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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1409183
The story of a wolf demon with the power to do anything and her friends.

Orichalcos Girl (Volume 2)-
Shadows of the Past
By Nadine Whyte- Some Assembly required

This story is an official product of K.K.P.- The Official Demon Fanclub

Email me: KaibaGirlMaliko@aol.com
JOIN K.K.P. - Freewebs.com/Kaiba-Girl-Maliko

This Book is Dead-icated to my Clan:

Danielle Renaud (Nivea Frost): The Best anime obsessed Link and Sesshomaru loving psychotic friend a struggling power-hungry blood thirsty evil wolf demon lord could ask for!
Jeremiah Redrick (Ski Jetstream): Heh heh! Yugi!!! What can I say? Love ya for life!!! You'll always be the King Of Games!

Kademe English:Thanks for helping me out over the summer! You're an awesome best friend! Socom will always be your domain!

Travis: The Great Tornado T! TSD Kids was one of my biggest story inspirations! Keep writing, err… Typing!

Keith Aka: Kyo: For making me believe I was an Emo Goddess!

Harold Aka: Nero: For forcing me to train harder in Pokemon Stadium and listen to Bat Country at the same time.

Justine Diez: I miss you, My Harry Potter obsessed buddy!!!

Kassie: For teaching me to love rock music and Bi guys!

Sami: The Fox Queen. Remember Sol loves you!

Kenshin (Kensuke): I will surpass you in SA2B one day! You'll see!!! You will rue the day you ever selected City Escape!

Kademe's Aunt: Thank you for the book and fanfiction! You rock!

David Gaines : I'm not saying you’re obsessed with Shadow The Hedgehog, but... Thanks for getting me through the school day still sane. ^_^

Cynthia AKA Raven- For inspiring my dark nature ^_^

Michael Butler (Aka Mikey): With Super Smash Bros. Melee and Ness in hand, you shall always be remembered as a little boy…with a craving for death!

Yeah...That’s enough for credits!!!! If I forgot anyone, I am soooo sorry!!!

Main Characters!!!!!
Maliko Wolfen- The Wolf Demon Lord. An orphan, the entire dimension that her and her friends live in was created by her. Reckless, violent and stubborn, but deathly loyal to anyone she calls her friends. She transforms on lunar eclipses.

Disen Rolem- A fellow wolf demon just like Maliko. He loves to gamble. He is deeply in love with Maliko, but never worked up the nerve to tell her, though all her friends know.

Krypt- Krypt lives in Maliko’s mind. He is an evil spirit and he wants an empty vessel and regain all his powers of destruction, ending the world.

Kegamin Rich- Maliko’s servant. Kegamin is Peach’s little brother. He’s 8 years old and was kidnapped from his home in order to spite her. He was supposed to die, but suggested being her loyal servant instead, in return for sparing his life. Kegamin is quiet and kind to everyone, but is secretly in love with Rouge.

Peach Rich- The Angel Queen, Peach wants to kill off the demons and claim DarkSoul for herself.

Nivea Frost- Maliko’s best friend and a dog demon. She is the only one that can convince Maliko to listen to reason, that is…When she is listening to reason herself (Which is rare.) She loves Link and Sesshomaru and has taken a vow to kill every feline that has every existed (except for Kalila, considering she is necessary for her survival.) She has extreme arachnophobia. Her and Maliko are the biggest otakus in the entire dimension and are in the process of building an entire anime shrine by themselves.

Kalila Florisa- The young feline nurse that works at the Wounded Spirit hospital.

Rouge Emerald- Maliko’s spy. She works for all types of diamonds, jewels and jewelry. Maliko has tons of that, but fails to see the purpose of it all, so she tends to hand over the most expensive jewels for the most meaningless tasks.

Sai- A zora child that lives in the ocean and LOVES Petits. He only will appear to Maliko’s whistle, but if you can make friends with this very quiet bad boy, he might just save your life if you fall in the ocean.

Orichal and Aurora- Maliko’s 2 pet wolves. About 5 times Maliko’s size, they were born from the shadows. Orichal has no particular weakness, but Aurora is powerless in the cold. They both love Maliko (and each other) with all their hearts and would gladly die for her, just as Maliko would equally die for them without question. Aurora’s speed is unmatched, just as Orichal can fly much faster than he can run.

Luki- Maliko’s stuffed dog. She cannot and refuses to sleep without him. He is a brilliant master of martial arts…at least, that’s what he says. J

This marks the beginning of Orichalcos Girl- Volume 2...
If you like stories where the hero, after much hardship, wins the heart of her crush and with the help of her friends, and everyone lives happily ever after... Then go find another book…


Chapter X- Prologue

"Once upon a time there existed a giant tree that was the source of all mana. A war, however, caused this tree to wither away, and a hero's life was sacrificed in order to take its place. Grieving over the loss, the goddess disappeared unto the heavens. The goddess left the angels with the edict: "You must wake me, for if I should sleep, the world shall be destroyed." The angels bore the Chosen One, who headed towards the tower that reached up unto the heavens. And that marked the beginning of the regeneration of the world."

“Maliko!!! What are you doing?!”
“Playing Tales of Symphonia… What does it sound like?”
“Don’t you have a story to write? You got all these people’s hopes up!”
“But… I have to regenerate the world…”
“You write this story RIGHT now, young lady!”
“*Grumble, Grumble…* Fine… That’s why you’d marry Rodyle…”

Chapter 1- The War
"Master! Master! Please... Wake up!!! Master!!!" Kegamin was screaming into Maliko's ear. Maliko woke up cranky and was still half asleep anyway. "Hehehe. No, please. Master Marik.... I dont wanna be your mind slave... ^///^" She mumbled in her sleep, a silly grin appering on her face as she started to blush. "Master!!! Get up!!!" Kegamin shook her again. "Uh...Huh...Kega...min...? What...do you want? It's the middle of the night..." *Whine* Orichal complained. "Master! It's an emergency! The angels are attacking the village!" "...So what? They're angels. I mean, look at them. They're led by Peach. Who listens to Peach? No-wit pansies, that's who! Plus, the gate is sealed off, anyway. You should really stop overreacting about this kind of stuff." "The gate is broken..." "...What?" "The gate sealing off DarkSoul from Dream Star is broken." "H-how the heck did that happen?" "The angels... are in allience with the Children of Crescent Garden..." ".........You're joking, right?! You have to be joking! It's April Fool's Day, right? RIGHT?! What day is it?" *Jumping off bed and ripping calander off wall* October...12... Kegamin... You're not joking...are you..." "Do I ever...?" "...Good point... You might want to... sound the alarm... before we are all dead..." "Okay..." Maliko jumped out of bed and threw on some clothes. She felt the slight jolt in her heart that indicated her wolf senses sensed danger...This was going to be a long night. Let me explain!
*Cheers from unknown audience* The Children Of Crescent Garden referred to the Half-Breeds. VERY powerful, a destructive group of half angels, half demons. Most of them love to fight...They were so strong...They could give Maliko and her friends a serious run for their Rupees...That wasn’t good... When everyone heard the alarm, they gathered on the field and both teams stood on a separate side. “Peach!“ Maliko called across the field. “What do you want now? I was having a very cool dream, and because of you, I have to wait another 24 hours to be violated!!!“ (Everyone: “………..”) “I’ve come to destroy you demons and claim DarkSoul or as I will call it “Sakura Fields”. There will be flowers and rainbows and sunshine and a whole bunch of Petits and kitties and ponies…” “S-sakura Fields??? Kitties…Ponies?! …Sunshine?!?!“ Maliko almost gagged and found a brand new reason to kill Peach. “DarkSoul would NEVER EVER be named Sakura Fields if I have anything to do with it! You‘re dead!” Maliko pulled her friends over. “Okay, guys! Do the best you can... It shouldn’t be too hard, but look. Those guys over there has light arrows…Don't die..." she ran off. Still on the field, Nivea grabbed Kegamin and whispered "Go follow her...And protect her...If she is left alone, she may do something reckless...again..." Kegamin didn’t respond, but stared into Nivea's eyes, and ran off after her. "Weird kid...I heard she has absolutely no memory of his past..." Kensuke said. "That Maliko...She is pretty heartless to do that to such a kind child..." Commented Rouge. "How old is he?" Nivea said. "I think he's 8 or 9..." Sparky said. "Wow...He's so young..." Rouge spoke again. "Well...We'd better go..." "Yeah...Lets go..." The war was raging. Maliko took out the smaller angels first, chomping down on the neck bones until they cracked as loud as the thunder that started to boom loudly and the lightning that flashed and lit up the whole field. Blood was washed away by the pouring rain that was now falling over the crimson battlefield. After about 15 minutes, Peach called over the archer that shot purely Light arrows, a VERY powerful weapon when it comes to fighting demons. The archer found his first target… Maliko, who was obviously leading the assault. He turned to her. Kegamin knew what the archer was planning and ran to Maliko’s safety. “Kegamin! What are you doing?!” Maliko screamed as Kegamin jumped in front of her, and pushed her to the ground. The archer took aim and fired the arrow… right at Kegamin. The glaring, almost blinding glitter of the light arrow’s path cut through the night sky, causing everyone on the field to cover their eyes, especially the demons. A split second later, a thumping sound was all that was heard. When the light turned back to shadow, Maliko turned to see Kegamin, unconscious on the floor with the arrow stuck pretty deep in his chest. His skin was pale and blood was dripping from his ghostly white lips. Maliko jumped to her feet and started to shake him violently. “K-Kegamin!!! Kegamin!!! Get up! Now is NOT the time to play dead! Come on!!! Get up!!! Kegamin!!!” Maliko continued to shake him. Rouge pushed her to the floor and took Kegamin’s bloody limp body from her. “Maliko! Are you stupid or something? Can’t you see the boy is dying? Take him to the hospital ward, now!” Maliko was hesitant and glared at her with anger but soon came to her senses and picked him up from the bloody battlefield. “Maliko! Let me take him… You have to avenge your servant and I know you don’t want anyone killing Peach while you’re tending to his wounds. I can do it for you!” Disen blushed heavily as he talked to his crush, all the while never looking her straight in the eyes. “Hmmm… You’re absolutely right! Thank you, Disen.” She laughed and rubbed her hand in his hair, frizzing it. This made Disen blush more and said “M-My pleasure, Mal. Anything for you…” He held Kegamin’s body carefully and ran off. By then, the Archer had already started shooting more light arrows from his bow, lighting the field every few seconds. Sparky was terrified and ran around as fast as he could, looking for shelter. He ran past a dead angel, decapitated and wings ripped off and thrown to the side. He didn’t notice her there and tripped over the body. He looked up and noticed a dark figure standing on top of their house. The shadows reflected onto the ground with a copper light. Then it hit him! That was what he had to remember! He ran to find his mother before it was too late. “Mom! I remember!” Sparky walked over to his mother. Then out of nowhere, from the direction of the figure came a light arrow, much bigger than the one that pierced Kegamin. “Mom! I remember! Sha----!!!” Sparky stopped mid-sentence. “Sparky! Hurry up! What is it?” Maliko urged him. Then the light died down and Maliko saw it. The light arrow… It had hit him and pierced his heart. Sparky hit the floor with a cracking thump as his limps bent back. Maliko, in a shocked fear, couldn’t comprehend what had just happened. She fell to her knees and grabbed her son. He closed his eyes and tried to speak with the little life he had left. “M….om….” He tried to call her attention. “S…..had….ow….” he struggled to finish, but he couldn’t. At that point, the blood building up in his pierced heart caused it to burst. Sparky gasped as he took his last breath of air. “S…parky?! Speak to me! SPARKY!!!” Maliko shook her son as she held him in her arms, but it was no use. Sparky was dead.

Chapter 2- The Other Side of Love

Everyone surrounding Maliko could feel the blood thick tension and Nivea knew that someone had to hurry and comfort her… or else… She looked in the direction that the arrow came from, but no one was there. The figure was gone. She put her hand on Maliko’s shoulder. “Miko…” she began to speak, but all of a sudden she heard a ripping sound. She backed up, knowing she was too late. “Everyone! Run! Now!!” She pointed towards the house. Everyone ran as fast as they could, but despite Nivea’s order, Disen turned and ran back for Maliko. “Disen! No!! Come on!!” Nivea screamed. “No! I can’t leave her here!” Disen continued to run back. “He’ll die…” Nivea said to herself. Disen grabbed Maliko and turned her around only to see she wasn’t crying, or even mourning. Actually she looked as if she were struggling… Her fangs were bared and she gripped Sparky’s body so hard that her claws were impaling his back. She was sweating heavily and breathing as if she was gasping for air… She fell to the ground, letting go of Sparky and grabbing her head, screaming. She suddenly stopped screaming and her body fell to the floor, her eyes colored a dark grey, like a helpless mind puppet. Disen looked up and could see the moon in the sky. …A lunar eclipse… He wondered why no one had attacked Maliko yet. He didn’t even hear any voices, come to think of it. He looked around and the place was deserted. He wouldn’t run, he spoke to himself. He had to help Maliko… He loved her and would never leave her alone. He grabbed her and held her in his arms tightly. Disen heard that ripping sound again, very clearly this time. Then out of nowhere, blood shot out from Maliko’s back and splattered everywhere as 2 huge black wings ripped through her skin, folded up. As Maliko screamed bloody murder and gripped Disen’s body with her claws, impaling him, the wings opened up shot out in both directions. Black feathers covered the field and the sight mesmerized Disen even thought he was being stabbed by her claws. Then he felt her claws going deeper and deeper into him, as if they were growing longer. He couldn’t break down, for Maliko’s sake… He had to stay alive… He grabbed Maliko tighter and felt her wings, the softest feathers he had ever felt. “Maliko… What’s happening to you…?” As if she was being controlled suddenly, Maliko ripped her claws out of Disen’s back and stared intensely at his bloody body. She lunged forward for attack, but simply licked him softly. Disen, obviously confused, reached forward to touch her, but then a crimson aura, thick as a wall of blood, surrounded her. Maliko took one last look at Disen, then disappeared behind the wall. He reached forward, but the aura was hot enough to melt steel and he couldn’t even get near it. That’s must be like Super Saiyen for demons, he thought. He looked at the ground and noticed the arena floor cracking and lifting up, reveling the glowing red magma underneath. He didn’t have anywhere else to go, so he jumped on her back and held on to her as tight as he could, for if he fell… He’d die. He pressed his head to her back, between her wings and heard barely audible light voices speaking. “It’s their fault… They killed him…Now…You’ll kill them…” “But, Master-?! I can’t… Disen is still there…” “Fine… Kill him, too!” “But he tried to save me!” “I don’t care! Do it!” “…Yes, Master…” In response, Maliko’s wings began to flap and her body lifted off of the ground, rushing towards the house. Everyone had been watching and they all screamed and ducked. Maliko sped up and started to fly upward, to the roof. She wrapped her tail around Disen’s waist and pulled him off of her. He cried out, sure that Maliko would follow that voices order and drop him into the lava. She let him go and Disen fell. Suddenly, he plopped down… Onto the roof of the house. Confused, Disen looked at Maliko, who was flying in the other direction. Even though it was dark, lightning and the glowing lava lit the field, and from the roof, he saw everything… Maliko swoop in and pushed some of the smaller and lesser angels and even demons from her own team into the burning magma. The torturous screams from the burning creatures were deafening, even from his distance. Maliko then went back and started gutting the larger demons with her claws, ripping off limbs and pulling out organs, and leaving them there to die slowly on their own. She was killing her own team as well as the enemy… Disen looked on in horror… His life was spared, but this was not the Maliko he knew… It couldn’t be…Maliko would never hurt her own team… Her allies…Her friends… That voice… What was it? He had never heard anything like it… It was evil and demanding… and very manipulating… and she had called it Master… What was that about? He looked back and saw Maliko devouring some thing… Or someone! He saw a pink cloth, ripped and bloody and tossed to the side. He also saw what were once beautiful white wings, shredded and torn off… It was Peach… Maliko was eating her greedily…Blood and brains were splattered all over the floor. All of a sudden, what looked to Disen like a boy around the same age as Maliko came at her with a sword and swung. Maliko turned around with just enough speed to block with her arm, but the blade dug into her skin and sliced her. Apparently unaffected, Maliko turned to the boy, giving him a chance to run but the boy stood his ground. He ran at her again but she hit him with her wing. The boy fell back, but jumped right back up and came at her again, piercing her wing this time. Maliko’s claws glowed red, she growled something inaudible (She actually said Crimson Fang Attack) and slashed at him cutting him across the eye and blinding him severely. Still holding the sword, he stumbled blindly into the aura and the heat caused him to faint. Maliko rushed forward to attack but then she suddenly ran out of energy, stopped and fell to the floor, unconscious as well. The aura started to dispatch… And Maliko’s wings folded back and resided back into her back. The magma sunk back into the ground, taking all the dead bodies with it, including Sparky’s. Everyone waited to make sure it was safe and ran to help Maliko. Disen was the first to reach his love’s body… He looked over and saw the boy… Tall, with long, spiky black hair that covered the left eye where Maliko had cut him. He had feline traits, the ears, claws and tail. Disen picked up the sword and saw a weird symbol of a wing with an “A” carved into it on the handle. He looked the sword over. The handle was a dark blue, with an even darker navy blue habaki. This sword looked similar to the swords the archangels used in the ancient legend… But it couldn’t be so… They were only legend, after all.

Chapter 3- Ski Jetstream

The boy stirred and groggily held his head, complaining that it was too dark and he couldn’t see. He opened his eyes slowly, noticing he couldn’t see out of the left one and reclosed it. He sat up, only to see Nivea staring him down. “Ah! What the-?!” he jumped and crawled backwards. “Who da heck are you!?” “Hmmm…” she poked his ears. “…” she stared. “What are you staring at?” the boy inquired. “…..Stupid feline…” she walked away. “Say what?!” the boy cried out. “I am the strongest angel in my class! No one talks that way to Ski Jetstream and gets away with it.” The boy picked up his sword and charged at Nivea, only to get knocked back down. “….Hahahahaha! I don’t know how you survived against Miko… You’re a wimp!” “WHAT! How dare you?! I’ll make you pay for…. Wait… You KNOW that creature?! Are you serious? What is that thing?” “That THING happens to be my best friend!” She pointed to Maliko, who was now back to normal. “Huh…!? It’s… a girl…” ‘Wow… She’s pretty’ He thought to himself. Just then, Maliko started to wake up. “Arggg… My flippin’ head…” She held her head and howled in pain. “What is she? Some kind of dog?” Ski asked Nivea. “She’s a wolf demon… Her name is Maliko.” “Maliko…” he said to himself but Maliko overheard. “Yeah? What?” she said, eyes still half closed. But then she looked up and saw the boy. ‘God, he’s hot…!’ she thought to herself. Disen noticed the starry look in her eyes and got very jealous. “Maliko-!” he quickly spoke. “Do you remember what happened to you? After Sparky…” He caught himself, noticing the tears that were beginning to develop in her eyes when she heard any mention of her dead son’s name… “After the war…You tried to kill this boy… Ski, is apparently his name… And he survived… In other words, he challenged your power… and you couldn’t kill him…” Disen finished with a hidden smirk, knowing all hell was about to break loose, and he would once again be the object of her affection (in his mind). “Say what!?!? Nobody beats Maliko Wolfen!!! You cheated!!!” “What?! I am a high-class magician! I don’t cheat!” “Ooooo, you’re a magician? Do a magic trick!” Nivea wanted to see badly. “………I’m… well…you see… I’m an apprentice right now, so…um…” “So basically, he has no tricks… He’s a rookie, a trainee, a newbie some might say… At least that’s what this one thinks…” Kensuke laughed. “I am NOT a rookie! And quit talkin’ like Kenshin! He’s MY hero, not yours!” “Have you ever met him?” “Yes!” “Where?” “In the mountains!” “I’ll bet…considering he trains in the forest this time of year!” “That’s what I said! I met him in the forest, and he saved me from a bear! Yeah!” “I lied… He IS in the mountains…” “O_O” “You’ve hit an all-time low…Next you‘ll tell me you dueled Yugi in the Eiffel Tower…” “Hahahahaha!” Everyone laughed as hard as they could, even Maliko. “……” Ski was humiliated and refused to speak. He picked up his sword and started to walk off when Maliko grabbed his arm and spun his around violently. “And WHERE do you think you’re going, you cheating loser?!” “Where do you get off calling me a loser, you canine freak?! I didn’t cheat, so let go of me!” “Make me!” “I will!” He hit her in the head with the blade, cutting her close to the eye. Blood started to drip out of the cut. “Why you little… You’ll pay for that!!!” She sliced his arm with her claws. “No one cheats Maliko Wolfen and gets away with it!” She whistles loudly and her and Ski’s shadows started to shift into 2 shapes that looked like huge ovals. Much to Ski’s surprise, the shadows started to grow limbs and pull itself off of the ground. The shadows started to gain more features, such as eyes and mouths… and fangs. After mass amounts of dark fur sprouted and covered the shadows, Ski realized that they more nothing more than mere wolves. They were much, MUCH bigger than normal wolves, though, and towered over Ski with a threatening growl, Crimson red and Moonlight golden eyes piercing his very soul. Being that he was part feline, he did what any normal cat would do in the presence of a huge, hungry looking dog… He ran for his life! “Orichal, Aurora! Grab him and bring him to me, now!” The wolves caught up to the dashing Ski in an instant and grabbed each of his arms with their teeth. Pretty soon, Orichal and Aurora returned with the kicking, screaming Ski, their teeth stabbing his arm like knives. They bit around the shoulder and blood ran down their mouths, staining their fur. You see, Orichal and Aurora were Maliko’s two wolves and also her bodyguards. Orichal was a huge black wolf with crimson eyes and fangs that could bit through steel with ease. There was a big crescent moon symbol on his stomach that was very visible because it was a clean white on her shiny, pitch black coat. Aurora, on the other hand, was a equally huge white wolf with no marks on her body except for one scar down her back. She was the most playful and loved Maliko more than anyone. Her only true weakness was cold weather. She had demonic, glowing yellow eyes as bright as the full moon and her howl could be heard from anyone dimension connecting to this one. There are 4 different dimensions connected to DarkSoul. There was Crescent Garden- where the half breeds live. There was Shadow’s domain- Where evil spirits worked under the rule of Shadow, a evil and ruthless dictator. But no one has ever seen Shadow, or even seen any open portal to that dimension. So Shadow’s Domain was just a myth. There was Dream Star- Where all the angels lived, and lastly, there was Fear’s Nightmare- A VERY dangerous place used for training. As soon as you step in, the door closes and your worst nightmare comes to life. You can leave when you conquer your fear and beat your nightmare, or die trying. Its different for everyone, which makes it harder. You HAVE to enter alone, and even if you could somehow manage to bring a friend, they can’t see what you see, only their own fears and you would get separated anyway. For example, If you were scared of spiders, the door would lead straight to the egg chamber during mating season of the spiders from 8-Legged Freaks. All these places are fully accessible from the portals in DarkSoul, but Dream Star is blocked off to prevent anyone from coming in. At least, It was, until the half breeds broke down the gate. As Maliko and Nivea put it, “Who wants a bunch of filthy angels running around our precious world anyway?!” Well, back to reality, Ski was pretty much numb throughout his whole body, but his mouth wasn’t! “Hey, you dumb canine! Let me go!” Ski started kicking and accidentally kicked Maliko in the leg. “Ouch!” she cried out and the wolves bit down harder. “I’m tired of you! Orichal, Aurora… Take him to the Death Chamber…” “Maliko! What are you-” Kensuke started but Maliko cut him off quickly. “I don’t want to hear it! Don’t let him out until he’s good and dead, okay?!” She called after her wolves. This shocked all of her friends but Nivea, who patted her on the head. “Nice call, Miko.” She laughed and Maliko turned to her. “Thanks, Niv… Now, I’d better check on Kegamin… Someone has to do the dishes tonight.”

Chapter 4- Maliko’s Parents

Maliko and her friends headed to the hospital ward, called “Wounded Spirit Hospital” to check on Kegamin. Maliko was greeted by the nurse by the door. “G’ morning, Maliko.” The kitty-eared nurse Kalila (Kah-lie-la) waved, smiling brightly and lighting up the gloomy world. Kalila was very young, a child… and orphan of 7 years, who grew up on a farm. But she was the world’s finest doctor, discriminated against because she wasn’t human. She had skill in just about every type of healing and medicine and for that reason, she was the only doctor in the entire dimension. She had huge kitty ears, long blonde hair pulled into several ponytails, bright blue eyes and always wore a small blue and white striped overalls. She stood a small 3’5’’ and she loved strawberries. As payment for her services, Maliko let her have 24 hour access into the Strawberry Patch where the freshest and juiciest were grown, a payment she accepted more than happily. Her tail swished happily side to side when she smiled and she was the cutest thing you would ever see. “Hey, Kat. How’s Kegs?” Maliko waved back. “Not too good… A serious case of Amnesia is the best part. I‘m really not sure if he will make it... He’s really sick and his wounds run deep. Start counting your blessings. You can take him home, but… Keep him warm and covered at all times. Feed him lots of fruits and vegetables to build his strength. Don’t force any chores or labor on him for a couple of weeks. Just let him rest, and he might survive. Also, give him this… Medicine from this bottle. 2 Spoonfuls twice a day to speed the healing process. Don’t let him near any angels because his will is weaker than ever today.” Maliko’s eyes lit up. “H-h-his will is weakened? Yes!!! Now I can make him into the mind slave I have always wanted!” She dashed in the room. You see, Maliko had control over Kegamin, but only to an extent because of his amazingly strong will, but now, she could have the mind slave she always wanted. Maliko stood by his bedside and stared at her servant. He was healing, but was still pretty beat up. His breathing was heavily labored and his eyes were closed tightly. He shook with pain and his heart beat at an irregular rate. His small fingers were clutched into a soft fist. He was bandaged everywhere and the blood soaked almost every inch of his body. His skin was still pale as a ghost and he looked like a corpse already. Maliko poked him once. When he didn’t respond, she poked him again. Kegamin’s mouth twitched and his pale purple eyes opened slowly. “……?” He didn’t remember who she was, and to awake in a hospital bed, bloody and in pain and see a bunch of demons staring at him, surrounding him, he started to panic. “….W-who are you…” he spoke softly. “Don’t play dumb, kid! You know who I am!” “I…um…uh… I do?” “Maliko, remember… The nurse said he has amnesia.” “Oh yeah!” She put her hand on his head and closed her eyes, emitting a strange energy. “Sleep, now… Mind Slave…” She said, almost hypnotically. All of a sudden, Kegamin felt his eyes growing heavy and felt as if he had no other desire in the world but to obey her. He softly went to sleep. Her friends looked on in awe as they witnessed Maliko’s professionalism in controlling his mind though she only tried it once before, the first time she erased Kegamin’s memories. “You now belong to me…Your heart, body and your soul is mine… You will do what I tell you without thinking or judging… You have no past, no present and no future. You have no mind of your own. Give in to my power and watch your will fade away. I am your Master now.” She took her hand off of his head. She spoke firmly now. “Kegamin!” Kegamin’s eyes shot open. “Yes, My Master…” He spoke weakly, his breathing becoming labored just from the effort. “How can I serve you?” “Sleep… I don’t need you now…” “Yes, Master.” Kegamin turned to his side, closed his eyes and fell into a deep trance-like sleep. Maliko ran her fingers through his soft black hair. “Sleep now… Your purpose will soon be clear…“ Maliko spoke to him so low, no one else heard. Nivea walked over to Maliko and stared lovingly at her. “Mikkkkooooo~! How did you learn to do that?! Can you teach me?! I just gotta use that on Link!” She grabbed Maliko’s arm as she begged. “Please, Please, Pleaseeeeeee????!!!! “Um, Sorry, Niv… I cant teach it to you. It’s a secret art that my family trait carries. My Mom and Dad, Vincent and Katie… They told it to me in my dreams… I can hear them sometimes… See, look! Their picture is in this locket they gave me as a baby.” Everyone crowded around to see what evil beings could birth the Lord of the Wolf Demons, but they were VERY shocked to see the sweetest and loving looking couple ever. To the left, Vincent Wolfen, Maliko’s Father. He had short spiked hair and dark crimson eyes very similar to Maliko‘s. His fangs were glittering in the sunlight as he leaned over to kiss his wife. The lady he held tightly was none other than Maliko’s mother, Katie Wolfen, a beautiful woman that stood lovingly next to her husband. Her light blue eyes and long brown hair was her most striking features and she blushed as she leaned in for a kiss from Vincent, giggling so happily her fangs were visible and her ears poked out from the top of her head, a dark brown and tanned and her features soft and young… just like Maliko’s. They looked so happy together. “Yeah… That’s them… My parents were the greatest wolf demons in the world. Aren’t they so cool?”

Chapter 5- The Hidden Side

Everyone stared lovingly at the locket in Maliko’s hand, but then all of a sudden she spoke up. “Um… Can you guys excuse me? I have something to take care of…” She walked out the back door and up Union Path- The mountain path that led to the top of Crescent Mountain where Maliko loved to go to think. Everyone else easily excused her but only Disen saw the look in Maliko’s eyes when she snapped the locket shut and he wondering how reliving the memory of her parents was starting to affect her. There was a glisten in her eyes and Disen suspected tears. He decided to talk to her alone and cheer her up. “Um…Shouldn’t you guys be checking on that Ski kid? Take Nurse Kalila with you… He should be bleeding to death in his cell with all those bite wounds and you know Maliko wont be content until she beats him herself…” Disen prayed they would leave. “Sure, Disen. We’ll give you your time alone with Miko.” Nivea giggled. “You could’ve just said that, dude…” Kensuke shook his head. “Yeah!” Fang chimed in. “It‘s not like we don’t all know.” Rouge laughed. “How Maliko didn’t notice this long is a mystery to me!” Nivea called out. “Okay, whatever! Just get out of here!” Disen blushed slightly. He heard one of them mumble “Hey, where IS Nurse Kalila?“ but though nothing of it. Just as Disen suspected, Maliko was heard crying as he wandered up the mountain. When he stepped on a small branch, it cracked in half and Maliko was broken out of her solitary sorrows. “Disen! I…um…I… What are you doing here?!” “Maliko… You were crying… I never saw you cry before… In fact… None of us has…” “So what?! Just go away!” “Miko, please…” Disen put his arm around Maliko’s shoulder and sat down with her. “Please… Talk to me… What’s this about?” “…………” “Your parents…” “How did you know that?!” “I could see it in your eyes… Don’t be scared to talk to me… I understand. My Mother were murdered in front of my eyes as a child… At least you were spared the horror of staring death in the face… Do you know how it feels to be drenched in your mother’s blood?” “Please…Tell me… What happened…?“ Maliko could see it was bothering him and was anxious to get the subject away from her. Disen looked away as he relived the moments of childhood. “It was my 5th Birthday. It was me, my Mom and my Dad… We were at the park and my Mom came over to ask me if I wanted a sip of water… My Dad came over and asked my Mom where his beer was and my Mom told him that she had left it home, that this was a day for me and not for drinking… He was a serious drunker and got out of control all the time around me… and he was very abusive when he drank… The last thing I remember… My Dad started yelling and slammed his old beer bottle on a tree, breaking it and threatening me and my Mom with it… and my Mom stood up… trying to get me away from him before I got hurt or something, she told me she was going to show me where the water fountain was. She took my hand and started to leave my screaming father behind. He was already drunk from the ride there… and he…took the broken bottle in his hand… and he… killed her…Right in front of me, he sliced her head open… and there was blood everywhere” Disen started to break down in tears. “I was just a kid… so I tried to shake her and I was crying and screaming for her to wake up… I cried as loud as I could… and after about 5 minutes… I realized she wasn’t asleep and she was really dead and my father who I loved had killed her…And he wanted to kill me, too. He swung at me and did manage to cut me…“ He pointed to the scar on the side of his face. “And out of instinct, I lunged at him and just bit down on the first piece of flesh I got a hold of… I wasn’t aiming and even if I was I couldn’t see through the tears in my eyes… The burning tears…” He was crying harder now as he relived it all in his mind. “ I bit down and snapped his neck with my fangs.” Maliko held Disen as he spoke, sensing his pain was so deep-rooted that even thinking on it was extremely difficult for him and telling her about it was amazing. Maliko could relive every moment and every second of his past in her mind, the way he explained it. All the years she had known him… no one would ever think that past Disen’s hardcore bishie and bad boy exterior lied such a tender and crying child. “Oh my god… Disen… I didn’t know… I’m sorry…” She held him tighter, much to Disen’s delight. Just the soft embrace of the one he loved so dearly…Despite all his fantasies, he never thought that Maliko… His Miko… would ever hold him so softly in her arms. He stopped crying and held her just as tightly. “I’m sorry for what happened to your parents… I know how cruel humans can be… Anytime you want to cry…I will be glad to return the favor.” He looked into Maliko’s glittery eyes and smiled. She started to finally appreciate her friendship with Disen, as opposed to before, where she just saw him as a weird, depression and super competitive tough guy. “…Disen…Um… Thank you…” she gave him a small affectionate kiss on the cheek and dashed off. Disen didn’t really register this well and he turned cherry red. His brain sort of shut down and he tried to walk home, but wobbled slowly and tripped over a stray log and fell into the ocean. The rush of the water just made his confusion worse and he tried as hard as he could to swim back up, but didn’t have the arm and leg strength to try. All of a sudden, a rush of water pushed him back to land. Disen was obviously surprised by this and turned to see who his savior was. It was just Sai, taking a swim. “Um… Thanks, Sai!” “No probs! Later, Disen.” He swam off quickly. “ Disen decided to get back to the dungeon to check up on everyone, especially Maliko. Back down at the dungeon, angry mumbles and loud objections could be heard. Disen pushed through the crowd of all his friends. “What’s going on, guys?” he asked them, until he saw the empty cell. “Didn’t you hear?” Rouge gossiped. “Hear what?” “That Ski kid! He’s gone!” “What? But, how-?!” “I don’t know, but Miko was real angry about it. She’s off looking for him now. She’s really serious about it. She even has the hybrid pups on the prowl for his scent. When he gets back, He’s dead for sure…”
© Copyright 2008 Miko-chan (nintendokami at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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