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Rated: 13+ · Other · Friendship · #1408577
Bam and 1/2 on a stick
I Did Not See That Coming
By: Dylan Powers
I walk into second hour science and it’s freezing as usual. I have my corner that I always sit in, but to my surprise someone’s already in my seat. Now don’t get me wrong I’m all for a little change but that’s my seat. I don’t know this guy, and that’s my seat. So I decide to confront him, nicely of course.
“Hey.” I say to him, whoever he is, and to my surprise when he turns around, it’s Josh! Josh and I aren’t exactly friends, but we aren’t enemies exactly either. “Umm… hey,” he says back, mildly surprised, I’m guessing he doesn’t remember me because he still looks a little confused. “It’s me Dylan, you know I was in every single class of yours last year.” Now he remembers and he’s surprised, but he manages to say “Oh yeah hey Dylan.” I look at him for a couple seconds, but he doesn’t notice that it’s my seat he’s sitting in. “Uhh can I have my seat?” I ask hoping he’ll get the fact that it’s my seat and he should move. “Oh… this is your seat?” he asks brushing his hair out of his eyes. I guess he learned how to flirt this summer too. Ohh…. and he’s gotten cuter. “Please.” I ask from under my smiling brightly. He laughs and stands up and smiles. Oh my god he grew like three inches, last year he was at eye level with me, now I have to look up at him, and I like it. “Happy?” he asks and sits down in the seat right next to mine. “Why yes I am,” I reply sitting down and turning towards him smiling. He smiles back, and oh my god his smile is amazingly irrestable, it’s crooked, but for him it works.
“Okay everyone settle down, settle down.” Says Ms. Evans as she walks into class to start her attempt to teach us the pointless subject of biology.

I turn around to see a girl with long curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes. “Hey,” she says locking her gaze on mine. “Oh, hey,” I reply, I don’t remember her at all, she must be new. But then why is she talking to me? “It’s me Dylan, you know I was in like every single class of yours last year.” Dylan? The last time I saw Dylan, she had wild hair, acne, and she was kind of, well, different. “Oh yeah, hey Dylan.” I reply, she looks at me for a couple seconds, like she wants something. “Can I have my seat?” She asks “Oh this is your seat?” What was that?
I stand up and to my surprise she’s way shorter than me now, last year we were almost the same height. But now I tower over her.
“Happy?” I ask sitting down in the seat next to hers. “Why yes I am,” she replies smiling and sitting down in her seat and turning to face me.
“Alright everyone settle down, settle down.” It’s Ms. Evans trying to get us to pay attention even though we all know it’s pointless.
Okay so in high school there are always the cliques and they rarely ever interact unless it involves some sort of insult, or attempting vehicular manslaughter. But Dylan and Josh are about to find out that its ok for cliques to interact when they realize that being more than friends might not be such a bad idea.

It’s almost time for lunch and I’m starving. When I turn to look at the clock I see Josh looking at me, I pretend to look over his head and not to notice him, but now that I know he’s been looking at me I forget why I looked that way in the first place. Oh, time, that’s right, just as I turn to look again the bell rings so apparently it’s finally time for lunch.
I go to my locker and drop all of my stuff off, when I turn around I see Josh standing there smiling at me. “Hey,” he says “want to grab a bite?” my brain goes dead and when it starts working again all I can think about is the fact that he’s asking me! But I manage to say “Umm… yeah.” He smiles even more “Okay come on.” He pulls his keys out of his pocket. “Okay,” I respond smiling happily. I can’t believe that he asked me!
We walk out the main doors and towards the street. Just as I start to cross Cameron comes peeling out of the student parking lot and he isn’t planning on stopping for me. Josh grabs me by the waist and pulls me back just as Cameron passes “Whoa!” Josh yells as we watch Cameron’s rich daddy’s boy SUV b-day present turn right down Evergreen. “You couldn’t be any less uncoordinated could you?” He asks laughing. “Nope,” I reply laughing with him.

I’ve been staring at Dylan the entire class and she just noticed, I know she’s not going to show it but I know she saw me, because she turned back towards the front, and she started smiling that smile girls get when they know you’re staring at them.
The bell rings and we all join the mad rush to get out of bio. I hurry to put all my junk away and head for Dylan’s locker. I stand behind her waiting for her to put all her stuff away. When she turns around she jumps a little but she smiles the same smile she smiled during science. “Hey, want to grab a bite?” I ask smiling, she seems distracted for a second but then, “Uhh….. yeah,” she replies smiling back. “Okay come on,” I say pulling out my keys. “Okay,” now she’s really happy, I think I just made her day.
We walk out of school and head toward my truck. Just as Dylan starts to cross the street Cameron whips out of the student parking lot and almost hits her. I grab her by the waist and pull her out of the way just in time. “Whoa!” I shout as we watch Cameron and his SUV turn onto Evergreen. “You couldn’t be any less uncoordinated could you?” I ask laughing. “Nope,” She says laughing with me. Just then I noticed that my arms are still around her waist, I don’t want to let go but, sadly I kind of have to.

I realize that his arms are still around my waist, and I like it, a lot, I don’t want him to let go but I guess he kind of has to. I look back at him and our eyes meet, he lets go quickly and we both blush losing the eye contact. After this extremely awkward moment we cross the street and get into his truck. He has a Chevy Avalanche, now that’s freakin’ hot!
He starts the truck and pulls out, “So where do you want to go?” I shrug. “I don’t know, how much time do we have?”
“Well I have a time release next period, how about you?” I smile “Well I have a time release too so I guess we have plenty of time.” He glances over and smiles back “Sweet, so A&W?” he asks. And with that he turns on the radio and Nickelback blasts. “Nice” I say, “Nickelback is amazing and a half!” With that he smiles and we head for A&W

When we get to my truck she smiles, so I guess she likes it, actually it’s more like I’m praying she likes it. We get inside, I start the engine and pull out. “So where do you want to go?” I ask as we drive down Mead ave. trying really hard to sound calm. “I don’t know,” she replies, “how much time do we have?” I think for a second, “Well I have a time release next period, how about you?” She smiles, “Well I have a time release too so I guess we have plenty of time.” I look over at her returning the smile, “Sweet, so A&W?” I ask and with that we turn down Evergreen.

We’re sitting in a booth at A&W laughing about Cameron and his attempts at vehicular manslaughter. It really is quite funny actually. While we laugh Dustin and Sarah walk in, I’m kind of friends with Dustin, but usually I try to avoid Sarah, she’s not a big fan of me. I don’t really know why either. I don’t really know if Sarah and Dustin are going out, everyone says that they should, because yes they look good together.
“Eww Dustin it’s Dylan, and she’s breathing my air, gross!” Dustin rolls his eyes and says, “Come on Sarah its just Dylan.” All I can do is laugh, because its hilarious and a half on a stick, he’s trying to keep his friend, me, and his crush, Sarah, happy. And it’s so not working! “Please Dustin she’s disgusting!” God she’s such a priss! I mean seriously grody! “Let’s just leave Dustin!” Wow this is even better than cable!! “Umm… Okay?” Ha-ha and now Dustin’s confused! This is grand!

Well we’re at A&W and laughing about what an idiot Cameron is, when Dustin and Sarah come in. I don’t really talk to either of them, but Dylan is friends with Dustin so I guess he’s ok. But Sarah, apparently not so much.
“Eww Dustin it’s Dylan, and she’s breathing my air, gross!” wines Sarah looking at Dustin as if the world was ending. “Come on Sarah its just Dylan.” Replies Dustin trying to make everyone happy, but failing on so many levels. “Please Dustin she’s disgusting!” God what a sissy, seriously I would have to be deaf, or high, to put up with that all the time! “Let’s just leave Dustin!” She cries turning around and walking outside “Umm… Okay?” Says Dustin following her outside with a look of utter confusion on his face.

Dylan in Study hall (4681)
Josh in English (1912)
Texting (ain’t it grand?)
1912: god I hate this
4681: wat?
1912: class
4681: and wat class is that?
1912: English
4681: grody… who do you have?
1912: randen… wat class r u in?
4681: study hall… and its BORING!
1912: lol I bet… at least we get out soon
4681: soonish
1912: just tryin to make it better
4681: lol ty
1912: yep so wat r u doin after skol today?
4681: color guard, forensics, and band… hbu?
1912: wrestling and dinner with the fam
4681: fun
1912: not really, my family is boring
4681: ahh... maybe but is ur mom a dictator?
1912: no…
4681: then I win… and now I have 2 go study
1912: ok have fun
4681: I make no promises

“Hey love what’s up?” I ask Jessica. Jessica is my best friend, I swear we do almost everything together. “Hey, why didn’t you eat lunch with us today?”
“Oh I ate lunch with Josh today.” She looks at me for a second “Josh who?”
“Tall, buff Josh, who else?”
“Well I don’t know. Didn’t you like him last year?” I feel myself blush, “So what if I did?” She gave me her ‘stop playing dumb it’s not working’ look and asked “Well what happened?”
“We just went to A&W” I reply “Did he drive?” I think about the grey avalanche is all of its amazingness “Yeah.” She smiles at this, “And what does he drive?”
“What does it matter?”
“A grey Chevy avalanche with leather interior!” Jessica knows that a grey chevy avalanche with leather interior is my dream car. “Wow you must really like him now!” I fake glare at her “Shut up!” we both laugh.
“Well as much fun as this is we have to get to the commons stage. Today we have to teach the newbies the Spartan Boy routine.” I grimace “Ugh that’s going to be fun.”
“NOT!” And with that we laugh hysterically and head for the commons.

I just got home from wrestling and head upstairs to take a shower, and the only thing on my mind is Dylan. I walk into my bathroom and lock the door, I can’t get her out of my mind. I turn on the water and my stereo, Nickelback comes on and I still can’t get her out of my mind. I get in the shower and it’s too hot but I’m only half aware of it, I remember the smell of her hair when I pulled her out of Cameron’s way, it smelled like watermelon. I rinse off and step out, wrapping a towel around my waist and heading for the sink. When I wipe the mirror of with my hand I think I see her standing behind me. I jump and turn around, but it’s only my imagination, and I’m slightly disappointed. I dry off, get dressed, run a comb through my hair quickly, and then I head downstairs. Mom’s just putting dinner on the table while David, and dad wash their hands.
“There you are.” Mom says, “How was your day?” I smile “It was okay” I reply. “Did she like the truck?” David says laughing. I really hate him right now! “Who’s ‘she’?” Asks mom, why did he have to do that? “She’s just a friend mom, she’s just a friend.” I reply “Well does this ‘friend’ have a name?” She puts air quotes around the word friend. “Her name is Dylan.” God I hate my brother. “Oh how lovely,” oh great! now she’s going to get all mushy! “Why didn’t you invite her for dinner?” I roll my eyes and respond “Because she was busy.” Now mom’s planning everything “Well, we’ll have another dinner on Friday why don’t you invite her?” God this is so annoying! It’s like I have a friend who’s a girl and suddenly I’m getting married! “Okay mom I’ll see if she can come.” And now she’s happy again, for now.

It’s Thursday and I woke up with a throbbing headache “Ugh.” I say rolling out of bed. I walk into my bathroom and turn on my stereo and the water. I undress throwing my pj’s into my bedroom and step into the shower letting the water pour down my head and shoulders. I step out and wrap one towel around my hair and another around my torso. I wipe my mirror off with a hand towel and brush my teeth. After that I put my hair up and got dressed in my usual jeans and a tee-shirt. I head down stairs and stuff all my crap into my bag and head out the front door. I live like six blocks from the school so I walk. This is convenient for two reasons;
Reason 1: I have really nice legs!
Reason 2: I can avoid my parents as much as possible!
And that is exciting! I see the grey avalanche is parked on the street and I smile, he’s probably at early morning wrestling.
I walk in through that band doors and see them running through the halls. Yep it’s early morning practice. I try to get into the band room but it’s locked. I let out a growl and look up, sure enough the tile is pushed back a little. With that I grab a chair line it up with the tile, get up on the chair, push the tile back, and pull myself up through the opening. I would like to point out that I did that with fifteen wrestlers gawking at me. I put the tile back just in time, the minuet the darkness swallows me I hear the coach yell “What the he--are you lazy bums staring at? Start running da— it!” Laughing to myself I take my phone out and crawl through the ceiling landing lightly in the band room seconds later.

I’m pretty sure I just saw Dylan climb through the ceiling, but I don’t even know anymore, I see her everywhere now. But coach is yelling so I have to forget about it. We run seven more laps then shower and change. All the guys are laughing and joking but all I can think about is Dylan and the fact that she could be less than two hundred feet away. I tune into the conversation just in time to hear Bobby say “Did you see that chick climb into the ceiling?”
After hearing him say this I know two things;
1. I’m not going insane
2. She really is less than two hundred feet away!
I hurry up and change. I’m practically running out of the locker room when coach is walking in. I say hello and compliment him on his training skills, after he’s approved of my compliments and told me to tell my dad that he said hey I ran up the hall and turned left almost running into Dylan.
“Whoa!” she yells leaning back as I fight to keep my balance. “Hey.” I smile, I love the fact that she doesn’t really care that I almost ran her over. “Trying to pull a Cameron?” She says laughing and straightening up to her full height again. “I would never do that.” I reply looking into her eyes, they’re a dark grey today.

I spend a few minuets in the band room to make sure I have everything I need for the band concert on Saturday. After establishing that I did I pack up all my crap and head for parking lot where I was going to meet Jessica. But as I’m walking down the hall Josh turns out of the gym and almost runs into me. Basically I go into a back bend and yell “Whoa.”
“Hey,” he says as he tries to keep his balance. “Trying to pull a Cameron?” I say laughing and standing back up. Suddenly he gets really serious, and he gazes into my eyes “I would never do that.” It was enough to send chills up my spine.
“Hey Dylan!” Its Jessica, she enjoys ruining all my intimate moments because I enjoy ruining hers. “Hey Jess.” I say giving her the ‘I’m busy’ glare. She smiles “I know.”
“You know what?” asks a very confused Josh “That we have a math quiz today.” Replies Jessica. “Come on,” I say grabbing her hand and pulling her away.
“That was mean!” I say as we enter the commons. “Well you do it to me all the time!” She protests back. “Well yeah but you already have Ryan!” I snarl back my temper flaring. I really don’t know why I’m so offended by this, it’s not like it hasn’t happened before. So why am I so angry? “You really like him don’t you?” She asks when she realizes that I’m taking this seriously. “I-I guess I do.” I reply, honestly I wasn’t really ready to admit it, even to myself, because rejection sucks on so many levels, I realized this when I fell for Dustin. But I guess it’s true, I like, like Josh.

Dylan pulled Jessica away towards the commons. They’re best friends but I don’t really see why. Jessica and Dylan are so different, but they’ve been best friends sense freshman year so apparently they have something similar. I’m kind of friends with Jessica’s boyfriend, his name is Ryan and we were on the same basketball team in middle school. He’s in band too, that’s what they have in common! They’re both in band.
I head for the commons after them partly because I just have to go to my locker and you kind of have to go through the commons to get to any of the lockers. I walk by Dylan when I hear Jessica say “You really like him don’t you?” I slow down and hear Dylan reply “I-I guess I do.” And now I really can’t think about anything else.

I’m walking into psychology when Cameron comes up and says “I saw you with Josh yesterday.” I look at him for a second taking in his smug expression. “Okay… and is there a point to this comment?” I ask back not even bothering to be nice. “What’s the story?” I look at him trying to figure out if he’s being serious. He is. “There is no story.” I respond walking into Banner’s room with out another word.
I see Josh after class coming out of room 208, “Hey.”
“What’s up?”
“Nothing much, how about you?” I honestly don’t really know how to answer this question but my brain, and my heart, is telling me to answer it truthfully. “Confused,” I say with a sigh. He looks at me for a second like he’s trying to read my mind. “Why?”
“Because… Because… I don’t really know.” I answer because it’s true I don’t know why I am confused, I have no reason to be confused. But I guess I kind of do. It’s always hard for me to like someone now, ever sense the incident. I just don’t trust guys anymore, but you wouldn’t either if one tried to kill you. “Okay?” He says, it’s not really a comment, more like a question. “Don’t worry about it.” I say smiling as we walk into science.

I see Dylan come out of her psyc. class with Cameron following her. But she shakes him off when I pass and catches up to me a couple seconds later. “Hey”
“Hey,” I reply looking down and smiling. “What’s up?” She asks meeting my gaze. “Nothing much, how about you?” She hesitates for a moment but after a second she replies, “Confused.”
“Why?” I ask suddenly concerned. “Because… Because… I don’t really know.” I look at her for a moment trying to get her to say something more detailed. “Okay?” I say hoping that will get more out of her, but no all she said was, “Don’t worry about it.” As we walked into bio.
I don’t know why it’s bugging me so much but I really want to know why she’s confused. I know she’s not going to tell me anything else, not now anyway, I have to force her to. And she doesn’t crack easily. “So I have another family dinner tomorrow, can you come?” I whisper during free ‘study.’ “Yeah probably, when?”
“Tomorrow.” I respond, “I gathered that much, I need a time.” Wow I’m an idiot. “Oh right, well I get out of practice at six, and I’m driving home so six I guess.” I say, “Ok I’ll see you at your truck at six.” She replied turning back to her book and keeping her head low, but I can still see her smile.”

“Hey. Dylan? Speak to me Dylan!” I’m only half aware of Jessica’s over dramatic way of making me tune back into the real world. “What?” I ask slapping her lightly making her go into mock pain. “Dylan! That hurt!” She gasps clutching her hand to her chest and fighting the laughter, but we both fail and crack up. “So why are you so spacy today?”
“Because.” I reply but I know I’m smiling too much. “Josh?” She asks smiling an evil smile. “How did you know?” I ask throwing my arms across my chest in an X and looking away. We’re in forensics so of course we make everything over dramatic. “And what about this secret lover of yours?” She asks laughing at my dramatic answer. “Dinner with his fam.” I reply smiling even more. “Really? She asks, and what do you plan to wear?” I ponder for a second, “Hmm, well I was thinking the usual jeans and a T-shirt.”
“Hmm, I like it, simple but you aren’t going over the top.”
“That’s exactly what I was thinking.” I reply.

I’m driving a little after six and thinking about tomorrow and how Dylan is going to be sitting right next to me again, the thought makes me smile. I pull into the driveway and I’m greeted by Yeti. Yeti is my dog, he’s not really a big fan of people but he’s nice to the select few.
I walk inside and throw my jacket and backpack in the closet before heading upstairs to shower.
Tonight is scavenge night because dad is working late and mom is with her friends. So David and I get out the soda and chips. I’m shoving a corn chip loaded with cheese and salsa when David says “Prom is expensive you know.” I practically choke on my chip and reach for my coke. When I was done coughing I kind of find my voice, “W-what do you mean?” He laughs, “Well it’s true.” I look at him with disbelief,”I’m not going to prom.” I say, but I’m thinking about Dylan. “Okay dude what ever you say, what ever you say.”

I walk home from forensics at about six my iPOD on and turned all the way up. I’m dancing to Avril’s “Runaway” when Jessica comes up behind me and pokes me in the sides. I freak out and we both laugh as I put my headphones around my neck so we can both listen. “So are you nervous about tomorrow?” She asks when we get to the elementary school soccer field, which is covered in ice. “I don’t know, I haven’t really thought about it.” I reply as we both put our stuff down on the edge of the field. “How have you not thought about this?” She asks as we both glide out to the middle. “I don’t know, I just haven’t.” We start to spin in our own circles. “Dylan, he invited you to dinner with his family!” She says when she comes out of her turn with a leap. “Believe it or not Jess but I know that.” I say coming out of my turn and going right into another. “Well you aren’t treating it like a big deal.” She protests as she slides to the far end of the field with me on her heels. “I know that.” I reply with a switch leap and skating back to the center. “I just don’t get why you think it’s such a big deal.” She skates past me going into another spin pulling her arms in close. When she comes out she looks at me like I’m crazy. “You think it’s no big deal?” I start to prep for my triple loop, “Well is it?” I ask only pulling a double. “Well only a lot, its dinner with his family! That means he really likes you!” I laugh, “You’re making this bigger than it really is.”
“Ugh, you’re impossible.”

When I wake up the first think I think about is the fact that it’s Friday and Dylan is coming over today. I jump out of bed, throw on jeans, a T-shirt, her favorite hoodie. Then I walk downstairs, grab my crap out of the closet, and get in my truck. It’s freezing today, which could work for me.
When I get to school I see Dylan walking up the street, I lean against my truck and wait for her. “Hey.”
“Hey.” She replies smiling brightly. “So are you coming?” I ask “Yeah, I am, but I have to be home by eleven.” I smile thinking about how far away eleven is.

I wake up, roll over and hit the off button on my alarm then push my self off my bed. I stumble to the shower and turn it on stepping in. The water is to cold, but then it’s to hot so I give up and settle with cold. Ten minutes later I step out of the shower shivering like crazy. I wrap two towels around myself and hurry to my sink. I wipe off the mirror and look at my reflection. My long hair is a dark brown, that’s only because its wet, My eyes are a dark grey today, yesterday they where light blue, I have a couple breakouts on my cheek, but that’s nothing a little cover up can’t fix. Over all I think I look okay today. I run my fingers through my hair and head to my bedroom to get dressed. I pull a blue shirt that buttons half way, it’s appropriate for a dinner with parents. I slip into my favorite jeans, they’re dark blue and they make me look really skinny. I’m slipping the belt through my jeans when my phone goes off. It’s Jessica and she’s calling to make sure I have picked the perfect outfit for dinner with his parents. After ten minuets of assuring her that yes it was okay for meeting his parents I walk down stairs, pick up my stuff and head outside. Its freezing, but that could work to my advantage.
I walk the two blocks to the high school and there’s josh leaning up against his amazing truck. He’s waiting for me, when I realize this, butterflies go wild in my stomach. “Hey.” He says his lips curling into that delicious half smile. “Hey.”
“So are you coming?”
“Yeah, I am, but I have to be home by eleven.” And with that we both walk in together, it feels great.

It’s 5:45 and coach has finally let us go change, I rush to get ready pulling on my jeans and T-shirt, sadly that’s the best I can do for now. I grab all my stuff and practically run to the front doors, but I stop when I see Dylan at the truck, leaning against the passenger door. I cover the two hundred foot distance between us as fast as I can without looking desperate. “Ready?” I ask smiling down at her. And to my surprise she responds, “If I can drive.” I look at her for a few seconds, trying to figure out if she’s kidding or not. After a little while she laughs and opens the passenger door and climbs in. I laugh with her and walk around to the driver’s side.
I pull up to my house and she’s asleep, and she looks adorable. “Dylan.” I say shaking her slightly, she starts and looks at me through half open eyes. “We’re here.” I say gently smiling at her appearance. Her eyes where kind of squinty and her lips parted slightly a strand of hair caught in her lip gloss. “Sorry.” She says smiling slightly. “It’s ok,” I reply smiling a little more, “Come on.”
I walk to the side door and hold it open for her, following her in. We put our stuff in the closet and I take her into the kitchen. “Hey mom.”
“Oh hi, and who is this.” I roll my eyes, “This is Dylan mom.” She gets that smile, the ‘aww how sweet he brought home a girl’ look, she’s given it to David so many times. “Hello Dylan it’s nice to meet you.” She says with her sickly sweet baby voice. I can tell Dylan’s annoyed but she smiles and says, “Thank you Mrs. Atkinson, it’s very nice to meet you to.” Now my mom is so happy. “Why thank you!” She says smiling even more. “Why don’t you two get cleaned up for dinner.”
“Okay mom.” I say pulling Dylan out of the kitchen and towards the bathroom. “Sorry about her,” I say in the hallway outside the bathroom. To my surprise she reaches up and kisses me on the cheek. “Not a problem.” She replies turning around and closing the bathroom door with a snap.
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