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Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1503555
Rantings of a mad brother over the loss of his evil sister.
This story was made in a contest with a friend. The contest; make your main character the sound the craziest. Saddly I got caught up in the story, and he didn't turn out crazy enough and I lost the bet. Here it is anyways, enjoy.

Oh Sweet Sister

Oh sweet sister, oh dear Victoria. What have they done to you? I hold your still self in my arms, but it no longer feels like it is yours. Why is your body so cold, so devoid of the fire that inspired fear, and love into our enemies? The very enemies that rejected your attempts to save them from this insane world. With out that fire, who will light the way to our salvation?

Where is your smile that was always there to comfort me, and your children? How will they know when, and where to strike if they do not have your kind heart to draw them from the depths of hell? Where is that beautiful laughter, the laughter that made every nonbeliever you slew send shivers through my soul?

What is this warmth on my hand? Woe is me, my hands have been stained with your crimson! No longer of this world, you are gone forever to the void! You promised we would go together, why have you left me behind? No longer will we be able full fill our dreams of a peaceful world.

Dear sister I am blind, your death has let loose these tears that I have locked away for so long. Come sister, you must stand! You must stand up and live, if not me then for the children! Why do you fall again and again?! Your crimson, your crimson is all over the floor!

The world is growing colder, quieter…emptier. Wait, what is this noise that disturbs us? A man, it is a man! He too leaks crimson, crimson that you must have been the cause of! What is it he crawls for I wonder? I see it, his weapon of silver, and steel! Was your death not enough, does he seek to destroy me too?

No, he seeks to desecrate what is left of your perfection! The son of a whore! Lay here my angel, I shall deal with this heretic. Is this what you crawl for unbeliever, is this the object of your salvation? No, this is the object your damnation, hahahahaha! That’s right, scream, beg for death! I won’t give it to you unless you beg! BEG, BEG DAMN YOU!

No more bullets remain in his weapon, and no more crimson remains in his body. It, it is all over me! I, I feel so warm, so alive! This was no heretic, but a parting present from you Victoria! No, not a present, a message…heh. You don’t wish for me to mourn, you want me to live on! Yes, I will do this, I shall carry on!

Come children, come to me! Tear your way up through the earth, our cause has not yet been lost! Yes children, by my side! We are the only ones who can save this world, we must not fail! Strike down the heretics, and empower those who would join us!

I shall rip this suffering world apart, and remake it into the paradise Victoria had always wanted! I shall drown out the corrupt, and the unjust in their own crimson! I will punish the heretics with all the joy of a infant making his first kill!

March on children, the world is ours for the taking!

Do you see that Victoria, our children, our beautiful children from hell. They march with such discipline, with such joy in their hearts. You would be so proud. Come sister, into my arms. You will be there when I save the world…when we save the world.
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