Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1501850-Poetry-Revisions-for-Manuscript
Rated: E · Poetry · Personal · #1501850
Finishing poetry manuscript and would like some help...any advice welcome.

If you were to go and leave me on my own
I don’t know what I’d do
Not too sure how I would survive
You are my sunshine
You are so sincere
Together at dusk taking a romantic walk along the shoreline
The sand so soft on my bare feet
Your sweet touch sending a warm feeling to my heart
I can still feel it as I lay in bed with you now
You sleeping by my side so soundly
You look so peaceful
I want to wake you, but I won’t
I will let you sleep in peace
Finally you awaken
Your eyes are still in sleepy fuzz
You wrap your arms around my and hold me tight
You kiss me so sweetly
I feel like melting in your loving arms
As long as we are together that will always be


Here I am alone with no one to talk to.
Everyone is gone.
Why do I feel so afraid?
Why does everything seem different as I sit here?
The wind blowing outside as the snow wisps along the frozen ground.
The tree branches sway in the cold winder wind.
I am still scared as the phone rings.
It is you saying you are not able to make it home because of the blizzard outside.
You are going to spend a night in a hotel.
A night at home alone won’t be that bad.
I can make it through the night no problem.
You will be home tomorrow as soon as you can.
For tonight I sit alone and wait for you to come home.


As they sat there talking they realized their love was fading
It was moving on without them
The glitter that once filled their eyes had gone
It left a faded sparkle which meant nothing to either of them
The tears that once rolled down their cheeks left with no doubts
Their faces that were once filled with joy grew sadder each day as they grew apart
How could this be?
How could two people be so in love one day and live separate lives the next?
They were once so in love
No one was able to keep them apart
Now no one has to keep them apart
They do it on their own
Before they left their spot on the hill that day they promised to be friends
To go their separate ways, but remain in contact
To talk as only friends do
To find new loves to fill the void they left in one another’s hearts


You said you loved me,
I said I loved you.
You gave me a single red rose,
It shall die soon after.
In my heart I pray it won’t be.
I know soon after,
Your love died along with the rose.
The sun will set again,
As it has the previous night.
You will leave me to cry.
The sun will rise like before.
Off you will go riding on your high horse,
Telling me you only wish to be friends.
Soon you will be gone,
To leave me to love once more


Put your heart into mine.
I’ll show you what it is all about.
The good with the bad, we’ll work it all out.
I’ll see you cry, I’ll see you laugh.
A friendship taken to the next level,
A new relationship to begin,
An old relationship put to the test in new waters.
Time to put your mind at ease,
Start a new life with me!
We’ll take one step at a time and do it right.
Just put one foot in front of the other and take baby steps.
Love me more than you already do.
Put a sign of hope in our minds.
Put a feeling of love in our hearts.
Put our hands together and trust one another with our lives.
Be there for one another when needed, day or night.
Search into our hearts and find only each other.
So put your heart into mine and begin a new life together.

© Copyright 2008 Fallen Angel (beccaodonnell at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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