Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1404787-Kidnap-working-title
Rated: 13+ · Draft · Drama · #1404787
The dead of night is never a safe place for a young girl to be.
A thin silhouette slowly weaved down the deserted streets.  It was late.  The sound of Renee’s knee-high boots lightly striking the pavement echoed in the silence.  Swaying and stumbling as she walked, the girl giggled at her antics.  Perhaps she’d had a bit too much to drink at the party, but her house was barely a few blocks away if she cut through the park, and she’d done this stroll before.

Leaving the dim streets behind she stepped into the lush park that was such a stark and beautiful contrast in an otherwise grey city.  Even in her drunken stupor she loved the smells and paused for a moment to breathe them in.  The freshly mown grass, and flowers in bloom, she wished there was light to see them.  Renee took one last breath; twirling as she let it fill her, dress fanning out around her petite form.  Then she started to make her way through the shadows.

Pale slithers of moonlight fought to find a path between the leafy branches overhead, barely casting more than a couple flecks of light at the girl’s feet.  She did not mind though, she knew the way well and began to sing a little song to amuse herself.

Renee abruptly stopped humming and stood quite still, listening hard.  Had she heard footsteps behind her?  Spinning quickly she peered back along the path.  Finding nothing but darkness and silence behind her, she shrugged and resumed her course.  “Perhaps I’m still a little tipsy,” she suggested to herself.

With half a sigh she left the park behind and made her way back onto the dank, poorly lit streets.  Just a block from home, a cool breeze swept up her short dress and an icy chill rushed down her spine.  Renee suddenly felt like she was being watched, followed even.  She hugged her long coat around her and shivered at the thought.  “Don’t be so paranoid!” she scolded herself.  Yet she quickened her pace significantly, quite sober now.

Walking so fast in heels soon got the better of her and she briefly paused for breath.  She heard footsteps again and started to turn.

The girl gasped as a gloved hand covered her mouth.  Another hand snaked around her waist and dragged her into the pitch black of a nearby alley.  The adrenaline kicked in, and Renee fought hard.  She thrust her heel backwards, at the person holding her, and stuck flesh.  The grip on her loosened as a male voice swore.  The girl kicked again and pulled away, tripping in her haste.  Leaping to her feet she sprinted out to the street and ran as fast as she could down the road.  She heard heavy feet pounding at her heels and tried to run faster.
The man leapt at her, grasped around her waist, and allowed his weight to drag her to the ground heavily.  Renee clawed at the ground, trying to pull herself out from under him.  Looking up, she could see her house nearby and let out a scream hoping that someone, anyone, would hear and come to her aid.

“Shut up!” came a fierce voice in her ear.  The girl’s protests were cut off as a wad of cloth was forced into her mouth.  Now the attacker pinned her down with a knee to the small of her back.  Renee struggled furiously against him, desperate to free herself.  The pressure on her back subsided, but before the girl found a chance to scramble away, the man turned her onto her back and withdrew a knife.  He pointed the blade at her throat menacingly.  “Enough.  Stop this nonsense or I might decide I’ve had enough of you,” he announced in a deadly whisper, lightly drawing the sharp edge along the woman’s neck.  She felt it graze her skin and froze.

Renee’s eyes widened in fear, her gaze moving quickly between her attacker’s face and his weapon.  His grey eyes pierced deeply into her violet depths, his rage barely contained.  Holding the blade between his teeth, he pinned her down once more.  Swiftly his hands moved around her, grabbing her wrists and roping them tightly together.  The girl lay limp; she’d given up fighting now.  Forcing back tears as her captor moved on to tie her ankles, the hopelessness of her situation sunk in.  What did this man intend to do with her?  A shiver ran down her spine.  She dreaded the thought, knowing that at this point she had no means to fight back or even defend herself.

Her distraught train of thought was interrupted as the man grunted and lifted her awkwardly over his shoulder.  He began to make his way back up the street and down the alleyway.  Renee had no choice but to come along.  Draped over his shoulder, she watched the dark pavement move beneath her.  All she could do was wait and see what was to come.

Suddenly she was falling.  Her body jerked in a spasm of terror.  Landing heavily, she barely had a chance to register her location before a thump over her head left her in complete darkness.  Bound and gagged she could do nothing but lay there uncomfortably.

She strained to hear what was going on.  The man’s footsteps moved away and stopped completely as she felt the surface she lay on lower slightly.  A door slammed shut and keys rattled.  The car’s engine stirred to life and Renee began to tremble.  No one would even notice that she was missing before midday.  Her family would just assume she’d decided to stay the night at the party.  Who knows where she might be by the time people start looking for her.  She closed her eyes tightly, trying to think of something other than how doomed she felt.

With a loud roar, the car took off with a lurch, throwing her against the back of the trunk.  She let the tears fall now, pain and terror overwhelming her.  The man was a brutal driver.  Accelerating fast, braking hard, turning abruptly, and with every movement, the girl was tossed around the boot.  Already cut and bruised from her earlier struggle, she felt her body being battered further as she was hurled around.  Over and over her head was bashed against her metal cage.  Licking her dry lips, she tasted blood from a fresh cut there.  She just wanted this ordeal to be over.
After what felt like an eternity, the car screeched to a halt.  Barely conscious, Renee hardly noticed as the cars’ momentum threw her one last time.  A soft click and a rush of air made her vaguely aware of the boot being opened.  She froze, trying to quieten her heavy breathing, waiting for something to happen.  Her eyes refused to focus as she desperately tried to take in her surroundings.  The man’s arm brushed past her, making her flinch.  He began to rummage within a box.  He’d found what he was looking for.  Renee’s body finally gave up the fight for consciousness as something metal struck her hard.

© Copyright 2008 lil Rae (lilrae at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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