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by Mikoto
Rated: · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1536345
tobi is from an anime.
Tobi of La’cryma.
Chapter One: Finding the Dragon Tork

"Tobi, what’s Atori doing?" Fukoro asked watching Atori beat the crap out of a box.
Tobi sighed. "Nothing out of the usual really. He does this a lot."
"Yes I have gotten quite accustomed to it." Tobi turned around and went back to her station. She was part of the Dragon Knights, but she wasn't as strong so she wasn't sent to the surface as much as the others. She also didn't go on missions or to other dimensions unless she was with another stronger, Dragon Knight and most of the time when she did go, she was paired with Atori.
Atori was slightly deranged and at first she dreaded working with him, however as time went on she started to look forward to seeing him. She liked Atori, it was odd though, she didn't exactly know why she liked him she just did. All of the other Dragon Knights thought Tobi was insane because she liked working with him; Atori wasn’t nice to her at all. He would order her to do stupid things, or things she didn’t to do, he also hurt her. Tobi had many bruises and scars from Atori but despite all this she stayed with him. Unlike everyone else Tobi could see past all of his anger, Tobi knew that Atori was a nice person, it was just the fact something had changed him. She didn’t know what had changed Atori but it must have been horrible and Tobi wished she could ease his pain.
Tobi clicked her computer on and waited for it to boot up she then started clicking the keys on her keyboard. Her current mission was to locate the Dragon Tork. She was having some difficulty with this however; Tobi had search quite literally over 1,000 different dimensions. It drove her nuts when she couldn't find something. She had lost sleep over this Dragon Tork! Tobi hit a series of keys on her keyboard and her computer went into a hyper like state. It was flashing all sorts of coordinates on the screen but none of them were the ones she wanted. Tobi punched the keyboard and the screen went blank. "Argh, why can't I find it? This should all be so simple. All I should have to do is put in the Dragon Tork’s old coordinates and I should be able to find it.”
“Eh, Tobi?” Fukoro had come up behind Tobi while she was throwing her little temper tantrum.
“Yes.” Tobi said calmly. Fukoro looked like he was about to laugh. Most likely because Tobi always sounded calm, cool and collected when she spoke. Fukoro was the only person who had seen and heard Tobi throw a fit.
“You need some help with that?”
“No, I am perfectly fine. Thank you for the offer though.” Tobi started to type again.
Fukoro laughed. “Alright then well I’m still here if you need me.” Fukoro stepped back and leaned against the wall behind him.
After about three hours of listening to Tobi’s constant clicking and watching the computer screen change many different colors, the text blink, and nothing new popping up Fukoro decided to stretch his legs. “Tobi, I’ll be back in a bit. Do you need anything? Food? Drink? A break?” He had put in the last thing in an attempt to make her laugh.
“No” Tobi kept typing not even looking up.
“Tobi, you really need a break.”
“I’m fine.”
“Tobi! Come on Tobi get up you need a break.” Fukoro grabbed her arm but Tobi shrugged it off and glared at Fukoro.
“I need to stay here and find the Dragon Tork, La'cryma will die without the Dragon Tork.” Tobi looked at Fukoro and held his gaze. “I cannot and will not take a break until I have found it.”
“Fine, but you do need food. I’ll bring you back something.”
“But I don’t ….”
“Shut up, whether you like it or not you are going to take care of yourself. You can’t help us if you die from lack of food.”
“Tobi! Shut up!” Fukoro yelled. He was just a little agitated now. He liked Tobi but she was so stubborn and she was always stuck in her work. Tobi looked a little taken aback.
“I’m sorry Tobi I didn’t mean to yell.”
“It’s fine.” She looked back to her computers screen and began to type rapidly. Fukoro wanted to say more but Tobi was completely engrossed in her work so he left in search of food.
I wish he would just leave me alone I need to find the Dragon Tork. I don’t want my friends to die because I couldn’t do my job right! I can’t fight the creatures that came from Shangri-la. I can’t do much of anything to help, so I have to do this. This is the one thing I can contribute and I will get it right.
Tobi was still ticking away she was now hacking La’cryma’s main system to get some information that had not been given to her before when Fukoro came back. He had some drinks and food with him. “Okay Tobi time for a break you can’t help us all if you’re dead. Tobi continued typing but she looked up from the screen.
“I don’t have to stop typing. I can eat and type at the same time.”
“What! How the hell are you going to do that! Unless you can type with your toes that isn’t going to work……..Wait you aren’t going to type with your toes are you?” Fukoro said still holding the food and looking horrified.
For the first time ever (well as far as Fukoro knew) Tobi actually laughed. “Well I hadn’t thought of doing that, however I could probably do it.”
“No that’s okay, please don’t do it.” Fukoro handed Tobi some food.
“Thanks.” Tobi took her food and started eating.
“Hey Tobi? I was wondering?”
“Well is there anything you can’t do and no I don’t really want to know if you can type with your toes, although I would believe it if you could.”
“Actually I can type with my toes.”
“I learned to do it a few years ago, I got bored one day.”
“Ah yes the boredom, it kills everyone. Although I would much rather play soccer.”
“You like ….” Tobi was interrupted by her computer the screen was blinking and it looked like it had found the Dragon Tork. “Fukoro go tell the other Dragon Knights I found the Dragon Tork!”
“You found it?”
“Yes I found it, quick go and tell them I’ll send the coordinates from here.” Tobi put the remainder of her food down and sent the coordinates. I have to find Atori now. I want to help with this mission.
Tobi ran from her station and into the hall. Atori was either outside or fighting with Karasu in one of the many halls in La’cryma’s main building. Her guess was he was outside, probably scaring a bird or something. Tobi rounded another corner running as fast as she could and ran straight into the person she was trying to find.
“Atori! I found the Dragon Tork! We have to leave now or the others will leave without us!”
“Why didn’t you tell me this first!?” Atori yelled angrily. “I must kill the Dragon Tork! I should have been the first person you told!” Atori grabbed Tobi by the front of her shirt and pulled her up.
Tobi struggled to talk and breath her shirt and cape were cutting off her oxygen. “I’m sorry Atori it won’t happen again.” Tobi gasped for air.
“Good, now let’s get going.” Atori dropped Tobi and she fell to the ground gasping for air. Atori started for ward and then stopped and turned around. “Well get up Tobi! Let go!”
“Sorry Atori.” Tobi got up and trailed along behind him. They both reached the transporters in time. Just as the got there the computer was initializing the launching sequence. Tobi and Atori got into their spots and waited to get transported.
Tobi was happy she had finally been able to contribute something. It was the first time she actually felt useful. The launch sequence was almost done now and Tobi readied herself for the jolt that would soon come when her body left her time space and went to an entirely new one.
“3………..2………..1 launch.”
© Copyright 2009 Mikoto (amaradrenan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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