Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1409808-The-Outsiders-Chapter-3
by Azalia
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1409808
A new friend, a new enemy, more problems than are imaginable
The Outsiders
Ch. 3

Tolomy grasped Heather’s shoulder. “I’m really sorry Heather. But we need to go back. Its late.” Heather nodded and stood up slowly with Tolomy’s help. When they reached his room, she sat on her bed and wiped her tears. “She is my best friend. How can I forget about her?” Tolomy sat beside her. “I guess I don’t really know what to tell you. I don’t really have a person like that. My friends were always here, so I never got close to them. I never really clicked with anyone. I'm really sorry to tell you this but there is not a good chance of you ever being able to see Liana again.” Heather looked at Tolomy “What? Why?” He sighed and looked at his feet. “Most girls in that place don’t come out again. And those that do are never the same. The girls that go in are normal and smart, they come out killers with no thought but getting stronger and overcoming their enemies…enemies being us I mean. The reason I don’t think you will see Liana again is because its about the time for their tournament.” Heather thought that Tolomy looked really odd sitting there like he was thinking hard about something. “What’s the tournament?”

Tolomy looked at Heather. “I'll tell you…but you wont like what I say. The tournament held every year is to decide what girls are strong enough to be part of the group of fighters. Only ten make it. The others are killed in the arena.” He looked down again. Heather couldn’t breathe. The Liana that Heather knew could barely stand burying her dead hamster. There was no way that she could kill someone. Her friend was very likely going to die. “Tolomy they wouldn’t kill her would they?” She already knew the answer, but she couldn’t help but ask. He never even looked up. “They wouldn’t even think twice. That tournament is their only chance to live, they will cut her down as soon as they enter the ring.” Heather didn’t want to think of her friend being killed, or killing someone. It was horrible. Then heather thought of something else. “Will I ever have to kill someone?” Tolomy winced at this. He didn’t want to tell her that there was a very high chance.

“Heather…its very likely that you will. I can train your for that, but what I cant train you for is what you will feel like after you kill someone. There is no way to describe it. Its not something that I want you to experience, but if you want to be a part of this group you wont really have a choice. There is a bright side I guess though. The Formation kills no innocent people, or people who never did us harm. Even if someone is part of The Outsiders, if the person does not show us any hostility, we wont attack them. That is the difference between The Outsiders and The Formation. They kill for fun, and we kill for justice.” Heather thought about this for a while and then asked “Have you ever killed anyone?” he looked away. “Yes.” Was all he would say. It pained him to bring up a memory like his first killing. Heather didn’t ask either. She could tell that he didn’t want to talk about it. “We should get some rest. I still have to teach you magic tomorrow…that is…if you still want to learn and become a swords master.” Heather pondered this for a moment. It was a hard decision for her. Tolomy got up and walked over to his bed and laid down pulling the covers up to his chin. He turned away from Heather. Heather laid down as well and waited awhile thinking about how her future would turn out if she didn’t choose to stay and train with tolomy. Would she be able to go home? Would her family still want her if she simply gave up? She thought a lot about Dainal. Did he have the same problems she did? She didn’t want to give up on her family or Liana.

“Tolomy?” She turned to look at him. “You awake?” She heard him rustle around in the darkness. “What?” He asked now facing her in the darkness. “Do you want me to stay?” she asked. There was silence for a few minutes and Heather was about to give up when she heard. “Well if you aren’t sick of me yet, you will be soon, I figured you hated me by now.” Heather almost laughed. “Who could hate someone like you? You are kind even though you act like you don’t care.” She heard him laugh. “You think I act like I don’t care? Believe me I don’t care!” He said sarcastically. Heather laughed too. “You care, don’t lie.” He stopped laughing. “Yeah…maybe I do care. Sometimes I care a little too much. And yes...I want you to stay. I need a partner.” That was all that was said that night. Heather thought about what he had said. Did he really care about her? He never acted like it. Maybe he meant that his schoolwork depended on how good Heather did on her work. She was confused, but decided not to ask about it.

The next morning was a weekend off for winter break. Heather wanted to go home and see her family for Christmas, but girls weren’t aloud to leave the area of their school. She was going to have to just send her presents to her family by the mail. She was busy writing letters to her family and friends back at home when Tolomy jumped onto her bed and grabbed her papers. “Whatcha doin?” he asked looking at the letters. Heather snatched the papers back “Those are letters to my family and friends. Don’t touch please.” He squinted at her. “How can you be writing letters? Isn’t it boring?” Heather smiled “Yes, but I want to know how my family is. I never get to talk to mine, all you have to do is walk to your house.” He laid out on her bed and put his hands behind his head. “Oh yeah! Speaking of family. Want to come spend Christmas at my house? Its more fun than hanging out at school at least. Its not like you have to though.” Heather turned around to face him. “you want me to hang out with you for Christmas?” he shrugged. “sure why not?” She blinked at him with a confused look. He never really asked Heather to hang out with him before.

“Uh…ok?” He smiled and sat up. “Cool! More fun than making letters right?” Heather nodded. “Ok pack your things we leave tomorrow! We will be there for a week so pack enough stuff.” Heather turned away and grabbed her letters. “Ok ill finish these first and then pack my things.” She went back to writing with Tolomy watching over her shoulder for a while before she got tired of him sitting there. “Do you have to watch over my shoulder?” He laughed. “I don’t have anything better to do.” Heather pushed him over, and he laughed. “Fine ill just take a nap till you’re done.” She rolled her eyes. “Fine whatever.” She wrote a bit more and waited for him to leave, a few minutes later and she thought he was still looking over her shoulder. “I thought you were taking a nap!” she turned around and saw him asleep beside her. She nudged him and he opened his eyes slowly. “What?” he asked sleepily. She looked at him. “Why are you asleep in my bed?” she asked. He laughed and rolled over. “Tt's comfy” he pretended to fall back asleep. “You are so immature.” Heather said rolling her eyesand hitting him with a pillow . She finished her letters about an hour later and got up to pack her things. She was about to go to sleep when she saw that Tolomy was still in her bed. “Hey you awake?” She asked him. When he didn’t answer, she decided to let him sleep there and just take his.

She walked across the room and climbed into Tolomy’s bed. The next morning she was rudely awoken by Tolomy yanking the covers off. “Yo sleepyhead wake up its time to go!” Heather rolled over and sat on the side of the bed. “This early?” she looked at the clock. It was five in the morning. He smiled “Yep if you want to catch the train.” She looked at him confused. “I thought most guys around here just walked to thier houses. How far away do you live?” He walked over to Heathers dresser and grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. He threw them at her saying. “Its pretty far from the school, my family lives on a farm about three hours from here and I told my mom we would be there by ten for breakfast. Are you ready or not?” Heather got up and changed into the clothes then walked over and grabbed her bag. She pulled the bun out of her hair and it fell over her shoulders. Girls at the school had to wear thier hair in buns if their hair was long so that it didn’t get in the way. She brushed her long hair through a few times and grabbed her bag. “Ok ready!” Tolomy smiled and grabbed his bag. “Alright lets go!”

They left the school and walked downtown to the train station. “Ok its this one I think!” Tolomy said about to get on the wrong train. Heather grabbed him and pulled him out. “No its that one.” She said turning him around. He laughed embarrassed. “Yeah…that one” They got on and sat down in their seats. Heather thought the ride would be long and uncomfortable, but It was much better than she thought. Tolomy never stopped talking about his family and friends from the school he came from before choosing to go to the academy. Heather was glad that she didn’t have to talk to him much. She liked listening to Tolomy’s stories. He was so enthusiastic and happy when he was able to talk about his past.

“Ok, ok enough about me. What about you? What did you do before the academy?” That was the one question that Heather didn’t want to hear. She didn’t want to talk about her past. It wasn’t that she had a bad past. It was just hard to talk about what she would never have again. “Um well there isn’t much to tell. My brother went to the academy when he was thirteen and met Stephie his partner. My parents were normal I guess we got along well. I went to school with lots of girls, but never really made friends with anyone except for Liana. I went to a girls only school so I never actually talked to guys besides my father, his friends, and of course my brother. Nothing interesting really.” Tolomy nodded. “Wow Heather your life sucked!” He laughed and Heather joined in. It didn’t matter how much she told Tolomy, he just wanted to ask her more and more questions about how she lived. He really seemed interested in her past. Before they even knew it, the train ride was over and they had arrived at their stop. “Daeton Train Station. Daeton…where have I heard that before?” Heather said to herself. Tolomy had gone to get the bags and heather stood in front of a sign near the exit. “Your brothers girlfriend lives here I think.” Tolomy said from behind Heather making her jump. “Stephie lives in Daeton? Wait how did you know that?” Tolomy smiled “Well duh didn’t you realize that Stephie and I had the same last name? She is my sister.” Heather never knew Stephie’s last name. Dainal had never told her. “How did you know I was talking about your sister? I just said Stephie.” Tolomy laughed again. “I like your brother he is fun to hang out with. He came over to our house before school started. I think he is taking Stephie to your house this break though, so we will just have to hang with my parents.” He stuck his tongue out and winked before walking towards the door. “Come on slowpoke we are going to be late!” Heather nodded and followed after him. Tolomy called up a cab and they got inside to head towards the rural areas of Daeton. When they got there Tolomy's mother came running out of the house to meet them. Tolomy hugged his mother and introduced her to Heather. “Yeah mom this is my partner in crime Heather. Heather this is my mom.” Heather nodded and smiled “Nice to meet you!” Tolomy’s mother laughed and grabbed heather in a huge hug. “Awww Hun don’t you even think about acting all polite and formal with us! Any friend of Omy’s is a member of our family!” Heather laughed and looked at Tolomy. “Omy? Is that your nickname?” he blushed embarrassed. “Uhm yeah my mom calls me that. By the way….Mom. don’t call me that!” his mom laughed “You have always been my little Omy you cant ever make me forget it dear. Now then you two come on inside I've got breakfast all ready and made.” Tolomy grabbed the bags and headed inside followed by Heather and Tolomy’s mother.

“Wow mom the place looks like you haven’t cleaned it since I left.” Tolomy joked. She hit him on the head. “Just wait till you see your room.” He laughed and took the bags upstairs. “Oh great. Mom where is Heather staying at? The spare room upstairs on the right, left, or the one downstairs?” Tolomy’s mom was in the kitchen getting breakfast ready and yelled up to Tolomy. “I set up the room next to yours it was the only one with a decent bed!” Heather laughed. “Oh great now I have to live next to him again!” Tolomy’s mom giggled and put the plates on the table. Heather helped her set up the table and put out the food. Tolomy came down and sat with them to eat. “Hey mom where is dad? Don’t tell me he is still at work!” Tolomy’s mother nodded. “Yes, he hasn’t been back for a while now I called the station several times but they just keep telling me to wait a bit longer. They assured me he is fine but I'm a bit scared.” Tolomy bit his lip thinking about what could have happened. “That’s weird he usually calls if he is going to be late or something. He will probably be alright they usually don’t put him on jobs that are too difficult.”

The dinner at Tolomy’s house was very interesting. She had never seen people talk and laugh so much at the table in her life. The conversations never ended. She had never felt more at home. Her family always ate in silence or listened to the news. Her family never talked much at all together. Heather needed a place to feel at ease. She was surprised that it would come from someone like Tolomy. “Mom is it ok if I try and call dad’s work?.” His mother nodded and grabbed their plates. Heather helped Tolomy’s mother with the dishes and while they washed them they could hear tolomy shouting at someone on the phone. “What are you talking about? How can you not know where he is? You are the ones who sent him on that stupid mission! Why didn’t you send someone more suitable!?” There was a slam and Tolomy ran into the kitchen. “They sent him out to deal with a Magician! He is missing and they have no idea where he is! He doesn’t know what magicians are capable of! He could be killed! I'm going after him!” He started to walk out the door when his mother grabbed his wrist. “Tolomy stop! You cant deal with a magician either! Your father can take care of himself. Don’t worry.” He whipped around and threw his mother back a few feet. “Don’t worry? How can I not worry! He is your husband how can you not worry!” Tolomy fell to the ground and started crying. “Its not fair mom why would they do this?”

Heather walked over to the phone and picked it up dialing a number. Tolomy and his mother looked over to her. Tolomy stood up. “Who are you calling?” Heather shushed him and listened to the phone ringing. “Hello Dainal? Can you help me with something please?”
© Copyright 2008 Azalia (azalia at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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