Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1419900-Infinity-WIP-part-4
by Johara
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Fantasy · #1419900
Chapters 31 to 40

Chapter 31

A Long Journey

The first 3 weeks had been hard on Claudia, but it was nothing compared to the next part of their journey. Much of it was spent out of sight of land. They made two short stops to fill up on food and water, but neither was at a port where Claudia could take Thorn off the ship. Besides helping Kalli keep a stiff wind in the sails, she had nothing to do but take care of Thorn. The forced inactivity was driving her mad. She was even unable to meditate unless the ship was sailing close to the shoreline. This disturbed her a great deal. Kalli however, shrugged it off.
"You are obviously tied into the land. It is your strength, not a weakness. Our last stop before reaching Faellon is a small town with a large enough pier for you and Thorn to offload and go for a run like you did in Bulcub Bay."
After 6 very long weeks the Wild Dragon sailed into the last port city before their final destination. Nestral'na was tucked into a large natural harbor inside a deep bay.  The rolling hills were covered with dark green shrubs and few trees. Claudia thought the terraced farms looked to be growing grapes. Standing on the prow of the ship as it sailed into the harbor she could see long simple trellis's supporting a broad leafed plant, covering many acres.
Pacing back and forth, Claudia looked in vain for a large forest to come into view. When they finally pulled into port and tied up she was mounted up on Thorn and waiting for the gangplank to be dropped. Thalnor walked up beside her, a frown on his narrow face. "Claudia, time is of the essence, we should not be here long."
When she stared down at him, a fierce hawk-like look in her eyes, he paused to collect his thoughts. Kalli butted in, laying a hand on his shoulder. "Sister, take the wide street through town and head north for half a day. Remember, the sooner you get back the sooner we finish this journey."
With a sigh that was almost a sob, Claudia nodded then guided a prancing Thorn off the ship. Keeping to a short stepping trot Claudia had no problem riding past the slight olive skinned people as they wound their way through the open city. The arrival of a ship well before the fishing fleet would return had brought out a small crowd of wives and children but they were very respectful of the high strung shaflin. Kalli's directions were easy to follow through the few streets. After a few minutes Thorn's strides loosened up and lengthened. The street lead between vine fields for a few miles outside of town then turned into a shepherd's trail that disappeared into steeper hills. Galloping up to the top of one, Claudia's heart leapt when she saw a dark green valley forest.
Back at the ship Captain Siamoma was overseeing the offloading of a few crates. Thalnor walked over to where he was yelling. "Captain. We will be here for about one weekspan. I will find onshore accommodation for us."
Siamoma grunted. "Alright. We've quite abit ahead of schedule, I'll keep this lazy lot onship. This port wasn't made for long sailor stays."
Thalnor nodded. "I believe there is a island town a couple days journey from here. We can rendezvous back here in 7 days."
Siamoma's eyebrow raised. "Now that is not a half bad idea." He held out his hand and Thalnor clasped it. "After we've finished this little bit of off and onloading we'll head out."
Hamna and Therran came walking on deck carrying their gear. Jornan trailed them, carrying Claudia's bag. Thalnor lead the group down the ship's ramp and up the main street. The villagers kept a respectful distance, the appearance of the elves was very uncommon but seeing Kalli walk beside them was unheard of. When they walked into the main inn and registered for 7 nights the young receptionist was wide eyed. "My apologies sirs, but there will be no trouble here? We are a quiet town, honored elder." She was blushing, stammering. Jornan stepped up beside Thalnor and took her hands. Capturing her gaze, he spoke softly. "We are not hunting at the moment. We are just here to relax."
Smiling now, she said "My name is Lauren. Let me show you to your rooms." Jornan kept a hold of her hand while they walked up the stairs, and Therran rolled his eyes at their backs. Kalli just giggled and wrapped an arm around Hamna's waist. Up the stairs to the 2nd story, they had three rooms side by side. After dropping their bags off, they all left to find a place to eat.
After a fine meal they stayed around the table to chat over a bottle of robust wine. The topic was of course Claudia, and what her powers could lead her destiny to be. Kalli was concerned. "I've never heard of such a strong reaction to being out to sea. She is obviously tied very strongly to the land."
Thalnor was leaning back in his chair. "Her strength is with life. A minor healer, a good animal empath, and her powers are strongest in the spring."
Jornan poured a fresh cup of wine before speaking. "I still do not like traveling with Mages." He eyed Kalli. "I have come to respect you, and trust in the bond between you and Hamna, but the presence of two of you makes my skin crawl. Generations of hunting your kind, and here I am. Sharing a bottle of wine with one Mage and waiting on another to show up." He sighed and downed his glass.
Hamna kept silent, idly rubbing Kalli's hand with his thumb. Kalli knew her mate liked to brood things over before saying anything. In the meantime Therran spoke his piece. "She is trustworthy. I have talked with her a few times on the ship and could sense no deceit. Her morals mirror ours, as does her sense of honor. I never in my wildest thoughts could have imagined I would say this, but I trust this mage to be on our side."

Chapter 32

Last leg of Sea Journey

It was five long days later that Kalli perked up. "She will be back tonight, she feels much more stable then when she left." It was just she and Thalnor lingering over breakfast in a small cafe. The rest of the group was either back at their rooms or out wandering the town. Thalnor merely nodded and sipped his coffee.  He had Claudia's oath, and knew it was only a matter of time before he would be escorting her into the ancient city of Falforath.
"Let us go to that charming wine shop we visited a few days ago. I am in the mood to buy today."
Kalli smiled and nodded. "They had delicious pastries as well."

Everyone met for dinner, as they had been doing all week. Over a dinner of roast pork Thalnor informed the hunters of Claudia's imminent arrival. The universal reaction was relief at leaving the quiet town. "Siamoma should be arriving tomorrow. If the timing is good we'll be able to leave right away. Kalli, you and Claudia should exert yourselves to make the journey as fast as possible. It's a four week journey to Faellon normally but you two should be able to cut that in half. We'll need a few days to arrange for shaflin. We might have to convince any other hunters we run across that Claudia is one of us. I hope we can find her a mate soon." Thalnor paused to collect his thoughts. "I'll send off for Latel, Turo and..." he hesitated a moment. "Tyr."
Terran snorted in amusement. Hamna and Jornan merely looked at Thalnor in astonishment and disbelief. "You want to pair up Claudia with him?" "Thalnor, do you hate Claudia that much?!" "We hunt because it is in our blood, he hunts because he hates them."
Thalnor waited until they had quieted down. "He is strong willed, and yes, full of hatred. Yet it is him that I have seen as her match since we first met her. I do not understand the how or why, but I believe it is meant to be."
"Do not let him hear that. It will anger him greatly."
Nodding, Thalnor continued. "I do not intend to let anyone but this company know what I plan. Latel and Turo will hopefully provide some competition. If things go badly with Tyr, then either of them will be decent backup matches for Claudia. All three are strong willed, but love the wilds."
Terran chuckled. "This will be a very interesting summer. How far away are the sacrifice victims?"
Thalnor raised an eyebrow. "I doubt Hamna considers himself a victim.  Once Tyr accepts his fate, he won't regret it either."
Kalli motioned the waiter over. "Our guest will be here in just a moment, will you prepare a plate for her?"


When Claudia rode Thorn up into the hills, her mind was chaotic and she felt like she was drowning in it. The sight of the beautiful wooded valley was a balm to her soul. By the time Thorn carried her into it's shade Claudia had tears running down her face. Once they were deep into the heart of the forest she slipped off Thorn's back and gave him a kiss on the nose. He snorted, bumped his nose on her chest before spinning and taking off. Claudia knew he would find a nice grassy area to spend the next couple days.
She stripped off her clothes, leaving them in a neat pile with her assorted bags and things. Walking naked under the trees, she slowly unbraided her hair and let it hang free down her back. The dark green life force was pulling her in, and she intended to succumb willingly this time. Her stride slowed down as her mind reached out and melded with the stately oaks surrounding her. One in particular felt right to her, an old matron of the forest. Coming to a halt in front of it, her eyes closed, head tilted back to breathe in deeply, Claudia became one with the tree. Her roots were sunk deep, drinking greedily from the rich soil. For the first time she was aware of her meld, and could feel the wind in her leaves and the presence of the other trees around her. Joy infused her as she released the last bits of her humanity into the wind.


Lost deep in her transformation, Claudia could barely feel the passage of several days. She knew she had somewhere to go but the reason why eluded her. Nothing could ever be more important then this moment, her senses alive and dancing in the breeze.
It was Thorn's appearance that started Claudia's long path to being awake. She was aware of him only as a herbivore at first, the spark of recognition flaring slowly. With the knowledge of who he was, came the thought of Kalli and elves waiting for her. Giving a mighty groan, she began pulling herself back into her human body.
Eventually she was laying on the soil, naked as the day she was born. Thorn kept watch over her, occasionally walking over and slurping her face with his tongue. As the sun rose higher in the sky, a patch of warm sunlight found her. It woke her up fully and she stretched like a cat in a sunny window before climbing to her feet.
Thorn was right there next to her, with a gentle nicker he bumped his nose against her. Claudia laughed and gave him a hug. "Good morning my friend." Still unsteady on two feet, she leaned on his side as they walked over to where she had discarded her clothes. With a sigh, she picked them up and got dressed. Flicking her wrist, she sent tendrils of magic through her clothes to freshen them.
When she first felt the touch of another's mind she tensed up, but when she realized it was Kalli sending a cheery "Good morning" Claudia smiled and returned the greeting. Swinging up on Thorn, Claudia smiled and sent a feeling of thanks and farewell into the forest's life web.
It was late in the evening when they rode into town. Claudia guided Thorn to the restaurant where she knew Kalli and the elves were waiting. Giving his neck a pat, she left him outside and walked through the doors with a sigh. It was nice to see the group again, but the crush of people's minds all around her was aggravating.  The feeling of annoyance vanished when Kalli walked up and gave her a bear hug. "Good to see you sister, you look great!"
Claudia grinned. "Thank you for your patience. I feel like myself again. I guess I'll never be a sailor!"
Kalli giggled and led her to the table where the elves were seated. Claudia bowed to Thalnor before seating herself. They nodded a welcome to her, some with a smile and others with a frown.
"Will you be ready to sail out tomorrow morning?" Thalnor asked mildly. His face was inscrutable but she could feel his customary kindness underneath the mask.
"Yes, Elder. I am very refreshed."
Thalnor nodded, then continued his meal.  A waiter slipped a plate of food in front of Claudia, and she ate silently. Listening to them converse about the expected weather, the upcoming sea voyage and the city where they would finally disembark for the last time, her thoughts flew ahead to Falforath, the very end of their journey. Kalli had described it as full of light and wind and trees, with houses made of living wood.

Chapter 33

Tyr's story

His eyes were intent on his prey. The shaflin thief had no idea he was being tracked. His pace had slowed greatly and he was no longer checking for a posse.  Tyr urged his shaflin into a faster pace, wanting to get ahead of the thief. His shaflin was a dark dappled grey, well trained by Tyr himself, and responded eagerly. They slipped down into a rocky arroyo for a few miles, then climbed up the leeward side of a hill. Tyr halted his shaflin before the top, slipping off and opening his spyglass. Walking between the trees, he made it to the top of the ridge and dropped down to his belly. Scouring the landscape with the glass to his eye, it took him many moments before he saw the thief leading the stolen shaflin out of the trees and into a meadow. Tyr studied him briefly, then turned his attention to the path the thief was on. It led very near to where Tyr was currently sitting. His lips twitched in a small smile. By the time the sun set, he'd be on the way back to town with the stolen shaflin.  This wasn't much of a challenge, but when the Magi were in hiding, what was a born Hunter to do?
The afternoon went as planned. As the thief led the shaflin up the switchback Tyr was laying in wait with his bow and arrow ready. One swift arrow flight later, the thief was down and dying. The shaflin were jumpy but tired and only ran a short distance. When Tyr whistled they stopped and milled around each other. Swinging up on his own stallion, he was down to where they were in just moments. Sparing not a glance for the dead thief, Tyr gathered up the shaflin. After soothing them with a few soft words he started them back down the path.
The next day he turned in the shaflin for a small bag of coins. The stable was grateful for the return of their prime mares and did not ask about the fate of the thief. "Thank you hunter, bless the gods for your presence."
Tyr nodded as he slipped the bag into his belt pouch. "I would like to resume negotiations for that yearling filly." The stable master grinned widely. "Of course! Considering your help, I think we can give you a very nice discount for her!"
A couple hours later, Tyr rode into town, leading the golden filly. His brother was going to be very pleased Tyr mused. The filly was outstanding, a throwback to the better breeding of her dam's dam. Both shaflin were sweaty, he had pushed the limits of the filly so they could make it from the stable to the town before a threatening storm could break. As he dismounted and led them both into the stalls behind the Pig and Bristle Inn the first large raindrops began to fall.  After rubbing them down and feeding them, he ran through the inn doors just as a loud crack of thunder started the rain falling in earnest.
He spent the evening enjoying a heaping plate of potatoes and a thick bowl of stew, pondering his next step. He could easily hire someone to take the filly into Falforath and his brother, but he hadn't gotten a fresh Magi scent in weeks. If he stayed in this area, the local people would turn him into a sheriff and the only thing he would chase would be a purse thief. Tyr grumbled softly at the thought of settling down.
"One day, perhaps. Not until I've wrapped my hands around that red-headed bitch's throat." His eyes had bits of flame dancing in them at the thought of the Magi that had once called him slave. She was the vision that kept him going, his revenge on her was the only goal he had in this life.
With great effort he unclenched his fists and traded a silver for a jug of honeyed wine. After a long draught of the sweet drink Tyr sighed and relaxed. The Magi were obviously keeping out of the lands patrolled by Hunters, so they were capable of learning respect. While that had been the goal when the Hunter brotherhood was formed, it made for a very boring patrol. Perhaps he'd take the golden filly home. It would be worth the ride to see his brother again, Tyr mused. Might even pick up some fresh Magi gossip...
It was to a cloudless dawn the next morning as he rode out of town. He had a long way to go, and a young filly that would greatly slow his pace.

Chapter 34


It was just past dawn when Siamoma sailed his ship into Nestral'na. A few short hours later the group was onboard and they were sailing away.  The days passed as before, with Claudia augmenting Kalli's weather shaping abilities. It was almost three weeks before Faellon was sighted. Claudia was perched on the ship's dragon figurehead, watching the cliffs sail by when the cry came from the crow's nest. Her eyes brightening, she swung around to face forward. It was fairly early in the morning, the suns glare made it hard to see but Claudia thought she could make out signs of civilization ahead.
As they sailed around the corner of the bay first to show was a tall red barked tower. Claudia was fascinated by the melding of stone and wood into something functional. They sailed slowly past it, and rounded the corner into the bay. As the tower slid past she could feel the traces of magic still dancing along the seams. As the town came into view her eyes widened. Claudia was fascinated by the tendrils of magic she could feel in the wind and soil. Kalli came up and stood beside her. "Is it not beautiful?"
Claudia turned to Kalli, her eyes wide. "It is amazing. Closing my eyes and reaching out with my mind, I can see the entire town through the magic."
Kalli grinned. "This is Faellon, where they mingle with outsiders. Wait until we make it to Falforath, their home city. That is truly a city born of magic."
Claudia followed the rest of the group, still in a daze. They were drawing alot of stares but she was oblivious. Thalnor led the group, with Hamna and Jornan trailing. Kalli and Claudia were walking on either side of Thorn while Therran walked a couple paces behind Claudia, his hand on the hilt of his sword, alert but casual.
They had traveled less then a mile when a pair of mounted elves came cantering up.  Thalnor stopped and greeted them. "Well met Guardians."
"Greetings Elder. We were not expecting you for a few more weeks."
"Yes, having a weather Mage along for the journey was a great boon."
"We've come to escort you to the House. Mounts for your group are a few minutes behind us."
"Appreciated. Shall we continue walking? We are causing a commotion."
They nodded and pivoted their shaflin. As Thalnor led his group past them, they fell in behind. Claudia kept one hand on Thorn's neck for reassurance and tried to be a wallflower. She could feel the guardians staring holes in her back and it was making her jumpy. Kalli briefly touched minds with her. "It's okay sister, they did this to me too."
It was only a few moments later that a handful of saddled shaflin caught up to them. Claudia swung up on Thorns back while the others chose their mounts.
At a brisk trot they followed the gently winding road out of the crowded section of the city and into a much older section. Even the docks had greenery all over, but here the trees were taller, older. Houses were made of laced saplings and silk, or from hollowed out large trees. Rarely were there houses made with stone and once Claudia saw a house dug into the side of a hill. Claudia had heard water several times as they rode, and soon they came to a graceful stone bridge over a gorge. Not too deep below was a good sized river, and as they rode over the bridge she could see a small waterfall downstream.
Too soon for her liking, they rode into a meadow full of purple wildflowers and dismounted.
"The shaflin will stay here." One of the guardians ordered.
Claudia frowned but slid off Thorn and gave his nose a kiss. The north side of the meadow had large tall trees. Built on and through them were platforms, bridges and houses, and it was towards them that the guardians led the group.
Thalnor confidently strode towards an extra large tree that had stairs spiraling around upwards. Claudia was fascinated by the steps, for they appeared to be both grown from the tree and nailed or laced with it. After Hamna poked her in the back a couple times she grinned back at him and stopped dawdling. The lowest section of the building complex was almost 30 feet above the ground, and she could see rooms nestled in the branches another 40 feet above.
Claudia stayed on Kalli's heels as they crossed over to another platform using a delicate vine and silk bridge that couldn't possibly hold all their weight but did. At the next platform they entered the tree and found a set of stairs leading up. Claudia trailed her hand along the 'wall' as she climbed and could sense the many years this tree had stood.  Across one more bridge Thalnor led them into a large room. The walls were made of the silky material, soft to the touch and look yet as strong as spun steel. In the center of the room was the hollowed out trunk of the tree. There was alot of light filtering through the natural leafy canopy and Claudia was enchanted.
The two guardians stopped just inside the doorway. Terran stopped with them and spoke in low tones while the rest of the group followed Thalnor to the other side. An elf male was seated on a large cushion, looking out across the meadow. He was old,  older even then Thalnor, with actual wrinkles. He had a baby blue robe on, no ornamentation or insignia that Claudia could see. When the group bowed low, she was startled out of her inspection and bowed with a blush.
"Claudia Bloodfeather, this is our revered elder Finlorn." Thalnor reached out and clasped Claudia's hand. "She has sworn an oath of fealty to me. Through my oath to you, we are bound."
Claudia and Thalnor knelt in front of Finlorn, Claudia with her heart in her throat. Finlorn was staring at her and she found it hard to meet his gaze.
"You are.." Finlorn paused, a frown on his face. "Different. Your magic trace is that of the Magi, but your appearance and your aura... they are not."
Claudia frowned. "I do not understand."
"Neither do I. We leave for Falforath in the morning. I wish to show you the Grove of Daysong. I believe some answers lie there." He glanced at each person briefly. "A change in wardrobe is in order for a couple of you. Claudia, your assistance please."
She nodded, puzzled, brimming with questions she didn't know how to ask. Finlorn smiled. "I have been waiting for you for my lifetime, I am sure of it. All answers will come when you walk into the Grove. Until then, be at peace."
Claudia wiped away a tear, feeling like a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders with those few words. Kalli stood up and pulled Claudia to her feet. "Come, let us change." Her eyes were large and bright, but her face calm.
After they left Thalnor leaned forward. "I am very pleased you saw the same spark in her."
"You had doubts?"
"Yes. She has other strengths, and could possibly have fit another niche."
Finlorn nodded. "Yes, if the Grove rejects her she will still be an asset to our people and the entire balance."

A day at Faellon

Kalli led Claudia around to a set of bedrooms. "While we are here, and once we reach Falforath we'll need to wear robes like what Finlorn is wearing. It is more elegant, more respectful. You are the better conjurer, my seams tend to be fragile." Kalli giggled and Claudia grinned.
"There is a story behind that?!"
Between giggles, "Hamna, meeting, stood up, riiiiipp."
They were both still laughing when Hamna walked in. He merely raised an eyebrow at his mate, sending her into fresh giggles, before turning around and walking out.

Some time later, Kalli and Claudia were appropriately dressed in soft green sleeveless robes. Each had a simple cotton belt wrapped around their waist, with several small pouches tied to them. Claudia fingered her pouch of conjured stones nervously as they walked back to the central room. The treetop house seemed empty except for them, but she swore she could feel eyes staring at her as she walked.
The men all stood up when the women entered. Being taller then Kalli and not used to wearing anything but pants had Claudia feeling self-conscious, but Therran stepped up with Hamna to escort them to the elders. There were large, flat cushions with a meal laid out on a low table before them. Once the seven of them were seated, everyone started filling plates. There were several fresh fruits, some sliced up, and some in syrup; a platter of bacon that smelled heavenly; golden bread rolls; and a few other dishes she couldn't identify.
After a pleasant dinner Finlorn started asking Claudia about her life here on Terra. She briefly spoke of her time alone and the taming of Thorn, but it was of her time on the ranch that she was most animated. Finlorn tried to draw her out about the times she had melded with a tree, but she would just fall silent and shake her head. She didn't fully understand it herself, and was unwilling to be that vulnerable.
Jornan told of his brother receiving the jade stone that he couldn't identify, and how that started him and the others to Tarklan. Claudia opened her little pouch and pulled out a couple more jade stones. Finlorn studied them for a moment before asking Claudia about the stone itself.
"I've always loved the color and the feel of jade. It is not natural where my people and myself live, but from halfway around the globe. I'm not sure when the first time was that I held one, my parents had pieces of it laying around the house that came from my mother's mother."
"What can you tell me about her?"
"My grandmother?" Claudia paused, reflecting. "She never talked much about her family, just that they were far away. She died when I was just a child, but I remember her collection of jade figures. Bear, boar, antelope."
"Was she dark skinned like yourself?"
"Yes, she was an Inuna-ina like my grandfather, and my father's family. By other people, they were called Arapaho."
"What was her name?"
"(name in Arapaho must mean something to the elves, or to Kalli?)"
Kalli was visibly startled. "Are you sure it wasn't (name one syllable off)?"
Claudia frowned. "You knew someone of that name?"
Kalli nodded. "Yes, she was a Magi that disappeared many years ago."
"I remember, it was around the time the World Tree was poisoned. I was a young boy at the time." Finlorn was thoughtful.
Claudia's head was spinning. "My grandmother... she was from here? A Magi? Is that possible?!" Her voice cracked at the end.
"If they are the same person, then she came from your world first, then spent many years here as a Magi before finding a way back to your world and having a family. Very... unusual. No Magi to my knowledge has ever had a child born to them, before they arrived or while they lived here."
Her head spinning, Claudia rubbed her temples and thought about her grammar. "Thinking back, some things that I passed off as being eccentric... they do fit." She mumbled. "But, how? Why? What does it mean? Just coincidence?"
"Not coincidence." Finlorn nodded at Thalnor. "I believe you were meant to be here. I only hope it isn't too late, and that we haven't pulled you to us too early."
"Do not worry Claudia." Thalnor said. "It will all come clear in time."

Journey to Falforath

Dinner was eaten with little conversation. The food was excellent but Claudia didn't taste much. Eventually everyone had eaten what they wanted, and Kalli lead her back to the  bedroom. Still in a daze, Claudia changed and slipped into bed. When she finally slept, it was plagued by dreams of wings and wind and grass.
The next morning she was awake just before dawn. Slipping on a pale blue robe, she wandered out to the tree-spanning bridge and leaned against a support branch. She had a good view of the sunrise, and with a freshly conjured cup of coffee she lost herself in her childhood memories.
Kalli and Hamna came strolling up first, her head resting on his shoulder. Claudia smiled at them. "Good morning."
"Good morning sister."
"We leave after breakfast. We'll meet you in the same room as yesterday."
Claudia nodded, then walked back into the bedroom to gather her belongings. A couple moments later she walked into the common room to find most everyone already seated and eating. She seated herself between Kalli and Thalnor, smiling back at him. "Yes, I slept well. Many dreams that I do not remember. The sunrise was spectacular from outside my room."
"The moon shining on the lakeshore above Falforath is another sight you will love."
After a generous breakfast of fruit and bread, everyone headed down to the meadow. Thorn came prancing up to Claudia for a nose kiss. She scratched his neck vigorously before giving him a hug. Finlorn and Thalnor had a quiet conversation while everyone saddled their shaflin and mounted up. After a final farewell, Therran lead them out.

The first couple days were at a slow pace, to allow Thorn time to stretch his legs and get used to moving out. Claudia took some time each evening to give him a good rub down, and with her attention he quickly got back in shape. They traveled through lush rainforest and long beautiful grassy meadows, heading almost straight north, keeping a low mountain range on their left. The first week they passed by a couple of mixed species settlements and the road was wide and well maintained. As they rode further north, the road became a game trail and they passed no further settlements.
The road led them north, and higher in elevation. The rainforest was left behind 8 days into their journey and they wandered between spruce and pine trees for another couple days. A more jagged mountain range had closed in from the right, pushing them up into the hills of the older range on the left. Eventually they topped out on a ridge and spread out below them was another lush forest. In the far distance Claudia could just barely make out a large lake nestled against a three peak mountain.
Thalnor and Kalli rode up beside her. "That lake is our final destination. Falforath is located along its eastern shore." Kalli pointed out.
At the sound of pounding hooves they turned around. Jornan had been trailing the group, spending most nights a few hours behind them. It was he who came cantering up to Thalnor. "We've got company coming. Not sure who, but I'm willing to bet it's a Hunter. Be careful, whoever it is may not be willing to accept the women."
Thalnor frowned, then turned around and raised his voice. "Hamna. Therran." They had not stopped to admire the view and were a distance down the slope already but at Thalnor's call they both spun their shaflin around and came trotting up.
"One of your brethren is on our trail. I'll keep Kalli, Hamna and Claudia with me, Therran I need you and Jornan to find him and keep him from attacking us."
Both frowned and exchanged glances. It was Hamna who spoke what was on their minds. "Where was Tyr last spotted?"
Thalnor shook his head. "He was thought to be north, above Falforath. I'm hoping it is Latel, he wasn't far from Faellon when I sent my messages out. Turo's location was unknown, he was last believed to be heading to the shores of the blue skinned Diri. He was following rumors of an exiled Magi."
Jornan and Therran nodded briefly before turning and trotting down the trail behind them.
Thalnor spoke to Claudia. "Ride beside me for awhile. We are still a few days ride from Falforath but are bound to start meeting other Morainthi."
Claudia nodded, her gut clenching from nervousness.  "What will my reception be like? Because I ride with you and Kalli, will they accept me easily?"
Kalli looked at her sorrowfully. "I still am not fully accepted. I stick by Hamna's side while I am here. Most are quite tolerant, but some Hunters have a hard time in my company."
"You won't have much contact with any other Hunters for some time I hope. There are Morainthi with some talent with plants that I'd like you to be a student of. You don't look like a Magi, so you'll be treated more like a talented human." Thalnor reassured her. "While we ride, let me tell you stories of our past."
While she never stopped glancing over her shoulder, hearing the stories of the Morainthi was soothing.

Chapter 35

The Day before Falforath

Thalnor spoke of the long period of time where the Morainthi were secluded and there was very minimal contact with other beings. He told of the first Magi and how they started out as guardians then something poisoned them. At first they had been content with ruling provinces of Men, then they started preying on the elves. The Hunters were formed to patrol their lands. Several generations of Men later, the Magi decided to attack Falforath directly. It didn't go well, so their final act was poisoning the World Tree of the Morainthi. Since then, the Hunters had decimated their population. The elves had relented and opened their borders somewhat, and Faellon was built.
"You've mentioned this World Tree a couple times now. Could you tell me more about it?" Claudia's interest was peaked. The storytelling had lasted into a second day, and they were now camped along the river that ran from the silvery lake. Kalli and Hamna had wandered off together so it was just Claudia and Thalnor seated by the fire.
He was staring at her thoughtfully. "Tomorrow evening or the next morning we'll be in Falforath. The Tree used to be rooted a half a day's journey into the mountain behind it. I won't be able to show you there for some time. It is a most sacred place and they will need to trust you first."
Claudia sat up, her attention caught by soft sounds out in the forest. "Someone is coming."
Thalnor remained relaxed, unconcerned.
Shortly, three shaflin and their riders came riding up to the campfire. Jornan and Therran looked weary as they dismounted and tended to the shaflin. The third person was also an elf, with short black hair, dark eyes and a very pointed chin. He was staring intently at Claudia and she was feeling quite uncomfortable by the attention.
Thalnor stood up and greeted the newcomer. "Well met Latel. You received my summons?"
Latel walked up to the Elder and clasped his hands. "Well met. Yes, I did. I am.." He paused and glanced at Claudia. She had also stood up, looking at them both. "Confused. Where, how, why?"
Thalnor smiled.  "Latel, meet my vassal Claudia."
Claudia bowed lightly. Latel hesitated, then bowed.
"I summoned you because Claudia will need a companion while we are at Falforath. The others all have duties elsewhere, I have kept them for too long."
Claudia frowned, she liked the Morainthi she had been traveling with for months now and did not like the thought of splitting up.
Latel meanwhile had a very bland face on. With one eyebrow crooked, he asked "Why me? Surely there are others closer to your line?"
"I do have other summons out. You were convenient, closer to us then any other." with a bit of a rebuke in his tone.
Latel bowed lightly, chastised. "It would be an honor to escort your vassal, Elder."
Claudia stood there, feeling like a third wheel and unsure how to react to their exchange. Jornan and Therran came walking over to Claudia while Latel and Thalnor continued to talk. "Come, let us walk, Claudia." Therran walked at her side, and told her about their home city. He described the flowing lines, the abundance of bright foliage. Jornan piped in, telling her about the meadows that Thorn would be free to roam in. A few minutes later they had completed a loop around the camp. Claudia stopped and thanked them. Therran clasped her shoulder. "We've come to know you. These months of travel have been insightful, I know you to be honorable."
Tears sprang to her eyes as he turned and walked over to the others. Jornan smiled, took one of her hands and kissed the wrist. "You will have a rough time at first, but you will come to love Falforath, I am sure of it." He too left her side to walk over to Latel. She turned and made her way to Thorn's side. He nickered at her and she buried her face into his neck. "Oh, my friend, how far have we come since I first saw you. How many more times must our life change so drastically?"
She was still brushing his coat a few moments later when she heard Thalnor call her. With a soft sigh she turned and walked over to where everyone was grouped around the campfire.
"We will sleep in real beds tomorrow night. Jornan will ride ahead tonight to prepare for our arrival. Tomorrow, Kalli and yourself will need to be attired more suitably for your stay."
Claudia nodded, with a smile at Kalli who winked back.
The rest of the evening passed smoothly, with little conversation over a simple dinner before retiring to bed. Before dawn the next morning, they were awake and packing up the camp.  After changing back into robes, Kalli helped Claudia conjure up a pair of ladies saddles for their shaflin. Thorn snorted and tossed his head as Claudia learned the fastenings of her new saddle. After a few adjustments, she finally swung up and settled on his back. The saddle was more elegant yet seemed just as comfortable as the slim trail saddle they had been using. The robe was more of a hassle, needing to be tucked and adjusted to hang right. With a grumble at Kalli's laughter, Claudia rode up beside her. "Ready?"
"As I'll ever be."
As the sun came up, the entire party was mounted up and riding down the slope.
The men were chattier then normal today, they were all eager to see their city again. By contrast, Kalli and Claudia spent the day talking very little. Claudia listened to the tales of Hamna and Therran's youth with a  smile. Their escapades led to them both being selected as Hunters while comparatively young. That triggered a question in Claudia, who whispered over to Kalli "What is the lifespan of the Morainthi?". Kalli frowned, thinking. "Thalnor is around 600 yrs old, and Finlorn is... close to 700? Hamna is still quite young, not even 200 yrs old yet. We should have many years together." Kalli's eyes were on her mate, a sweet smile on her face.
A pang of jealousy hit Claudia, and she blinked in surprise. "I've never thought having a man in my life would complete me, or any sentimental crap like that. Why am I envious over what Kalli has?" she mused to herself.
It was around mid-afternoon that they started encountering other elves. Claudia was lost in her thoughts the first time Thalnor raised his hand in greeting. Startled, she glanced around and saw no one. Kalli leaned over to her. "You and I will not be seeing them. Most have not even accepted me, so the two of us will have them very wary. Even when we do encounter people, we will likely be ignored. Before me, for many many years the only Magi who entered the city did so as either slaves or attackers. Change comes slowly."
Claudia nodded back. "Their attitude is understandable, given the history."

Into Falforath

Kalli's prediction proved true.  As the afternoon waned, they descended down into a large valley. The trees quickly changed from the standard pines and oak mix into large smooth barked trees. The bark was silvery, and the trees were both wide and tall. Claudia was reminded of the redwoods of Earth, for these mature trees were easily wide enough to have a double lane road carved through them. Looking up into the canopy, she could see occasional porches and bridges and windows that blended into the forest. The ground was mostly bare, with only some low shrubs and a few immature trees. Not alot of direct sunlight made it down to the ground, but it was not a dark and gloomy forest at all.
As Claudia rode along, she could feel the age of the trees stretching far into the past. She breathed in, slow and deep, her thoughts intertwining with the trees until Kalli reached over and grabbed her shoulder. Startled, Claudia blinked at her. With a grin, Kalli advised her "Keep your thoughts together, your focus on the here and now." With a nod and a sigh, she reached down and gave Thorn a pat on the neck.
Eventually, they reached the shore of the lake. It was nearing evening, and while there were many signs of civilization she had not yet seen one person. The houses closer to the lake were more fanciful. There was carved branches, bright colored swatches of silk, flower beds with the blooms showing intricate patterns. Through it all, Claudia could feel the life magic of the forest flowing.
At the point where they rode up to the lake, the trees and houses that spanned them went all the way to the waterline, but gazing out over the water Claudia could see several large grassy areas along the shore. When Thorn let out a long whinney, she could hear an answering cry and the sound of hooves. In the next grassy patch over to the left a handful of shaflin came galloping up to the waterline. Prancing and splashing at the edge, they nickered but did not come any closer. Claudia was grinning, keeping a hand on Thorn's neck to hold him back.

Thalnor was inwardly pleased to see Latel watching Claudia with a speculative look to his eyes. He knew Claudia was still too young to assume her destiny, and Latel would be a good match for her if Tyr did not work out.
Hamna stepped his shaflin up beside Thalnor. "You are a scheming old man." There was a grin on his face.
"I did quite well with you and Kalli, did I not?" Thalnor replied with an eyebrow raised. Hamna just nodded, still smiling.
From their right came a welcoming party. Four brown haired elves in silver green robes came strolling up and stopped a couple shaflin lengths away from Thalnor.
"Greetings Elder." "Welcome home Hunters."
Thalnor swung off his shaflin and greeted them back. "Toma, Jorel, Lenatal, Jotal; I am pleased to see you once more."

The elves swung off their shaflin, followed by Claudia and Kalli. Claudia was keeping an eye on both Kalli and Hamna for cues on what she should be doing. To insult Thalnor by ignorance would be very embarrassing, but etiquette (protocol?) was not something she had thought to learn during their journey. Kalli must have noticed her discomfiture, she leaned over to whisper in her ear. "Not to worry, you'll pick it up in no time."
"Claudia, come forward please." Thalnor called to her.
With Thorn walking at her left shoulder, she walked up to stand beside Thalnor as he was introducing her to the four elves.
"This is Claw-dee-ah, my ward." He pronounced her name very exaggerated. "She has sworn allegiance to me, and through me - to our people."
Toma seemed to be the leader of his little group.  It was to him that Thalnor had been speaking to, and it was he who now spoke to Claudia.
"Respected Elder Thalnor speaks well for you. His first ward has proved both loyal and useful. On behalf of the Lady of the Moon, I welcome you to our city." He bowed lightly, with the other robed elves copying him.
Claudia glanced over at Thalnor who indicated she should reciprocate. She bowed low, then started to reply but was stopped by the look on their faces. Beside her, Thorn had copied her move and bowed down with one leg outstretched. She grinned and scratched his neck as he snuffled at her.

Thalnor smiled. He could see the moment that the prophecy sprang to mind and was pleased. The odds for acceptance were swinging in Claudia's favor.

Chapter 36

Training begins at the Morainthi city.
Finds a story about the World Tree.

The robed elves led the group to a housing area that overlooked a grassy meadow. When Claudia stripped the saddle off him and slapped him on the rump, he took off at a gallop. With a couple of bucks thrown in, he did a great big circle before slowing down and prancing back to Claudia. When he nickered at her, she whinnyed back and he threw his head up into a small rear. Claudia laughed heartily. "Come back here, show off!"
As the others unsaddled and turned their shaflin loose she rubbed Thorn's forehead and kissed his nose. "Behave yourself." He turned and trotted back into the meadow and buried his head in the grass. With a smile still on her face, she gathered up her saddle and followed the group over to a room carved into a nearby tree at ground level. After stashing the saddles, they carried their bags over to another tree with slender stairs curving upwards.
This house had much the same layout as the one down in Faellon. The first level was a small room with bridges off to several trees and levels. Claudia and Latel had back to back rooms on the second level, Kalli and Hamna had a bedroom on an adjoining tree. Jornan and Therran said their goodbyes to the group before disappearing into the forest. Their duty to Thalnor was fulfilled and they each had personal quests to do. Claudia said her goodbyes to them with tears in her eyes. They had both turned into friends, and she didn't think she'd be finding many of them here.

As Claudia was unpacking her few belongings Kalli came wandering in.
"This is a nice place. Usually Hamna and I are kept up against the mountain."
"It will be nice to have Thorn close by."
"Thorn has impressed the scholars."
"The robed ones that met us?"
Kalli nodded. "If you are accepted into training, it will be the Morainthi wearing those silver green robes that will teach you."
Claudia frowned. "Training? For what?"
"Culture, history. How to use your powers, somewhat. There are elves, Hunters mostly, who know some of the working of Magi power because of their... ah, contact with other Magi. Plus, there are elven magic users who work with earth and flora, they may want to see how much you can mimic them."
Claudia sat down on the bed and flopped backwards with a groan. "Back to school? Ugh."
Kalli laughed merrily.
"Come, I think you need some conjuring practice!"
Claudia sat up with a suspicious look.
"We both need a few changes of clothing, and you are the better conjurer."
Claudia groaned again but stood up and flexed her fingers.

When Hamna and Latel walked in later, the bed was covered in material and the women were modeling clothes and making alterations.
Latel stood back with an eyebrow quirked, but Hamna walked up behind Kalli and kissed her neck. "My love, it is time for conversation." She turned and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Greetings, my heart's holder. We are almost ready." With a quick kiss she stepped out of his embrace and shooed them out of the room.
Claudia was grinning at her when Kalli turned around. She grinned back. "The cream color I think, in the robe you have on. That'll be a very nice robe, good for dinner and meetings. That more simple cut style will work for everyday dress. All of them in shades of cream, with soft green accents for you and brown for me."
Claudia nodded, and using the rejected gowns she conjured up a dozen different robes. Kalli gathered up her set and slipped out the door while Claudia brushed out her hair and rebraided it. In a fanciful mood, she threaded a couple cream and green ribbons through her braids then met Kalli and the men outside.

For dinner companions, she had Kalli and Hamna, Latel, Thalnor and three other Morainthi men. One she recognized as Toma in silver green robes. The other two were closer in age to Thalnor, wearing dark brown robes. Dinner was already served when the four of them walked into the open central room. With Latel on her left, and Kalli on her right, Claudia seated herself opposite Thalnor. There was little conversation as everyone ate.
Claudia was nibbling on a fruit, listening to Latel talk to Thalnor about his previous trek when she first felt a tingling on the back of her neck. With a frown she turned to Kalli. "Do you feel that?"
Kalli paused, her senses turned inward for a moment before her eyes widened slightly. "Thalnor! There is a Hunter nearby."
Thalnor merely raised an eyebrow. "There are two sitting at this table."
Kalli shook her head. Claudia could see that she was nervous, but that sense of another had disappeared. "What was that?" she whispered to Kalli.
With a frown Kalli whispered back. "That was an unfriendly Hunter noticing our presence. You have seen how the elves weave it into everything around them, we tend to cause ripples in it that any Hunter can notice and trace, me much moreso then you. We'll have many such contacts while we are here. Except for a few Hunters, that is all we'll feel or see of them."
Hamna took Kalli's hand and kissed it. "You should know by now not to worry."
"For myself, I am not. Claudia is new here."
Latel spoke up. "I will be her guardian for now."
Claudia rolled her eyes and continued eating.

The tingling on the back of her neck happened a couple times a day over the next few weeks. Claudia would rub the offending spot then continue on. Thalnor had taken her to the scholars on her first morning, and in the weeks since then she had rarely seen anyone. Her mornings started with a light breakfast, then hours of study and teaching by Toma and other scholars. The history of the Morainthi figured prominently in their teachings, along with the learning about the plants and animals of the world. Late in the afternoon, she'd head over to Thorn's pasture. Latel accompanied her everywhere, and remained nearby while she was studying. They rarely spoke, but he would patiently answer any question she asked and she grew to enjoy his company.
Dinner each night was spent either alone, or with Thalnor and Latel. Hamna and Kalli had been sent off on an errand by Thalnor, so these dinners were the only time that Claudia could relax.
(expand? redo? ugh.)

Chapter 37

World Tree

Eventually Claudia was taught various prophecies. Thalnor himself walked with Claudia to the scholars that morning and sat beside her. With a slight frown she raised an eyebrow in question. He just smiled slightly and waited for Toma who walked in carrying a very old scroll. Reverently he laid it on the table before her, and with Thalnor's help he opened it's full length.
Claudia's attention was grabbed by a drawing of a silver willow tree in the center of blank parchment. Reaching out, she traced the branches with the tips of her fingers. At her touch the ink turned molten and reformed into words.
With awe in her eyes and voice, she turned to Thalnor. "What... what is this? What does it say?"
Toma's eyes were moist. "It is a prophecy. Do you remember what I've taught you about our World Tree?"
Claudia nodded. "Yes. You mentioned that I'd be taken out to see it's remains one day. It was poisoned many years ago, but it is the heart of your people and was not fully killed."
Thalnor reached out and grasped her hand.
"By Magi killed, by Magi blood reborn.
Wars end as spring blossoms.
Through fire and ice,
a sapling grows."
"That is what these runes mean. The legend says that one of Magi blood will tame the untamable, and through a trial of fire and ice will give new life to the World Tree."
He turned her hand over and traced the lines in her palm. "You are the only Magi to have bonded with a wild shaflin. You are the only Magi who not only does not appear as a normal Magi, you are of a Magi bloodline."
Claudia was shocked to her core. As Thalnor had spoken the prophecy chills had run down her spine. She knew, she knew those words. Somewhere, she had heard them spoken to her but she could not say when.
"Wha... what do you expect of me? What does it mean? I know those words, but..." Her voice trailed off.
Toma answered her first. "If you are truely the one spoken about - " he ignored Thalnor's glare, "then you have a great destiny ahead of you. We have long suspected that the 'fire' part is refering to a battle with Kitmuss. The 'ice' most likely refers to the lost city of Taznorath, high up in the lands that never thaw."
Claudia groaned and held her head in her hands.
"You have a great life ahead of you." Thalnor spoke softly. "You will bring our people into a peaceful age, and that will ripple across our world into all cultures."
Claudia looked up at him mutely. He grasped both her hands this time. "I will take you to the World Tree. Much should come clear to you there."

Chapter 38

Finally, the World Tree

It was a long walk along the lake and up into a mountain valley. Kalli and Hamna had stayed behind, she was escorted by Thalnor, Toma and another younger elf named Lamel. The elves were quiet, leaving Claudia's thoughts to zoom in circles. That prophecy had sounded so familiar but she still couldn't place when and where. Her ability to blend with trees, her affinity with all growing things, it made sense but left her with a trapped feeling. Was everything predetermined, did she have no say in anything?
She wasn't really paying attention to her surroundings so when Thalnor stopped in front of her she nearly ran him over. Startled, she bounced a step backwards. He smiled and held out a hand. "Come, child. We are almost there."
Claudia placed a trembling hand in his, and they walked out from the dense forest and around a bend.
The view made her heart clench in despair. What should have been a large grassy area ringed by silver bark trees was tainted, moldy, bare. There was a large stump in the center of the glen. It was twice as wide as she was tall, and Claudia could see that it must have been a magnificent tree when it was alive. Remenents of healthy pine-brown bark stood out against the rotton sections, and there was one small branch bravely showing a few discolored leaves.
Claudia left the elves standing there as she walked right up to the tree. Laying her hand on one healthy section, she took a deep breath and sent her energy coursing into it. The contact startled her. While all trees were alive and aware to some extent, this was closer to true consiousness and it was so happy to sense her. Awed, she knelt in the dirt and placed both hands on the tree and sent her thoughts deeper. For long moments, she lost herself.

The gentlemen

Tomas felt hopeful for the first time in many long years. "Thalnor, our people's future is looking brighter."
Thalnor nodded solemnly. "If there is enough of Arevial's conscious left sane enough..." he trailed off.
Toma looked at him with a skeptical look on his face. "She who was Arevial was lost in the Tree so long ago that less then a handful of people still remember her. After a generation of decay, even the Tree is barely alive."
Thalnor nodded sadly. "To be a witness of the birth of a new Tree should be a once in many generations event. When Claudia grows into her destiny, I hope the cycle will be restored."
A deep voice spoke from above them. "So, Father. I expect this is why you called me home?"
Thalnor glanced up to see a dark skinned Hunter perched on a rock halfway up the slope.
"Tyranor, your timing is impeccable as always."
Tyr snorted. "Welcome home son, how is your health. Thank you father, I am well."
Thalnor smiled slightly. "You know you are always welcome, and if you were ill or injured I would be the last one you would tell."
With a twinkle in his eyes, Tyr dropped down and embraced his father in a quick hug before his Hunter mask fell back in place. "Toma, Lamel; Greetings."
Both bowed slightly as he named them, then all attention was back on Claudia.
"She is a Magi, I can smell it on her." Tyr was frowning. "I have never seen one as dark skinned as I am before, and there has only been one in all the stories passed down."
Thalnor nodded. "They are related. We have cause to believe that Magi found a way back to her world and this one is her granddaughter."
Tyr grinned fiercely. "I welcome her, if she is the one. Kitmuss' days are numbered, finally!" There was deep hatred in his eyes.
Sorrow flickered across Thalnor's face briefly. "I wish for you and Latel to teach her aggressiveness. If she is to have a chance against Kitmuss then she needs much training to attack rather then defend."
Lamel had been silent up till now, content to observe. "If she has either of them at her side, she does not need to be the attacker."
Thalnor frowned a warning, but too late. Tyr growled and grabbed the front of Lamel's robe. "Explain."
Lamel stuttered "Ah.. l-li-like Ha-Ha-Hamna and - "
Tyr dropped him and spun to face Thalnor, a dark cloud over his features.
Thalnor spoke calmly despite his anger. "Latel is a better match for her, but you are the better Hunter. Teach them, that is all I ask of you."
Tyr clenched his fists a few times, the immediate anger at the thought of his matchmaking father taking some time to diffuse.
"Just do not expect me to follow in Hamna's footsteps. You may have corrupted him, but I will never be the mate of any Magi." he snarled.

Claudia's experiance

When Claudia pulled back into herself the world seemed too bright. With a groan she rubbed her eyes with her fingertips and sat back. There were so many thoughts and sensations swarming her mind that she couldn't focus on any one thing. When a hand clasped her shoulder she jumped out of her skin. 
"Breath deep and slow Claudia." Thalnor spoke comfortingly. "Take a moment to organise your thoughts, then describe what happened."
Claudia turned back to face the tree and laid a palm on the bark. She cold still feel the slightest trace of the life but it was withdrawing back into hibernation. With a sigh she wearily climbed to her feet.
That there was one extra person there barely registered on her mind as she struggled to find the words. "It was amazing. She was able to show me parts of her life before she became the Tree." Thalnor reached out and clasped her hands and she squeezed back gratefully. "She showed me acceptence, and I could feel her happiness and love for your people, and her despair as she felt the decline into chaos." Tears fell from her eyes, the remembered sorrow drowning her again.
Like a drop of pure joy, Kalli briefly touched minds with Claudia. "Sister, hope for the future!"
Claudia closed her eyes and bowed her head for a moment. With a deep breath she locked eyes with Thalnor again. "Your patience, your calm center, she was much like that. Knowing that at some point her pain would be relieved she was able to bear it. While I was melded with her, I knew my destiny path but it is clouded now."
"Come, let us head back. I think a good night's rest will help you." Thalnor tucked one of hands under his arm and led her back down the slope while Toma and Lamel fell in beside them.

Chapter 39

The next morning

Claudia woke up feeling much refreshed. She took a lingering bath, enjoying the feel of the water on her skin. Her hair was still up in a towel as she was belting on her robe when there was a knock on the door. Pulling the towel off and rubbing her hair vigorously she called out "Enter."
A little bit surprised to see Latel walk in, she smiled at him. "Good morning."
He gave her a light bow and smile. "Good afternoon you mean. You've slept the night and most of the day through. Are you ready to meet with the revered elders?"
"Elders? More then just Thalnor?" Claudia paused.
He just raised an eyebrow.
She hmm'd a moment before tossing the towel on the bed and swiftly braiding her hair into its usual two braids.

© Copyright 2008 Johara (ahinahina at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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