Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1488903-Learn-2-SINN
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1488903
What Evil WANTS, Evil GETS & A Nun Learns A Convent Is No Place To Hide!
~~~ Learn 2 SINN~~~

         The last bells of evening curfew rang, echoing from the cathedral's tower down throughout the convent's halls and spartan dormitories.

         Hands clasped, head bowed, Novice Aielle knelt in supplication, pledging herself to God.  Dimly lit by a candle on the bedside table, she continued her prayers ignorant to the way the shadows swirled and danced across the room's naked walls.  Plump lips whispering pledges of fidelity and commitment before confessing sins avoided, sins committed, and sins dreamt of.  Slim fingers tightening on the beads of her rosary, Aielle sought to deny those same fingers had moments ago been groping her pussy, trying to soothe her hungry, undisciplined flesh.  But she couldn't forget, her unwashed hands still bore her honeysuckle scent!  Asking for strength and forgiveness, Aielle squeezed her thighs together and hoped for...relief.

         "Its funny, most times He never even listens."

         Aielle's eyes snapped open, darting wildly around the room.  Heart racing, she squinted, searching for the author of the voice while wishing she was...mistaken.  There was nothing, she was alone. But she had heard the voice!  A woman's voice!  Felt it was more accurate; a silken breeze whispering through her mind. 

         "Temptation is best practiced in whispers."  A different voice said.  Still female, but the quality was...sharper.  "But my sister is right, the sheer volume of begging sent Heaven's way has rendered them all but deaf.  Fortunately, the impotent Bastard allows others to listen."

         "And to answer."

         Definitely two voices, distinct yet so similar...

         "You know, I don't think He even likes women!  Well, not like WE do."

         "God loves me, He loves and protects me," Aielle said before reciting the Lord's Prayer, her voice wavering.  "Our Father, who art in---"
         "We aren't here for sermons, you sssilly girl!"

         "No, Aielle, my sister and I are here to...help you."

         Help her...?!?  She squeezed her eyes shut tighter and threaded her rosary, clutching it like a lifeline.

         "Oh yes, and you will Love our...help."

         "Not real...  I am in my room, alone.  Alone..."

         "Are you really?  Open your eyes."

         Eyelids fluttering, Aielle blinked as her moist blue eyes focused.  No one could be in her room; the convent was practically a fortress and the rooms in the Novice's wing were all double-locked.  No one got in here after dark, no one. 

         "Yet here we ARE."

         Breath catching in her throat, eyes widening, Aielle jerked backward, numb with fear and wonder.
         "See, we TOLD you."

         "Impossible..." she gasped, staring at the apparitions before her.  Lacking the shame and humility Novice's were taught, these women stood proudly, both of them twin studies in lascivious, otherworldly beauty.

         "We are incredible, aren't we?" the first one asked, hearing Aielle's thoughts.  She dragged a hand back through her wild mane of lustrous black hair.  With the Novice watching, she toyed a moment longer in her raven tresses before drawing her hand slowly down along the hollow of her throat, over and between her breasts, then her flat stomach, her black-nailed fingers stopping just shy of dipping into the delta of her naked pubis.  Aielle stared, biting her lower lip.  What a wicked trial of faith!  God, she'd been anxious to follow that hand farther...

         Blushing, she turned away but too slowly, her interests did not go unnoticed.

         A laugh like the tinkling of crystal chimes passed at her embarrassment.

         "She didn't say 'incredible', she said 'imposssssible'," the second one corrected.  "I don't think she believes we're real."

         The other stared down at Aielle.  Golden eyes gleaming in the darkness, she took in the Novice kneeling on the floor.  Her tongue snaked out, wetting her inky black lips.  "When we are done, she will." 
         "What are you going to do to me?"

         "Ssssssooooo MANY things, Aielle, ssssoooo many."

         "Tonight you'll learn what prayersss are worth."

         "And what chassstity ISN'T."

         Managing a dry-throated swallow as they neared, Aielle wished she were afraid but knew she wasn't.  Worse, the more these...demonesses spoke, the more urgent her ache grew.  Their words toyed with her closeted secrets and her fevered body.  Where was her fidelity, her faith when she needed them most?

         One twin reached for her.

         "Don't...!  Please, please don't touch me," she cried, eyes shut, cheeks moist with guilty tears.  "I'll be condemned, unclean...  I will be...you will make me unclean!"  Ashamed, her head dropping, she waited.  She was expecting all manner of...unnatural abuses yet nothing happened.

         Finally looking up, she saw the twins still there yet frozen mid-stride!

         Permission, they needed her permission!  Conflicted by her own desires she'd allowed them ingress but their freedom to act was limited.  Limited, but what to do now?  She rose, candle in her trembling hand, circling the two curiously.
         They were more incredible up close.  Even in the uncertain light, Aielle appreciated their flawless crimson skin.  Naught but shadows offering cover, their curves were enhanced not obscured.  Haloes of burgundy encircled the thick nipples crowning their breasts while lower, between their legs, Aielle found no hair to match that on their head.  And where her body was lissome, slim beneath her plain cotton sleeping gown, the twin's bodies were so much more...womanly.  Women like these, she thought, could tempt anyone.  Moving behind them, she nearly dropped the candle at what she saw.

         Sprouting at the top of the deep cleft between their sculpted ass cheeks were serpentine things nearly four feet in length that ended in flat, arrowhead-looking tips.  Even with the rest of their body locked in place, their...tails still undulated rhythmically.

         "God, you ARE demons!"

         "Oh yes, they certainly are."

         Aielle spun around at this new voice and nearly collapsed outright at the sight of the new arrival.

         "Careful, this is a very unforgiving floor..." He said, voice as rich and warm as brandy on a cold night.

         "SATAN!  HELP!  SATAN is in my room!"

         "Ssssh, none of that foolishness.  Besides, with the spell enveloping your room, none but we can hear you anyway."

         "No!  I've let Satan into God's house!"

         "I am a satyr, not 'Satan'.  In His employ, yes, but certainly not Him.  Not even in His image, contrary to the stories you've heard.  Besides, as entertaining as this might be, the boss has much bigger fish to fry.  Fact is, He hasn't done a personal job since EDEN.  In any case, time's wasting; we've barely an hour before Luna crosses her zenith and I've never missed a deadline."

         Dumbfounded, Aielle watched the short, goat-legged man-thing with the horns of a ram curling from his bald head step over to the twins.  A clap of his hands undid whatever had been binding them.

         "BIIIIIIIIIIIITCH!" they echoed in unison as their jaws loosened.

         "Quiet you two!  Don't fault her for YOUR amateurish blunder."

         "But, Tryxxx...!"

         "But me no buts, it is time we were about what I sent you for."

         With slitted eyes they glared at Aielle.  "Ooooo YES, we'll get right to work...and so will SHE."


         "The Devil's work!  This is the--OOOOOOOooooOOOOOOHHHHHH!"  Aielle moaned, twisting wildly as who she knew now to be the younger twin--- Nyss--- licked that pink slice of Heaven the Novice once promised to God.  Sinful though it may have been, she bucked harder against the mouth of the demoness, a ferocious climax building.

         Ordering the elder twin Synn into the mix, Tryxxx smiled; not the Devil's work yet, but soon.  She climbed onto the bed readily, straddling Aielle's waist using her knees to pinion the girl's arms.  Clutching tight, Synn's hands filled with the Novice's apple-sized breasts. "Nothing like new flesh," she hissed, delighting in the pleasurable pain she inflicted.

         With Nyss' scalding tongue skimming between her---by the thinnest of technicalities---virginal folds and Synn squatting low, rubbing her own fleshy petals along Aielle's tummy, mauling her breasts while kissing and biting along the side of her neck, Aielle accepted she'd become the plaything of these...whores.

         "I heard that, BITCH," Synn cursed, biting Aielle's neck and scraping her thumbnails sharply over the girl's tender nipples. 
         Aielle tensed but the sensation hadn't punished, it was delicious!  Every millimeter of her skin felt on fire, her head a spiraling haze of competing sensations.  From the side Tryxxx' eyes roamed like fingertips from one end of Aielle's nubile, sweat-slick body to the other, his servants continuing their salacious corruptions.

         But one could only watch for so long, it was time now to join.

         Cloven feet clicking on the old tiles, he stepped in behind Nyss who was kneeling at the end of the bed, head between Aielle's pale thighs burrowing hungrily into her luscious flower.  Tryxxx had an eye for another hole entirely.  Back arched, rounded ass thrust out, Nyss was the perfect target.  Without warning he slapped her tail away, grabbed her red hips, hooked his thumbs into her asshole and stretched the clenched ring wide.  Lunging forward until he was wedged all the way, his bloated sac slapped her mound, kissed by butterfly splay of her drooling nether lips.  The time it took completing that thrust was as much a testament to the satyr's prodigious endowment as was the way Nyss stiffened, clawing Aielle's legs and shrieking in unholy rapture.

         Tryxxx snorted, nostrils flaring as he started to rut, the club he called a dick jamming and twisting into his thrall's tight, molten depths.  With unguessed power, every brutal, lengthy stab sent the wood-framed bed slamming against the wall, the women clinging tightly together, writhing as one.  Receiving her master gladly, Nyss kept to her task, sucking and chewing the young Nun's clit until it was fat as a berry.  Beyond, her sister Synn took matters a step farther.  Using her tail she churned her own pussy into a froth while she and Aielle kissed like starved lovers!

         Aielle didn't understand WHY but something had changed.  Perhaps if she could see what was pounding into Nyss' asshole or share the experience of what Synn felt coiling inside her she might but for now all she knew was she needed MORE!  Both twins were more aggressive, moving from passion to fervor and she, Lord forgive her, was no different.  She was coming into the fold with shameless ease, pressed between the twins, every motion synchronous as a Swiss timepiece.

         Bucking like a stallion, Tryxxx finally felt the tingle.  Eyes glazing black, his talons curled, gouging scars across Nyss' ass, anointing them in splatters of dark blood.  The air thickened oppressively as the tiny room became hot as a kiln

         At last, it was time.

         Throughout the eighteenth stroke Tryxxx howled savagely, a trinity of six complete as ropes of his daemonic seed erupted.  At first delirious, Aielle sobered in horror when Nyss' mouth gaped open and from it the massive cock of Tryxxx speared out!  Longer and longer his pulsing member distended, brushing Aielle's virginal petals before going deeper, throbbing as it plundered the young Nun's womb!  Like meat on a spit Nyss was impaled and Aielle was no better.  Her pussy splitting like she were birthing a child, her virginity truly a memory she screamed while the satyr's shaft ignited, a vile combustion that consumed Aielle from the inside out.  Tiring of the noise, Synn unsheathed her tail and thrust it dripping down Aielle's throat.  Gagged, pinned, the last thing the Novice saw before she was no more was the smile on Synn's face.

         “Unfortunately, you're going to LOVE this job,” she said, eldritch fires engulfing them all.  "Love it...Love us." 

         "Welcome to the family," Tryxxx added while his cock undulated in two of his three servants with a life all its own.  He glanced sideways and saw through Aielle's narrow window the pearlescent face of the moon.  "Right on cue," he chuckled, snapping his thick fingers.  On the third snap they vanished in a blinding flare, nothing but brimstone's stench marking their passing...

( Word Count: 1964 including Title )

An Original SIG I Created With Characters I Drew.  Its For My EROTICA Folder.

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