Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1454879-The-Way-a-killer-spends-the-weekend
by Tyneil
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1454879
"Why did you kill those people?" "Because it was fun"

“So what’s the situation Sarah?”
“We have him on fifteen counts of murder and twelve missing peoples reports all saying he took them”
“Ok, well has he said anything?”
“Only that he wanted to talk to you”
“Ok well I’m gonna head in; be prepared just in case anything goes wrong”
”Yes sir”
Sergeant Delmar walks into the interrogation room to see Tobias Straight sitting across from him.
“I heard you wanted to speak with me Toby”
“Yes I did sir”
“Is there a reason you wouldn’t talk to anyone else here?”
“Well, I didn’t like them to tell you the truth; they all looked to strangely ready for it, if you know what I mean”
“Sorry to say I don’t Tobias; so why don’t you just admit you killed those people?”
“Because I didn’t, like I said…..” “they killed themselves; I gave them a choice to kill them selves or let me do the work for them and guess what they chose?”
“Well I’m guessing they chose to do it themselves…”
“WRONG!” he screamed “They said they wouldn’t do it so I took it s a personal obligation to do what they could not”
“I still remember how they screamed as I cut into there skin, oh it was so satisfying”
“Enough of that Toby, just tell me where the bodies are”
“But I wasn’t finished, as I was saying, I enjoyed my work, sometimes I would tie them upside down from the rafters take off the blindfolds and gags, make me some movie popcorn and sit down and watch them beg and scream”
“I said enough now where are the bodies?”
“Oh that’s the beauty of it all, you see people are so much fun because you can have your fun with them then put them away for a while or sell them, throw them away, feed them to dogs as chew toys, burn them, cut them up in pieces, torture them, release them, but my whole point is, is that if anyone is put in the right amount of pressure they will do anything you say so that you want hurt them”
“Well I can tell you where there not”
“And that is?”
“Here ha”
“Well I can see we’re not getting anywhere with this so how about you tell me why you did it”
“Can’t you tell, I did it because it was fun”
“You’re sick you know that”
“No, I’m not sick, I’m just a man who enjoys the different side of life; the side closer to the end of life”
“Do I have to have a reason?”
“Most sane men do”
“Well I guess I’m insane then huh”
“Ok fine screw the bodies-
“Uh I wouldn’t try that, I did and some of the women weren’t to cooperative”
“You sick son of a-
“Watch that language Sergeant, I know how hard it is sometimes but if you’re not careful they can just start to slip out unendingly just like a hemophiliac when they’re cut; that reminds me one of the girls I met was one, her name was Samantha
“Shut up you scum”
“Ooh all these names you’re calling me are starting to sting, what do I have to do to get you to stop?”
“Tell me where the bodies are”
“Ok deal; I tell you and then no more name calling, the bodies are…………. somewhere”
“Where is this somewhere?”
“Uh I don’t know, hey don’t you have a daughter Sergeant?”
“Yes I have a daughter and what do you mean you don’t know?”
“What’s your daughter’s name?”
“Karlie, now answer my question”
“Ah yes I remember Karlie she was a pretty little morsel”
“How would you know, she’s at camp”
“Are you sure?”
Sergeant Delmar pulled out his cell phone and called Karlie’s phone.
“Dad is that you?”
“Yes Karlie it’s me, you’re at camp right?”
“I never made it to camp dad; I fell asleep on the bus and woke up in a freezer with a bunch of other people”
Sergeant Delmar looked at Tobias, “where is she?”
“I could tell you but then I wouldn’t have any fun”
“You better tell me right now or I’ll
“Or you’ll what, kill me and loose the chance of finding her and everyone else I didn’t kill…………..yet”
“You herd me, they’re in the giant freezer out by the old slaughter house but here’s the trick it’s rigged to explode when the motion sensors on the entrance are triggered four times and there are four people left, obviously one of them is your daughter and she is the obvious choice number one, but what about the other three, if you save her you still kill someone else in the end”
“But we can get a bomb squad in and disable it”
“I thought of that and that is why I hid the rest of them in another spot and that place is rigged to explode if you disable my first one”
“How many are in the other one?”
“Ten” he says smiling “So which is it Sergeant kill one to save ten or save one to kill ten?”
"Make your choice Sergeant and don't worry about me I'll get plenty of entertainment out of watching you guys try to figure this out"
© Copyright 2008 Tyneil (tyber at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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