What if God was one of us? |
She knew fast food was harsh, "I shall lay down my orders swiftly and accurately with mayo and letuce and foot and crown all in order. I will be naked if my labours are in vain." She was favoured with miracles. On the sixteenth of her age, she healed the janitor of asthma with a kiss.+ "What shall I say of the body of my work, without which neither wisdom nor justice is of any worth? Metrics are not enough!" A slender girl she did tremble in the slightest breeze. But it was in the constancy of her spirit, which beared all adversities. Was it licentiousness or drunkenness that drove her employer to assalt her virginity? So thick a shade was he that he jovially tormented her in the freezer. Her frail form had not the strength to resists his probing. "I cannot fight your embrace, but I will not renounce my merit badges!" Her voice was faint as she grew with child. Upon seeing his malefactory grow in her belly, he offerred an abortion. "I fear damnation. What must I do?" her plea was not accepted. Unemployed; this little one did bear the bitter fruit into her father's house: "This shame shall bring us great riches in a paternity suit!" Her father bellowed. "We must overcome our enemies by gentleness. Let them be punished by their own conscious, not by our wrath." this gentle maid did implore. Her father would not be swayed and after three years of litigation she recieved a small fortune, "It is a greater honor to serve the customer, then to live in complacency." Her objection was not heeded by her father, who placed his grandaughter in an Alaskan highschool. There she grew in beauty and achievements, to become the first woman Vice President of @Dairy Queen. + |