

“Mai, you conniving little genius.”

She smiled deviously.

“I try.”

Immediately buzzing started in the pockets of the entire class.
Mai and I smiled as we saw cell phones emerging under desks and in purses, the picture flashing on everyone’s screen.

I listened as the tinkling sound of laughter emerged from every corner of the room like a growing stampede.

“Settle down class...settle down.”

Everyone continued snickering and then started talking again.
I knew that look forming on Mrs. C’s face.
Her fingers started to drum on her podium.

“This could get ugly...”

The drumming fingers stopped and curled themselves into a fist. She walked around the podium tapping her ruler in her hand.

“Kiata, duck and cover!”


Mrs. Crystal’s voice boomed like an atomic bomb with twice the power.
Oh yes, she was mad.
Instantly the entire room turned deadly silent.


Mrs. Crystal stopped in her tracks and walked slowly back to her desk rubbing her temples. It was a wonder she didn’t have any gray hair.

“Maybe we should just let her cool off...”

“Open your text books to page thirty three and read the instructions on how to write an essay properly. If I hear a word out of any of you...”

Her threat hung in the air and so silence ensued.
An hour later, the five minute bell rang and Mrs.Crystal was back to her old self; in fact, I think the thought of a whole week without us may have finally dawned on her.


“I’ll see you tonight, kay Mai?”

“Sure thing. And hey, don’t forget your feminine undergarments!”

I blushed and shoved her out the door.

“Hey, who do you think you are, my mother?”

“Someone has to be!”

She laughed and twirled around.
I watched as she ran through the crowd effortlessly. She made it look like she was gliding rather than running.
Like walking on air.

Chapter three: Identical Flames

The next two classes seemed to just float by. For some reason I was still in a slight daze.

I ran mindlessly around the track. The sweat was building on my forehead and my breath was ragged, but I barely registered it. Even the burning in my calves seemed far off; my mind was too busy working overtime to notice.

I wanted out.
I wanted to go home so I could lie on my bed and just empty my head.
That dream...I couldn’t stop thinking about it. I kept thinking about how my neck had burned...right where my scar was, just behind my neck, so intensely, so painfully....

I shook my head, right now I had to focus on phys ed. Coach Cramer was sure to be on my case if he caught me spaced out like this. Then again, today he looked even more spaced then I did. He probably has something planned once school gets out...

I saw him blow the whistle, though the sound didn’t register in my mind. I ran ahead of my classmates and into the locker room, changing mutely. I crinkled my nose, catching a whiff of my putrid perfume. These sweaty clothes had to come off; the fetid scent was overpowering. I held my breath the entire time, avoiding the toxic fumes that I knew might just kill me if I inhaled them. The musty smell of this place reeked in my nose.

The day would end soon enough- no need to rush.
I couldn’t help it though, glancing at the clock every few seconds. Just five more minutes...Two more minutes...ten seconds...three, two, one- Bring!


I’m not sure who bolted out faster, me, or Coach Cramer.

I slammed my locker door shut and gusted out of the locker room my held breath finally able to release itself.
I leaned against the wall, winded and just happy to have made it out alive.

*So...Where to now?*

I missed my flight for this morning, leaving me the afternoon to myself. I had left Granny May the only key to the house.

My feet started pressing against the sidewalk and I looked up. The sun was gone…

I don’t get it. People hate me because I love fire…yet everyone loves sunlight. The ultimate form of fire. It blazes in its halo of blue sky and brightens everyone’s day. Then others look at my face and cringe.

Looking straight at the sun the little dots appeared in my eyes and I knew I could go blind if I stared at it too long, but I felt the need to stare it down.

“You’re no better or worse than I am.”

I ran forward under shelter of the trees behind the school as the silent chorus of rain started to fall. So where do I go from here…?

My feet tend to have a mind of their own when I run; they just move. I don’t know where they’re going to take me--I just trust and follow.

My feet brought me to the most unlikely place I thought I would ever go. They brought me to the lake halfway into the forest. This lake was the teen hotspot for getting away. It was a hideout from school, from life, from everything. Water represents purity. Yet the flames of hell are what everyone sees me for.

The heads of a few students skipping rocks turned to face me. These were the outcasted teens: the teens that were so like me, but refused to admit it.
I watched as face after face scrutinized me and scowled or scoffed. Was I really so different? I have the same chances they do in life, the same lungs to breathe and two legs to walk forward. They choose to run away like I have. They came here to hide.


I’ve never been any different from them, but I LOOK different.
In a town of blondes and brunettes I’ve always been the standout redhead.
The walking torch.
I’m the freak of Lanesboro.
They wanted to hate me…
So I supplied them with reasons.

I picked up a single smooth stone and watched as it skipped across the water leaving rings behind that slowly reverberated back into nothing. Just rippling water in a lake that filled, then emptied, and filled again.
Kind of like my heart.

I heard for the hundredth time the words that burned me.

“That’s the Kiata chick--the murderer.”

Chapter four: Soar to Aidden

My eyes scanned over the airport and stopped on a very odd-looking group of people. There were people from every clique bundled together in one area- all teens.

“Looks like I found them all…”

I dragged my bag behind me; listening to the clicking sound it made as it hit the cracks, and tried to let it calm me down. I tried to let it distract me from the impending hyperventilation I was sure I was about to have.

Everyone in the throng of people was talking animatedly in high pitched squeals.
The only silent one it seemed was a brown-haired boy wearing big rounded headphones that swallowed his ears whole. He sat slouched in the plastic chair, blatantly ignoring all of us. Hearing another squeal from one of the nearby cheerleaders, I shrunk back and suddenly appealed to the idea of drowning out the world in sound too.

I smiled, seeing one face in the throng of people I recognized: a very brainy-looking blonde carrying three bags on either side of her texting away on her cell.
Holding back a chuckle, I started walking over to her.

“Hey, Mauri!”

Her head snapped up at the sound of my voice. I saw her eyes grow huge.

“Kiki watch-!”

My body came crashing to the floor as something hit me from behind. The air in my lungs rushed out of me. Then, just as suddenly, the air was sucked in again as I turned my head up and caught the sight of those silver irises. Wiping the blood from my eye I swore under breath. My ring had scraped just above my eyebrow when I’d hit the ground. I was doing so well, not a slipup or broken bone since yesterday.

“God, can’t you watch where you’re going?!”

Muari had dropped everything to run over to me, glaring daggers at the silver-eyed knight who had caused my demise.

He shoved his hands into his pockets and glowered back at her. Mai wasn’t backing down; she grabbed hold of my arm and yanked me upward to my feet.

“How about an apology, jerk?!”

“…Right, sorry about that.”

The sarcastic tenor in his voice slipped out like poison and it made my blood simmer with anger.

He smirked and turned on his heel to where the doors to the plane had finally slid open. The rest of the class started filing forward and cramming into the narrow walkway attached to where the plane was parked.

Here’s to the beginning of a beautiful disaster.

I hope they have emergency exits- just in case.
© Copyright 2009 Lola (stargrl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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