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A little bit of everything, mainly about life/happiness. |
enjoy. This past year of my life has been other worldly and indescribable, starts off great, ends up getting better and better until one rainy day. Perhaps my biggest, and only regret to this day happened this year, but it was a learning experience. When people ask me about everything that's happened, what should I say? I cant describe it, even at the end of the year I am back with the same "on top of the world" feeling. There's not many things I'm missing from my life for it to be complete, at the age of 17.... Its been a blast, for I can only wait for 09' to sweep me off my feet as 08' did. My theory on years passing is that if the previous was good, make the oncoming year superb, and rinse and repeat. When you look back you don't ever want to think "hey I should of done that instead of doing this" you want to say "I've lived and learned, made mistakes, and fixed previous problems". I like to think that one day I'll look back at all the things I've done, all the people I've encountered and just say "Good times", hell, that's what life is, right? A bunch of good times, all piled into one. Never have any regrets about anything, no matter what, look on the bright side, you learned, and you wont make that same mistake again, if it was a mistake to even begin with. People underestimate others by simply being blind to what is reality. I believe there should always be a bit of "Fuck it" in everyone, whether or not you believe me, there should be. If there Isn't then it goes right back around to "what I should of done". Don't let the day go by without doing at least one thing that makes you smile, or brings joy to your day. There's never not enough time for your self satisfaction, It's more important than anything else. Hell, if your not satisfied, then frankly, what does everything else matter?...my point exactly, it doesn't. I also would like to say that for everyone out there saying that they're not good enough for something, or someone, get some fuck it in your system, take risks, if you don't then when you look back your not going to have much to show for it all. You have to live everyday like its your last, let nothing bring you down, fuck stereotypes, people who think there shit doesn't stink, because deep down we all know they're just a little bit jealous of what you have that they will never have, which is a severe grasp on life. Every mistake you may think you have made was supposed to happen, and there was a reason, and for every mistake you do make, embrace it, laugh at it, and live your life. What people say should never bring you down, deep down you know its not true, and if it is true, then what's it matter? honestly, "She called me a whore, oh my god!" who the fuck cares, if you know your not, then fuck it, let them say what they want to say, spread shit they know is not true, because at the end of the day, your not the one lying about someone or something else. I've always thought that there are 2 types of people, people who see what the want, and go get it regardless of what others think, the other would be the people who frankly, don't care, and when I say frankly don't care, I mean they really honestly don't give a shit about anyone or anything. You're probably thinking, Isn't that not the same thing? It's not. It's two completely different things, The person who frankly doesn't give a shit about anything, lives with no fear, no fear of not living through the next night to see the next. You can't hurt them, there's nothing you can do or say to hurt them. The person who goes out and does what they want and gets what they want regardless of others is the type of person you see every single day, be it walking down the street, or on TV doing they're own thing, they're just patiently waiting for the right moment to make a move to get what they want, they don't make stupid decisions, which by the way there is no such thing, because you somehow thought it was the right choice, therefore, its right to you, who cares what others think. now, back to what I was saying, they think everything through thoroughly enough to the point where they know exactly what it is they're going to do, and when they're going to do. Oh, and to those girls out there, wanting to be some movie star, live your own life, don't obsess over materialistic things that only has a price tag for you to flaunt. BE WHO YOU ARE REGARDLESS. don't change anything about yourself to make anyone but yourself happy. How did we get this way? it's sick. media is sick. We all are in our own obsessive ways, but that's natural. When it gets to the point of thinking your not good enough for someone, then why try to make yourself that way, I can nearly guarantee you that there will be some person out there willing to accept you for EXACTLY who you are, and not what you could be, or in there eyes what you "should be". Women, guys are assholes, your going to have to accept this, we're complete dicks, many of us want only 1 thing from you, and that's what we're notorious for, your going to have to realize, we're not all the same, every guy may say the same stupid shit "I don't care"...don't let that shit fool you, they do, they're just lying, whatever it may be about. Women, I hope you realize, nice guys really do finish last, and it sucks you have to go through how ever many assholes your going to have to go through, but hey, good luck, and hopefully you wont have to, hopefully you wont have to cycle through more than 1 ass to find that guy who is going to treat you how you deserve to be treated. Also, don't take shit from us, we're just a guy, there's many more fish in the sea. To those women out there saying "oh he treats me like shit because he loves me" what the fuck is your problem, wake the fuck up and smell the roses, they don't smell that good, but shit, better than what your smelling in your current situation. Back to the subject of life, through every one of life's ups and downs, you have to realize; through every dark night, there's a brighter day, and if there isn't make it better. I believe every day should be better on some level than the previous, no matter how it is, also, don't get to repetitive with what you do, mix things up, shit, wear 2 different socks, who really gives a fuck. as long as your happy, that is ALL THAT MATTERS. If your not happy, your doing something wrong, which brings me to one of my favorite quotes; Happiness doesn't depend upon who you are, or what you have, it depends solely upon what you think. You could be completely broke and have a happy life. If you've made it this far, congratulations, you had a lot of time to waste, and hopefully you have more, for I am not done yet! When you wake up, and see that its raining, and your plans for the day you made the previous day are somehow "not going to happen"...MAKE IT HAPPEN. Another thing, don't let people get in the way of your dreams, do what you can to make those dreams come true, if others bring you down about it, just ignore it, they're just somebody who's mad that you think more highly of yourself than they would ever think of you. much less themselves. If there's a will, there's a way. keep that in mind. If you see something you want, that you "will never have" stop being stupid, you could have anything in the world you want you just have to do the things necessary to get to that point. Hell, If you would've asked me where I was going to be now when I was 4 years old, I was going to be a SWAT member, or a police man, and if you ask me today where I'm going to be in 10 years, or what I'll be doing, I'll respond, whatever it is, and wherever, I'll be happy, once again, that's all that should matter. I really don't know what I want to be, where I want to live, I just know I want to be happy, and if you don't have the slightest idea what it is, just know will be happy. Don't worry about things that aren't worth your time, or anyone's for that matter. Worrying can only make things worse than they already are, Worrying can kill you, literally, and if it doesn't then it will make you wish you were dead. Stress is another thing, If you're stressing about someone, something, don't, that's all, just DON'T. People you need to learn to be more real with yourself. Its sad when you sit there and actually doubt yourself. You can see it in peoples eyes. To every person who ever thought something was never going to get better, look at you now, your better right? your here to live another day. The simple most worst thing in life is the fear of doubting yourself, doubting yourself is something unexplainable. You have a reason for everything you do, whether or not it's wrong or right doesn't matter. Your reason was more than enough reason to do what you did, that's all that matters, or should at that. When I started this out I had no expectations of making it as far as I am now, some people say quit when your ahead, I say screw what they say, quit when you think is right. Don't ever let someone else influence you negatively. Don't ever let your friends tell you otherwise about yourself, or what your doing. I've been through a bunch of shit in my life, and I'm thankful for every bit of it, for I have learned, and made it through the next obstacle, just to prepare for the next. Parents, if your reading this, stop being so judgmental of your children, you have to let them live they're life, not the one you want them to live, hopefully you already realize this. We're going to make mistakes, we're merely adults in a disguise trying to prove to you that we know what we're doing, and don't need you, the truth is, we do, and we know it, that's a certain truth. Kids, your parents know best more than 3/4 of the time, and when they aren't you will know. Hatred isn't worth the time it takes to say the word hatred, much less the energy it takes. You have to learn to forgive everyone to certain extent, put yourself in they're shoes, what would you of done? Cheating is never ok, I've thought about it everyway one could veiw the topic, No one deserves it, NO ONE. If things are bad enough that you want, or think you want to cheat on someone, then fuck it, leave, dont do that to another person, especially one that you obviously cared enough about in the first place to be with them. Guys...why are you so fucking stupid (Women too!!)? you go out and have sex with some skank when you have a perfectly good girl at home wondering where you are, or if your lying to them (women dont deserve to worry, you need to earn they're trust!). While i'm back on the subject of guys, some sick fuck put it in your head that having sex with someone is something to brag about, its not...not at all, the girl obviously trusted you enough to do it in the first place, and then you go betray that trust for bragging rights, dumbass...And to those guys that feed girls bullshit about how they love them and will be with them forever and only want in theyr'e pants... what the fuck is your problem, you sick fucker. And for those guys that have a perfectly good girl, and "Hit it and quit it" like its some game, your stupid, you had a girl willing to give it up to you then you go with some skank for one time....god. you need help, guys in general do, so do women, im not trying to play this out to say that women are saints, they're not, they're just the same as us in many ways, think the same, and WILL DO THE SAME. 2 can play that game, trust me. and for the record...racism is more ignorant than the word nigger, go tell everyone you know, jump me, talk shit about me, I don't care, if your that ignorant to let a word effect you then you don't deserve my time at all, nor will you get it, and for those black people who call each other "nigga"...your the reason the word is still being used today, and your proving ignorance by using it as a slang. and no, I'm not racist. so think what you will about me. The great wall of China has nothing against this great wall of text. Peace, - Michael |