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by Andy
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Romance/Love · #1432037
Seeing a wisp of longing in his eyes, I closed my eyes and cut off his throat.
Chapter 3 Patricide

My laugh was obviously un-suitable.
Psycho hottie didn't receive any shameful expressions from me as he expected but my calm eyes looking back into his and a light smile slowly appeared on my face. A ray of light flashed in his dark pupils, then deepened having had sensed the ironic meaning of my chuckle.
  Before he could take action, urned-man had lost his mind under his humiliation. I laughed when hearing his words, whereas, Wei Jinlan was crazy on it. I wonder how he managed to get such strength that he risked his damaged body and stretched out his head biting the hottie's white robe. Psycho hottie frowned a bit while the two pretty servant-girl were shocked - one came forward trying to break off his mouth; the other held the robe trying to pull it out. As a result, a scrap of robe was torn off with a squeak under the dragging and pulling.
  The two servant-girls turned pale with surprise - psycho hottie's white robe had been stained with blood of Wei Jinlan's mouth. 'What a sharp teeth! Even though it can't abuse anymore.' Psycho hottie sneered, eyes fixing at him coldly.
  Hearing this, a weird smile appeared on Wei's triumphant looking face with the scrap of cloth biting with his teeth still. He stared at him firmly, wrapped the cloth slowly into mouth with effort, chewed it up provocatively and swallowed down.
  Though he had been sunk into this kind of condition, lost language, still he could fight back in this way which I was about to applause for him. Wei Jinlan, you were a real someone! Seeing his ferocious looking, I had no doubt that if he could escape this time from death and the psycho hottie was as unfortunate as to fall into his hands, he would chew his flesh in raw, one bite after another and swallow them down into his belly.
  Could there be such an assumption? Psycho hottie was provoked by his action as expected. He pinched his chin and said coldly, 'What would you do if without teeth?' Hardly finishing his words, his hand twisted suddenly. 'Crack!' One who didn't have the experience of hearing this kind of sound would never have imagined what it sounded like when having all teeth kneaded off from one's gum! Wei's whole set of teeth had been broken, a few teeth fell down on the floor with blood spurted out turbulently; a lot more still were remained in his mouth. Psycho hottie's wrist was soaked in blood and his white robe was sprayed with hideous blood stains. Wei's wail echoed at this moment.
  I am experiencing the most horrible terror in my life! Before that, I just beheld the miserable condition of Wei being tyrannized. No matter how miserable it was, it couldn't be compared with the brutal action happened now, which was so bloody and immediate, terror-stricken. I couldn't stand that bloody scene, sitting back in bed, paralyzed with fright. I tightly covered my mouth, screams turned out to be little hoots through my fingers.
  Psycho hottie turned his face on me. My horrified look seemed have interested him. He let go of Wei's chin and looked at me thoughtfully. I was quivered all over. Tightly covering my mouth, trying to resist groaning yet couldn't stop tears falling from my eyes like river bursting its band.
  The two servant-girls came to clean again. He still didn't move, letting them wash away blood stains on his hands and changed another tidy white robe. When everything was in order, he stood still, eyes fixing on me, staring my half-collapsed look.
  After a while, psycho hottie cruelly smiled at me, 'Who would expect a man of half-life still has energy to hum?' He was speaking to Wei Jinlan who was whining and twitching in urn under shooting pain.
  'Zi Ying,' He turned his head suddenly and called the purple dressed girl on his right, 'Please help our Prime Minister save a breath and be quiet for a while.'
  Zi Ying gave him a winsome smile and brought from the door behind a wine jar sealed with a red paper on the rim. She went to Wei Jinlan, carefully lifted the paper seal and poured all the matters inside completely into the urn. Most of those dark mass were fallen into the urn, some were dropped on Wei's head. I locked my eyes on them - they were black spiders as big as grapes!
  Wei Jinlan's furious stare was replaced by terror as if he had recognized the variety of those spiders. Nearly all spiders were toxic. Once I was bitten by a yellow spider the size of a grain of rice, it was stingy immediately with a small harsh red dot on the skin. The itch and pain made me fuss about all the time and finally it took me one week to recover plus 60 yuan medical bills. From Wei Jinlan's extremely terrified look, I guessed this black spider were far more toxic than the one that bit me long ago.
  After poking those spiders from Wei's head down to the urn by a stick, Zi Ying let out a breath, turned to the psycho hottie and smiled charmingly, 'Why? Master, you have no mercy to me! I would have lost my hands if bitten by it.' 'You've been with poison ever since you were a little girl, sweetie. Now are you showing off at me?' Psycho hottie smiled. Zi Ying rolled her eyes, putting down the jar and stepped behind him, looking at the urn with eyes hardly blinking, as if observing Wei's reaction.
  Even I stopped crying, giving an upset look at psycho hottie. He seemed not interested in Wei's conditions, still staring at me using that kind of inexplicable gaze that made me tremble with fear whenever saw it. I tried to avoid his observation by turning my head to Wei Jinlan. His face was originally pale due to excessive hemorrhage but now was scarlet suddenly with eyeballs protruding and all blue veins standing out on the neck; his badly mangled mouth widely opened with a series of supreme raucous 'Ah, ah ...' slipped out of it.
  The air was flooded with unusual horrible atmosphere accompanied with blood smell. I had no idea of what kind of hurt those spiders had done to him. While he uttered hoarse voice, sweat the size of peas appeared on his forehead and fell down slowly along the mangled ditches on his face.
  My eyes widely opened. I knew Wei Jinlan was suffering pains by those toxic spiders even if the scenes before me were extremely infernal. However, spiders were all in the urn which I couldn't see. Without bloody mind-blowing scenes, I didn't feel much more horrible at the present act than seeing psycho hottie pinching off Wei's gum.
  'Miss Wei, are you curious about the hurt your dear father is suffering, now?' As if had read my mind, psycho hottie smiled at me and asked.
  It was the first time for him to speak with me. His manner was truly attractive when he smiled like warm sunshine in spring ... yet a demon was hidden behind such a kind smile!
  I looked at him silently. He seemed not expecting my response, either, and continued, 'That black spider has a nickname called 'Flesh Eater' - eating human's blood and flesh is its most favorite, but not from outside. It bites a small opening on your skin and digs in, gnawing from inside, little by little ...'
  Cold sweat slipped down on my back, his evil nightmarish voice echoed in my ears. In my eyes, he had become a quintessence of evil. I covered my ears, yet soon found out helplessly his voice could still drilled in like a snake. I couldn't resist my body from shivering convulsively. 'Stop! Stop!' I muttered to myself distractedly and the evil voice continued, 'Having a feast of human flesh, they will burst forth from inside of the host's body ...'
  At this moment, all of a sudden, with a 'Pop', a bloody hole appeared on Wei's forehead and a spider about twice the size of the original one was climbing slowly out of it. I totally collapsed seeing this real-time show of 'Spices'. I struggled out of bed, taking no consideration to my nakedness, seized psycho hottie's white robe and cried, 'You! You ... crazy! Freak!'
  He pushed me off, seeing me fell on the floor, trembling, he squatted down and said, 'Crazy? Freak? Ha ha ha ...' He laughed loudly but voice was as cold as ice, 'You are right, I'm crazy, but who is not in this world? Are you not? Is he not?'
  He stood up with tears of laughter shining in his eyes. He pointed Wei Jinlan who was now withering in the urn. 'This man, Prime Minister of Tian Meng Dynasty, your father, used to have supreme power throughout the country. But don't you know how crazy he is beneath the cover of a dapper honorable man? In order to get a woman he was obsessed with, he was as crazy as to set up her husband, the best friend of him, as collaboration and caused his whole family, more than 180 people, beheaded! He was as crazy as to occupy other people's wife for 18 years and during that period, deliberately schemed to get rid of the only child of his best friend, who escaped from the capture. Now, you tell me how crazy he was?'
  There were flames burning madly in his bloodshot eyes. He crouched suddenly, pinching my chin tightly and staring at me dirtily. 'Miss Wei, I am maniac, but nothing on the scale of your dear father!' He smiled icily.
  So that was how it is! I closed my eyes. My body felt so weak as if all my strength was pumped out. No wonder why his means of revenge were so vicious and so cruel. Such a huge debt of blood could drive anybody mad.
  'No one tries to stop you!' And certainly no one could. I smiled bitterly, 'It's simple to kill, even if he's your enemy, you could terminate him by giving him a slash. There's no need to torture him like this!'
  'Torture him?' As if I was talking a joke, psycho hottie laughed with tears streaming down his face, 'If I didn't torture him, how could the torture I suffered for 18 years be paid?'
  Tears fell from my eyes. What else could left to the heart of him when his soul was deluded by hatred?
  'Then what it would be even if you tortured him to death?' I looked at him, eyes filled with sadness and pity, 'Your family has gone, and they can't revive. What you have been through for the past 18 years has all been done to you already. Have you ever thought of what to do after you finished revenge and what will remain to you by then?'
  I was not an apocalyptic gloomy girl and didn't want to beg on behalf of Wei Jinlan, either. All was just punitive justice if he truly did that monstrous disaster. What I was thinking was to help psycho hottie sober up and to realize what he really wants. Although I was in the body of Wei's daughter and had undertaken Wei's sin and psycho hottie's hatred, I didn't want to die. I had died once, so as God had given me another chance of life, I got to cherish it and live it well. I would try my best if there was a slight chance for me to survive. Psycho hottie would understand the implication of my word if he was smart enough.
  Psycho hottie was truly surprised hearing my word. He looked at me for a while, crazy flames in his eyes dimmed gradually. He relaxed his pinch on my chin gently, yet was enraged suddenly by the pity in my eyes. There was a sense of sneer on his face. 'You have reminded me, Miss Wei. It's not good letting a man die so soon if you determine to torture him. Your father is more dead than alive, now, but you, you got to live well.'
  I smiled sadly inside. It was O.K. if he liked to take it that way. Anyhow I would not be killed in short time. So ... How would he deal with me? I shook my head, trying not to think of it. Where there's life, there's hope.
  'Ah, ah ...' Wei Jinlan's hoarse cry sounded again. I saw there was another hole on his face and a black spider foot was stretching out of it. A deadly fear swept over me. I looked at psycho hottie pleadingly, 'Please, let him go, give him a slash!'
  He watched me silently, after a while, he stood up, carrying a cruel smile on his mouth, 'Kill him? Sure thing ...'
  I felt relaxed, thought he was moved by my word. However, with a 'Jingle', he drew out his sword and threw it over to me. 'You do it yourself!' He said firmly, after seeing my confused eyes.
  My eyes widened. He told me to do it myself? He even told me to ... Kill?
  'No!' I shook my head, looking horribly at the long sword lying on the floor which dazzled like frost and snow. Kill? How could he ask me to kill? How could he force me to?
  'No?' He smiled icily and his nightmarish voice sounded again, 'O.k., let's wait to see him being chewed up little by little till all the flesh is gone and left a skeleton standing there - still cannot die at once - it will groan ... and groan ... from its wildly opened mouth ...'
  'Shut up! You shut up!' My tears flooded. I picked up the sword and put it to the neck of Wei Jinlan. Seeing a wisp of longing in his eyes, I closed my eyes and cut off his throat.
  Time was frozen in that split second. I heard the sound when skin was broken apart by knife, as clearly and crunchy as a drop of water falling from a stalactite in a cave to a chilly pond in a quiet night. The long sword dropped on the floor with a 'Jingle'. I was almost flaked out, throwing myself on my knees with face in my hands and tears streaming from fingers to the floor.
  I killed him! I killed him! On the first day I arrived in this world! And, the one I killed was the father of my 'body'!
  'Zi Ying,' Psycho hottie's voice sounded, without a trace of warmness, 'Throw the body to feed dogs.'
  I trembled with fear, raised my head. He looked at me with a smile of indifference, 'First time to kill, eh?'
  I gazed on him, firmly. It was him who forced me to kill! I had never hated someone like him, never before! I didn't even hate him for raping me! And I was just scared of him when he tortured Wei Jinlan. But now, he forced me to kill! I know this would be my life-long nightmare. My Lord! I hated him so much!
  'Did it feel bad when you killed a man?' Careless of the hatred in my eyes, he smiled and said slowly, 'Don't worry, dear, you'll get used to it in the future.'
  There was future of it? I felt dizzy like the sky and earth were spinning around. My brain started to faint under the suffering by scare, exhaustion, pain and self-contradiction. 'I hate you!' I stared at his evil face, gritting my teeth, 'I will hate you all my life!'
  Darkness started to fall on me. 'Master,' I heard the pink-dressed girl asked before I fainted, 'How to deal with her?'
  'Throw away!'
  His voice was as cold as ice, together with darkness, engulfed all my consciousness all at once.
© Copyright 2008 Andy (andrea2007 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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