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Rated: GC · Chapter · Romance/Love · #1396016
Love story of vampires, elves, and thieves. She fears others. He fears himself.
    Fallon was getting light headed from the rapid blood loss. Looking up, she realized

she was in more trouble than she first had thought. It was a full moon. That meant that

the vampires and werewolves would be out in force tonight. She turned to scan the

shadows and roof tops; seeing nothing, she turned her attention back to her injuries.

Hearing a growl, she grabbed the only weapon she had. Her tiny boot knife would do

nothing. She knew this, but she wasn't going without a fight.

    Patton watched as Fallon pulled out her boot knife. It was covered with her own

blood. He scanned the area, sensing that there was a werewolf near. He then heard the

growl. The sent of her blood had drawn the monster. Although the girl looked and acted

calm, her could feel her terror. No one deserved to die like this, no matter who they

were or what they did.

    Fallon waited for the attack that she knew was impending. She focused on her

breathing, which was becoming increasingly difficult. Tried to calm herself, for what she

knew would be the end. The werewolf finally crept into view. It crouched preparing to

spring. Before it could do so, a man appeared between her and the monster. He didn't

say a word. The werewolf turned and ran like a scared rabbit. The man turned to Fallon.

He had dark hair that fell almost to his chin. His eyes were intense. She couldn't see

the color in the dark, but she had an eerie feeling that he could see her perfectly.
    "I frightened him away, but he won't be gone for long. When he returns he will bring

the rest of his pack. We must leave now." Fallon could barely hold her head up. Her

strength was rapidly flowing out of her and gathering in a crimson pool around her. She

slumped back agianst the wall behind her. The stranger approached. She gave a feeble

attempt to hold the tiny blade of her knife to him. Her pale arm barely came up from her

lap where it rested. The man leaned down and gently took the knife and put it back in

her boot. "If my intent was to harm you, I would have let that over grown rat attack you."

He picked her up and carried her to his small town home. She was out cold by the time

Patton got her to his home. Using the elven half of his blood line he stopped the

bleeding. He set her foot and put a splint on it. Only when he'd done that did he wake

her. The sent of poison filled his nostils. "Where am I?" "At my house." "What

happened?" "You were injured and almost attacked by a werewolf." Her hand flew to the

leg where the cut was. It had been stiched closed. "Who are you?" "My name is Patton

Edwards." He gave a low bow.

    Fallon's face was emotionless. It felt like fire was coursing through her body. The

only movement was her mouth as she slowly inhaled and exhaled. "I thank you for your

aide, but it was in vain. I won't be alive for much longer." "What is your name?" "Fallon."

Patton was quiet for a long moment. "I can heal you, but it will frighten you." "Tell me

how first." "I can take you blood and analyze what type of poison was used then force it

through your pores." "Take my blood?" "Meaning ingest it." "You're a vampire?" "Only


copyright  2008

If you have any questions ask!! Any advice or constructive criticism is welcome! I'm very busy so the next chapter may be a while in coming.
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