Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1434108-IN-EVERY-WAY--Part-2-of-2--Ongoing-
Rated: XGC · Short Story · Erotica · #1434108
1 Beautiful Woman, Twin Brothers, & Betrayal Mix In A Love Triangle Built For 2!

{Part: 2 of 2 }

"When Your World Gets Turned Upside Down, Learn To Walk On The Ceiling."


         She was hot.  She was sweaty.  Her hair was tangled; limp, moist, darker, it looked as exhausted as she felt.  She was sore in places--- very particular places--- and while it wasn't exactly bad, she was sore nonetheless.  Thanks to the... enthusiastic spanking she'd gotten her ass cheeks felt like she'd been sitting on a waffle iron.  Breathless, panting, she fortified herself and refused to give in, refused to fail.  Heart and mind racing, she pulled herself together, steadying with effort the quivering mess of sensations her body had become.  Tired...she was so tired but she wasn't going to stop.  She couldn't, not now, not until they wanted her to.  That was the deal--- the promise--- she'd made to Travis and Eric both.  Lindsey had broken too many promises and rules already, she would be damned if this became another...

         Across the room, Travis sat naked like some primeval king on a throne.  Bottle of spring water in one hand he watched Lindsey go through the undulating motions of stretching her overworked body.  Stretching, even in her fatigue, in preparation for whatever was coming next.

         He tipped the plastic bottle up and squeezed, gulping until nearly half the cool water was gone.  As he dropped the bottle back down, he licked his full lips and stood, striding barefoot towards the woman who by all accounts should be little more than a bad taste in his mouth, a cautionary tale to recall but not repeat.  If he had been handed this scenario "hypothetically", he would have said without hesitation that any woman guilty of trying to sleep with him and his brother at the same time would be immediately dead to him.  Immediately.  Cut off, unforgiven.  Dead..."dead as Disco".

         So much for "all accounts" and "hypothetical".  So much for "caution".  And then again, Disco was making a comeback...

         He almost laughed.  Almost.

         Lindsey rolled her shoulders, shrugging slowly until she felt her back pop.  With the beginnings of a sigh in her chest waiting to exhale she opened her eyes.  That Travis had moved so close so quietly startled her, it took a bit not to jump when she saw him.  It wasn't that she had miraculously forgotten she wasn't alone, that instead she had two men naked in her apartment.  No, no selective amnesia, it was just everything had been so overt, so aggressive so far that his...subtlety was the true surprise.  She followed his brown skin from his feet upward, ending--- after some distraction at his groin---with his eyes.  They stayed like that a while, saying everything by saying nothing, both of them prisoners in their own ways and desperate for appeal. 

         He arched an eyebrow and held the bottle out.  She smiled lightly and whispered "Yes, please."

         Travis didn't hand the bottle over.  He raised his arm higher and held the bottle above Lindsey, who was still half kneeling, half leaning on the floor.  "Drink," he said in that voice again.  She tipped her chin upward, parting her lips as he inverted the bottle and clutched it, starting a stream of water that hit her lips and tongue and felt to her like the first sweet kiss of a Spring rain.  She drank deeply, tingling as stray water splashed her hot skin and slithered in rivulets down between the slopes of her breasts.
         As the water emptied, falling to her waiting mouth Travis, though quiet, was tortured inside.  He stared down at her like he was God bringing rain after a drought.  Still, after all this, she was beautiful.  Still, after all this, he Loved her.  Damn, what a world; Life was never as black and white as their skin...  Never as blunt, and never as unoriginal.

         At least not to him.  Perhaps being a twin had given him this outlook, perhaps he was just a romantic.  Perhaps perhaps perhaps. 

         The space between the lines, the shades of gray, the nuances of tone and pitch... this was the twilight area that made Life worth living, worth creating, worth fighting for.  The nuances that gave every life its own merit, its individuality.  Here was Lindsey, the culmination of all the twilight he could ever have imagined seeing in one lifetime.  A singularity of duality in a plural universe.   

         Not unlike he and his brother.

         Being twins came with its own baggage, its own dynamics that impacted everything else they encountered.  First spending years reveling in how identical they were, then even more years trying to establish themselves for their respective differences Travis and Eric were also a singularity of duality.  Alike yet different, different yet alike, their distinctions came through intimacy and Lindsey knew that now better than anyone.

         The rumble of the toilet flushing echoed as Eric walked out of the bathroom down the hall.  He had a towel knotted loosely around his waist and was scratching the hairs of his chest as he reentered the living room.

         "I miss shower time...?" he asked, looking first to Lindsey's dripping body then up to Travis, standing beside her.

         Beside her.

         With her. 

         "She was thirsty," Travis said, returning Eric's gaze.

         Eric recognized that look and the mood that went with it.  Travis was drawing a line, a "this is mine" line.  As twins, sharing had been a concept that was either forced on them in the extreme or rebelled against with passion.  Travis' body language was clearly establishing the latter.  Apparently, this payback party was over and Eric had been elected the odd man out.

         "Muthafucka..." Eric cursed, shaking his head.


         "You know what."  Then, to punctuate what had yet to be said, Eric stabbed a finger at Lindsey.  "THAT," he growled.

         Reflexively, Lindsey leaned in toward Travis' leg, a gesture that only seemed to piss Eric off more.

         "What wouldn't you let her trifling ass get away with if this isn't enough to open your eyes?  Dammit, Travis, there's fucking up and then there's criminal shit and then there's THIS!"


         "Nothing splits blood, Travis.  You're my brother, I Love you, man.  If that...if she is what you think you want then fine.  Its bullshit, but I ain't bringing her drama to our table."

         Travis met his brother's eyes.  "What the Hell was this about, then?  You put her on 'our table' and cut into her like she was a glazed ham---"

         "She fucked up!"

         "Yeah, she did, but nothing about what we just put her through makes us any better.  You know that like I know that.  Busting a nut isn't justice, its just busting a nut."

         Eric listened to the words, to Travis' returned conscience, hating the truth of it.  His hopes that this episode would be sufficient to shake Lindsey off Travis, sparing his twin any emotional fall-out by casting the woman in as unfavorable a light as he could imagine were ruined.  In fact, it seemed to Eric like all that had just passed had only made Lindsey more important to his brother, not less.

         With a hand from Travis, Lindsey got up from the floor, her dress clutched in front of her.  The tension was fluctuating, she felt out of place but wanted to speak.  "Eric, I really am---"

         "Sorry?" Eric finished for her.

         "Yes. "

         "Sorry for getting caught?  Sorry for telling lies?  What exactly are you sorry for, Lindsey, and why the fuck should I care?"

         She tried to meet his gaze but flinched under its intensity.  She swept a few errant hairs back behind her ear as she looked to the floor.  Her feet, unfortunately, had no inspiration or answers to lend.  When in doubt...  "Caught," she breathed.

         Eric's lips twisted tighter.  "What?"

         "Caught...I am sorry I got caught, Eric.  I never wanted, never thought I---"

         "Fuck your thoughts."

{ Still Writing, More To Come, Check Back SOON! }
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