Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1444325-A-Roman-Soldiers-Vow
Rated: E · Poetry · History · #1444325
This is an entry for a contest. It tells of a famous Roman soldier's feelings.
A Roman Soldier’s Vow

No greater honor for a young man to be
Than in the position as a soldier, of the noble Roman army.
My oath to the emperor, to fight to the death,
I am a true soldier from my first cry to last breath.
I hear the trumpets call me and feel my blood run hot.
The drum is beating for the legion to get ready as we were taught.
The stars last night told of an omen of the battle we would win.
The augurs said the shape of the clouds were a sign that our march must soon begin.
A flag was on my staff, along with the emblem of my name.
The pride I felt was satisfaction that would lead to my acclaim.
I eat my cheese and bread hurriedly, a simple meal today.
I save my denarii for the food I eat, the rest would become my soldier’s pay.
I see the centurion’s silhouette as he strides to mount the hill.
Each soldier’s eyes looked straight ahead as he vowed the enemy he’d kill.
I know we will fight in places that I have never heard of or explored,
But the mighty god of Mars will faithfully guide my ready sword.
And when they carve a granite statue to honor my humble deeds,
My name of young Marius will be seen as one who was meant to succeed.

Marius (157-86BC) was a soldier and politician. He did reform the army and made it more efficient. He was also consul seven times. His conflict with another politician brought forth a civil war that initiated the collapse of the Roman Empire.
© Copyright 2008 Dorianne (jumacu at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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