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Rated: E · Chapter · Horror/Scary · #1383782
The town of Devil's Corner held many secrets that would soon come to light..
The rain continued to pour down as Selene and Luke entered into the dreary town of Devil's Corner. It appeared to be extremely run down. There were several burnt buildings on either side of the road. The foundations of them had been all that remained still standing. The streets were scarcely lit. As they drove on through, no people could be seen. All that was visible was darkened nothingness.

"This place is very creepy looking..." Selene shuddered as she looked out the window. "I'm starting to get such a bad feeling about this place Luke..."

"Believe me Selene, you're not the only one. From what I have seen already. I am not liking this place one damn bit myself... There's not even a phone booth anywhere here, or a convenient store in sight; nothing. It almost looks like some abandoned ghost town or worse."

"I was just thinking that myself... It's almost like we went straight into some kind of horror movie..." Selene's voice trailed off as she looked up and noticed some flashing lights ahead of them. "Luke! Up there ahead, I see some lights on. It looks kinda like a hotel of some sorts. Maybe they have a working phone. At least, I hope so..."

"So do I. And I hope they know where to find some gas as well. I'm running practically on empty. There's no way I could make it back to London with what I have left in the tank." Luke drove on ahead and pulled cautiously into the hotel parking lot.

A flashing sign read: Devil's Hotel. The part that, at one time, said corner. Had already been burnt out. The hotel was very run down. White paint on the outside of the walls was coming off in massive flakes. A horrible odor filled the air, which they presumed was coming from the nearby pool, which appeared to be full of some sort of a decaying mess.

Both Selene and Luke, had an uneasy feeling as he parked the car near the main doors. Luke turned to Selene before he got out. "Stay here and lock the doors. I'll be right back."

"No!!! There is no way I am letting you go into that place alone! And besides, I'm not staying out here either. I think it's best that we stick together." Selene looked up at Luke, noticing the look of disapproval he had in his eyes. "Luke, I'm fine. I can handle myself. Besides, I still have a gun remember? And trust me, I do know how to use it if I needed to. Now come on, lets go. Hopefully we can get out of here and back home."

"I just..." Luke started to argue with her, but figured it would be useless, considering the fact she seemed to be a pretty stubborn woman. Truth be told, he didn't feel to comfortable leaving her alone either. "Ok fine, just stay close to me..."

Luke and Selene stepped out of the car and walked inside. The lobby of the motel was filled with taxidermist animals. Huge deer heads, mounted fish, even coyotes lined the dark tan walls. Selene glanced around, wondering what kind of place they had came upon now. The floor had bear skin rugs that covered it. Luke dinged the bell at the counter. After a few moments a man came out from the back room. He was dressed in scruffy clothes with suspenders attached to the pants. They were three times to big for him, and would have fallen off had the suspenders not been attached. When he smiled, he had two front teeth missing. His hygiene was rather disgusting. By the smell he had not bathed in weeks or longer. The smell was so terrible. It made both Selene and Luke feel nauseated. He pushed his glasses up further on his nose. He then smiled at the two of them "Can I help you?"

"Umm yes, we were wondering... Do you possibly have a working phone here? Her car got a flat just a few miles down the road. We needed to call for a wrecker from London to come and pick it up. Neither of our cell phones would work though. I need some gas too. Is there any place near here where I could possibly get some tonight?"

"London huh? Well I hope your enjoying our little town here." The man smiled at Selene, making her feel uncomfortable. "Sorry, our phone lines are all down here. The storm knocked everything out tonight it seems. Besides, even if they wasn't. I heard theres quite a few trees down in the road going back towards London. Just had a man check in a little while ago. He wasn't able to get back, because of the mess. As for gas, I can't help you there either. Theres only one place with it here in these parts. There closed till in the morning though. However... I can help you with getting a room tonight." The man stood there with an almost evil, sinister grin upon his face.

"We were actually not planning on staying here... Look sir, we really do need to get back. I'm sure I could find another route into London if only..." Luke was still talking when the man interrupted him.

"The road you came in on is the only one that leads back into London. How many times do I have to say it?!" The man glared at Luke as he spoke. He slammed his fist on to the counter top. "Like it or not you're stuck here." He paused as he looked back at Selene. "Now, how about that room?" He winked at Selene.

Luke felt himself growing more annoyed at the man by the minute. He turned to Selene then took her hand. He gently pulled her aside whispering low to her. "As much as I hate this... It looks like we have no other choice, but to stay here tonight..."

"God I don't like the idea of staying here but... You're right we really don't have any other choice..." Selene sighed. She nervously looked over Luke's shoulder. She noticed the man still staring at her, which made her feel ill. Quickly she turned her back to him then looked up at Luke.

"I know, I don't like the idea of staying here either. Don't worry though everything will be ok. I promise." Luke hugged Selene tight when he saw the very worried look that spread across her face. "I can get us a room together. With two seperate beds. That is, if your comfortable with doing so?"

"Yeah that's fine... I normally don't trust in people so much. Something tells me I can trust you though." Selene smiled at Luke. "And I don't want to be alone in some place like this that's for sure. However, I do want out of this lobby before I poke his eyes out..." Selene hugged Luke tight and laughed some. As she was thinking to herself, she wondered. How was it possible for her to be so willing to trust a man she had only just met...

Luke smiled at Selene and laughed some. He then took her hand in his as they walked back over to the counter. "I guess it looks like were going to need a room after all..." Luke told the man he wanted a room with double beds. He then paid him for it.

"I have put you in one of our best rooms. You should be mighty comfortable in there tonight." The man smiled an evil grin as he showed his teeth again. He handed Luke the keys over. "And if you need anything just give me a holler down here. I would be happy to assist." He winked at Luke as he smiled.

Luke thanked the man as he quickly took the keys. Him and Selene left the lobby. They drove over and parked outside there room number. Luke grabbed a tote bag from his back seat. He had some extra clothes in it where he had recently been out of town. The two then walked inside the motel room. The room was pretty small. It had antique flowered wallpaper that covered the mildew ridden walls. The beds had sheets on them that appeared to have been used for many years. Worn holes was clearly visible through out them. A night stand with a phone that looked to be from the fifties sat between the beds. The curtains in the room were dirty with some sort of stains all over them. There was a small thirteen inch tv in the room, old style of course, with a turn dial none the less.

"I don't think I have ever in my life, seen a place so disgusting!" Selene looked around the room in disgust. She was certainly not use to staying in such a trashy place.

"Neither have I, and I have been to some pretty run down areas with my line of work. This place however, tops them all." Luke sat his bag down. After which he walked over, securely locking the door. He then came back over to Selene. He noticed she had her arms wrapped tightly around herself. She was shivering feverishly from her soaking wet clothes. "You're going to freeze to death in those clothes, Selene." Luke rubbed his hands gently up her arms from behind, trying to help her warm up some.

"I know... I don't have anything to change into though. That is, unless I wear a sheet tied around me. And I don't think I want to do that." Selene laughed.

Luke laughed then replied. "You wouldn't have to wear a sheet. Look, I have some extra shirts if you... Well if you wanted to change into one. That way you could get out of those wet clothes... I mean you... You're more than welcome to."

Selene turned to Luke and sheepishly smiled at him. "Awww thanks... I think I will take you up on that offer. I do feel kinda like a drowned rat." Selene laughed as she nervously watched Luke. He went to his bag, and took out one of his blue plaid shirts. He brought it back over and handed it to her. As she took the shirt from him their hands brushed lightly against each other. She looked up at him, as their eyes locked together for a brief moment. "I guess that I'll go change just umm... Knock on the bathroom door when you... Well when you're... You know ready for me to come back out. I wouldn't want to come out and you be... Umm anyways... Yeah..." Selene nervously blushed some. Suddenly she was feeling incredibly nervous. She walked towards the bathroom fumbling with the door knob to open it. Finally she walked inside closing the door.

She flipped the light switch on. Making a face, she looked at the horrible sight of the bathroom. The toilet disgusted her. It appeared it hadn't been cleaned in years. A dirty shower curtain was pulled to cover the inside of the tub. She jerked it open. Half expecting something to jump out and bite her. Instead, all she seen was a very brown stained tub. She made a face then shut the curtain quickly back. The floor was covered in something so sticky that her shoes kept getting stuck. She shook her head, trying not to think of what a horrendous place she was in. She took her wet clothes off leaving only her underwear on. Selene then slipped on the shirt Luke had let her use.

Luke changed out of his wet clothes. He put on a solid red shirt and a dark black pair of jeans. He felt he should stay fully dressed, since he didn't want Selene to think he had ulterior motives. Not only that, he was actually a little uncertain of his own self at the moment. Considering how captivating she was, he could hardly keep his thoughts off of her. Better safe than sorry, he thought. He walked over and knocked on the bathroom door. Just to let her know he was done. He found himself wondering, why was it that he was feeling so drawn to her. Sure she was beautiful. Not to mention sweet. This however, was highly unusual of him to become so instantly attracted to someone. He sat down on the bed just as Selene came out of the bathroom. She walked over to where he had sat down.

Luke giggled, when he seen her in his shirt. "That actually looks rather cute on you." He looked up at her. As he smiled he thought to himself... God she is gorgeous!

Selene blushed and giggled. She smiled at him nervously, unsure of what to say to that comment. "I uh... Thank you so much for letting me use one of your shirts tonight. I really do appreciate it." She sat down on the edge of the bed beside him as there eyes met again. "So umm it's still pretty early... Do you want to watch tv awhile? That is if it even works." Selene laughed as she looked up at him.

Luke laughed and smiled at her. "I'm actually not much into watching tv myself. I have a better idea, how about we just talk instead? I would love to learn more about you"

"Talking sounds good." Selene smiled at him. She paused a second before she continued. "Well, there's not much about me to tell really. Frankly, I am a rather boring person to be honest with you. Normally I don't watch much tv either. I'm more of a book worm. I absolutely love to read. I have this massive collection of books. Everything from fairy tales, love stories, mystery, drama, horror... I think I have enough to start my own library!" She smiled at him. Then laughed some as she blushed.

"It sounds like you do!" He laughed as he gazed down into her eyes. "You actually sound like me on that. I do alot of reading too. Usually when I get off work I'll go straight home. Then fix me something to eat and sit down by the fire with a good book. I have some fairytale ones myself. My favorite one would have to be Cinderella. I also like Sleeping Beauty. My mom use to read those to me when I was a kid. Now I wouldn't go around admitting that to just anyone. The people I work with already think I'm crazy. If they knew I read fairy tales. They would say I was completley nuts!" Luke laughed and smiled at Selene.

She giggled. "Don't worry your secret is safe with me. I think that's sweet that you like reading those. They're actually my two favorites too. So is Snow White, I love that one as well. I remember back when my mom use to read those to me." Selene paused at the mention of her mom, then quickly changed the subject. "Luke, I wanted to thank you... For everything tonight. If you had not of came along I..." Her voice trailed off.

"You're very welcome. I'm glad I came along tonight too. I think this Snow White was in need of her Prince Charming this evening." Luke grinned at her.

"I think you're right. She certainly did need her Prince Charming tonight. It looks like he found her just in time too." Selene smiled at him.

Little did they know... There happy moment together would not last very long. Things was about to get much worse for them both. A fate worse than anything they could have ever imagined...</I>

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