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by Eiram
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Fanfiction · #1488244
Galinda and Elphie on a quest to find out why that stupid grimmotek keeps evading them.
Galinda was becoming restless, she had been sitting in this quiant little coffe shop for nearly 2 hours, and a girl of her social stature simply did not wait for people to show up, they waited on her!
Finally her wait was over when a slim figure stepped into the coffe house dressed in black and covered from head to toe in wraps and scarves, not because it was cold outside, it was rather sunny and fair out doors, but because of a...shall we say, very unique skin condition. then sat down and ordered tea with lemon and honey.
"Where in sweet Oz have you been?! I've been here for 2 hours!"
"Oh hush you high-and-mightyness! I've been tracking down that stupid Grimmotek thingy. And frankly I think it's on to my watching, it keeps going places that i can't follow. I'll give it some credit though, it's a wee bit smarter than your average clock." Answered the shrowded figure.
When the tea arrived, the figure began to uncover herself, revealing to the little cafe' the reason for being so bundled up. As the girl lifted the hood of her cloak and unraveled the scarves, inch by inch her emerald green skin became more and more apparent.
"Elphie, why must you put on a show everytime you take off that stuff?" Galinda huffed impaitantly.
"Is little miss socialite jealous of plain old me getting attention because of my skin being a funky color? Perhaps we'll just have to dip you in a vat of paint so you wont feel so neglected." The woman replied.
"We'll do no such thing Miss Elphaba!" stammered the flustered celebrity-wannabe.
"Why must you revert to that everytime i tease you Miss Galinda?" sighed Elphaba, adding the last part for a friendly insult, after which she let a playful smile spread across her green embelished face.
"The same reason you insist on wearing a mans boots with every gown that you pull out of that hutch you call a closet, it's just my nature." Galinda replied witha grin, "Now what is Horrible Morrible's little tiktok contraption doing that would cause it to feel--if it can--the need to hide from the both of us? Yes, I've been following it as well, don't give me that look, and it always seems that it ducks into a tiny doorway or makes a quick turn around a corner everytime it sees me coming. Or this could all be just a coinsidence and we're thinking too much of it."
Elphaba sipped her tea and pondered this, maybe Galinda's right and I'm just being paranoid, but there is still a chance that that stupid tiktok creature is hiding something...something big...
"Elphie are you ok? You're starting to spill your tea dear."
"Huh? Oh shit!" quickly Elphaba grabbed a napkin and cought the hot and steamy liquid in it before i could splash on her gown. Just then Doctor Dillamond stumbled by. The old Goat looked as if he'd seen a ghost or he'd seen someone fornicating with his mother, it was hard to tell just then. "Doctor are you ok? you don't look yourself at the moment."
"No my dear, presently i am not ok." The Goat answered. he began to fumble with something in his pocket. "Miss Elphaba, you are going to help me over the holiday aren't you? I can't rmember if i've asked you that or not."
"Yes, doctor, i am going to be helping you. You've asked me this several times. Maybe you should go home and lay down for a while, you dont seem to be in your mind."
"Perhaps you're right dear. I'll see you later." with this the old Goat left the shop.
"I hope he's ok...I wonder what could have made him react like that...Elphie your tea dear."
"Son of a --" all of elphabas tea spilled over onto her lap scolding her thighs and private area in the process. "Laurilinas Piss!"
"I thought you didnt believe in higher powers." sneered Galinda "here i'll get you some more napkins." Elphabas face was screwed up with so much pain that Galinda nixed the napkins and grabbed elphies arm and dragged her all the way back to their dormitory.
Galinda helped Elphie out of her black gown. Though she had expected it, Galinda was a little shocked to see that Elphabas entire body was as emerald as her face and arms.
"Nothing, it's just i've never seen you like thins."
"What? naked? well i make it a point to not be seen like this on a regular basis."
"Not just naked, but vonerable as well." Suddenly for the first time in her life Galinda flet over dressed.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm being vonerable." Galinda shed all of her layers of petty coats and skirts and stood before elphaba. "Now dont go spreading this around that i got naked in front of you for no apparent reason."
"Galinda...no one has ever done anything just to see what i feel like...thank you." Galinda smiled at her.
"Do you think it would be weird if we hugged like this?"
"not really. do you feel the need for a hug?"
"yes." The two girls hugged, their naked breasts pressing against each other. Suddenly Galinda felt an urge that she'd never had before. Before wither of them knew what was going on they kissed.
Elphaba pulled away from Galinda in shock.
"what was that?!"
"well most define that as a kiss. I'm sorry! I dont know what came over me! Please dont be mad at me!" cried Galinda, tears streaming down her face.
© Copyright 2008 Eiram (animeelphie at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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