Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1386699-A-DANCE-with-the-DEVILpart-two
Rated: GC · Short Story · Adult · #1386699
A young bride to faces unwelcome memories on her wedding night.
A DANCE with the DEVIL
part 2 

Rowena’s mouth moved beneath Jacob’s as the memory flooded her senses, and she pulled away with tears in her eyes, her body trembling.“Rowena, my angel,” he cupped her face.  “Did I do something wrong?”

”It’s not you Jacob, it’s me, I thought I was past it all, but I can see his face, hear his voice, feel his body on top of mine as if were happening all over again. He hurt me Jacob, it hurt terribly.”

Jacob folded her tight in his embrace. “I wish I could make it just go away, but that’s not possible. Just remember—I love you. I would never harm you. Tell me about it, maybe if it’s no longer such a secret it won’t hold so much power over you. I know you are not responsible. I wish he were alive though, so I could have the pleasure of killing him.”

“Jacob, do not say such things.” She traced the lines of his face, “It’s more likely that he would have killed you and where would that leave me now? Completely alone, with an empty heart.  You are my heart Jacob, it is simply that all these things make me feel unworthy of you.”

“Don’t you ever think that, my love; you are my heart as well.” He kissed her again, nudging her toward the bed. The kiss was gentle, and Rowena parted her lips for him in invitation, and he pressed forward tentatively. Using her mouth the way she’d been taught by another man, she coaxed his tongue into a slow heated dance, even as Jacob lowered her down to the bed…

She cried herself into complete exhaustion, and fell asleep, when she awoke she had no idea how much time had passed. It could have been minutes; it could have been hours that he left her there alone. The fire had died down and she shivered in her bonds as a chill crept over the room.

She heard the key in the lock unsure whether she was glad or terrified at his return—if it was him. Surely he would not send someone else to her, the humiliation would kill her. She watched through half-closed eyes until she was certain it was Richard and then she pretend to still sleep.

She heard his footsteps moving toward her, and she startled at his hands as he slid his fingers slowly down her body from her breastbone down the valley between her breast, “Shhh, dearest” he whispered, “It time again.”

Her eyes flew open then, meeting his gaze, her heart racing at the thought of another round of that agonizing pain. As he sat down beside her she whimpered her protest behind her gag, and shook her head, entreating him not rape her again. His moved his hand, removing the gag, smiling wickedly as she begged, “Please do not hurt me again Richard.”

“Then I suggest you do not try my patience again.”

She had another request, and she was ashamed to even have to broach the subject, but she feared his reprisal and her own mortification if she should soil the bed. “Richard—I…, I need to…,” she looked away chewing nervously on her lower lip.

He clearly knew what she was asking and he relished her embarrassment; why she was so silly over her body’s natural functions? Still he took a hint of pity, finishing her thought for her. “You need to relieve yourself?”


“We will take care of that shortly.” Rowena watched as he went about gathering her clothing from the floor, every stitch, plus her shoes, everything she’d had on. He went to the door, and deposited the entire bundle on the other side of the door.

She voiced her protest, “Richard, please, don’t take my clothes...,”

“Shut up Rowena, I shall take them now, so that you’ll have them when it’s time to let you go. It is best this way, with no clothes and your level of modesty I can rest assured you will not try to escape.”

“You scheming bastard.” Richard watched the red flush of her anger move up her body.

“Tsk, tsk, such unladylike speech, my dearest,” he chuckled, “already talking like a whore are we? What would your precious Jacob think of you now?”

“Do not bring him into this Richard, you are the villain here, Jacob is a good man.”

“Man?” Richard chuckled sardonically, “I think not Rowena; the lad is still wet behind the ears.”

She was so engrossed in their current conversation she was not aware of exactly what he was doing as he moved around the end of the bed. He knelt down at the foot of the bed and then stood again and she was stunned as he fastened an iron shackle around her ankle. “What?... What are you doing…”

“I like this room as it is my sweet, if you wish to be unbound, you’ll be shackled to the bed, for the length of the chain will allow you access to the chamber pot and nothing else.”

Rowena’s gaze flitted about the room to suddenly find he spoke the truth, the bed sat along one wall, and the lone table beside it was completely empty and it was on the far side of the bed and she didn't think the chain would reach. The side of the bedroom she occupied was empty.

Richard tested the shackles both at her ankle and then around the leg of the bed. He let go of the heavy chain and she felt the weight of the chain draw on her ankle. It would never allow her to forget that she was his prisoner. And the realization dawned that she was likely not his first victim. It was too well thought out; too much had already been taken into consideration.

He untied the one ankle and proceeded to the next one. He then moved on to her right wrist, hesitating only long enough to give warning, “Hit me, slap me, or try to scratch me and I’ll bring your clothes back in and shred them in front of you. You don’t want to be returned home stark naked now do you lass? For I would do it and you know it. Your honour would be beyond redemption and your reputation destroyed. So you shall behave like a good little slave now won’t you? You’ll do what I say when I say or I swear I’ll make the previous pain look like an afternoon picnic. Do you understand?”

She nodded, “Yes Richard,” and sheer terror that he might carry through on his threat made the thought of fighting back a non-issue.

He moved from the bed once her hands were free, “Take care of your business Rowena, I will leave you to it,” He laughed cruelly on his way to the door after casting all the ropes to one side of the room. “I would not wish to offend your delicate sensibilities by staying. Make it quick lass, I shall return again in ten minutes and we shall resume your lessons, and if you do well enough I just might consider feeding you….”

She held her tongue until the door closed, and she heard the key turn in the lock. Only then did she scream out her frustration, even as she scrambled from the bed to the chamber pot.


The ten minutes passed rapidly, and Rowena heard the key turn in the lock. She was panicked, not knowing whether it was all right for her to still be out of bed or did he expect her in the bed laying flat of her back, waiting and willing. She was determined, he might have destroyed her honor, but she didn’t have to let him take her spirit. Fighting him was pointless, and likely to end up causing him to hurt her even more, although she wasn’t certain how…the aching between her legs still remained, although it seemed to lessen as she moved about the corner of the room she was confined to.

She would allow him his liberties, but she would not yield willingness or enthusiasm for her further defilement. She would not give him more than absolutely necessary. It was inevitable that he would use her again. But she did not have to like it, and she would certainly never beg for anything. SHE HOPED—was the thought that danced tauntingly in the back of her mind, but she could not dismiss the strange sensations he’d awakened in her. Sensations that even now were faintly knocking at the door of her consciousness at the thought of his return.

The door opened and Richard kicked it closed behind him, his hands occupied so that he did not lock it yet. He carried a wash basin and a pitcher of warmed water and a washcloth and towel were tucked beneath his arm. All he had on were his trousers and his shirt which was completely unbuttoned and hung loose revealing his muscles beneath it. His tone was gentle, non-threatening, “Here, Rowena, clean yourself up…” although she suspected he could turn vicious again on a mere whim.

“Thank you, milord,” She replied, figuring common courtesy was warranted irregardless of all other circumstances. It was kindness certainly unexpected.

He said nothing more as he sat the pitcher and basin on the floor at the foot of the bed and dropped the rest on the foot of the bed. He turned away, calling over his shoulder before the thought even had time to germinate, “Don’t even the think of throwing either one those at me… I’m might reconsider stoking up the fire… and rest assured dearest, this room can get rather cold without with a fire—or bedding when one has nothing to wear. You must remember, if I wish, I have other beds in which to stay warm. This is all you have….”

Rowena had little doubt that he’d carry through, he’d not lied yet to her a single time since she was tossed bound into his coach, and the thought of no bedding was more terrifying than not having a fire. She already felt the chill of the bedroom, and she watched with some measure of gratitude as he restoked the fire, even if was on the far side of the room. She would be fine once it got going as long as she had blankets to sleep under.

She pounced on the opportunity to relieve herself of the dried remnants of her savage violation. The water was warm and soothing and she was embarrassed at the amount of blood she removed from her inner thighs. He had well and truly stripped her of her maidenhood, and she could not contain the fresh tears of shame.

Surprisingly, he did not mock her tears, he simply cast a seemingly concerned glance back over his shoulder in her direction, “C’mon lass finish up,” he placed a final log on the fire and the heat was finally penetrating to Rowena’s side of the room.

Despite her resolve to cooperate she found herself in full protest when he approached her again, with a single length of rope in his hand—once again it seemed she was to be bound. “Richard, please, not again…”

“Hush my little slave, do as I bid and all will be well. I still see the resistance in your eyes, and I will have you any I way I wish, did you learn nothing?” He dropped the rope momentarily on the bed, removing his shirt. His gaze resting intently on her face.

“I will do as you wish, Richard, just do not tie me up again. Please don’t..,” She tried to contain her desperation, but she knew he saw it.

“Turn around Rowena, if you cooperate it will not take long. We must see how much of your previous lessons that you remember.” He nudged her gently to get her facing away from him and he heard the shuddering sigh as she struggled not to cry in front of him again. “Your hands, Rowena…”

She obeyed, putting her hands behind her back, not because she was cooperative but because she feared reprisal. “There’s a good girl, same rules apply dearest,” he murmured, as he grabbed her wrists and they were bound quickly and Richard’s lips grazed her shoulder. His hands went up into her hair, seeking and finding the hairpins, dropping them to the floor until her hair tumbled down around her shoulders.

“Lovely” he breathed along her throat, then turned her, stepping back a step to look at her, the ropes on her wrists forced her shoulders back, making her breasts stand out even more, and it seemed to drive him to an even more fevered assault than the one he’d waged in the carriage.

Rowena noted this, thinking logically, of course he was more aggressive, she was completely naked. He bent forward, pulling her body toward his , bending her body backward slightly as he tasted one breast and then the other, then moved back upward to kiss her mouth. He pressed forward with his tongue as she opened to his kiss. She didn’t understand why, but she understood and on some level enjoyed the kissing part, in fact she liked kissing enough to kiss him back, and her kissing had gained her praise of sorts, if being classified as kissing like dockside whore was a compliment.

This time as he delved into her mouth while drawing her nude body against him, her breasts were in full contact with his chest, and this time with the absence of the brutal pain of her rape, she could examine what the feel of bare skin against bare skin felt like. It was with no small amount of embarrassment that her entire body flushed as she noted the response of her body to the light caresses of his hands across her breasts. The vague sensations grew more clear, the sensations caused by his hands on her breasts, his tongue in her mouth all seeming to curl straight to the core of her femininity. It was becoming an odd sort of ache, not exactly  unpleasant, but still beyond her grasp at this time. She felt her nipples harden and peak beneath his skilled touch.

She wondered exactly what Richard’s plan was, this was different from in the coach, what could he mean about review her lessons? It seemed he thought to indicate his desire of what he wanted, while at the exact same moment what he wanted her do rushed full force to the front of her brain. He pulled back from her, his fingers caressing her cheek, “On your knees my darling.”

He moved back again, stripping off his trousers, and noting she’d made no move to comply, as she realized what exactly he was expecting. “Are we refusing to obey again lass?”

“What?’ she’d replied, she glanced up with some confusion, momentarily distracted the by well-toned, virile body, she could almost forget she hated him.

Richard sensed no rebellion and let it go, simply repeating the instruction, “On your knees…”

“Could you help me please Richard,” She was not afraid to ask his assistance, she feared losing her balance and falling more than anything else at this point. It was bad enough having to do this again, but to add the possibility of falling on top of it. Richard seemed to be reasonable as long as she was, but she knew better than to ask him not to make her do this. The best action was to cooperate and get it over with.

She prayed she could do this without the choking and gagging like she’d done the first time. She noted he was not erect like he’d been the first time and she glanced up at him, the question clear in her eyes, “Richard?”

He seemed pleased that she was questioning how to go about it this time instead of fighting him. He extended his hand down to caress her face, to stroke a single finger across her mouth, “Suck on my finger, lick at it, I’ll let you know when you’re doing it right.”

She did as he asked, and although her mouth worked on his finger, his manhood which was right in front her swelled, and she was fascinated. “Yes Lass, just like that,” he pulled his finger from her mouth and pressed his now swollen cock against her lips.

She opened her mouth, trying not to gag as he pressed himself forward. “Good girl, relax your throat,” he did not use his hands to force her, letting her work it out on her own, set her own rhythm, she gagged a time or two when he’d press deeper, but in the coach when it had been an object lesson and a punishment she’d had no control. In effect the first time he’d raped her mouth as surely as he had her body.

But she caught on quickly, and she garnered soft whisperings of praise for her efforts. It had not taken long for her to take him fully down her throat. However, it was at that point it became a bit more difficult as Richard altered the rhythm to his liking instead of hers; but he still offered her praise, commenting also on how erotic it was watching her bared breasts and arse as she moved back and forth on his manhood. As soon as she adapted to Richard’s rhythm however, it became all about his pleasure as his hands tangled in her hair, and he fucked her mouth fast and deep.

She’d forgotten completely what he’d said about swallowing in the carriage, and she suddenly choked as he spilled, filling her mouth. Startled, she tried to back away from him. His grip tightened in her hair, his tone husky, but harsh, “Swallow it, my dear sweet little slut, swallow it all.”

She did as he said, afraid not to. He held her head still until he was finished and she had taken it all. He stood there silently, and she heard his labored breathing as it slowed back to normal. “Well done, Rowena, quite good for just your second time.” He grabbed her upper arm and pulled her back to her feet, turning her and untying her wrists. He gave her a hard swat on her bum and pushed her forward. “Now back to bed Lass, time for you to learn about pleasure….”


Rowena lay curled against Jacob, who had backed off his attempts to make love to her as the memories continued to come, allowing her again to vent her outrage and pain, listening to her words; his hatred for Cranston and what he’d done Rowena, boiling and rolling in fierce waves of an intense scorching fury. Jacob had always been peaceable— a reasonable man. Forgiving and fair-minded often to a fault. What she was telling him pushed him beyond his endurance. There was not room for forgiveness this time. The only thing keeping him from perpetrating murder on Rowena’s behalf was that Mary Jenkins already had taken care of the crime herself. Cranston richly deserved whatever place he’d been given in hell.

He loved her more than ever and he felt guilty for putting her in harm’s way to begin with, letting the man cut in on him that first time at the ball like he had. He’d known Cranston’s reputation and he’d let it happen. He’d let the man cut in and he had walked away.

And afterwards, he should have suspected something, given the numerous times he and Rowena had been together and he’d glanced up to see Cranston watching them. But it was always in public, and he’d given it no thought. He’d had no clue the predatory Cranston was stalking his next prey and that said prey was his own Rowena.

He was making a monumental effort to reason it all out; including Rowena’s continued resistance to him, and knew it was likely that she’d not be able to let him take her until she’d bared all to him. Wiped her conscience clean. He knew she held herself guilty on some level and he would have to persuade her otherwise. She wanted his forgiveness but thus far, from what he’d heard, she’d done nothing wrong. Her first time was supposed to have been tender kisses, gentle caresses and softly whispered words as he himself took her with utmost care and love.

He admired her steadfast resistance in the face of the limited choices she’d had. Frankly, Jacob was surprised Rowena would even let him touch her at all after what the son of a bitch had subjected her to. While he knew not for himself from any personal experience, he knew enough from her confession to know that the breaching of her virginity had been brutal, no kind words to soothe her pain, to ease the way of it. Her tears had been heavy as she described all Cranston made her do, and the pain in her sweet voice as she relived it was almost more than he could bear. He could almost see it, hear it, her pleading tones, her frightened tears, and cries of pain as Lord Cranston violated her body, forced his way past her will.

He kissed the top of her hair, his fingers stroking the strands gently. “C’mon my love… I know there’s more… let’s get it all out and over with… put the past and Cranston behind you and we can get on with OUR future."

Although she couldn’t bear to face Jacob with the rest, to look into his eyes as she made further confessions, she did remain in his embrace, the comfort of being held by someone she loved and trusted with her entire soul. Staring blankly at the far wall for a few moments, gathering her courage yet again, closing her eyes and letting the next memory come. Jacob had been wonderful thus far; she only hoped he remained as understanding for what was yet to come...

“Now back to bed Lass, time for you to learn about pleasure….”

Richard left little space between his body and hers as they moved toward the bed, his fingers sliding down her ribs, trailing along the curve of her hips, and turning her back to face him as soon her knees were on the bed.  His mouth devoured hers, and she opened to his kisses yet again, struggling to not give in to the urge to put her hands on his body as he was doing to her. She chastised herself again, ‘I do not want this man, I do not want him touching me like this…’

His arms slid around her waist, her breasts flattened against his chest as he drew her body snug up against his, he rained kisses along her neck and shoulder, pushing her back and down until she was on her back below  him. His tone was husky, no hint of cruelty and he again oozed charm, beguiling, tempting as he set sensations dancing along every nerve in her body. Just hints and suggestion sent ribbons spiraling and swirling, and he issued his seductive commands and since his kisses had already rendered her pretty much mindless, she simply obeyed blindly. “Just listen to me love… and your body… do not fight what’s coming.  I swear there will be no more unless you resist me again.”

He swore—on what? She wondered. He was too vile to swear to God or the Bible, By his rampant lust was more likely.

Time for her to learn about pleasure? Well once she got past the fact that she despised him, the sensations were indeed rather pleasant thus far. The vague dull ache more pronounced than it had been before he’d raped her.

He pushed her backwards, slowly steadily lowering her onto her back. “Do exactly what I tell you lass or I will bind you again without hesitation. And I believe you’ve had enough of that for now.”

She didn’t speak merely let him do as he willed. He pushed her arms upward above her head, “Keep them above your head, dearest.”

Rowena’s mind reeled in wonder. How could this be the same man who’d taken her so viciously just a short while earlier? His caresses were light, gentle, ghosting over her skin, his breath hot as his lips skimmed her throat, his fingers gliding softly down her ribs, his lips coming back to hers, his tongue teasing past them, and she opened yet again to his kisses.

And she met his kisses, replied to his lust, casting aside all resistance; she had not any will power to fight him left. He moved downward, suckling a nipple into the scorching heat of his mouth and she gasped at the sensation, her back arching beneath his assault.

His voice was a beguiling temptation, demanding her obedience to his desire, but this time there was no cruelty, just a promise of unknown sensations and the hinting of her pleasure not his. “That’s it lass, take it, feel it Rowena, don’t fight it, your sensuality is part of who you are. You feel it—already your desire grows stronger. Your body is demanding more of my touch even as your mind screams out that you should fight me, refuse me.”

His mouth moved to the other breast and she could not contain the moan that escaped her mouth and a sharp ribbon of pleasure shot to her core again. On reflex her hands came down to Richard, cradling his head, her fingers curling into his hair, her eyes drifting closed. Richard released her breast, chuckling softly, “See lass, already your will betrays you, you can’t even keep your hands from touching me. I will not punish you, go ahead Rowena, give in, give it to me, my darling.”

In minute show of rebellion, not to really to Richard, but of her own mind to her traitorous body, she dropped her hands from Richard to rest at her sides on the bed. Richard seemed to be amused by it all. Then the other shoe dropped so to speak, he just had to remind her how cruel he could be, “Just one command of you Rowena, and if you disobey this one I will punish you and I will tie you again to the bed. And you will know an entirely new meaning for pain.”

Richard could not have chosen more volatile words to douse the passions he’d just awakened in her. “Did I do something to anger you milord? I did not mean to…I will put my hands back up above my head if that is what you wish.”

It was clear Richard delighted in the fear she had of him. “Nay lass, twill not be necessary, for your lack of control tells me you are weakening, giving in to the temptation, the wanton needs, which is what I wish of you. You will not close your eyes; you will watch me, what I am doing at all times. I will have your eyes on me, not closed and pretending I am someone else. You will watch me and know exactly who is taking you to the heights of pleasure. Do you understand me Rowena?”

“Aye milord, I understand.” she replied, a slight tremor present as she realized how true his words were, he had roused sensations and now her curiosity to know more. And of course the ever present thoughts of reprisal if she did not please him.

“Good lass,”  He resumed his attentions at her breasts, and Rowena watched him as instructed, watching the nipples peak as he laved each one with his tongue, and her gasp of surprise when he tugged the hard peak with his teeth and a sharp wave shot straight to her vagina. The vague ache between her legs began once again, and she whimpered as he applied enough pressure to cause light pain. He backed off moving again down her body, kissing her abdomen. He kept moving further downward, his knees were between her thighs, and suddenly he raised upright on them. He towered above her as she lay on the pillows. Such a deceptive picture she thought unable to take her eyes from him yet again. The firelight played off his golden hair, a devil above her with his false golden halo. “You’re mine Rowena, you’re mine…”

Again his gaze raked across her body, and she saw the simmering lust in his green eyes. He was swelling again with his lust for her, and she struggled against the urge to reach out and touch it, maybe take him again into her mouth, for once without ropes binding her in such a humiliating position. Yes he’d awakened her to wantonness, instilled in her a curiosity to know more. But for her to voice it, to give him the pleasure of asking for him to take her and defile her some more. Yes, she would let him take her, do with her what he willed but she would never beg him to. She could not let him have that kind of victory over her. Now, if it were only that simple…

“Say it Rowena, say you’re mine.”

Richard’s tone was haughty, abrasive and infuriating. She would not say the words, no matter what kind of pain he put her through. Even now she was Jacob’s, she would never be Cranston’s, and she would not lie about it. It was a matter of her pride. “No.”

Defiance again glittered in her eyes and he looked for a moment as if he would punish her, then he shrugged. “Very well, as long as you do not fight me, I can live without the words. Now where were we lass? Ah, yes learning about pleasure.” His fingers returned to grazing her abdomen, skimming lower and lower; his fingers dancing lightly across the dark curls that concealed her womanly treasures. He probed gently, finding the entrance, stroking his fingers into her gently, and then withdrawing them. “Very nice, my dearest, it seems your bleeding was minimal for none remains.”

He slipped two fingers inside her again, and stroking gently as he used his other hand to caress her breast. She tensed quite involuntarily, automatically expecting pain, and he scolded her gently. “Now, lass, relax, if you are tense you cause yourself unnecessary discomfort.” She tried to do as he asked, and her grip on the sheets relaxed, and Richard increased the pace of his fingers.

“Oh yes lass, you like it, don’t you.” Rowena didn’t reply verbally, but Richard would have to be blind not to note her response, her face flushing, her nipples tightening and peaking and of course, the most telling, the faint increase in vaginal secretions. “See my dear if you’d cooperated before, I would have readied you properly, I cannot promise there would have been no pain, but rest assured it would not have been as bad as you forced it to be.”

Rowena nearly choked on her tongue, tamping down the urge to hurl a flurry of angry words at him. She had forced him? He had to be joking. She had not forced him to do anything; he’d plotted and planned her kidnapping/seduction/and rape with calculated precision. And NOW—he was going to try to put the blame on her. She would not let him place the responsibility for her lost virginity on herself. Whether she’d cooperated or not, she was still here against her will, and most certainly against her wishes.

Richard’s fingers stopped moving, noting the sudden tension in her body, and he glanced up to see the renewed rebellion in her eyes, the fresh resentment and he knew he’d made her angry. And it was about that same time she realized he was baiting her, trying to taunt her into rebellion, why else would he keep speaking inflammatory words, knowing with fair certainty how she would react. He was probably hoping for an excuse to hurt her some more.

“Something wrong my dear?” he asked, watching her face, noticing of course her angry glare.

“I hope you burn in hell for what you’ve done to me…” she hesitated momentarily before she spit out the rest. “Lord Cranston.”

“Now Rowena, why so formal, what happened to “Richard”. “

“You are a cruel bastard, and I hate you.”

“Whatever my dear, it changes nothing, except that if you keep this up you will spend then next 24 hours tied to this bed, and rest assured my girl you will go hungry if that should be the case. I will not hand feed you.”

“So I am to be raped again and again milord?”

“Rape is such an ugly word Rowena, I simply call it taking what I want when I want it. Rape implies there is no pleasure for the one being taken. I wish to bestow as much pleasure as I get, if you are but willing.”

“Why do you persist in this Richard, you know without a doubt that I am not willing. I will never be willing.”

“And here I thought you were a smart lass, Rowena. One way or another you will be my whore whether you like it or not.”

“I do not like it, and I do not like you, I hate you Richard.”

She might as well have declared undying love, for Richard continued to stroke and caress her body, and she was again horrified by her body’s betrayal. She arched again beneath his touch, “Such a liar you are my dear.” His finger skimmed the damp curls between her thighs, “Yes milady, you’re body hates me so much it longs for more. C’mon Rowena, deep down you know the truth, you’re a wanton little slut and you want me. Why not go ahead and admit it;, stop this futile resistance. I want you again and I shall have you now. My question is are you going cooperate or do I bring out the ropes yet again…”

“No ropes,” she begged, her eyes closing in defeat. Her shoulders still ached from the unnatural positions she’d been bound in. Richard would have her bent to his will whether she meant what she said or not. “Just do it Richard, get it over with…”

Richard spread her legs, whispered against her ear, “keep your eyes on me and do as I say..”

Despite all her resistance, Richard had still coerced her traitorous body to a state of unwilling readiness, and there was a strange sensation of emptiness and again the curling, swirling sensations that kept building within her. He press the full length of his maleness to her entrance, and leaned his body over hers, capturing her beneath him with his weight. He guided her hands to his shoulders, his tone taunting, “I know you likes the kisses.”

He kissed her again and he was right, the kisses she could not resist, and her hands unwittingly gripped his shoulders tighter as she opened her mouth to him yet again. She gradually sank deeper into the maelstrom of sensations he continuously seemed to awaken in her. And the ache grew stronger and she gave the tiniest hint of an upward thrust in her hips, her body knowing what it wanted despite her resistance.

He could feel the increasing wetness against his manhood. He pressed forward into her, and she gasped not in pain but wonder at the sensation of being completely filled. He began to move within her slowly and she adjusted to the rhythm, marveling that he had spoken true and there was no pain. On the contrary, for reasons she didn’t understand the fullness somehow eased the vague ache.

NO! her mind screamed, I cannot want this, I cannot, I will not be his whore, I won’t, I can’t. She didn’t understand it. Her consciousness screamed in protest, but her body in utter wantonness replied instead with longing, and the urge to find out what waited at the end of storm of sensations he was creating within her. He felt her resistance slipping away; felt the shift from protest to participation as she instinctively wrapped her legs around him, effectively forcing him deeper.

She was struggling to keep her eyes fixed on him, as he’d commanded, she didn’t realize that his command was two-fold, he said it was to make sure she knew it was him not someone else. That was only a half-truth. He wanted to read her eyes, so he could know when she drew closer to her climax.

He need not have worried, although her eyes dilated at the pleasing sensations, but more importantly Richard noticed the hitch in her breathing, the shift in her breathing pattern.

Light, shallow, and increasing to rapid little gasps, finding somehow the pattern of his thrusts. She was close, he knew, and he withdrew, smiling as she whimpered at the sudden loss. “Say it Rowena, say it now, tell me you want it. Tell me now “

She wanted to kill him, he’d done it, made her want him inside her, but she would not say the exact words he wanted to hear. She could not concede to him that much. She struggled to find words that would not betray her completely.

Richard noted her hesistance, and he prompted her yet again. “Rowena.”

Her compliance came with a single word, as she shifted her gaze from his face to the wall, her voice a bare whisper.


‘More is it my dearest, my darling?” Richard said, Rowena uncertain whether to interpret them as endearments, or were they snide insults instead? He seemed more genuinely affectionate when he was calling her slut and whore.

Rowena nodded yes, unable to voice the word again, she was too ashamed at what she was feeling. And she was frustrated beyond belief as the sweet sensations faded away without being resolved, of completion—of whatever it was. All she knew for certain was something that felt utterly delicious had been dangled in front of her and then snatched away.

“Are you sure Rowena? Ready to learn the pleasures a whore can experience?”

She clenched her eyes tight and murmured again, this time two words. “More please?”

“Hands at your side dearest, relax and feel.” Richard started again with her mouth, kissing her probing deeply until he got the moan he was so desperately seeking, moving down her throat, then gently reminding her, “Open eyes, lass.” She forced herself to comply watching the movement of his mouth and tongue.

He used his mouth almost exclusively, using his hands at her breasts only enough to guide the nipples to his mouth. He laved each breast generously with his tongue as Rowena gave in to her body, not fighting anything anymore, her responses were instinctive, the inquisitive arching into the heat of his mouth. He began making hot trails across her skin with his tongue, moving steadily downward.

His hands came into play as he held her ribcage as he moved lower, teasing her navel with his tongue, his fingers ghosting lightly across her nipples keeping them aroused and peaking. His mouth moved along, trailing his kisses down her abdomen. His hands drifted lower, he was kneeling between her parted thighs and he kept checking to make sure she was watching. Of course she was, but she didn’t know what to make of any of it. The sensation rolled through her body, swirling, dancing, aching for something and it was stronger than ever. His fingers caressed the inner portions of her thighs, steadily closer to her glistening entrance, she kept expecting him to enter her again, to begin the rhythmic thrusting that held something that she’d not achieved yet.

She ached to have the void filled, and she subconsciously moved her hips in a thrusting movement. Instinct again, and Richard growled approvingly. “That’s me girl, Rowena, give in, give it up. Let me delight you darling, and then you can delight me.”

She suddenly had an inkling at what Richard was going to do, and just as surely as she was mortified at such a thought, so was she fascinated as he did exactly that. She could not take her eyes from Richard as he moved with his mouth between her now widespread thighs.

His tongue slid tauntingly across her folds, his tongue finding the tiny nub, and he taunted her with sensation that made every nerve in her body come alive, she whimpered at the sheer pleasure in the flickering caress. He pressed her thighs wider, spreading her obscenely—at least to Rowena’s mind and his tongue dipped into her folds where her arousal flowed copiously. She arched her back, pressing her womanhood toward his questing mouth, seeking more of whatever this was. She was on the precipice again, hanging on by a mere thread at the edge of spiraling sensations.

Richard knew this, and didn’t say a word as he looked back up the length of her body. The wide-spread thighs, the center of pleasure just a tongue flick away, her fingers clutching the bedding and he didn’t even protest her eyes drifting closed, she was beyond rebellion, and yet he made her say it anyway. “Tell me what I want to hear…say it... who do you want?”

The sensations had taken her over, all resistance gone, her only consciousness that whatever he demanded, whatever it took, she could not risk being left hanging on the edge again. “Please Richard, take me, finish me, whatever you want of me.”

He did then, he finished her, her wail of want and need converting almost instantly to a scream of pleasure and completion as his teeth closed on her clitoris, tugging gently as he slid two fingers into the wet folds of her pussy. Her spasms clenched around his fingers as he continued to stimulate the hard little button.

Wave after wave slammed through her, as her quest for fulfillment was achieved. She was at the peak of her orgasm and he pulled away, moving back up her body quickly, sinking his heavy erection deep within the wet, throbbing passage, her climax caressing him, clenching around him and he began to thrust into her again and again. The sensations that had only just started to fade, began anew and she began to move with him seeking to prolong the feeling as long as possible. She clutched at his shoulders, clinging to him and at last without conscious thought gave him what he sought, a begging wanton whore, crying out his name again and again.

“More Richard, more.” she whimpered. It drove him on, harder, faster, deeper, pushing her over the edge again and again and with a cry of triumph he spilled within her as with his final deep thrust, Rowena rocked her hips toward him, her back arching as she shattered like mirror hitting the floor. No matter how carefully the pieces were put back together, her reflection would never be the same. He had broken her and the pieces of her innocence were now lost for good, irretrievably now in the possession of Richard Cranston.

As she drifted back down from the sensation, she realized what he’d accomplished and fresh tears came. She hated him more than ever and yet, even so, she wanted him to show her more…


Rowena felt Jacob’s fingers swiping away her tears. He didn’t seem angry that in the end Cranston had made her beg, she was prisoner to Cranston’s whim, and compliance had been essentially unavoidable if she was to escape repeated rape at the man’s hands. “Shh love, it’s over and it’s done.”

And it was done was far she was concerned, although there was much more, there was nothing more she was willing to reveal to him, for what had happened next was too much for her to even think of repeating, too vicious and devastating and she’d brought it on herself—if only she’d not fought back against him again.

Richard slid his trousers back on and left her temporarily, returning wearing a dressing gown over his trousers and carrying a tray with bread, cheese, fruit and a bottle of wine, which he deposited on table beside the bed, clearly out of Rowena’s reach.  He slipped off the dressing gown, handing it to Rowena, “Here. I’m sure you do not wish to eat naked, although it matters not to me one way or the other. “

Rowena jumped at the chance for even a modicum of modesty. She slid her arms into the silky robe and belted it snugly around her waist.

He watched her expectantly, like he was waiting for something.

“What is it, Richard?”

He looked at her, daring to taunt her, “Your manners, Milady?”

“Oh….thank you Richard for the robe…” and she hesitated, seeing as she’d not had a bite yet, speaking tentatively, hopefully, “and the food. “

“So you’re hungry are you? Well, let’s see how well you’ve learned obedience and we’ll see about feeding you,”

Rowena gaze fell to the floor, why did he do it? Constantly demean her, toy with her, he was clearing trying to torment her some more and she was trying so desperately to please him, “It was forward of me to ask for the food wasn’t it, m’lord?”

He clearly enjoyed keeping her guessing. He reveled in the submissiveness of her tone. “On your knees, my pretty whore.”

She didn’t even look into his face, she dropped to her knees.

“The robe Rowena…”

“but Richard….”

“No lass, your gratitude had to be prompted and even now you are being disobedient. The penalty is nakedness. “

“You bastard,”

“And your unladylike language…keep it up Rowena and I’ll tie you down again…I will certainly gag you if you continue to offend my ears. Do you understand slut?”

Her eyes remained downcast, “Yes mi’lord.”

“Now that the discussion is over, remove the robe and hand it to me.”

Rebellion continued to raise its head and she removed the robe, but instead of completing his command she tossed it at him instead. She should have known better, and she found herself sprawled on the floor from the impact of the back of his hand against her face. “You little bitch, I’ll teach you to be so careless with things that do not belong to you. I warned you, but you wouldn’t listen. Time for your next lesson Rowena, and rest assured you will not enjoy it…there will be pain and all of it will be yours...

He reached down grabbing her by her hair and flinging her facedown on the bed, straddling her hips and wresting her arms behind her again. Her wrists were quickly bound and the gag thrust into her mouth and tied. Her heart began to race fearfully, why hadn’t she simply obeyed? What were his intentions now..?

She was really terrified when he also replaced the blindfold. At least if she could see, she could maybe read his face, she might could anticipate how to respond. It seemed all the favour she’d just gained had been tossed away with the toss of his robe.

His voice was full of menace, “It’s seems you have not learned submission as well as you should my darling. I must teach you that nothing will be denied me. I would have been satisfied with your compliance, but you force me to take all of you and I refuse to listen to your babbling protests and  begging for it would do no good anyway. I did not wish to break your spirit, but I will break your will, and if takes breaking your spirit as well, so be it, and henceforth you will submit to anything I ask so that I will never have to punish you like this again.

He forcefully maneuvered her body into the middle of the bed. “Get on your fucking knees, little whore.”  When she didn’t accomplish the position readily enough for him his hand found her bottom with a forceful smack. She jerked on the impact, “Oh did that hurt?” and he did it again and again, she whimpered beneath the gag and tears soaked into the blindfold.  He finally shoved her down face first with her knees tucked beneath her. He felt a slight relaxation in her body. “Oh my, did you think that was the punishment?”

He laughed as she tensed, knowing full well it would hurt her even more because of it. “Not even started my dear. A little preparation is necessary, for my comfort of course, lass, I don’t give a damn about yours right now. But you must learn, and if this is what it takes.” He slid three fingers into her pussy thrusting until against her will again her body responded, juices flowing out from her suddenly induced state of arousal. He moved behind her positioning his erection as her pussy throbbed in anticipation and he thrust deep once, twice, three times, then withdrew and before she knew it was going to happen she was thrust into sheer agony as he shoved deep into her anal passage.

His previous rape of her was nothing compared to this, and even bound her body tried to escape him, the pain ripping through her. He jerked her hips back, impaling her again and again as she continued scream again and again into the gag. Just like the previous rape Rowena felt like she was being ripped in two and she never knew how long he continued to thrust into her like that, her body, unable to bear the pain shut down and she felt into blackness….


Rowena awoke with a scream, the image of her anal rape surfacing again in her subconscious after she’d drifted off to sleep in Jacob’s arms. She trembled within his embrace and he could have no possible inkling of how vivid the nightmare had been again, that she could not even escape the memories in sleep. Her only hope was that maybe once she’d finally sifted through them all that they would leave her in peace.

“Shhh, my love, I’m here, and he is dead. Cranston will never harm you again.”  the arms encircled her protectively and Jacob’s lips kissed her forehead, kissed away the trail of her tears. She held onto him, she turned her face to meet his kiss, desperate for his comfort and she knew he was not immune to her for she could feel his erection, and it relieved her that he could still desire her after all she’d told him. 

She opened her mouth to his kisses, the comfort turning to passion and she responded to him, meeting his questing tongue, enticing him, and it felt good, to feel the sensations stir with the man she loved instead of her despised former lover. She murmured encouragement as he kissed her shoulders, his fingers slipping the sheer garment from her shoulders, she arched toward him, whispering in his ear, willing to give him the world, whatever he demanded, “What do you want for your first time Jacob? A lady or a whore?”

Jacob’s eyes glimmered with lust, but he was hesitant to answer, she could see he feared his answer might hurt her feelings one way or another. “Tell me Jacob, I wish to know how to pleasure you.” She trailed her fingers down his chest, dancing lightly across his abdomen toward his burgeoning manhood.

He seemed to read the need in her eyes, and he wanted her so badly. “Fuck me Rowena, fuck me like a whore.”

She met his gaze, she’d made the offer and now had to fulfill it, but he’d made the choice she’d hoped for, for she had no clue how a lady was supposed to conduct herself in the bedroom. Richard had seen to that thoroughly…

The punishment had been most effective. For starters, that was not the end to Richard’s mean streak, his cruelty knew no bounds and he took his pleasure in every moment of humiliation he could come up with. He had his tortures down to an art all its own.  And again, she knew she could not be his first victim. He knew in far too exquisite detail exactly what he was doing. 

Whatever he did, each step was with practiced precision, each designed to futher his pleasure and heighten her humiliation.  When she awoke from the last rape, he was lying on the bed with her, the blindfold had been removed, but not her gag. She was still bound and she was still in pain from his most recent brutality and she hurt both inside and out.  And just when she thought she had no more tears to shed, she found her herself crying yet again.

“You should sleep, my dear, I know I intend to take my rest. But slaves do not sleep in beds dearest.”  He pushed her body so that she was facing away from him and with one good nudge with his foot kicked her off the bed. The floor was cold and hard, and Richard showed no indication of re-stoking the fire or giving her a blanket.. He remained in the bed, turning to blow out the lamp and the room was engulfed in darkness. And she couldn’t even curl up to keep herself warm. Her hands bound behind her back and her ankle still shackled to the bed. And she could not voice a complaint or entreat him for mercy. Yes he had done it, and she would tell him so, if only she could.

She would do anything he asked. Beg, plead, fake enthusiasm, but he was not affording her that opportunity. Additionally, she was hungry, thirsty, but was grateful for it, seeing as she had no way to let him know if she needed to relieve herself. So she had no idea how long she lay naked on the cold floor in the dark, shivering almost violently as the chill crept through the room.

She could tell it was nearing dawn for despite the lack of fire in the fireplace, the darkness in the room began to lift. Again her body shivered, desperate to warm itself. Richard stirred in the bed, she heard him moving. And then suddenly he was at her side. Helping her sit up, but he made no effort to untie her bonds.

“So my darlin’.” He asked removing the gag, “Have you learned your lessons? Made your choice? It is your decision what becomes of you today. Are you going to be a temperamental slave to be punished with even more brutality or shall you be my willing whore?”

She wished she had the strength left to defy him, but her fear of his reprisal was too great now, and she knew he saw it in her eyes. He knew the victory was his, even before she spoke it. He had shattered her innocence, bent her will until she broke, and her soul had been stripped bare.

She tore her gaze from his. Unable to look in the green eyes that beguiled and tempted, hiding the demon lurking within him. She glanced down at the floor, “I wish to be your whore, milord…”

Rowena fell into immediate obedience to Jacob’s demands, speaking seductively as she stripped the gown and robe from her body. Jacob’s intake of breath at his first view of her body without obstruction and she saw the heat in his eyes. She fell into her part, the student of pleasure now becoming the teacher, “If it feels good, my love, tell me.”

She moved to straddle him, bending at the waist, brushing her breasts against his bare chest, and he groaned.  “Rowena…”

Her mouth found his again enticing him, and Jacob’s response was to reply with impassioned moans and his arms went around her holding her nakedness against his own. “You’re so beautiful love.’

She played the expertly taught role well, moving down her husband’s body, like the cheapest dockside whore, (as she’d been so aptly compared to) kissing him, moving lower and lower, until she reached the hard throbbing shaft. Jacob watched in awed surprise as she took him into her mouth, her tongue taunting and inflaming him to even greater arousal. He actually whimpered in his need and she moved back up his body, using her hand to guide him into the slick wet cavity, lowering herself atop, closing her eyes at the sensation of his thick manhood filling her for the first time since Cranston. 

She began to rise and fall atop Jacob, his cock buried within her and Rowena leaning forward her breasts once again brushing against his chest but this time skin to skin.  She gave him no further guidance, as instinct took over, Jacob’s hands coming to caress her breasts, teasing the hardened peaks even more, marveling that the simple caress of his lightly stroking fingers could draw such a vivid response.  “Move with me Jacob,” and he began to thrust upward, finding Rowena’s rhythm. He must have been doing something right, for she could feel it, the wave beginning and she was thrilled to know she could feel it with someone else. That it was her body once more. No longer in the possession of a ghost.

They moved together and she could feel it as he drew closer, and as her husband spilled within her for the first time she clenched her passage around him as he cried out her name, and then moving herself against him for only a few more seconds she too found her release…..

....”more Richard, more….” Rowena begged, as Richard thrust into her again and again. She pushed the niggling thought that this was sinful, wanton behavior away. All she knew was that he’d pushed her again to the precipice of intense pleasure and she wanted absolutely nothing more than to fall over into bliss.

They’d been at this most of the day. Richard quite pleasant with her ceased resistance, and he’d been repeatedly driving them both to mutual climax all day long. He was right, as long she didn’t think about how much she hated him and despised him the sensations were pleasant. She found that even speaking the dirty words to her were cause for her to flow with arousal.  But she knew she could never stand this intensity in any form of real relationship.

He’d even tied her down again, but with the promise of nothing but pleasure. And he provided it, almost to the point of pain, as he taunted and teased her body over and over to the edge of release for hours. Pulled away, watching her frustration as the waves receded without fulfillment and he would do it all again. Caressing the length of her body over and over with his hands, mouth, teeth and tongue. He had her at his completely willing mercy, as he reveled at the whimpering, moaning, and begging outright for release over and over again. He laughed as she railed at him, not to leave her alone but to do more. “Greedy little slut now aren’t you. lass?”

“Damn you Richard, don’t leave it like this, please…”

“Then tell me again, who are you, what are you?”

There was no hesitation in her response, why should there be, it was truth as sure as she breathed. “I am Richard Cranston’s whore.”

The words no sooner left her mouth than he thrust a final deep thrust, growling into her neck. “Yes my whore, come for me….”

By mid-afternoon he’d returned her clothes. He blindfolded her, but nothing more for the return to the carriage, and once inside the curtained carriage he removed it, with her promise not to peek outside. He didn’t bother her on the way home, instead simply caressing her back while she dozed with her head against his shoulder as he took her back to the same corner from which he’d taken her. 

It was not however the end of their time together. She knew better than to ever refuse him again. He would corner her from time to time, at one social gathering or another, taking her against a closed door in someone’s study, against a tree in someone’s gardens, or pushing her to her knees to take him in her mouth, but he always returned her pleasure. It seemed his greatest aphrodisiac was the risk of being caught and it was her greatest fear, next to finding herself possibly with his child. Fate at least smiled kindly on her in that regard.

She could honestly say she never felt a moment’s affection for the man, but she could not argue the fact that he was a most gifted lover, if one were of a mind. But if you weren’t of a mind he was sure to guarantee the cost was great. And her cost had been physical pain and lots of it, so she had learned whether or not she was of a mind to simply do as she was told….

The memories had come almost full circle, as Rowena fell into her pleasure while Jacob continued to spill deep inside her. The marriage was consummated, and at last she slept, finally at some sort of peace in the arms that she trusted above all others to love her, who had managed to accept her both as lady and whore, and Rowena knew that he would keep her safe. It was over and done at last. The ghost of Richard Cranston could haunt her no more.

She was no longer Richard Cranston’s whore. She was what she always hoped herself to be for as long she could remember-- Jacob Westwood’s wife and she was that now—in every sense of the word.

The End

© Copyright 2008 viggomama (viggomama at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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