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by Madge
Rated: · Chapter · Other · #1508237
You meet the boys here
Chapter 4
My Boys

I dreamed of drinking toxic waste that made me mutate into a huge crocodile monster. I destroy some city and ate a bunch of people. The military came in shot atomic missiles at me but I ate them too and became stronger. I eventually ruled the world. It was a great dream. The only thing I would have changed was my use of my strength instead of just trampling the buildings I would have used a tall long building as a bat and then destroyed them with that.
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I jumped out my skin and yelped. No! I’m so tired. Who ever thought it was a good idea to have school start this early was a huge dick. I noticed my alarm clock was no longer next to me it was on my desk…That sucks, that means I have to get up and walk all the way over there and press the stupid button…or I can throw my pillow at it. I like the second option. Right as I threw my pillow Lucy opened the door about to wake me when my aim sort of missed my desk and hit Lucy in the face…
“Thanks, good morning to you too!” Lucy yelled slamming the door. “I’m sorry! I sort of missed my alarm clock!” I tried to explain but she was already gone. I rolled off and got up to murder the alarm clock. I grabbed the thing and flung it under my bed. That’s when I heard everyone leave their room “God its noisy.”, “Great…I’m not dead” someone commented on that one “Come on Luis”, “Is today Friday or what?”, “Its or what dude”. The rest was just a bunch of moans and groans…Zombies!
I put on my uniform and straightened my bird’s nest. I decided to put my silver rose clip in the middle of my bow this time. I went to my room and searched through my crap to see if they remembered to put my back pack here. There it is under my desk! I grabbed my black book bag when Lucy came back in. She stared at me and sighed “That isn’t your uniform anymore” she walked to my dresser and pulled out a sky blue and black uniform version of the uniform I was wearing. Wait…how did that get there?
The bow was a sky blue, the vest was black, the skirt of course a plaid black and sky blue skirt, a white button up blouse, and last but not least the ugly black Mary Janes. The only new thing was white knee high socks. I love it. I practically ripped it out of Lucy’s hands. She laughed and walked out the door shaking her head still amused. I laughed at myself, very embarrassed.
I put it all on as fast as I could. I ran to my mirror. I saw myself. I’m no different then how I was. The uniform was the same and it fit the same. My boobs are still considered nubs. My hair is still a boy’s length. I’m still Letty, a girl with a big L on her forehead. I’m still that weird girl in every corner of a classroom. I frowned, I am a little different. I’m less confident and way more confused but most of all…I’m scared. I feel like going back to the South side. I want to curl up on my dorm coach and watch Star Wars with all my friends.
Knock! Knock! I yelped. “Hey it’s me; don’t come out until I tell you. I don’t want the boys to meet you now. It would be better for later.” Lucy asked of me. “Alright” I‘ve agreed escaping from my mirror daze. I hate being so critical in front of a mirror,
I always thought mirrors were here to let us see how beautiful we are. Now what?
I looked through my book bag. My cheap ugly black cell phone was at the bottom. I noticed it had a skull key chain on it. I giggled, it’s so cute. I instantly thought about Cloey and Maddie they’re the ones who gave it to me. Tears weld up in my eyes. I flipped the cell phone open and called Cloey first. I had her on speed dial. The phone dialed and I waited. Before it could finish the second ring Cloey answered.
“Hey Cloey, it’s me Letty”
“I KNOW THAT! I HAVE CALLER I.D! ARE YOU OKAY! WHERE ARE YOU?” she sounded like she was about to cry.
“Please calm down and stop yelling in my ear!
She sniffled “Sorry but seriously are you okay?”
“I’m fine. It’s all good” I put my thumb up even though she still couldn’t see me.
“Where are you?”
“The north side Mind dorm”
“I said stop yelling in my ear.”
“Yeah, after I woke up I had an interview with the headmaster and two other teachers and they said I was perfect for the school”
We were silent for a while. She continued.
“Can we see you?’
“I don’t know but I know I can call you…I’m nervous”
“I would be too”
“Cloey I’m going to miss you”
“No you’re not; either you’re going to call me or I’m going to call you so you won’t feel lonely.”
“Thanks…You probably have a million questions to ask me about this place right?”
“Ugh Yes! How are the students? Are your teachers nice? Do you get any special treatment? Are the uniforms different? Is it really a secret society over there? How hot are the guys over there? Do you feel stupid compared to all the smart people?”
I laughed, I know how the headmaster felt at my interview “Okay, okay chill… Well I haven’t met the students yet actually, you’re not going to believe this!” We got really serious over this gossip. “There are only fifty students!” Cloey squealed with excitement “No way!” “Yeah! And there are only five teachers!”
“So weird!”
“I know! Anyways…” I breathed in calming myself down from my super girly moment “No we don’t get any special treatment, I think we get less the halls are a mess and nasty looking. I have only one teacher, her name’s Lucy. She’s really nice except she has such a quick temper. I haven’t seen any of the guys yet” I didn’t want to tell her my roommates were only guys… I don’t want to know what she would have done. I shuttered from the thought but then remembered her comment “And what do you mean do I feel STUPID?!” I yelled insulted that she questioned my brilliance. Cloey laughed “I’m glad you’re doing okay…”
My door opened, it was Lucy “There gone…What are you doing?” I looked at her then to my phone “Just calling a friend.” Lucy turned around saying “Well hurry up, you got class” She left.
“Sorry Cloey I have to go…Call you later?”
I laughed “Seriously bye”
“Yeah see yah.”
I hung up and stood up shoving my phone back in my bag then stood up I glanced around my room. I don’t want to leave my room. It’s so much safer and comfortable in here. I gripped my book bag’s strap. I want to fit in here but can I?
I look at my desk and notice something small and red. I walk over still looking at the red item. I picked it up and instantly new what it was. It was a long bendable plastic tube filled with fake blood and little plastic skulls and brains. I made it myself one night instead of doing homework… I squeezed it making it make a loud squishing sound. I giggled doing it again. I sighed shaking my head “Only I can be comforted by fake blood.”
I put the tube in my back pack. “I’ll be fine.” I told myself walking out of my room of safety.
I walked out into the kitchen. The counters were all brown but the edges were rimmed with yellow. The floor was titled red and brown. It was just a standard kitchen with a sliding door in the back that led to a grill and an open door that led to what I think to be the dinning room. Another table was in here but it only had four chairs around it.
Lucy was leaning on a counter drinking out of a white coffee mug that read “World’s Greatest Replacement Mother” I giggled. She glanced at her cup and put it on the counter laughing with me “the boys made that special for me for Mother’s day” she gazed at the cup reminiscing about that day. “That was nice of them” I smiled. “Yeah, they have their moments”
She looked at her clock wide eyed. “Crap we’re late!” she grabbed my wrist making me race out of the kitchen through the living room down the stair and out the door with her. We entered the building running past empty classroom after empty classroom. That is going to get annoying.
We finally stopped beside one classroom. “This is it.” I became increasingly anxious. What if they don’t like me? What if they’re all jerks? What if…I don’t make any friends? Will I be lonely? Lucy waved her hands in front of my face “Hey! Earth to Letty? It’s obvious you’re nervous but you have to stay with me. Now I’m going to go in. Come in when I call out your name.” She put her hands on her hips “Are you even listening?” I wasn’t I was spacing out thinking of what I would do if they all hated me. It came down to moving to Mexico or Going home and be depressed there. I like the Mexico idea.
“Letty?!” Lucy yelled grabbing my attention back to the real world. “What?!” I yelped surprised. She huffed and rolled her eyes walking into the class room. Wait…Did she say something? I shrugged as I listened in to what they were saying.
“Lucy your late!” a boy teased, I had a feeling he was the one who was always late. “Quiet Stew!” I heard her pull a chair up and sit in it. “I want all of you to be on your very best behavior today. If you’re not there will be consequences… Got it?!” Lucy warned them. They all answered with “Yeah whatever”, “Kay” and one even said “Yes maim”.
“Alright without further ado, Letty Clemens” she announced my name. I stood there a second. Am I supposed to go in? “Letty?!” I ran in. “Sorry!” My bad. I turned to the boys…Wow. They are all so handsome…And they’re all staring at me! I blushed, god this is embarrassing! There are ten of them, ten beautiful boys.
Lucy broke the silence. “Okay let’s just go down the line so we can introduce ourselves just say your name, home town, and why you’re here, Oh and something about yourselves.” The desks were a arranged in the middle of the room, five desks were put facing another row of five desks with another desk hanging from the back, simple “Brendan lets start with you?” Lucy suggested but it really was more of a demand. The boy moaned.
The boy closes to the front from the right stood up. Holy Crap! That guy is huge! What is he!? 6’4, 6’5?! Godzilla! I study him. His facial expression is pretty scary like he’s going to brake my face (I bet he could too, he’s built) but other than that he’s okay. Brendon’s hair is black and spikes up in the front revealing his large fore head that has a vein poking out from it.
He is missing a lot of the uniform like the gray vest, the sky blue tie (for guys only), and the rose clip. The only thing he has the button up shirt and black pant is dirty. . I get this strange feeling he doesn’t care though. I see the palm of his hand has a dark blue pentagram. That must be the marks we get! Neat’o. He also had a brown leather necklace that has some sort of symbol on it...I wonder what?
“What’s up? I’m Brendon Norton. I’m from Georgia. I’m here because I can freeze time…And uh…I ride motorcycles. Can I sit down now?” He doesn’t seem like the welcoming type. “If you’re going to be like that, go ahead.” Lucy sighed. He slammed back into his seat. Lucy snapped her head at him giving him an acid look. He just smiled showing off a yellow smile and big brown eyes…His eyes give off some sort of tender feeling. I still think he’s handsome.
The boy behind Brendon stood up. The new boy is tall and thin. His hands are in his pockets giving him horrible posture. I think he’s smiling but it could be a smirk. I don’t see his mark, so it’s probably under his clothes…I wonder where? I blushed at my own thoughts. NEVERMIND! I don’t want to know where it is under his clothes!
He has all the uniform parts but has a watch on. He may be the hottest of the boys. He has straight dark red hair that slides down his face until it hits his dark green eyes. There’s something about him… I just want to run over and play with him, I feel like a child when he is staring at me. Almost as if he knows the world and I know nothing, I don’t know how to breathe, blink, or stand. I’m getting light headed.
“Good morning Letty. I’m Shawn Brewer.” So this is the boy that tried to pick my lock. Oh yeah! There is just something about this guy… “I’m from New York. I have the power of shape shifting meaning I can become anyone I want. Umm…” He leaned back “something about my self” I interrupted “You can pick locks” Everyone laughed, he blushed “She’s got you Shawn” A blonde boy two desks behind him blurted out. Shawn smiled and looked over to me staring me directly in my eyes he said coolly “My dear, I can do many things” everyone stopped laughing. He continued to smile. I blushed this time.
The next boy shot up trying to change the mood. He had a very calming sweet face. He is extraordinary looking. He has purple eyes and light brown hair that only spiked in the back. The pentagram is printed n the middle of his neck.
His uniform had everything but the tie was out of his vest and he wore a rubber studded bracelet and an accoutrement of black rubber bracelets on his other wrist. What was weird about him was that he had two drum sticks and was hitting them on his desk that made a really cool sound. He was practically singing while he introduced himself
“E’llo I am Lavi Farris…” Oh GOD! Never mind he’s the hottest! He has a British accent...No competition its one of a girls dream to one day date a hot guy with a British accent even if it’s a one time stand (its mostly because we girls can brag about to our friends). “I am from England and I can make physic predictions, like premonitions. And I obviously play the drums but my soul belongs to the violin. Oh! I can also play the guitar. It really is a pleasure to have you here.” He smiled. I blushed again these boys are a little too much for me, I think I’m dizzy. He sat down (I might need to too).
The boy behind Lavi got up using Lavi’s shoulder. Lavi frowned glaring at the boy. The boy didn’t let go of his shoulder he instead leaned on it. This boy had platinum blonde hair and big gray eyes almost to the point of blue but there is something special about his eyes like they’re dancing with enthusiasm. His hair is shaggy but a neat shaggy like it’s supposed to be like that.
His uniform has all the main parts but the tie and he is wearing the long sleeved button up shirt, but the sleeve is rolled up so it’s kind of pointless. The button up shirt had a couple of buttons undone revealing the tip of his pentagram mark but his is much duller than the other boys. His rose clip is the replacement for the tie. He was smiling the whole way through his introduction
“Sup! I’m Stew Heiber I like long walks on the beach, sushi, and I want a short term relationship nothing fancy just, you know the usual sex and stuff.” Lucy threw a book at his head which he moved out of the way just in time for it. I think he was excepting it. “Stewart! What did I just say about behaving?!” Stew just chuckled “I’m sorry” he breathed in trying to calm himself down but he still kept smiling.
“My bad, anyways I’m from Maryland and I am an Impath which means I can feel everyone’s emotions and I play poker!” He gave me a thumps up and went on “By the way nice figure. Even with your tiny boobs but those can be fixed.” “What?!” I was pissed. I grabbed a book from Lucy’s desk and threw it at him. He moved but I still got his shoulder. The boys laughed. “I like her, I really, really like her” Brendon sneered. I huffed and crossed my arms. Stew sat back down. Lavi thumped Stew in the head with his drum sticks saying “Seriously Stew?” Stew shrugged.
The boy behind him wheeled out from under his desk…Wheel chair…He’s in a wheel chair! I stared for a second not really excepting that. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, I just didn’t except it. It actually explains why they have an elevator at the dorm.
He is cute rather than handsome. He has golden blonde hair in a bowl cute, with huge deep brown eyes. He had a trust worthy face like he’d do anything for you. His mark is in the middle of his forehead. His uniform was nice and neat having everything.
Elliot’s voice is small but not squeaky it’s calmer than that “Hello it’s nice to meet you I’m Elliot McFarland and I’m from Washington D.C I’m here because I can read minds and I love to play chess.” He might be the most normal out of all of them. Elliot rolled back under his desk.
The boy across from Elliot stood up strait. He seems almost professional but that could just be the way he hold’s himself up. He isn’t wearing the vest but he does have the tie. One of the things that really stands out about him is that he is wearing thick rimmed sunglasses and his black hair that has a dyed blue foe hawk. I could see his mark is underneath his right rimmed part of his glasses, that’s cool. Why does he even wear sunglasses? IS HE BLIND?! His voice is stern and low
“Trevor. Oregon. I turn people into stone…” He breathed in like he lost his breathe…Why? He didn’t say much. “I like photography” He sat immediately back down. “Don’t worry about him Letty, he’s normally like that” Shawn sighed stretching his arms “He doesn’t talk much except when it’s about photography.” Lavi explained pretending to play the drums again. “Its fine” I told them “That doesn’t mean he’s a bad person or anything” I consoled them. It really didn’t. Trevor smiled nodding his head like he was accepting me into his…gang or pack? I don’t know but it made me feel a little happy.
“If you’re wondering…” Lucy began grabbing our attention “He wears those sunglasses because the only way for him to use his power is if you look him directly in the eyes but if you cover his eyes he can’t. We haven’t found a safe way for him to use his power and turn people from the stone back to normal.” She explained. That makes since. “Next!” Lucy announced not wasting anytime.
The next one jumped up in the air excited because it was his turn. His Dirty blonde hair bounced up and down as he spoke making strange fast hand movements. He has brilliant blue that always seem to be wide as if he saw and did everything for the first time. He’s like a child. I couldn’t see his mark.
His uniform was messy like Brendon’s but his was another degree of filthy. Nasty. How can anyone stand that? He only wore the button up shirt that was opened on top of a black shirt (most likely dirty), he did wear the tie though.
His voice was fast and loud and he also had an accent but I’m not sure from where (the following was said in seven seconds) “Hi! Its so great to meet you when Lucy told us the other day that you were coming I was so excited that I didn’t really know what to think like is she nice? Will she be fat?” Lucy finally interrupted him putting him back on track. “Marcus…Focus.”
Marcus nodded putting his hands back up to talk (this was all said in four seconds) “Oh! Yes! I apologize! I’m Marcus Ackart! I was born and raised in France” Oh that’s where he’s accent is from…I knew that. (Three seconds) “With my mother, father, brother, other brother” Lucy put her hand up. (Five seconds) “Sorry! Anyways I have the power of leaping and I really, really, really, really” “Okay we get it you really like something” Brendon barked at him. Marcus blushed embarrassed “Sorry again I really like to write books” He sat back down embarrassed. He reminds me of an annoying kid brother, a really, really, really annoying kid brother.
I glanced at the next boy…He was asleep. “Jun!” Lucy threw a book at him. It hit him on the top of his head. It took him a second to wake up. He touched his head and then glanced at everyone rubbing his head “Ow” that was a late reaction. “Letty, don’t take Jun’s attitude personally It’s just how he is. Remember when I told you about the stages? Well sometimes something bad can happen. Well for Jun here he can’t stay awake for a long period of time but what he received is the power of copy cat. He can do whatever power he sees at a small degree.” Lucy explained to me. That must suck. He staggered up.
Wait a second…He looks a lot like Marcus. “Does Jun happen to be Marcus’s twin?” I asked, Jun yawned “Oui…I mean yes.” Lucy explained that as well “He speaks English but sometimes he speaks French because it takes less energy so just bare with him” I nodded. Jun’s hair is a messy version of Marcus’s hair. Jun’s eyes are an empty emotionless blue. He wore gray pajama pants and the long sleeved button up shirt, he had no shoes on. His mark was on his left cheek but his was different. His mark was outlined with orange and green. It’s so pretty.
Jun yawned again “bonjour...I mean Hello je m'appelle Jun Ackart” It took him a moment to notice he spoke French “I’m am called Jun Ackart” he sat pack down “I’m from France” he yawned and scratched his nose Lucy came in very impatient by the rate he was talking “Don’t worry about it Jun just go back to sleep I’ll finish for you” “Lucy he’s already asleep” Elliot informed her. She bit her lip really irritated “Well…” she clenched her hands “Jun was chosen to become a teacher here so he normally works with the P.E teacher Coach Jackson” Everyone groaned at the mention of that name. “And!” she yelled to shut them up “the Head Master.”
“Wow…I’m impressed” I admitted glancing back to Jun; I guess that proves you can’t judge a book by its cover. Jun rolled his head over to look at me “merci” I was confused “That means thank you, right?” He made a lazy chuckle “Yes” I smiled a little bit pleased getting a smile from him.
“Come on let’s keep going.” Lucy insisted. The next boy came up. The first thought that popped up in my mind when I saw him was…Frowny face. He has straight black hair, blue eyes that were almost black, He wore an all black version of the school uniform, and he had black eye liner (I like I wonder if I could try it on?). Luis’s mark is laid across is left hand’s fingers, when he spread his hand the pentagram would come apart. He was grimacing crossing his arms slouching over. He’s not a happy camper…
He’s voice is…beautiful like a song. I closed my eyes a second to embrace the sound but opened up quickly so I wouldn’t get carried away. “Do I really have to do this? There’s no point I’m going to die today” The boys complained all at once “Luis please let’s not start this”, “we heard your speech this morning”, and the rest said “Shut up” Lucy shook her head and told me “Luis is a bit of a pessimist” Brendon jumped in “A bit? Please every day he thinks of different scenarios f how he’s going to die. Like this morning he predicted that he was going to fall out a window!” Lucy’s eyes became daggers that stabbed at Brendon. He shut up.
Luis continued “I’m Luis Bouquet awful name isn’t it? I’m from the dreary cold bitter state of Colorado; I’m here at this so called school because I create illusions to trick the mind, when I was going through the stages I almost went mad and died too bad right? And at night every appalling night I dream of how I’m going to die. The only thing that gives me any instant of happiness is when I make a bad excuse for food…cooking” He sat back down slowly. Wow…that might have been the most depressing introduction I have ever heard.
Hold on a minute. I ran over to his desk putting my hands on his chair. Everyone gasped shocked by my sudden action but mostly Luis his eyes were wide. “Luis! Do you know how to make hot dogs and macaroni?!” Everyone did a simultaneous “Huh”, even though I was completely serious. Shawn noticed that and smiled. Luis just went with it. “Y-yes” he stammered nervous by what I was going to d next. “Can you make it tonight?!” I was a bit too excited; I didn’t get to eat it at lunch... I’m hungry. “Sure…Um okay” He nodded. I smiled “Thank you!” His eyes widened again. He looked down to his desk “Y-you’re we-wel-welcome” I could tell that was hard for him.
I walked back to the front next to Lucy “Sorry” Lucy shook her head “whatever next and speed it up Allen” The last boy tried to stand up but his chair was pushed in too far. The others chuckled.
From what I could tell from this angle Allen has curly brown hair and green eyes? It’s hard to tell because; one his head is down and two, they’re hidden by giant glasses that are the size of a normal sized cookie. Allen seems like the smallest, shortest and weakest of all the boys. His uniform is stained with random colors of peanut butter and jelly. Hmmm…Wonder what he had for breakfast? His mark, I could tell is on the back of his neck.
Allen scooted back his chair but the back leg chairs wouldn’t push back so he pushed off the ground harder “Ahhhh!” he fell backwards onto the floor. The boys didn’t laugh like I thought they would but they got up and ran to him except for Jun who was still asleep. Allen moaned in pain “Owww” “Quick! Allen are your glasses broken?!” Stew shook Allen’s shoulders viscously back and forth even though he as still laying on the ground in pain. What are they doing?
Allen pulled off his glasses about to check if they were broken. Shawn instantly stopped him and seized a note pad from his pocket he motioned Allen to continue. He did by flopping his glasses in the air. They were fine.
Brendon, Stew, Marcus, and Elliot whined “No!”, “Dammit”, and “Oh! Come on!” I’m confused. Shawn got out some money from his other pocket and handed out four five dollars to Lavi, Luis, and himself “Okay boys now for the next bet?” Shawn pulled out a pen and put it on his note pad ready to write. Okay, I’m officially confused.
Lucy came over and hit Shawn in the back of the head “SHAWN! What did I tell you about hosting gamboling! AND! How I specifically told you cannot use Allen as the betting material!” Shawn put his pen and note pad back in his pocket and got up. “Come boys” he told them going back to his seat but grabbed Brendon’s shoulder and whispered “We’ll discus this later” Lucy slapped him in the head again “No you won’t!” They all sat back down.
I walked over to Lavi. I leaned on his chair and asked “I don’t get it.” Lavi laughed “Oh! Right, sorry about that.” He leaned back on the chair and said “Well for one, Shawn likes to gamble so he thought it would be a good idea to host some gambling and well Allen over there is a bit of a spaz and is always breaking his glasses so” Stew grabbed my arm and pulled me to his chair and continued “So we” “We?” Shawn interrupted. Stew rolled his eyes “Okay so Shawn decided to bet on if and when Allen’s glasses would break” Lucy came in “And it going to stop….Right?” I came back to the front when they all answered “Yeeess.”
“I think it’s rigged anyways” Brendan announced crossing his big brawny arms. Luis put his head on the desk “Of course it is, our whole world is rigged for our utter demise” Elliot sighed “I don’t think he meant all of that, I think he just meant the glasses bet” Luis shrugged and covered his head with his arms as if he was going to go to sleep. Shawn put his elbows on the table laying his chin on his hands. “Whatever do you mean Brendon?” he smiled with fake innocence.
“Well every time we make a bet you talk to Lavi about it first.”
“So? What are you implying Brendon?” Shawn asked sinisterly like he was the evil villain in some sort of super hero movie. Lavi leaned back trying not to look at Brendon so he wouldn’t seem suspicious but we all new he was guilty of something. Brendon continued “I’m implying you get Lavi to predict the out come of every bet.” He stood up pointing down at Shawn accusing him. Shawn laughed menacingly, his laugh sounded like “Mwah ah, ah, ah, Mwah ah, ah” (he’s definitely an evil villain) “Brendon your so funny” He leaned back still laughing and turned to Lavi “Right, Lavi?” We all looked to Lavi, he straightened up nervous on what to say “I….Ummm Ri-right?! I mean! Yes!” That was not very convincing.
Clap! Clap! Lucy clapped regaining our attention. “Can you all discuss that later?” Brendon glared at Shawn “No!” Lucy threw a book at him “That was rhetorical! You idiots!”
Brendon was hit square on the forehead causing him to fall over...His fall sounded like: Blop! I laughed Brendon snapped his head my way “What’s so funny!” I was still laughing “The sound you make when you fall is sooo cute!” I imitated the sound “Blop!” Everyone was laughing then, I continued “It was just so un expecting because your so big!” Brendon blushed getting back up and slamming himself back in his chair. “Someone’s embarrassed” Luis raised his eyebrow teasing Brendon. “Shut it!” he barked back. Shawn smiled, “Sooo cute.” He imitated my voice. Brendon slammed his fists on the table “I said shut it!” Elliot wheeled over “Everyone stop” Stew was about to say something “I said everyone!”
Lucy waved her arms slowly in the air trying to calm us down “Alright, Alright that’s enough.” She sat behind her desk. “Now we are going to finish introductions then I will have a talk with every single one of you for misbehaving. Got it?” We nodded, but Stew asked “Was that rhetorical?” “Shush!” Lucy commanded him; he did so “I was just wondering.” I rolled my eyes.
“Let’s Go!” Lucy announced. We all looked to Allen. He stared back at us looking back and forth confused almost flinging his glasses off. “She means for you to start Allen” Elliot told him motioning him to get up. Allen blushed while his eyes widened. He stood up in a rush accidentally knocking his chair down. His voice was panicky and uneasy but it seemed like it was natural. “Oh! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry!” he picked it back up and sighed overwhelmed.
He looked up at me nervous, so I smiled. He bit his lip and clenched his fits. I get the feeling he’s not so good under pressure… He breathed in a shaky breathe then said “Hi...” After this he sort of got to nervous and said everything to fast and didn’t really space has words “I’mAllenDavisfromWisconsin! Icangothroughanything! Notincludingnetforsomereason! buti’mworkingonit! Iliketoswim!” He quickly sat down. I cocked my head. What was that? Lucy sighed “Did everyone get that?” All the boys looked at ach other “Duh” I gasped “Really! ‘Cause I got squat!”
“Yeah we used to be like that.” Lavi told me “but…” Stew interrupted (I noticed that when Lavi talks Stew interrupts). “but since we lived together for sooo long!” he jeered the others but only to get flicked in the head by Shawn. Marcus finished (in five seconds) “We have just gotten used to hearing him talk so fast we learned how to understand it.” Brendon came in “Yeah…Take Marcus for example, he talks fast but when he talks he uses hand motions so we get what he says from that. Now, when Allen talks he over exaggerates the words so when he talks his mouth is bigger and the word is over done and a little more clear.” “It makes his voice a little more bearable.” Luis derided Allen. Lavi slide down his seat and kicked him. “Ow! What?!” Luis yelled surprised. Elliot shushed him. Luis noticed we were all staring at him so he covered his most likely red face in his arms ignoring us.
Lucy got up from her desk and put her hands on my shoulders “Okay Letty your turn.” I looked up. Really? Crap…Okay. “Hey…I’m Letty Clemens from North Carolina and I came from the South side of the school. I’m here because I…”I turned to Lucy and asked her under my breath “What was my power thingy called?” some of the boys heard and chuckled. She whispered back “Telekinesis.” Oh! Right! I knew that… “Telekinesis, that’s what I have!” I felt like I was trying to convince myself. “I like…” they all leaned in curious. “well…” I might as well just tell them. “I love blood, guts, skeletons, bugs, brains, zombies, aliens, Star Wars, horror flicks, torture, ghosts, Halloween, and Phobias.” No one said anything, they just looked confused. I blushed, I should have just said “I love kittens and rainbows!” ending with a “Ti-He”
Trevor surprisingly said something first “Cool.” They all smiled

© Copyright 2008 Madge (creeperbones0 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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