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Rated: E · Sample · Religious · #1537001
Poem on Love and Jesus
Love is like a wave
It helps to rock the boat
It also just takes a wave
to rock the boat and love to get drowned.
Love is also like a lit candle
It goes on and on
It also takes a small light to start a fire
Love die then
That's when TRUE LOVE starts....

Love is like a rose full of thorns
Love is like crystal
Love is beauty
Love is together with my sweetheart through good and bad times...
.....Love is a big kick in the ass if you betray me...

Le pain aide a vivre
mais c'est le sang qui nous donne la vie
mais c'est la vie qui insuffle la vie en nous
mais c'est Dieu qui cree notre ame
Alors donnons a Jesus, toute la gloire et L'honneur qu'Il merite car
Il est le seul a pouvoir nous creer

Someone told me to stay away from you
And someone told me strange things about you
That's before I met you
But once I found you
You showed me so much love that it will really be a betrayal if I leave you
Yes I know I'll never be able to love you as you do love me.
All I'm asking is never leave me alone as I do really need you, JESUS

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