Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1526909-Trainers-first-wee-draft
Rated: E · Short Story · Detective · #1526909
First few pages of a short story i am working on.

Sliding his fingers through the gaping hole he swiftly retracted his hand now glistened with a stream of red which this initial process had taken Jonathan over an hour to conjure the strength to do, which by now was slowly sapping away.

His scruffy Nike trainers now sodden and pebble dashed with blood lay there fro an hour before being spotted by an eager dog walker

It only took seven minutes before an alert early shift officer arrived on scene with his steely keen probationer in tow. Her boots polished to a glass gleam clearly not long out of college compared to her far larger framed disgruntled looking colleague who clearly was not happy having his coffee interrupted . The years had grown weary on this early 40’s officer pre aging him greatly. His boyish looks and charm were still evident behind the grey short military cut.

Jenna had tried to push him about his past, the enquiry skills she had as a little girl had always lined her up for a career in the police. The puppy dog had grown a lot in the last three weeks

Working his final years until retirement, he gradually marked off day by day on the calendar pinned to his locker, this was no longer a dream job, and he was looking forward to a cushy 9-5 number office job save all this walking about and having to deal with members of the public who had changed greatly in the past 20 years on top off all of this bureaucratically paper work and blue tape. For the last two weeks Jenna had heard nothing but moaning and story’s, of how she should never have joined the force, and how that now being a heterosexual female in the police force she was screwed literally. For there was a group, or meeting or some sort of legislation, is she had been black, from a minority group, gay, foregin or anything other than what she was! Just the sort of information she needed in her first few weeks in the job. If his scare story’s, and the silent treatment from half of the team hadn’t helped enough, a liability she was only having the 12 weeks in college
His stories often told of how you used to solve real crimes with real punishments, none of this noting statements over a text message argument, and having to fill out three types of forms, spend several hours chasing complainers and alleged parties which often led to advice all round, or the complainer kissing and making up and not wanting to pursue the complaint. Jenna learned that the world was a far better place when criminals didn’t have more rights than the victim and lenient punishments never mind asbos. Greg often told how a swift clip on the ear had sorted many young people, but even saying boo to them these days often lead to a complaint against the police, another one of many in his file. The major reason Jenna had deduced that he was still a constable after 20 years of service and had not sgt or above, like many of his intake from Tully.
This morning looked to be busy
Jenna went over to look at the lonely set of trainers sitting in the middle of the path. The owner seemed long gone all that remained was a small pool of blood and a half palm print to the right of the trainers. Greg took statement from the gentleman who had called in, his spaniel sat patiently at his side. Thee man in his late 60’s looked bemused by the scene, and repeated over that in all his years he had never seen such an odd thing, or things happening since the new student accommodation block had opened two months ago. Jenna was not as convinced that this was a silly student prank although the path did lead down to the student halls block. This had been the bain of every shifts life on the section, from the moment building commenced, with regular teenagers breaking into the building sight, the regular fights between students, noise all week from ongoing parties and stupid pranks gone wrong. It now appeared to be the ‘in’ place for all sorts of criminals. With students easy pickings for robbery a place to stay low or a regular party with free drink. With targets for local drug dealers to get hooked and supply the endless parties.
Radioing in to inform the control room of their progress the best plan of action seemed too seemed to be bag and tag the trainers, get the evidence and locus photographed. With a search of the area already conducted, and no sign of a blood trail. The best course of action appeared to be head back to the station to make further enquiries
/throwing the trainers in the brown paper bad the two officer’s head back to the car. The path was well way from any houses and not used often other than by dog walkers.
Having checked with the control room and the local a+e that there had been no missing trainered patients admitted the previous evening.

Lying at the point of no return johnathan was glad that no one had found him. This was not his sadist mentality at all just his inability to accept help or want anyone to see him this way. He had always been stubborn and would be right up until his death.
With no conclusive or otherwise evidence to suggest a crime they had decided to take a drive past the student hub and interrogate the local busybodies
A crowd had gathered outside the student union located in the village but disappeared sharps as the car bonnet of the panda pulled up turned the corner.
‘They don’t half love us’ ‘you haven’t seen the half of it’
Securing the car Jenna donned her cap with a half look at Greg who sighed and did the sae. Recently the pen pushers had been adamant that all officers where full uniform, including there hats. Off Greg charged towards the caretaker’s officer with Jenna in tow behind.
Greg ‘little chance we will get any thing useful from him but trying wont hurt’ – least it will be another boxed ticked. ‘well we could, but little chance the higher beings would be moaning about community relations over there tea and biscuits next week’ ‘well its either that or detection rates’ – this was often what happened Jenna didn’t get a word in edgy ways, Greg liked to talk, or moan a lot and often talk at people, Jenna had found.
The janitor huffed his way through the door as they headed into his makeshift office. The look of dissatisfaction painted as clear as the vibrant blue walls as the two battle clad officers wandered into his domain. The small office smelled distantly of beer vomit and bleach, not a pleasant smell as Greg would later remark before his second morning coffee.
A grunt of morning was vaguely recognised from the lard like lump now sitting a done a new shiny office chair ‘any trouble last night’ ‘no’ ‘ok, anyone come in covered in blood’ ‘’ any unusual happenings’ ‘well what do you want? this is student accommodation after all’ ‘’well anyone mention a fight or missing trainers’ – the tone in Greg's voice started to show his impatience and irritation –‘no’ ‘thanks’
Knowing this was going to lead nowhere Greg steered Jenna out of the door.
‘You think he is being paid’ ‘there’s no thinking he wouldn’t be there if he wasn’t’ ‘oh well where now? ‘Have a wander see what we come across ‘– you never know a student covered in blood – from a nose bleed missing trainers’’ – you really are wanting that coffee aren’t you.
The two officers headed fro the student block.
The fresh graffiti clad white wash walls and the all too familiar smell of tuna pasta and beer, struck Jenna first. Knocking on doors to the constant being met by half dressed still intoxicated young people, lead them nowhere

He was very surprised to open his eyes again and see light not from the final tunnel but from glimmering rays of what he though was the blessed sun. Fortunately or not it was 4 am and although barely able to lift his fingers Jonathan reached a half face smile.

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