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Rated: E · Short Story · Other · #1417127
A girl? Or a wolf?
I ran into the woods. I didn't want anyone to see me transform. My skin turned to pure white fur, my eyes bright blue, my hands and feet turned into white paws.

Then, I heard a rustle in the bushes. I tried to see who it was, but all I saw was a shadowy figure running away. I ran after it. With four paws, I easily caught up to him/her. Just as he turned his/her head back to look at me, I pounced. He fell back on his head. I stood on his stomach so he couldn't get up. He was the "new kid" at school. I didn't even know his name. Being so popular and all, I don't really want to know the new kids, except if they are fashionable or cute, which the new guy was neither. I jumped off him to transform back, since he saw me transform into a wolf, there's no reason to hide it.

"H-Hello." The "new guy" said nervously. I then paced in front of him, never taking my eyes off him, I didn't want him to escape, and I didn't want him to tell my secret.

"What are you doing here...?" I said angrily.

"Nick. My name is Nick. A-And I was just walking. Finding somewhere to hide...from the people at school." He started wiping dirt and leaves from his shirt.

"Humph! Today is not a good day for me today! Ok, we can't have anyone finding out about me. I haven't told anyone, and neither are you! You here me, YOU ARE NOT TO TELL ANYONE!" I yelled angrily at him. I was in a very bad mood that day.

"Well, I don't know. I mean something could just...slip."

"NO IT WON'T! Ok, we have to make a deal, ok."

"Ok, I've been thinking that you could..."

The next day, I went to school, early, as a dog. But, of course I couldn't go inside. Nick said that the guys usually pick on him at the basketball court in the morning, so I walked over there and waited. When I saw the bullies, my boyfriend among them, I ran behind a bush and hid. About ten minutes later I saw, dang what was his name? Oh, yeah, I saw Nick walking to the school from the opposite direction he was looking around hopefully. Looking for me, I thought.

Then I saw the bullies nudge each other and started laughing. Nick walked right to them. He said something that I couldn't make out, then my boyfriend, Kyle, grab him by the shirt collar, and push him back. That was my queue. I snuck out from behind the bushes, and bit the closest butt. It was Kyle's brother.

"OWWWWWWW. Get off me! Kyle, Help!" Kyle's brother ran around clutching his butt, when I let go I could taste blood in my mouth. EWWWWWW! Then Kyle, can you believe it! My Kyle had the nerve to swing his backpack at me it hit me one time. I got so pissed. He once told me he could NEVER EVER hit any women especially me. He never lies. I then ran up to him, and put my whole mouth around his arm. But before I did any more damage, Nick pulled me back. Before we walked away, Kyle said," Stay away from me! You big freak!" I turned around and growled. He and his brother ran into the school. Nick and me followed them.

"Thanks allot, I think we're going to get along, even though I'm a dork."

That night while I was going home, I tried to transform, but I couldn't. I tried again and again. As I tried to transform again, I heard a voice.

"Haaaanah. Haaaanah." It sounded like a ghost. It was getting closer from behind me. I turned around. The voice was coming from a woman, a ghost woman to be exact. She was hovering two feet from the ground. She had long, very long white hair, and she had on a long white dress.

As soon as her feet touched the ground, she became solid.

"I need to show you something" She said, then snapped her fingers one time.

We were now in another world. It was bright, with allot of little wild animals. Everything was pretty, except a forest to the west of us. It was dark and gloomy. It looked like it went on forever.

"This is what I am in charge of. Or, what I like to say Queen of. My name is Spirit. Come on, I need to tell you a secret."

She led me to the middle of the flowery field and clapped her hands twice. There stood before us a small cottage, with a chimney on top. She led me inside. Inside was one room. Inside the room were a coal stove, a fireplace, and a small table with two chairs opposite of each other. We sat in the two chairs and Spirit clapped her hands twice and on the table, came food. We ate while she explained to me why she took me here.

"This place is called 'The good Transform Land'. There are hundreds of other people like you. In fact, most of the animals around you can transform into humans."

"Then, why did you come to me?"<br>
"Well, your father could transform."

"I-into what?" Two years ago, my father disappeared, my mother told me he was dead, and I believed her.

"Into a fox, but, he is not dead. He lives in those woods outside this cottage."

I remembered the woods, so dark and gloomy. Why would he want to live there, I thought. As if reading my mind Spirit answered my question.

"He didn't want to live in the woods. He is hiding from Sonseray, The ruler of 'The Bad Transform Land'. You see Sonseray gave the gift, to be able to transform into an animal, to certain people, who he thought would abuse the gift and hurt people. He is a very evil man. Three hundred years ago, he gave the 'gift' to one of you ancestors. He hates when people use the gift for good. So, usually, he hunts them down, and kills them. Or gets some other transformer to kill the person. He also kills a transformer if the public knows about his/her 'secret'. Your father, unfortunately, was found out, and, he used the gift for good. Sonseray started looking for him. I knew, so I took him here. He didn't want to live here because he thought it was too good for him. He said that he was too bad. But, that was when he was a child. I told him that, too. But he didn't care. I didn't want him living in Sonseray's land either. So, I told him to live in the woods. I don't know why, but Sonseray never go in there, even though he's the ruler of it. I guess it is too dark. Anyway, your father only comes out of the forest when I call him."

We went outside. She then put two of her fingers partway in her mouth and made a loud whistle. Out came a handsome fox. When he saw me, he transformed back into a human.

"D-Dad? Is that you? I thought you were dead."

"Yeah, K. It's me. But, I didn't die. I missed you so much." He said, as we hugged.

"Ben, I have bad news." Spirit said.

"What? Is it about Hannah?"

"Unfortunately, yes. She helped someone today, with her 'gift'. She needs to hide. I don't want Neo to find her, and kill her."

"Ok, but it is still dangerous. I found out that Neo has spies. But, it is easy to avoid them."

"Ok, now Hannah, you need to stay with your father. I'll handle everything in your world, ok. Be careful, and, good luck." Spirit said to me.

My dad led me to the woods, where I would spend the rest of my life, hiding.

Life in hiding wasn't that bad. But, still, I'd rather not hide. Spirit came to visit every once in a while. I was always wondering how Spirit 'took care' of everything in my world. I asked her once during one of her visits. "Now, Hannah. I can't tell you that. When you are old enough I'll tell you, you'll understand. By then, hopefully, Neo will be defeated." She responded.

Oh, I forgot to tell you. You remember when my dad said that Sonseray's spies were easy to get rid of? Well, my dad and me were able to turn a couple of Sonseray's spies against him. So, now they are our spies. We know now, what Sonseray's weakness' are. For instance, he is afraid of the dark. When I found that out, I almost died of laughter.

One day, after one of Spirits visits, I ventured toward Sonseray's kingdom. I was surprised at what I saw. It looked like I stepped through a time machine, and came out in the 1200-1400's. There were castles, stables, and a jousting arena. There were white horses with knights upon them. There was even a dragon, but just a small one. I wanted to venture more into Sonseray's kingdom, but my dad was looking for me, I could hear his voice calling out to me.

"Where were you? I've been looking all over for you."

"I-I was just wondering around." I answered quickly.

"You weren't in Sonseray's kingdom, were you?" My dad asked.

"No" I denied it, even though I know he thinks I go to Sonseray's kingdom anyway.

Three years go past, and I still haven't been able to wonder in Sonseray's land. But, I have a chance when my dad goes with Spirit somewhere, my first time alone in this world.

The minute they were gone, I took off toward Sonseray's Kingdom. Before I got there, I made sure I was a wolf so they would think I was bad. At every person who walked or rode past, I would snarl at him or her, or snap at him or her, it depends on how important they look. The more important they look the worst I tried to look. Because since I don't know what Neo looks like, any one could be him. As I got closer to the castle, more knights rode past. I wanted to transform back, but I didn't know if I should. Some of the knights, though, the one not riding horses, were transforming left and right. So, I hid behind one of their many barns, and transformed. But, the clothes that I wore in the woods were different from what I was wearing now. I had medieval clothes on. Very stylish, I thought.
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