Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1413135-Drop-Dead-Gorgeous-Ch-2
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Drama · #1413135
Mr. Gorgeous creates a stir...

I approached the small diner tentatively and made my way inside for my fate.  It wasn't too busy; there were only 3 customers inside.  But Zelda's was really just a small Starbuck's Coffee sized building, so 3 people make the place look a little crowded.  I walked over to the woman working the cash register and pulled out a smile that I really didn't feel.  "Hello. My name is Katarina Volstead, and I'm here for my first day," I said, making an effort to sound excited.  I wasn't sure if I was pulling it off or not.  The woman, who looked almost in her 50s, looked me over.  "What happened to your uniform, hon?"  She asked curiously.  At first, I almost swooned over the memory of "Mr. Gorgeous," but then I remembered his reaction towards me, so I became angry.  "Some jerk ran into me and spilled his coffee all over it.  I'm sorry," I added to seem less negative.

The woman nodded.  She seemed to be bored.  It looked as though she might have possibly worked here when the restaurant had opened in 1950.  "Okay, doll, here's what we're gonna do. There's a spare polo in the back that you can wear for today.  Go home and wash yours and we'll all be square, okay?"  The way she talked; it was so hilarious.  She had a southern accent and a husky voice; probably a smoker...  "I'm Stella, by the way," she added, stretching out her hand to introduce herself.  I smiled and accepted her hand.  "Nice to meet you," I said with sincerity.  Stella motioned for me to come behind the counter.  "Well, let's get started.  I guess I'll train you to do what I do.  I won't be doing this for much longer, yah know?"  She stated.  I nodded.  "Really?  Why, you look too young to be getting out of the business," I said to complement her.  I knew it would make her feel good, so I did it; I was right.  She giggled for a moment.  "Oh, you..." she said as she began to show me the ins and outs of Zelda's diner.

Around 4 o'clock, I really did know the ins and outs of that diner.  Stella was very... thorough.  I was so exhausted as I mopped up the floor and the diner began to get the "slow" period.  Around 4 in the afternoon, the diner usually doesn't have very many customers; most go home to their families for dinner.  At that moment, there was one person inside at a lone table, slurping some soup and watching the little television that looked like it belonged in the 50s.  I was surprised it even worked anymore.  I kept mopping the floor as Stella put some music on; they had a vintage jukebox.  It was really cool, and it had some great songs.  At that moment, it began to play the song, "Fever," as sung by Michael BublĂ©.  Who knew you could get modern songs put onto those little records and into a vintage jukebox?  I was in the zone, and began to sing along.

Suddenly, I was set free... My surroundings became blurry; I let myself go and began to sway around to the music and sing with feeling.  Stella had gone in the back to take a break, so I was alone in the front as the man with the soup exited the restaurant.  I felt so free... "Are you open?"  I was suddenly jerked from my euphoria and turned to see someone I definitely wasn't expecting to see.  "You," I said with such intensity.  Suddenly I became embarrassed.  I felt my hair; it was in a ponytail which had now become loose, with strands of hair falling across my face in the front.  I stood up straight.  Oh, I hope he didn't see me dancing and singing like a fool...  "Oh; hi there," replied Mr. Gorgeous as he realized it was me.  I was so confused.  He was actually giving me eye contact this time.  And he didn't look repulsed to see me.

What was going on?  Maybe he liked the messy type...  "We're open," I finally replied, picking up the mop I had just dropped.  I tried to stay calm and sound like I didn't really care that he'd come back, and I continued mopping.  Mr. Gorgeous smiled at me.  It felt like a mocking smile.  It annoyed me so much... "What do you want?" I said coldly.  Mr. Gorgeous moved closer.  I could feel my face getting hotter and my nerves getting to me.  "Can I have something to eat?  I'm new in town, and I haven't eaten since I got here this morning..." he stated as though he seemed to be trying to convince me.  It seemed like he was hiding something, and he was trying to make sure I wasn't on to him.  "You had coffee..." I said haughtily as I made my way behind the counter. 

Mr. Gorgeous smiled again, amused by my "witty" banter.  He came to the counter and sat down.  "Can I have a slice of Zelda's famous pizza? And I promise not to ask for any coffee," he asked, obviously trying to make up for how he treated me that morning.  "Sorry.  We're out," I said coldly with an evil glare that would make the devil himself scream.  At least, that's how I'd practiced my angry face to look like... Now that I think about it, I looked more constipated than angry.  Mr. Gorgeous grew uncomfortable at the way I was treating him.  "Look, I guess we got off on the wrong foot this morning.  I really am sorry," he said, trying to apologize.  Hah! He wasn't going to get off so easy...  "I guess it was sort of my fault," I heard myself say.  Wait, what?  What did I just say?  Why was I giving in?  Damn his Michael Angelo chiseled features...  "Great.  So, can I have a piece of pizza, or do I have to beg for it?" he said charmingly.  Why was he so good looking?  And why did everything that happened that morning suddenly fly out the window?

"I guess I can scrounge up a few slices of pizza for you..." I said, forcing myself not to fawn all over him.  Mr. Gorgeous just stared at me while I went to the back of the kitchen to get him two slices of pizza.  Stella was in the back having a smoke.  The label I had pegged on her was dead on.  A smoker...  Stella turned back to me.  "Mind if I have a few more minutes?" she asked.  Of course!  I was more than happy to be left alone with Mr. Gorgeous who was becoming far more pleasant than when we first met.  I walked out of the kitchen, decked out with two slices of pizza and a can of Coke.  Mr. Gorgeous looked grateful when I arrived.  "Here," I said, putting the plate and can in front of him. 

He began to eat the food, occasionally looking up at me while I cleaned, and I pretended that I didn't notice.  "So, Katarina, how long have you been a singer?" he finally asked.  Oh great... He did see me acting like a fool...  I began to blush profusely as I looked down at my shoes.  "You saw that..." I managed to say.  Mr. Gorgeous let out a sexy little chuckle that made me tingle.  "Yeah; I think that anyone walking by would have seen that little display.  You're really quite good," he said through his chuckles.  I grew even more embarrassed.  "Look, I was in the zone, okay?" I said trying to hold back.  I was NOT going to laugh.  It wasn't funny.... Well, I guess it was a little funny.  I began to laugh.  Mr. Gorgeous stared into my eyes with such intensity.  I couldn't explain it.  It was as if he knew me inside and out.  "It's good to see you smile again," he said.

What? What did that mean?  It's good to see me smile again?  It was as if he knew me.  Again?  What did he mean?  What was going on?  "Um..." I really didn't know what to say.  Mr. Gorgeous tried to back track on what he had said.  "I um... uh... I have to go.  Thanks for the pizza," he finally said.  Suddenly he couldn't look at me anymore.  He reverted back to the way he was that morning.  He searched frantically for some money in his pockets and pulled out a 20 dollar bill, placing it on the table, still not looking up at me.  "Hey, wait," I said in confusion.  He just turned away and bolted out of there like there was a fire.  "You forgot your change!" I yelled after him.  As he got to the door, he turned his head slightly towards me and replied, "Keep it."
© Copyright 2008 Amy Joyce (meahrva at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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