Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1511992-Destinee-Dechiree-chapter-2
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1511992
Chapter 2 of Destinee Dechiree
Steve grasped his hair, pulling with all his might. Indigo frantically ran back to him,  he fell to the ground as she grasped his cloak. "Steve!" she fell to the ground as well, worry in her eyes. Lace glanced at Max then back at Steve, with a stunned look. Max quickly motioned to help Steve, they both ran after the two teens, Steve groaned in pain. "AHHHGHH!" Steve kept his head down, tears dropping on the ground creating clumps of dirt, his hands holding his head tight, body shaking in pain. "This pain! I keep...I keep...” Steve frantically try’s to speak, his head burning with pain. Lace steps forwards to him, in a worried tone she asks, "Keep what Steven?!" Steve grabbed his hair in front of his left eye, pulling harder than ever, he now was on the verge of collapsing. "Oh my god! AH!" He buckled to the ground, his whole body lying in a fetal position. Sweat poured down from his forehead, eyes scrunched up, most of his hair was in his face now, wet and most of it pulled out. Indigo kept trying to comfort him, everywhere she touched he jerked in pain. "I can't see anything, MAKE IT STOP!" Steve pounded on his head as a loud ringing noise filled his ears, he could not hear the frantic voices of his friends. Lace fell beside him and caught his hand; the Monitor fell beside her, the red dot pulsating on the screen. Max stood back, looking around nervously, Steve was pointing with his free hand at Max, mumbling over and over again. Indigo blurted out as she watched him freak out, "We got to move him! Something is killing him!" Lace tried pulling on his arm but he wouldn’t budge, his whole body was rigid except for his free hand which was still moving about. Steve continued to wail and cry out pain, Indigo started to tear up as well as Lace. "Oh Steve please stop," Indigo pleaded at him, he couldn’t hear her. Everyone watched Steve as he jerked and cried as his screams tore into the nightfall. Each cry of pain made him jerk, Indigo reached to his shoulder, Steve screamed "GET BACK!" Indigo gasped with a shrill, Steve huffed, he moaned in pain once again. As tears moistening more of his hair, he spoke up once more, "She’s here!!" Max quickly looked at him in awe. Steve opened his eyes open, bloodshot and growing deeper in red. Max took a step forward, before his foot reached the ground a dark figure loomed over Steve and grabbed him up off the ground. Steve moaned in horrible pain, a piercing scream had let out from this boy. Indigo looked up terrified, Lace held onto the bottom of Steve’s cape hoping he wouldn’t go. Everyone stared, scared stiff, the figure never showed their face as it hovered in the air with Steve, his feet far off the ground. The figure held a knife to his neck, beads of sweat now falling at rapid rates down his jaw bone. Everyone watched the attacker, terrified to say anything, "You want him? Then find us," in an instant the attacker and Steve lifted into the sky and into the shadows of the buildings in front of them as Steve frantically reached out only to find him fade away as well. "Steve!" Indigo snapped out of shock and ran towards the darkness until Max grabbed her by her waist, keeping her from moving. She scrambled to get loose, giving up she went limp and brought her hands to her crying eyes. Max let go, letting her lay on the ground, Lace wiped tears from her eyes and rubbed Indigo's back. Her blonde hair spread across the dirt as she cried into the ground, banging it with her fists which made cracks in the asphalt. Laces hood slipped off, her curls bounced as she wept in sorrow. "We'll get him back, we must," Lace looked at Max, his emotions were mixed as he paced back and forth in thought. Lace glanced at her handheld as it sat on the ground. The red light began to blink frantically as a blue dot emerged on the edges, also blinking. "Look, a signal!" Lace grabbed the monitor and faced it towards Max, he looked at it with glimmering eyes. "Brush yourselves off, we have to go," Max demanded, he hurried into the darkness as the other two fixed themselves.

Max opened a door in the alleyway, its metal exterior echoed with each pull Max strained on the handle. The door creaked open as he peaked his head in, a few moments passed as he listened, Lace clasped Indigo's as they waited. "Lets go, they went this way." Max stepped in and pointed up the stairs, Indigo followed behind, along with Lace. The three headed up the spiral staircase, metallic stairs echoed as each of them walked up. Lace chuckled as her and Indigo raced up the stairs, capes snapping behind them. Maxed shushed them as they passed him, the girls huffed as they slowed down, giving him an evil stare. Approaching a door, all three of them stopped. Max leaned into the crease of the door and listened intently, he closed his eyes and quietly raised his finger to indicate quiet amongst them. Turning his head towards Lace, she watched him waiting. "Come on...." he turned the knob slowly, the anticipation was killing them. A warm breeze blew as he opened the door, Lace's curls shook as she entered the room behind him. Orderly and quietly, all three of them entered the room, it was bare with wood chips covering the floor. A window over looking the deserted city sat against the wall of the door they came in. A swift sound of a cloak was heard as Max made his way to a door leading to the next room, he felt the coldness of the metal as he leaned in to hear. Lace paced around, kicking dust from the ground leaving footprints where dust would settle. "I thought you said he would be here..." Max turned his head and whispered back, "Sorry, I thought I heard someone." He pointed to the foot prints left by three separate people before them. "They're in there." Lace forced a confused look upon her face, Max motioned the two girls over to him. Slowly he opened the door, leaving a small opening to hear the commotion of the unknown group.

"They'll be here," a young woman's voice blurted out. Another person replied with a disgusted uptight tone, a woman, "He was not whom you were suppose to grab." The younger woman huffed, "The child would've been easier to get, and she wouldn’t have struggled." The same woman finished her thought.
Max adjusted himself to the thought of them kidnapping, the young voice sounded familiar to him. A step was taken, "They're going to come, trust me on this." The two paused, Max knew they couldn’t rescue Steve through the door. He backed up, the girls stepped back as well as he closed the door. "Lace, weaken the wall with your fire...Indigo, finish it." The girls nodded and ran to the wall. Lace placed both of her hands on the concrete wall, she immediately sent rushes of fire throughout the grey slate. Indigo stepped back from Lace, she rubbed her hands together and chuckled nervously. Indigo ran towards the wall, slamming her fist creating a blow that almost took down the whole structure. She fell and immediately stood back up, Max ran through the large hole followed by Lace and Indigo. As the dust from the blow fell, the trio appeared in order next to each other in front of the kidnappers. Steve looked up from the ground, he sat upon his knees and hands tied behind his back. A young blonde woman stood on Steve’s right, she was shocked to see the explosion. Her tight Spandex suit resembled the groups, it covered most of her body. "I told you they would come," the young women exclaimed with a shallow breath. She stood with one hand on her hip, looking like she was putting on a show. Steve looked up in pain at Indigo as she covered her mouth in horror.

"Gwenivere, it’s been too long...” Max announced, breaking the long silence. Gwenivere clasped her hands together, her blonde hair fell over her shoulder, with her blue eyes glimmered in the light. "Quite too long Max," at that moment she walked behind steve and bent over to grab his hair, jerking his head up to look at Lace, Max, and Indigo. Sweat dripped from his forehead as Indigo tightened her gloved fists, the squeaking from her prompted Gwenivere to speak. "My friend and I have been planning this evening for some time now. I assume you didn't know of course." She paused, still holding Steve’s hair, he couldn’t jerk her off, "Steven here is playing quite a role here, aren't you?" Steve growled at Gwenivere, she angered him. Smiling as he huffed in pain, she let him go. Steve slammed against the ground with a thud, his face contorted in pain, he struggled to sit back up on his knees. "Show your faces, I'd rather know whom replaced me before we get down to business," Max looked at Lace, he nodded in agreement. First Max lifted his hood off, then Lace, and finally Indigo. Everyone kept their faces content, Indigo stared at Steve hoping this wasn't going to take too long. "I see," Gwenivere made her way slowly to Max, the sound of her boots reverberated against the floor. She stopped and leaned into Max's ear, whispering. His head bowed down as she pulled back and walked pasted Lace, she gave Gwenivere a long stare "Lace...." said Gwenivere emotionless before she confronted Indigo. She looked down at the teenager, her tiny expression showed great rage. "Hmph...How could you replace me? I don't see the point, you recruited a mere child." Indigo grew even more furious at her, being called a child was what she was trying to escape her whole life. Max stepped out and began to speak, “What is going on? What has happened to you...the woman I fell for..?" Gwenivere stopped in her tracks, she sighed and turned to him, "Wouldn't you like to know...” She shook her head and stared at max blankly, "Since I left, my life has been horrible without you," Gwenivere raised her hand and swept it, letting her hover in the air. "That doesn't matter anymore, you have a bigger problem," Gwenivere turned her head to another woman in the room, she walked out of the shadows. The woman was older, her black silky hair fell upon her shoulders down to mid back, her eyes were glowing a dark brown, and her face was pale. A long kimono fell upon her body, there was a detailed dragon ran from her neck to her leg. She walked slowly over to the five, "I'm Adrienne, whether you like it or not I’m going to be in charge. She paused and stopped in front of them all, "Doing what I say is not optional." Lace broke her posture and leaned upon her left leg, "...and what if we don't?" Adrienne snapped her head to Lace, from that comment she smirked and replied, "Your dear friend here will pay, as well with everyone else here." Adrienne walked closer to Steve, as he looked up at Gwenivere, whose feet were inches away from his head. "I have a mission for you. There is an illegal shipment coming into town, it’s heavily guarded, making this quite tempting at the most. But, it’s much too difficult job for me..." She chuckled, "Your job is to retrieve it, and of course they can't possibly recognize you. Just bring yourselves and....anything you think might protect you." Crossing her arms a grin crept upon her face, "Any questions?" Max stepped out and looked at Adrienne, "What does this have to do with us?" She smiled at him, Max backed up. "You'll see, besides, your little psychic here is being held against his will. I suppose if the job isn’t important to you...so isn’t your friend.” She shrugged and walked behind Steve, pulling on his cloak. "Please no!" Indigo yelled at Adrienne, "Please don’t! We will do it, just don’t hurt him." Adrienne looked back at Steve, "hmph." Letting go she pulled something from her pocket, and then circled to the front of Steve. "This button triggers a sleeping gas, now I'm not letting you leave yet but i'm going to leave you with one last note." Adrienne snapped her fingers, and Gwenivere raised her right arm slightly and flew over to Max, hovering in front of him before flying back behind Steve to face the group. Opening her mouth, Adrienne began to speak, "Remember, every little mistake you make we turn up the noise, literally." Gwenivere leaned over and stroked Steve’s hair, "His powers will diminish...No psychic Steven," Adrienne laughed loudly as she pressed the button in her hand. Slowly a yellow gas filled the room, Adrienne and Gwenivere stood there, smirking. Steve watched as Max, Lace, and Indigo frantically tried to rescue him before falling to the ground coughing. The last thing Indigo saw was Steve, passing out and being dragged away...
© Copyright 2009 Charmy Lynn (charmylynn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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