Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1430051-The-Calling-prolouge-and-chapter-1
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1430051
Ande is a girl of 15 years and is training to be a warrior. Will her dream come true?
Andromeda, or Ande as she preferes to be called, is part of the tribe of women who have survived as one for many generations. The group that has lived and ruled over South America...without men by their side, avoiding war as much as possible while remaining strong and in control. They are even feared by the werewolves, the most vicious predators that reside in the east. Who are these women? They are the Amazons.

For centuries, the werewolves have been enemies of the Amazons, killing them at any chance they get. The men's conlony, the Arazons, used to be enimes of the Amazons, but are now, and hopefully forever, great allies of which live in the south. The only reason the amazons prefered to remain as a complete women's colony (excuding the 2 men elders included among the seven women on the head of the main defense, and the few men that live in the colony for a few years at a time) was because they didn't want past conflicts to arise that caused them to seperate. As for the west, it's currently a marsh occupied by a colony of griffins that the Amazons tame to take them to wherever is is they need to go out of walking distance.
One night the village is taken under attack. no one knows who or how they were intruded. ande, being of fifteen years, will soon become a warrior, and guess what her first task is... She is required ot set off with other Amazons to solve the mystery of what's happening. She's been reassured by the elders that she will be safe, but what they don't know is that danger is, well, dangerously close...closer than they would ever know...
Chapter 1
~Sigh~...Ande breathed in the warm summer air as she walked out of her home, finally. She turned and looked upon the small hut/building or whatever you want to call it. Either way, it was hers and no one elses. She stood there, thinking about the three long, tiring days weaving the sticks and vines together, lifting and fastening the logs twice her size up as a wall.

She espcially remembered when Erica, her best friend, helped her build the roof. That was the best. It was funny because they were sitting on the wall, fastening the tightly woven branches to the logs for the roof when Erica's foot slipped and she suddenly fell off the wall into the new house, slightly spraining her ankle. Ande laughed then hopped off the wall and walked through the doorway to see Erica tapping, rubbing, and pushing on the ceiling. "Perfect!" She cried and they laughed the rest of the time as the moved in they furniture.

Now, she stands proudly looking at her home, built by her own two hands... and Erica's foot. She chuckled and turned to go to her daily training. As usual, Erica was already there staring at her as she walked up the wide, dirt path. When Ande reached Erica, they lined up at the edge of the forest along with all the other Amazons.

Ande squatted down behind what looked like a starting line in a race, as did each other girl. Erica, being the "nosy" friend, slightly tilted her head in Ande's direction and whispered, " Where have you been?"Ande kept her line of sight forward, tossed her dark brown braid behind her back, and cracked a smile. "Oh, on my way here. Where else would I be?"

A arrow bolted out into the forest form the tall, digustingly muscular woman behind them holding a bow. That was the signal. Each girl, all about fourteen or fifteen years old, darted strait into the forest. Each one going strait for about one hundred meters, and then splitting up each and every way possible.Ande smirked and thought to herself. This was gonna be fun.

Ande went for the trees. Having a photographic memory came in handy. She remembered exactly which direction the arrow went in, and all she had to do was find it and bring it back first. She leaped from branch to branch with amazing agility noticing the familiar feel of her sword swipe against the summery leaves. She constantly looked ahead, but watched the forest floor out of the corner of her eye. As each girl knew, you could do practically anything to get your hands on that arrow...except, of course, kill. Besides that, you could get ambushed or anything if you didn't pay attention.

Ande couldn't bring herself to set traps. She felt it was cheating, and besides, she didn't need them. Not to brag or anything, but Ande had won the challenge everyday since she turned fourteen years old. The course was a sinch and she didn't need some childish trap to win. The only thing she needed was her clothes (duh), her water tin, and her sword...and a couple leather strings to tie her hairback because her hair never seemed to stay out of her face for more than five minutes. Although, she looked very pretty with it down...all the more reason to tie it back.

Ande was beautiful and she knew it. Her hair was shoulder-length with a slight wave. It was dark brown, almost black, and it had that slight wave near the end. Her skin was flawless and she was tall, almost six feet.She was very muscular too, but not ripped and big-like. She just had dense muscles. There was only one problem...she HATED it. Because of her beauty, people were jealous and never took her seriously. They didn't particularly like her, but the elders took great interest in her. Of course they noticed her obvious beauty, but they also noticed her strong and gentle nature along with her competitive drive. It's just that Ande really didn't care. All she cared about was the course, and so she ceased to dwell in these thoughts, took a deep breath, and concentrated all of her energy on the task.
© Copyright 2008 Shawna Lee (browndog12 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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