Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1518862-Shape-Shifters
Rated: E · Short Story · Sci-fi · #1518862
Prompt Photo is a monk sleeping with a tiger. Written in 15 minutes.
They were the only one of their breed here on Earth. They were shape-shifters.

Mika and Saran had walked the planet for more than a thousand years; well beyond what their species would normally endure within a single eco-environ condition. More often shape-shifters would float from reality to reality, unbound by distance, limited only by their tendency to be easily bored. Shape-shifters existed for one purpose only, to experience the experiential.

When not bound to a body, they became weightless beings of pure energy. Seeking out the infinite wonders of one universe or another, they would find something of interest and settle down for a moment, a day or even for years. Once they had assumed appropriate forms, they would mingle with whatever was at hand, experiencing life in the first person. After they had sampled all that was of interest, they would disengage and seek out the next new experience.

Mika and Saran had been lucky. They had found a reality, with seemingly limitless experientials. Here on Earth they had come across a phenomenon that was to be found nowhere else in the universe; they had found emotions.

The bountiful buffet that emotions held for them represented a quality of experience beyond measure. They could mix and match emotions, seemingly at random. They could cry till they laughed and giggle when they feared. They hated and loved. They dreaded with anticipation and mourned with a passion. The contrasts offered such a tapestry that after a thousand years, they felt like they had just started.

As Shape Shifters, they often assumed roles that in themselves offered contrasts. To make it safely through the day, it was sometimes best to be humble and yet, at other times, proud strength was the best protector. Tonight, as they slept in the Asian wilderness, they took on the two roles. It was Mika’s turn to be the tiger.

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