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by Harui
Rated: 18+ · Other · Other · #1531502
Eric’s New Perspective

By Mini E

There he was, standing in front of Lisa’s door.  About to give her a surprise visit.  Eric and Lisa were the best of friends.  They were neighbors since elementary school, so they were always together.  Even throughout high school and now during college, they remained very close.  They had chosen different colleges, but were only 30 miles apart.  Occasionally they would call each other to catch up.

Eric stood there, pondering what would happen.  A small box in his hands.  It was not a present for Lisa, but something he wanted to try.  He hadn’t opened the box again since he bought it the night before.  He wasn’t expecting to have something like it.  His car just happened to die in front of the strange store.  And he just needed to use the phone.  But the odd shopkeeper surprised him with his knowledge.


“Hello Eric,” the old man greeted.

“What?  How do you know my name?” a confused Eric replied.

“I know a lot of things.  And I have just what you need.”  He placed a black box on the counter in front of Eric. 

“What are you talking about?”  Eric was just about to leave.  But he was just too intrigued by what the old man said and what the black box contained. 

“Why, this right here,” he tapped on the box, “will provide you with incredible strength and stamina.”

Eric stood there even more confused.  “I don’t understand.  I don’t need that.  What are you talking about old man?”

“You will need this,” he simply retorted.  “When you are three inches tall, you need all the strength and stamina possible.”

“What?  I’m getting out of here.  This is too weird.”  He turned around and walked to the door. 

“You wouldn’t walk away from fulfilling your fantasy, now would you?”

Eric stopped under the doorway, the door half pushed open.  “And what fantasy is that?”

“You know the one I speak of.”  Throughout his whole life, or at least as far as he could remember, Eric had a fantasy about being in a giant world.  One where everything was much bigger than his body.  And that was the one that came to his mind.  “That’s the one,” the old man said.

Eric now walked back into the shop.  “And this box will do that to me?”

“No, but what’s inside the box will.”

“Is this some type of joke?” Eric questioned.

“I assure you this isn’t a joke.”

“Wait a minute.  How do you know all about me?”

“Like I said before.  I know a lot of things.  So, do you want the box?”

“Let me get this straight.  That box, I mean, what’s inside the box, will shrink me?”

“Exactly.  So, do you want it?”

“I’m not sure.  How can I trust you that it works?” Eric was no dummy.  He didn’t just jump into things without giving it much thought.

“Tell you what.  I’ll give this one to you.  Come back when you want some more.”

“Wait, how long does it last?” Eric was starting to believe the man now, since he offered the box basically for free.  If this thing did work, then Eric would be coming to the man again that’s for sure.

“Twelve hours exactly.”  Eric placed his hand on the black box.  The old man placed his hand on Eric’s.  “Be sure to read the instructions.”

“Okay,” he said as he grabbed the small, fist-sized box and exited the store.  He entered his car and placed the box on the passenger seat.  He saw the old man smile through the car and store windows.  Eric put his key into the ignition, eager to try out the box.  He completely forgot that his car had just died until he turned the key.  And much to his surprise, his car started.  It showed no problems at all.  Eric didn’t think much of it and drove home.

As soon as he entered his single-bedroom apartment he sat down on his couch and placed the box on the coffee table.  He looked at it both excitedly and nervously.  He pulled back the flip-top box to see a small vile and a piece of paper, which probably were the instructions.  He took both of them out and set them on his table.  He barely glanced at the paper and it read “Drink entire contents.”  Eric didn’t bother reading the rest of the paper.  He took the vile, took off the stopper and brought it to his mouth.  Then he paused.  This was not how he wanted to do it.  He wanted someone with him when he shrank.  While he thought that it would still be fun seeing the world at three inches, it’d be better with another person.  The only problem that Eric had was that he was not seeing anyone at the moment.  And he couldn’t think of a girl he could call out of nowhere to come visit him.  There was no way he was going to do it with one of his ex-girlfriends.  He could not trust any of them, especially how sour all those relationships ended.  There was only one person he knew he could trust. 


And that brings us back to Lisa’s door.  Today happened to be Saturday and he didn’t expect Lisa to be busy the next day.  So this was, in Eric’s opinion, the perfect time.  Eric had so much trust for Lisa that he actually confessed his fantasy to her.  Although he didn’t entirely mean to.  They were both drunk at Eric’s apartment last year when it slipped out.  Lisa didn’t too much of it.  It actually intrigued her a bit, and that only increased his trust for her.

Eric took a deep breath and knocked on the apartment door.  His heart beat faster with each second.  Then the door opened and there stood Lisa.  Her blue eyes gleamed with delight.  She outstretched her arms and gave Eric a warm hug.  “Eric!  What a surprise!  Come in,” she waved him in.  When Eric entered, he did not say a word.  He was busy imagining what the blonde would look like as a giant.

Lisa motioned for him to sit down on the couch.  Lisa saw that his face was not one of joy.  “Are you alright?  You look a little nervous?”

“Oh, no.  I’m fine.”  Actually, Eric was nervous as heck.

“Okay then, would you like some tea?  It’ll relax you a bit” 

“Yeah, sure.  Thanks.” 

Lisa walked into the kitchen, just next to the living room.  “So, what brings you down here?”

“Well, um...,” he staggered, “You uh... remember that fantasy I told you about a while back?” he asked with a crack in his voice.

Lisa thought about it for a while as she prepared the tea.  “Oh, you mean the one where you are tiny?”

“Yeah, that’s the one.” Lisa had her back to him as she opened the cupboard.  “Well I think I can do it,” he said as he opened the black box and removed the vial.

“Huh, what do you mean?” she asked as she reached in the cupboard for the tea bags.

Eric removed the stopper and brought the vial to his mouth.  “Here goes nothing.”  The vial only contained about a teaspoon of the liquid.  He tipped it upside down and swallowed.  It tasted just like water.  For a second, nothing happened.  Then everything turned blurry for Eric.  Although he didn’t feel it, he was rapidly shrinking.  In a span of two seconds, Eric went from 5'10" to a mere 3 inches.  When Eric regained his vision, he was under a huge white drape.  He soon realized he was inside his shirt.  It worked!  He quickly ran to the top of his shirt to exit.  When he got out from the giant shirt, he was amazed at the sight.  What used to be a small apartment, was now the size of a metropolis to Eric.  He then heard Lisa’s voice boom from the kitchen.

“WOULD YOU LIKE BLACK TEA OR...” she turned around to see her childhood friend missing.  “ERIC?”  Her voice now showed no resemblance to the petite girl Eric knew.  Lisa put down the tea bags and moved back to the living room.  There she saw the clothes that Eric was wearing when he came in.  When she moved closer to see what was going on, she saw him.  “OH MY GOD...”

Eric looked up and finally saw what he had waited his whole life to see.  A beautiful, giant woman towering above him.  She bent down to get a good view of Eric.

“WHAT DID YOU DO?” her voice sounded like an explosion.  Eric covered his ears in pain. 

“Not so loud!” he yelled back.

“OH, SORRY,” she said, this time whispering.  However, it still sounded loud to Eric.  “WHAT DID YOU DO?” she repeated.          .  She brought her face closer to Eric, since she could barely hear him yell.

Eric had an incredible view.  Every single feature was magnified more than tenfold.  “Uh, I shrank myself,” he finally answered.


Eric informed her on what happened the other night.  He even mentioned why he decided to shrink in the presence of Lisa.  “THIS IS TOO MUCH TO TAKE IN.  ALTHOUGH IT IS FLATTERING THAT YOU WANTED TO SHRINK IN FRONT OF ME, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE TO TELL ME FIRST.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry.  I got too excited and well . . . ”


“The old man said twelve hours.”


“Yup,” he nodded.

“I GUESS I’M GONNA HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF YOU THEN.”  Eric simply nodded again.  Wow, did those blue eyes ever looked so beautiful.  “YOU MUST BE COLD.”

“Huh?”  Eric had completely forgot that his clothes didn’t shrink with him.  He was too astonished by the scenery to remember that.  He quickly covered his genitalia from his best friend in embarrassment. 

“HEE, HEE,” she giggled.  “DON’T WORRY.  IT’S NOTHING I HAVEN’T SEEN BEFORE.”  She grabbed a tissue off the coffee table and handed it to Eric.  To Eric, the tissue seemed like a towel.  So he wrapped it around his body as so, covering his lower body.  “SO THEN, WHAT ELSE DOES THIS FANTASY OF YOURS CONTAIN?”  Eric looked away from the giantess slightly embarrassed.  He wanted to tell her, but couldn’t bring himself up to it. 

Because Eric and Lisa were such good friends, they decided to just remain friends.  They did not want to ruin their long friendship.  But, both of them were attracted to each other and it was hard suppressing their feelings.

“Well, I kinda want to be... played with,” he said, the last two words almost inaudible to himself, let alone Lisa.

“WHAT WAS THAT?  I DIDN’T GET THE LAST PART.”  Lisa was very intent on learning more about her friend’s fantasy.  Especially since he was living it out.

Eric looked the other way when he blurted it out, “Played with.”  Upon hearing this Lisa rose from her position.  She looked down on her friend, shocked.  She could not believe her ears.  The only thing Eric mentioned when he told her of his fantasy was that he wanted to view the world at three inches.

From Eric’s view, Lisa looked incredible towering over him.  Seeing her like this again brought him an erection.  Luckily, it was masked by his tissue towel.  When he saw the expression on her face, he regretted telling her.  Her mouth was slightly opened and her eyes were very alert.  This expression changed quickly though.  Her face now showed a slight smile.

“YOU WANT TO BE PLAYED WITH?” She crouched down once again so she could hear the tiny man.  “IN WHAT WAY?”  Eric was too embarrassed to tell her.  He didn’t have to.  It didn’t take Lisa long at all to realize he meant sexually.  “I THOUGHT THAT YOU JUST WANTED TO BE FRIENDS.”

“Well, yeah, but under these circumstances...  Well I just wanted to live out my fantasy.  And basically you are the only one I can trust.”

“AWW, THAT’S SO SWEET.”  She placed her hand next to Eric, palm facing up.  “HOP ON LITTLE MAN.  I WANT TO BETTER LOOK AT YOU.”  Eric happily obliged.  He knew that he would be in no danger with Lisa.  He could see every intricate detail.  He placed his knee on her palm.  The firm cushioned platform resembled that of a leather couch.  When he got to the center of Lisa’s palm, she brought it up to her face.  “YOU LOOK AWFULLY CUTE LIKE THIS,” she said, her eyes even closer than before. 

“And you look amazing.  I cannot describe how beautiful you look.”  Eric was hoping that charming Lisa would allow him to explore his fantasy.  Eric knew that Lisa was a sucker for compliments.

“IS THAT SO?  WELL, I GUESS WE COULD DO YOUR FANTASY THING...  BUT I’LL HAVE TO TALK WITH MY BOYFRIEND FIRST . . . ”  Eric had completely forgot about her boyfriend.  He had met him the last time Eric visited.  “BECAUSE I DON’T KNOW IF HE’D LIKE THE IDEA OF ME BEING WITH ANOTHER MAN.  EVEN IF YOUR ONLY THREE INCHES.”  At that moment, Lisa heard the sound of keys just outside her door.  “SPEAK OF THE DEVIL . . . ”

In walked Michael.  He had just finished his nightly jog.  Eric was amazed by the sight of him.  Michael had a very athletic body.  He was 6'3" tall and weighed 230lbs.  It was as if he was molded out of clay.  When he stood next to Lisa, he dwarfed her 5'3" frame.  But that was the type of guy Lisa went for.  And with her looks, she could get pretty much anyone she wanted. 

“OH, HEY BABE.”  He went over to kiss his girlfriend, as usual, but Lisa backed off.  “WHAT’S WRONG?  WHAT’S THAT IN YOUR HAND?”  His voice forced Eric to cover his ears once more.


“YEAH, I REMEMBER,” he said, this time in a much softer voice.  Michael was not sure where this was going, so he was pretty confused.


“WHAT DO YOU MEAN?” Michael only became more confused.

“HERE,” she simply showed Michael her palm.  When Michael’s eyes recognized the tiny figure, they only got wider.

Eric waved at the colossal giant and greeted him.  “Hi Michael.”

Michael rubbed his eyes.  He could not believe what he saw.  “ERIC IS THAT REALLY YOU?” he asked, not keeping his voice down.  He saw Eric cover his ears and nod his head.  “OH, SORRY ABOUT THAT.” 

Lisa and Michael sat around the dining room table while Eric sat on it.  Lisa explained what she could about Eric shrinking.  And that was not much.  “WOW.  THAT’S INCREDIBLE.  I DIDN’T KNOW STUFF LIKE THIS EXISTED.”  He kept his eyes on the miniature person sitting in front of him.  “BUT, WHY?” The giant asked.  Lisa and Eric glared at each other for a minute, neither replying. 

Then Lisa finally answered.  “WELL, IT IS ERIC’S FANTASY TO BE LIKE THIS.”

“ABOUT BEING TINY?”  Another “WHY?” escaped Michael.

Eric decided to take over from here.  “In all honesty, I really don’t know why.  But just the thought of being tiny amongst giant people is exciting.” 


“Well, I wanted to be around someone when I shrank and Lisa was the only person I could trust.”


“Yeah.  I knew that I had to be with someone I could trust to do this.”


Lisa saw that Eric did not want to say what he told her earlier.  The more Lisa thought about his fantasy, the more intrigued she became.  She decided to just tell her boyfriend.  Lisa leaned closer to Michael and cupper her hand in front of his ear.  “HE WANTS TO PLAY WITH ME,” she told him.  Michael looked at his girlfriend with shock.






“WELL, LET’S TRY IT OUT.” Eric couldn’t believe his ears.  His best friend was actually persuading Michael.  “WHO KNOWS, WE MIGHT EVEN LIKE IT.”



Michael stood silent for a while.  “I DON’T KNOW IF I’M TOO COMFORTABLE WITH THIS...”

She had to pull out the wild card.  “PLEASE HONEY?  FOR ME?”  Her eyes told Michael that she really wanted to do this.  Not only for Eric, but for herself.

“ALRIGHT,” he finally broke down.  Eric was bursting with joy.  He could tell that Michael was a really nice guy.  Michael would probably do anything for Lisa.  And Eric was glad that he was Lisa’s boyfriend.  She deserved a good guy like him. 

“Thank you guys.  This really means a lot to me.”

“SURE THING, BUDDY,” she said with a warm smile.  The three of them remained silent for a little while.  “SO,” Lisa began, “WHAT NOW?”

The two giants looked at Eric to see what he wanted to do.  “Uh, I don’t know,” he replied.  There were so many things he wanted to do, but he didn’t know where to start.  “Um... I don’t know where to start...”

“OKAY... WELL IT WAS PRETTY NEAT HAVING YOU IN MY HAND... HOW ABOUT YOU HOP ON?”  She placed her hand on the table and let Eric climb aboard.  She brought her hand closer to her face as Michael observed.  With her other hand, Lisa gently stroked Eric’s chest.  “I CAN’T BELIEVE I HAVE A MAN IN MY HAND,” she stated happily.  The meres touch from this giantess brought Eric at full salute.  “SO ERIC, HOW DO YOU WANT TO START?” 

Eric finally thought of something he wanted to do.  “Can you place me on the floor next to your feet?” he nervously asked. 

“OH, SURE.”  She stood up and moved back to the living room.  In a clear open area she set Eric down on the carpet floor.  She was eager to see what her little friend would do.  And so was Michael.  He moved in closer to get a better view.  The giant couple viewed Eric walk up to Lisa’s feet. 

Her feet were small, but not compared to Eric.  To Eric they were the enormous.  The carpeted floor provided Eric a challenge.  There were countless bumps he had to run through to get to Lisa’s bare feet.  But nothing was going to stand in Eric’s way.  He couldn’t believe it, he was about to play with a huge beautiful foot!  He ran up to the big toe and immediately started rubbing it.  He caressed it using his arms and chest, embracing it as if it was another person.

“SO YOU HAVE A THING FOR FEET?” Eric heard the giantess ask.  He had to tilt his head far back to see her face.  From this view, Lisa looked more like a building than a person.  Eric looked back to see a very excited Michael looking intently.  “WHY DON’T YOU JOIN IN?” Lisa motioned for her boyfriend.  And Michael hesitated a little before finally joining in.  In Eric’s fantasy, it would only be Eric and Lisa.  But he knew that he wouldn’t get everything he wanted.  Michael was nice enough to let Eric play with his girlfriend, so he didn’t mind too much.

Lisa slowly began descending, finally sitting on the floor with her knees arched.  Eric was enjoying himself on her right foot as Michael went for her left.  Eric saw Michael’s giant figure kneel down in front of Lisa’s foot.  Viewing something like this was incredible.  He saw Michael grab her foot with both hands.  Using his big, rugged hands, he massaged the sole of her foot.  Eric stood in awe, admiring how great a position he was in.  “GO ON LITTLE GUY,” the male giant spoke.  Michael seemed to get more comfortable with Eric’s fantasy.

Eric went back to work on the giant toe in front of him.  After giving it a good rubbing, he moved on to her second toe.  There was something that amazed Eric.  His stamina.  He had expelled so much energy in to Lisa’s big toe, yet he still had a lot left in him.  He then remembered the old man saying something about having incredible stamina and strength.  This made Eric even happier, knowing he’d be able to do this for a long time.

He looked to see what Michael was doing now.  He saw the giant sucking on her toes!  Eric was very excited to see this.  He watched the giant stick out his tongue and wrap around her toes.  While Eric was turned around, Lisa spread her toes then trapped Eric between her big and second toes.  Eric’s arms were on each toe as the foot rose high into the air.  He was now eye level with the male giant.  Michael then released Lisa’s left foot and focused on the right.  He smiled at Eric and began massaging Lisa’s foot. 

“OOH,” Lisa moaned lightly.  Eric was glad that these two guys were enjoying this.  He was already thinking about doing this several more times.

As Michael kept rubbing, Eric saw his eyes close.  He then let out a moan just like Lisa’s.  Eric looked down and saw Lisa’s left foot playing with Michael’s hardening cock.  Lisa then brought her right foot down, bringing Eric with her.  Eric was released from her toes and saw Lisa sit up and kiss Michael.  They were ready to get it on.  Eric wanted to join in, but decided to let them have the fun now.  It was early in the night and he knew he would have plenty of time to further explore his fantasy.  Right now, he was about to enjoy the show of a lifetime.

Lisa stood up, giving Eric another marvelous view.  She then removed her shirt.  She was not wearing a bra, since she just woke up when Eric knocked on her door.  Eric couldn’t see her face anymore.  He could only see the bottom of her breasts.  Things were only to get better for Eric.  With her top off, Lisa quickly slid down her shorts and panties.  Eric was in heaven.  Lisa kicked off her clothes and walked over Eric to her boyfriend.  Although very brief, Eric got the most incredible view of Lisa’s goods.  As his eyes followed Lisa, he saw Michael towering above him, also completely nude.  The couple locked lips passionately for a good minute.  Lisa pulled away and said something inaudible to Eric.  He then saw Michael lie down on the floor about fifty feet away. 

Lisa then kneeled down next to Michael, facing Eric.  She was sitting next to Michael’s chest.  Eric ran toward the two for a better look.  As he made his way through the uneven terrain, he saw Lisa’s giant hand wrap around Mike’s cock.  He continued to watch Lisa rub the massive cock up and down.  Michael’s eyes were closed and he was moaning softly with pleasure.  A couple more times the hand went up and down.  Then Lisa crouched over Michael’s lower body and hovered her mouth over his cock.  Her tongue protruded out of her mouth and circled around the head of the cock.  Her mouth then opened wide to permit the cock to enter.  Eric could see Lisa’s mouth stretch as it took in the huge shaft.  He was getting incredibly aroused and could not stay still.  He removed his towel-like tissue and began stroking his own throbbing cock.

Up and down Lisa’s head bobbed.  She only wanted to get him at full salute.  With her mouth around the huge member, she noticed Eric all by himself.  An idea popped into her head.  She wanted Eric to enjoy the view from a much more personal vantage.  She removed her hand from her lover’s cock and wrapped it around Eric.  The unsuspecting Eric was brought to the air before finally landing on Michael’s hard stomach.  He was a mere 15 feet from the action.

Lisa’s mouth finally let go of the throbbing cock and she stood up.  She placed her right foot on the other side of Michael.  Smiling at Michael, she lowered her self onto him.  She sat on his lower abdomen, barely missing her tiny friend.  Michael’s dick touched upon her lower back, while Eric just an inch away from contact.  Her feminine aroma seeped into Eric’s nose and intoxicated him.  Eric got the best view one could get.  The neatly trimmed blonde hairs pointed to her love canal.  He could see that she was already wet.  Her liquid seeped through, coating her labia.  Eric reached out to touch it, but just as he did so, Lisa moved out of reach. 

Lisa moved just slightly up and back.  She lowered herself again, this time the pulsating dick in front of her crotch.  Her arms were placed outside Michael’s legs.  Her legs were spread wide to provide the balance needed.  This was a sexual position that Eric had never tried.  From his view, it looked impossible for Lisa to take in the huge cock to the hilt.  Then a huge hand came into Eric’s view and grabbed the tremendous cock.  Lisa rose once more and descended on top of the large shaft assisted by Michael’s hand.  Eric could not believe the view he had.  This was the most incredible thing he about to witness.  To view two people have sex, in his position and theirs, was too much.  He saw Lisa’s lips part as the head of the cock entered slightly.  Simultaneously they both moaned from the pleasure.  Lower and lower she descended, engulfing more of his giant prick. 

Lisa went as far as she could.  In this position, she couldn’t take the cock all the way.  She slightly swayed back and forth.  “MMM,” she moaned.  Eric noticed that her moans were getting louder each time.  Rhythmically, increasing the speed each time she repeated.  Eric found it hard to keep his balance, so he lied down on Michael’s sturdy abs.  Stroking his cock, he admired the way those giant breasts bounced.  Her eyes were closed as she continued.  Eric noticed the couples’ moans become quite loud.  He assumed they were close to climaxing.  As Lisa swayed, Eric saw that the huge shaft was lubricated very well.  Lisa’s juices were escaping her body freely all over Michael.  Eric couldn’t contain himself any longer.  He exploded onto Michael’s stomach.  Then the moans turned into screams. 

Eric had to cover his ears when Lisa climaxed.  He witnessed her muscles tense as she did.  Soon afterwards, the loud grunt from Michael affirmed his climax.  Lisa then relaxed for a bit then got up and rested beside Michael.  Eric also got up and walked up Michael’s chest.  As his chest rose, Lisa’s eye noticed the tiny figure.  She lightly fondled the little man with a single finger.  “I’M SORRY ERIC, WE GOT A LITTLE CARRIED AWAY.  She turned her attention to her lover, “YOU’VE NEVER RUBBED MY FEET LIKE THAT.  IT WAS INCREDIBLE.”


“HE HE, YOU ARE OUR LITTLE SEX FAIRY,” she joked.  She placed her palm up on Michael’s chest and let Eric on.  She then brought him closer to face.  “WE ARE NOT USUALLY LIKE THAT.  IT JUST FELT SO GOOD WHEN MICHAEL WAS RUBBING MY FEET.  WE KIND OF STRAYED FROM YOUR FANTASY A BIT, HUH?”

“Oh, don’t worry about it.  I never thought I’d experience something like that before.  Watching you two have sex was something I won’t forget.”


Lisa smiled and kissed Michael on his cheek.  Turning her attention to Eric, she asked him“WHAT ELSE WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO?”

But before he could answer, Michael stepped in.  “LET’S GET SOME FOOD FIRST.  I’M STARVING.”  Eric and Lisa agreed.  They didn’t want to cook or go out to eat, so they ordered pizza.  Lisa and Michael put on their robes while Eric made himself a toga out of a napkin.  When the pizza came, all three of them pigged out.  Of course, Eric only needed very little to get full.  After the threesome relaxed and let the food digest, it was about 12:00 a.m. 

Then the question of what to do next came along.  The two giants were interested in what Eric had to say.  He had got them hooked into his fantasy already and they wanted to explore some more. 

“Well, watching you two earlier brought up something that I’d like to try.  It was almost as if you used me to get yourselves going.  And I want to explore that even more.”


Eric knew that he would have time to explore other aspects of his fantasy later.  He wanted everyone to have a good time, not just himself.  “Well, I’m going to offer you my services.  That is, you can use me any way you want.”


“Don’t worry.  I have a feeling that I can take almost everything you throw at me.”  Eric explained what the old man told him about the added strength and stamina.  “So what did you want to try?”

“YOU’LL SEE.”  Lisa grabbed the tiny man and the three went into the bedroom.  She set him down on the bed and removed her robe.  Michael did the same.  Lisa climbed onto the bed and rested on her back.  “PUT HIM RIGHT HERE,” she said, pointing at her crotch.  Michael picked the little man up between his fingers and set him atop Lisa’s bush. 

Eric was beside himself.  He could not believe that she was being so forward.  “COME ON LITTLE GUY, WORK YOUR MAGIC,” he heard from above.  Eric crawled through the knee-high pubic hairs and stopped where Lisa’s labia met.  He then started rubbing his hand against her clit.  He had to use his entire hand to massage her clit.  A single finger would no longer do her justice.  It didn’t take long for Eric to hear Lisa moan.  This only inspired him to work harder. 

Meanwhile, Michael got onto bed and kneeled beside Lisa.  He caressed her hair as she brought his cock to life.  Lisa then uncontrollably squirmed from excitement and sent Eric tumbling onto the bed. 

Eric arose to see Lisa’s huge, moist lips directing in front of him.  The aroma intoxicated Eric once more.  Those lips were the same size, if not bigger than Eric.  He touched her labia, easily coating his hand with her wetness.  Eyes agape, Eric plunged his arm deep inside Lisa.  The warmth, the natural lubricant, the aroma and the slick muscles almost brought Eric to climax.  “OOOOH,” he heard from Lisa.  Eric didn’t see Michael’s hand grab him by the waist.

‘Damn!’ Eric thought.  He was so close to experiencing the part of the fantasy he loved the most.  “ARE YOU SURE YOU’LL SURVIVE?” the giant asked.  Eric was ecstatic.  He could not believe Michael would let him play with his girlfriend’s most sacred orifice.  And that he was so concerned. 

“Yes,” he answered eagerly.  The giant then brought Eric back down in front of the massive cunt.  Instead of leaving him on the bed however, the giant took it upon himself to stuff Lisa’s canal with a tiny man.  Eric felt the giant fingers push him further inside, before leaving him in the dark.  Eric bathed in Lisa’s warm embrace.  He could feel her with every part of his body.  And it wasn’t long before he was covered with her cum.

The feeling of having a tiny man pushing against her inner muscles was such a rush.  Lisa was squirming and moaning with delight.

Although Eric couldn’t hear Lisa, he could very much feel her movements.  Using all the energy he could muster, he pleasured Lisa using his entire body.  Not to mention pleasuring himself.  He lunged his cock against the oversize muscles to get himself off.

Michael was now lying on his back, his long shaft pointing to the sky.  Although Eric was doing a good enough job by himself, Lisa wanted Michael to help her orgasm.  She got up from her position, covering her wet cunt with a hand, just in case Eric slipped out.  She then descended down on Michael.

Eric felt everything suddenly move.  The vaginal muscles squeezed him tightly as the whole lot shifted.  When it finally stopped, he didn’t know which way was up.  All he knew, and cared about, was that everywhere was Lisa.

With Lisa on top, she got to work on Michael’s cock.  She stroked it up and down, covering the glans with her mouth.  With a hand on each cheek, Michael lovingly licked away at Lisa’s pussy.  He would lick up and down between those lips.  Then he’d concentrate on her clit.  Lisa worked that member rhythmically, taking a break every now and then to let out a moan.

Eric didn’t know what was going on outside, but that didn’t stop him.  He did notice that it was incredibly warmer since he had entered.  Not to mention that those pulsating muscles were squeezing him harder.  Occasionally, he felt something hit his feet.  He assumed it to be a finger, but it was actually Michael’s tongue.  Eric had already ejaculated inside her.  Now he concentrated on getting Lisa off, which wasn’t far away.

Lisa stroked the rock-solid shaft harder as she felt herself about to climax.  The warm liquid filled her mouth in seconds.  She had to swallow to let out the screams of her orgasm. 

Eric felt the slick walls around him squeeze even tighter than before.  He felt like he was about to die, but his frame held form.  Even more of Lisa’s juice joined him.  This time though, there was not enough room to hold the juice inside.  As Lisa’s muscles relaxed, Eric was flushed outside the living canal.  He landed on the bed, doused by Lisa.  He wiped what he could from his eyes.  As his eyes got used to the light, he looked up to see Michael, handing him a tissue. 

After cleaning himself up, Eric received another tissue, which he made into a toga.  Lisa was already sleeping peacefully, so he would just talk about his experience in the morning.  He was tired himself, after being pummeled inside Lisa.  So he set himself between the two giants and dozed into the next morning.

When Eric finally woke up, he found Lisa and Michael looking at him with some concern.  “Hey guys,” he said, rubbing his eyes.  “What’s the matter?”


“Huh?  What are you talking about?”

“DID YOU CUM LAST NIGHT?” she asked back.

“Oh, yeah.  Why?” he was confused by her choice of question.

“DID YOU READ THE INSTRUCTIONS?” Lisa asked with a stern face.

“Yeah,” he simply replied.

“THEN YOU DID THIS ON PURPOSE?” she asked, this time a bit upset.

“What do you mean?  I don’t understand.”


“Permanently?  What are you talking about?”


“You’re kidding right?” Eric got up alertly as Lisa showed the giant piece of paper.  “Oh no...”  He looked at the clock to the left.  It was 10:23 a.m., more than twelve hours since he drank the vile.  “Shit, this can’t be happening...”

© Copyright 2009 Harui (harui at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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