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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #1500873
Two love lorn teenagers, Lanita and Jason. 1st 3 chapters, still working on it. R&R
Chapter 1
Getting there’s half the battle

Lanita heard the alarm ringing from the living room where she sat. The fear of going to this dreaded appointment far outweighed the desire for sleep. She wasn't due at Dr. Snow's office for another two and half hours, and already she had showered, gotten dressed and eaten breakfast. Breakfast consisted of dry toast and milk, the only thing her body didn't reject. Now she was blankly staring at the morning news. At this point it was difficult to determine if the fluttering in her stomach was from her fear of doctors, or the same nausea she'd been experiencing for the past few weeks.
"Lanita, are you going to go turn that off?" a voice came from the opposite end of the couch.
It took her a few moments to snap back from her far lost thoughts. "Yes, umm.., Sorry." she said as she slowly stood, still staring at the television as if it held her attention. She backed towards the bedroom, turned and walked down the hall only to re-emerge again shortly after the beeping had stopped.
"Why are you getting up so early? You don't have to go back to school until next week, why not enjoy the last few days of summer with sleeping in. You don't work today do you?"
Lanita was almost back to the same place she was sitting before. "No, I don't work." she said grudgingly. "I've made an appointment with Dr. Snow, I didn't want to oversleep." She plopped herself back on the couch, angled so she could see her mom.
"Are you alright? Do you need me to go with you?" mom asked. Jasmine was in her mid thirties, with long black hair, and a round face. Though Lanita was in high school now, she still had her mothering instincts after all.
"No thanks mom, I've got it covered." Trying desperately not to allow the feeling she had show on her face.
"What's wrong, why did you make an appointment?" How could she tell the truth? "Oh, I've never had sex, been dating Jason for six months and oh, I think I'm pregnant." That would not go over well, she didn't believe it herself, and how could she expect her mother to.
"I think I have that flu going around, I just don't feel very well."
"Aww, yes, a lot of my students from summer school have been absent as of lately. I can see how you might also be sick, do you have a temperature?"
"I've been running a little temperature, only around 100 degrees. I have been taking Tylenol to break it, which seems to work pretty well." That much was the truth, and the only amount of hope she could hold onto. Maybe she did just have the flu. Maybe, oh please, maybe and the missing of her monthly was simply a coincidence.
"O.k. well, I'll call home on my lunch break and check on you. If it's anything serious, you call me. Understand?!"
"Sure mom, don't worry. Like I said, it's just the flu." That was an easy excuse with her mother being a school teacher, there's always something going around in school, somebody somewhere has something. She was taking advantage of that today. If she was in fact pregnant, she wanted to be able to talk to Jason first.
"Well kiddo, I've gotta run. I have a lot of preparation to do before next week. I have yet another debut. Have a good day; don't forget to call me if you need me." Jasmine pulled herself up from the couch, and started grabbing her things.
“Seriously mom, there’s not going to be any trouble. Dr. Snow is going to tell me to drink plenty of liquid and get plenty of rest. You know, the same advice he always gives. I think if I had a broken arm and punctured spleen it would all be fine if I only drank plenty of water and got plenty of rest.” Lanita said with a light chuckle. This was also true; Dr. Snow was always concerned with dehydration and sleep deprivation.
“Hey, give Dr. Snow a break. He’s been your doctor since you were a tiny thing, and you’ve managed to live this far. Maybe there’s something to what he has to say.” Jasmine said as she slipped out the back door. “Don’t forget, call me.” With that she was gone.
With the fresh absence of her mother, Lanita was suddenly very alone. Nervously she glanced down at her watch hoping it would be much later than she knew it was. She still had just over two hours and couldn’t stand being home alone another second. With a loud sigh, only for her own sake, she grabbed her coat and was out the door.
She sat in her car, which was a 2008 Honda Civic given to her by her parents for her sixteenth birthday just weeks before. Her mind was racing with thoughts, emotions, and thoughts of vomiting. What am I going to do for two hours, I can’t wait that long. Reaching back, she grasped her seatbelt, swiftly snapped it into place and started the ignition. Maybe just maybe, there was a cancellation, and I can get in early.
Driving wasn’t exactly what was on her mind, as she tried to picture her stomach bloated and with child. She pictured all the responsibilities, funds, and energy a child required. Not to mention whether or not she had any type of moral support, or how she could explain to Jason that she hadn’t been cheating. There was nobody for Lanita except Jason.
She was now in the middle of town, stopped at a red light she didn’t even remember seeing at all. Again she heard a faint beeping sound. It took her awhile to recognize it as the horn of a car. She had been staring out her windshield lost in thought. As she glanced out the driver side window, she recognized the large black Ford F350 as Jason’s. Suddenly she felt her spine stiffen as her eyes darted to the driver. No, don’t let it be him; she moaned, and it was. Jason was a tall teenage boy, approximately six feet five inches tall with medium build. Though he was very good looking according to many of the girls at school, that wasn’t what caught her eye.
“Lanita, Hey, what are you doing?” He yelled out his passenger window.
Shocked and confused, she just began to open her mouth when he yelled, “Oh you’re light’s green, call me later.”
Slowly she looked back at the light, and in fact it was green and she was back on her way, lost again in her thoughts.
DING DING. The door to the doctor’s office announced her arrival in the extremely empty waiting room. The receptionist looked up from her paperwork, “Lanita, hey what are you doing here? I didn’t think you’re appointment was until much later.” Obviously shaken by her arrival, she started shuffling papers, looking frantically around her desk. Before Lanita could even say anything, “Yes, right here. I have you down for ten o’clock.” As she processed the new arrival another possibility arose. “Oh no, what time is it? Did something happen to our clocks again?” Again she was frantically fumbling her short stubby fingers across her desktop.
“Good morning Dorothy” was all Lanita could muster, “No, everything’s fine. I was hoping that maybe there was a cancellation, maybe Dr. Snow could fit me in early.”
Relieved, Dorothy the same short pudgy receptionist who worked in Dr. Andrew Snow’s office for the past sixteen years of Lanita’s life, smiled. “Oh, I’m sorry dear. The doctor’s not in yet this morning. I’m only here to get some backed up billing finished. Dr. Snow is going to try to get in as early as possible if you would like to take a seat and wait, however; you were his first appointment this morning.”

Chapter 2
Dr. Snow

Dr. Snow’s waiting room was not a large one. There was the main entrance, which was glass. Once inside there was a desk separating the waiting room from the rows and rows of patient files that sat behind the receptionist and a door that lead you back into the exam rooms. Chairs were lined along the back and side walls. Dr. Snow was a family practitioner and because of such one of the corners towards the back was full of toys for his younger patience. Some of those toys Lanita could remember playing with when she was small. They were seriously in need of being replaced. In the other corner was the magazine table, with a small selection of magazines. A small sign on the table read, “Due to space limitations, this is not our only selection, if you have something specific in mind or just would like to browse, ask the receptionist to see the rest”
It wasn’t as long as Dorothy had suggested at all. A short twenty minutes after Lanita sat down in one of the plush chairs lining the walls of the waiting room, and she heard his voice. Glancing away from her open magazine, she saw him.
“Good morning Dr. Snow, how are you today” Dorothy asked.
“Not bad, I was able to get Tristan off to the airport without any problems. I waited until his plane took off before deciding to come here. There is something to be said about getting such an early flight; I knew it would be fast but not that fast. Everything was flowing so smoothly. Ashley had already gone to work herself, so there was no point in going home. “Slowly Dr. Snow turned his head in the direction of Dorothy’s nervous stare.
“Oh, I’m sorry; I didn’t realize we had any visitors.” Dr. Snow flashed his signature warm welcoming smile.
“Yes doctor, you remember Lanita Wilson don’t you.”
“Of course I remember Lanita, Jasmine and,” with a small hint of sadness in his voice, “Timothy’s girl.” You could tell he already regretted saying his name. Why did everybody assume that the moment they spoke her father’s name, Lanita would frantically burst into uncontrollable sobs. Dr. Snow was no different, and the room fell silent.
“Yup, that’s me. Since dad passed away it’s only been mom, David, and me. “Lanita was trying to add as much pep in her voice as possible. Sure she missed her dad; however it had been over a year since the car accident. It was time she stop allowing this to haunt her every thought.
“How is David, I haven’t seen him around these parts much. It’s not exactly as if you hang out in a Dr.’s office if you don’t need to be, right?” Dr. Snow stopped to ponder his own words and glanced over at Lanita. “Which brings us to you, why are you here so early?”
“Oh, Dr. Snow” Dorothy interrupted as if to suddenly be in receptionist mode, “you have a patient. Lanita Wilson is here in hopes that perhaps your schedule will allow you to see her sooner than her already scheduled appointment at 10:00. I had just explained to her you were going to be running a little late, and I would ask you the moment you arrived.”
With a bewildered glance towards Dorothy he nodded at Lanita, “Yes of course. Why don’t you follow me and we can visit while I set up. Dorothy can you give me a hand?”
“Most certainly doctor” with that Dorothy was waddling towards him, “Come along dear, we’ll get you all set up now.” Lanita headed towards the two waiting, Dorothy now holding the door open.
“What exactly seems to be the problem Lanita? Not that I’m not glad to see you, but what brings you into my office today?” Lanita walked to the tall scale and stood where she was instructed.
“O.K.,” Dorothy said as she wrote in her file. “Thank you.”
“Oh it’s nothing; I think I have the flu. I just don’t feel well, but it’s been so long I’m starting to worry.” Oh, the butterflies, now she was going to have to discuss her fears with someone. But he couldn’t tell, right? Lanita was pretty sure that was illegal, and Dr. Snow didn’t look the law breaking type.
“Worry? Oh don’t worry; I know exactly what you’re talking about. “Dr. Snow paused outside of exam room 1, so noted on a plaque on the door. “Is it possible it is anything else?” Dr. Snow asked with one eyebrow raised and an inflection in his voice. Dorothy seemed uncomfortable, and glanced away.
“Oh, no, I’m not pregnant if that’s what you’re asking. I mean, I’m still a virgin.” She knew he didn’t believe her, nobody believes a teenager. They’re all reckless and irresponsible.
At this point they were inside the room; nobody had yet taken their official positions. “You can have a seat in that chair there while we get all set up.” With that Lanita sat down “Have you been vomiting, have you had any temperature? What are all of your symptoms?” Dr. Snow and Dorothy danced around the room in such practiced harmony, never bumping or stammering about. You could tell this was definitely their normal routine.
“Yes... I’ve had nausea, vomiting, exhaustion, and a temperature. That’s why I thought it was the flu, but seriously? Three weeks? “
“Have you noticed any weight gain or loss?”
“Yeah, I think I’ve lost some weight because it’s hard to keep anything down. I only ate toast this morning to avoid that while here in your office.”
“Well, we’ll see what we can figure out. I’m going to step out of the room with Dorothy. Please put this gown on open in the back, you can leave your under garments on, open the door a crack when you’re done. “With that they were gone.
Gown, why did they always insist on calling this large paper disposable robe a gown? This in no way screamed gown.
The exam rooms all looked the same, having been Dr. Snow’s patient her entire life she had been a guest in every one at some point or another. The rooms were small, consisting of the dreaded hard uncomfortable table, a counter top covered in various medical instruments, cabinets both above and below the countertop, and two chairs. One chair was most often used either by a parent bringing in their child or a spouse of the patient and the doctor’s round swivel chair. Lanita slipped her shoes off, and placed them in the chair she had been previously sitting. She winced as she thought about how today that seat would remain eerily empty. How can I tell Jason about all of this? Shuttering, she quickly finished undressing and stacking her folded clothes on her shoes. Quietly walked over to the door and opened it a crack. Quickly grabbing the back of her gown, and all but jumping onto the table.
It wasn’t long before there was a light knock. “Come on in” Lanita confirmed.

Chapter 3
The good news

The doctor’s appointment was far less painful than what Lanita had expected and the drive home was equally as uneventful. Unfortunately she didn’t leave his office with any more answers than she went in with. Sure Dr. Snow ran a few tests, but the results wouldn’t be back for a couple of hours. “I’ll give you a call as soon as your test results are back. Relax, I’m sure you’re right and it’s just the flu.” Was the only reassurance she was sent home with. Until she could truly relax she didn’t very well want to call Jason. What to do with her time. Latina had already changed into a pair of baggy sweat pants and an oversized sweatshirt and was watching a talk show on television when the doorbell rang.
Who could be here now, nobody ever visits me but Jason. It was then that her heart leapt into her throat. The doorbell rang again.
“Coming” she yelled as she ran towards the door. Then, perched high on her tippy toes she looked out the peep hole. Sure enough, standing right outside the door was Jason.
The fluttering in her stomach was more than she could handle, she swung open the door to greet Jason and while holding one finger up in his direction, she ran to the bathroom, located halfway down the hall. Shocked, Jason’s face was strangely contorted and cocked to one side with confusion. A covered “umph” was all Lanita could utter.
“Are you feeling alright? Do you need anything, maybe I shouldn’t have stopped by?”
As Lanita was bent hunched over the cold toilet, she felt an ice cold hand brush across her neck as somebody held her hair out of her face. “Jason?” Even though she was fully aware Jason was the only other person in the house at this exact moment, she didn’t think their relationship had reached that point.
“It’s o.k. Here, is a drink of water.” He said as he reached back to the counter where he had placed the glass, and a few paper towels for her mouth.
“Thank you” She said, as she felt the blood rush to her cheeks.
“No problem, I’ll wait for you back in the living room if you think you’ll be alright.”
“O.k. Thank you” She muttered again. Oh God, what am I going to say?
After cleaning up a little and brushing her teeth yet again, she stood strait and headed to the living room. Denial, denial, denial.
“Are you going to be alright? I didn’t know you were so sick. Do you want me to go and come back another time?”
Sure she could have told him to leave, but she wanted him to stay. She wanted him to sit on the couch while she curled up against his cool body and just held her. It would definitely help with her fever, which she knew for sure.
“No, I’m glad you stopped by.” That wasn’t entirely true, but she didn’t want to be rude.
“You should go to a doctor, you’ve been sick for awhile haven’t you?”
Does he know? How could he know, maybe he talked to mom. It’s possible, yeah that’s it. She must have told him about the doctor’s appointment.
“I did, that’s where I was going this morning when I saw you.” She said as casually as possible.
”Well, What did he say?” Concern in his voice; more so than she had expected.
“I haven’t heard anything as of yet, still waiting for the phone call. They ran some tests, and I just don’t know.” What was he going to think? She felt the imaginary guilt already, “You’re pregnant, you’ve been cheating on me” she heard his voice in her head.
“I’ll stay here with you.” Almost as if he knew exactly what she wanted he walked over, grabbed the remote control and headed for the couch. He sat on the farthest end of the couch away from the television. Jason Pivoted and patted the spot next to himself, “Come here, lay down and get some rest. You need to feel better.”
Skeptical Lanita walked over to the couch and sat down next to Jason. He gently guided her head to his lap as her legs swung in a very natural position curled up. Jason grabbed the throw blanket delicately placed on the back of the couch and covered her.
“What sounds good?” He asked.
“What do you want to watch?” She felt so comfortable around Jason, so at home. Well, she was home, but more in the matters of the heart.
“Doesn’t matter to me” the one talk show she had been watching before had just ended and a movie was about to begin, The Wizard of Oz.
“Do you mind if we watch this” sounding almost sheepish.
“No, Not at all.” He placed the remote on the arm of the couch, resting his arm and stroking her hair with the other. “You just get some rest.”
Lanita could feel his cool hand again, brushing her warm forehead. Slowly closing her eyes, she focused on his cool touch. Again, and again brushing her face.
The first time the phone rang, Lanita leapt to her feet. Unfortunately due to her nausea was forced to excuse herself to the restroom again allowing Jason to answer the phone.
“Hello, this is the Stone residence,” Jason sang in his musically alluring voice.
“Jason? This is Jasmine, Is Lanita available?”
“One moment”
“Lanita, it’s for you, your mom.” It wasn’t that Lanita wasn’t glad to hear from her mother, she was slightly disappointed.
Only a few moments later, Lanita was by Jason’s side and he handed her the receiver.
“Mom, hey, sorry I never called. Jason showed up and I fell asleep, I’ve been so tired lately and with getting up so early.”
It was then that Jasmine interrupted, “Well, have you heard anything?”
“Not a word, I think I’ll call after I hang up the phone, what time is it anyways?” Lanita started searching the walls for a clock, though it was her house she always seemed to forget where the clocks were. Suddenly Jason’s arm was thrust in front of her face, while he pointed at his watch. “OH Wow, its two O’clock already. Hey mom, I’ll call you right after I call Dr. Snow’s office.”
“O.k. don’t forget this time.”
And with that she hung up, and frantically started dialing the memorized number.
“Hello, Dr. Snow’s office, Dorothy speaking. How may I help you? “
“Hello Dorothy, this is Lanita, I was wondering if my blood work was back yet? “
“Oh yes, sorry, it got sort of busy around here and I haven’t had time to give you a call. Oh where did I put that...? Ahh, here it is. O.k. looks like everything is normal, and as I’m sure you already knew the pregnancy test was negative. Looks like you have a form of the everyday flu. If you’re not feeling better in a couple of weeks, go ahead and give us another call.”
“Oh, thank you so much, I knew that’s what it was but like I said was seriously beginning to worry. Have a great day, I know you’re busy I won’t keep you.”
Jason was there when she called her mom. “Hey mom, just talked to Dorothy, everything is fine, just the flu; just like I thought. You know, it’s like I feel a little better just knowing. I’m starving. “
Jason couldn’t hear the other side of the conversation, but could tell by Lanita’s response it was positive.
“O.k. sure, love you mom, see you when you get home. Have fun.”
“So, the news was good I assume.” Jason said supporting.
“Yup, I just have the flu. Mom was so worried I had to call and let her know.” Lanita bubbled and started back to the couch.
“I heard you say you were hungry, do you have anything in mind? A craving per say? You were asleep for quite awhile.”
“Yes, I do. I’m hungry, starving really; the first time in weeks. I’m not sure what I want exactly, can’t seem to put my finger on it.” She said with a smile on her face. Before she had a moment to speak Jason piped in.
“I have a few ideas, do you mind if we go out? We can see if anything sounds good.”
“O.k. sounds good, let’s go.”
Lanita noticed a strange spark of emotion when Jason placed his hand on the small of her back, and slightly brushed his other hand across her stomach when guiding her to the door. Nervously she glanced his direction and could swear he looked excited... but why?

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