Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1543476-Lie-to-me-summary-chap1-9
by Lola
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1543476
Its just a little white lie. Nobody is going to die- right?
“Lie to me” summary
For whole story go to portfolio please ^-^*

My story begins with Lorraine Rosen, the brown eyed and russet haired tragic heroine. She is staring up at the sky that’s thundering and threatening a downpour from hell. The speakers above her call down to her like God himself, and she snaps to attention and readies herself into running position. She is a track runner and it is her life. Every time she runs she feels like she is flying-it’s her escape from reality and so she competes regardless of the weather conditions. She has been working for months to get to the final race with her teammates. She hears her parents in the crowd and one other voice stands out amongst the cheering.

Her girlfriend and best friend-Lizbet.

         She strikes the finish line. She’s lifted into a spiraling world victorious. She falls from her throng of hands holding her up towards heaven and celebrating her win as a sharp pain ignites in her neck. The burning sensation renders her immobile for a minute but she quickly regains her focus not wanting to scare her Lizbet. It was just her secret disease- (A disease I have yet to name...)
Lightning crashes in the air around them. The sky is quickly becoming more ominous. Lorraine holds Lizbet in her arms and tells her she loves her for the first time. Life is perfect; life is blissful. A medal around her neck and the love of her life in her arms-what more could she ever need?

            Things turn sour though when the two get into a fight and Lizbet leaves Lorraine on her knees crying in the torrent of rainfall. Lizbet explodes in fury, accusing Lorraine of being obsessed with her track. And its true- so completely true, that Lorraine takes the medal from around her neck and throws it out the window. She watches as it strikes a tree and her eyes widen in horror when it is struck by lightening and catches flame. The darkness takes her over.

        The second chapter commences in Lizbet’s point of view and she is at a gas station filling up her grandmother’s tank. There she finds a teenager who seems so familiar. He calls her a liar and she realizes who he is- the boy she killed. Lizbet is a pathological liar. She lied to him about loving him- she was really in love with Lorraine. She kept her liking for girls a secret from everyone- including her parents and grandmother. Her parents were both officers killed on duty.
          The view again changes to Lorraine. She’s surrounded in darkness and she’s being rushed from a burning car. She sees both of her parents are dead and she loses consciousness in the ambulance. When she awakens she’s in a hospital. She searches frantically for something-anything familiar, but it’s all foreign. Her memory had erased itself from her existence completely. Three days have passed in her sleep and she realizes just how alone she really is. The nurse tells her that she had been the one driving the car- and she believes it. She runs from the hospital bed her wounds screaming in agony until she collapses under a bridge wishing her life were just a nightmare she’d wake up from- not a reality.
          Again we see through Lizbet’s eyes and she is searching frantically for Lorraine because she knows that Elliot her murder victim will find her because he knew about her past. He’d find and destroy her. She switches on the radio to drown out the man thoughts going off in her mind and the news switches on. Her heart stops as she hears about the accident on highway 90 three days before involving a family of three. She doesn’t want to believe it could be her Rain, but the minute they say the teenage girl was the only survivor, Elliot’s threat replays in her head and she floors the old Chevy.
          The floor then goes to a new character- The nurse. We find out that Dunei is only hidden behind the nurse outfit. She is really an angel like Elliot, a fourth ranked angel with the ability to turn back time, erase mistakes, and put things back to their original forms. She could also read the memories of others. Her brother walking into the room covered in rain water and sweat. But being an angel, he still looks like a Greek Adonis. The two have a feud when she reads his memories and realizes she is being used. Elliot wants revenge for his death so he’s hurting her where it hurts most- through her heart. Dunei lied for him and she created the “accident” using her ability to change time. When Elliot suddenly disappears she yells out to him but he’s long gone. She hears the heart beat of a human and she realizes what the second faze of her mission is.

Tell Lizbet Lorraine is dead.
         Lizbet races to crimson hospital and bust over the front desk to find out the room number. She flips a guard over the counter sending glass flying as he tries to stop her and she manages to make it to Lorraine’s room. But not soon enough. Lorraine has already run away and now the room is empty and covered in blood. Dunei stands folding bloody sheets. She tells her with her voice icy, that she’d dead. Dead and it was her fault. That she died saying her name-Lizbet.
Lizbet, Lizbet, Lizbet.
She falls to her knees incapable of breathing and Dunei slams her to the wall sending glass from a picture frame raining down on her.
         The scene reverts back to Lorraine with Lizbet’s grandmother. She doesn’t remember anything so she doesn’t react when she says Lizbet is her granddaughter. Dramatic irony occurs because the reader see’s what is happening, but Lorraine is clueless. (Oh, and it is not known yet, but Grammy doesn’t know Lorraine to be Lizbet’s girlfriend because of her past. In a few chapters on the bridge scene between Elliot and Lizbet it is revealed why.) Lorraine walks up the spiraling stairway of her Grammy’s home and she is drawn like a moth to a flame to Lizbet’s room. There she finds a doll with a picture of the Lizbet and herself together as children and she starts to get flashbacks. She screams out. The Rose petals the dolls had shatter-like blood spilt on the carpet.
         Lizzie runs from the guards that try to arrest her and again she hits a bump in the road- a bump the size of a mountain.
Her car was getting towed.

Her chevy is slammed into the black road and the windows break into a rainfall of glass.
         She decides that if she was going to go, she wasn’t letting the asshole that crushed her grandmothers Chevy go unpunished. She steals the tower’s vehicle and runs to the one place nobody will run to- nobody anyway, except Elliot.

         We then switch over to Elliot’s point of view and see his shape shifting angelic power in action for a third time. (The first as the gas station clerk, the second as the doctor who grabbed Lizbet’s wrist before getting flipped into glass, and now a third time as he changes to the chief police officer and leaves the real officer unconscious in the hospital parking lot.)

He knows that Lizbet is running to the one place nobody would find her.
Golden Gate Bridge.

Where he drowned.

For the full story please open my portfolio and you will find chap 1-15 in two seperate entries. It is still not complete but I'm updating it weekly* (Trying very hard to anyway I have Sol testing being done so yeah...)
© Copyright 2009 Lola (stargrl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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