Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1383520-The-Immunity-Children
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1383520
Master of all human life who controls every human+ more - bad at summaries
Before I begin i would like to say that I am one for reveiws and ratings and theose encourage me too keep writing so ya!
Chapter #1 : New Beginnings
Entry #1 (Redenjalove)
My name is Redenjalove , Master Redenjalove to my servants.Though , the ones that are not as bad can call me My Leige.I am the master of all human life. I control their emotions , actions and thoughts. There are some people who have learned to resist. I taught my servants how too. Handfuls of my servants will escape every century or so. They tell people about me. Humans think that they have control over their body but I make them feel that way. When the humans learn that I exist either they don’t accept it or they let my servants teach them how to resist. Occasoinally, a baby is born who is immune to my controling. I don’t get how it happens. Every time one is born I have to go to earth and kill them myself. Humans cannot kill these people. They can die by accidents and stuff but I am the only one who can kill the strange people. I can only kill the people when they are the age of 14. There is only 3 on the earth right now. The last one’s birthday is tomorrow. I will hunt them at the same time. They will dread the day they were born.
Entry #1 (Cliffe)
My name is Cliffe Krusole. Today is my 14th birthday. It had been the worst day of my life so far. My whole entire school went against me when I missed the pass while I was playing a school basketball game. I broke my nose when my older brother punched me. To top that off , a crazy maniac tried to kill Culton , Rachel and I today. I don’t really want to go into detail about it but I will just say we stopped and a cave and were going to leave soon. Right now we are still not sure if he is following us.
Entry #1 (Rachel)
My name is Rachel Linkon. Today was Cliffe’s birthday. Culton and I had planned a surprise party . It didnt go down that well. Cliffe had a horrible day and We could tell he wasnt in a partying mood. We still tried. While we were walking towards the party , we saw a guy. He had deep red hair. and dull green eyes. Then out of nowhere he started chasing us with a long , sharp , silver knife. A swig of adrenalin
jolted through my veins. We straight out sprinted for at least 10 minutes before we thought we had lost him. We came upon a cave carved into a large boulder. We are not sure if he isnt still following us so we are leaving the cave soon.
Entry #1 (Culton)
My name is Culton Beilry. Rachel and I were going to throw Cliffe a surprise birthday party. All the preperations were made. While we were walking to the party we saw this guy. He had long , flowing red hair with green eyes. Then we saw that he had a knife. We ran like there was no tomorrow. After we thought that we had lost him we stopped at a crevice in a huge Rock. We don’t know if he is still following or not. Either way we are going to leave the cavish crevice soon.
Entry #2 (Redenjalove)
I found the three kids. They were walking to one of the kid’s parties. I had told somone to suggest to them to have a surprise party. Of course the kid had no choice but to listen and do what I said. While they were walking to the party I ran towards them with my gleaming knife. I saw the surprised look on their faces. Then they got it and ran off. What they didnt understand was that I was just trying to get them ready. They didnt know that I could run as fast as I wanted too. After they ran for 15 minutes or so they stopped. They walked into a huge cave in a huge rock. I waited . I think that they think that I stopped chasing them. How wrong they were.
Entry #2 (Cliffe)
After we had left the cave we started to run again. I knew that I wouldn’t hold out much longer when we saw him. It was just a chunk of red hair. I saw it then it was gone. “Did you,”“Ya ,” I innterupted Culton.”What?” Rachel asked.Then we ran faster. As fast as we could. I knew that if someone wanted to stop us they would have a hard time at it. Then I saw it again but this time it was right in front of us. We all abruptly stopped. “Hello , It is time to die,”the stranger said. “AAAAAAAAA,” we all screamed.
Entry # 2 (Rachel)
After we left the cave I suggested that we start to run again. I could tell that the others and I were starting to get tired. “Did you,”“Ya,” Cliffe interupted Culton. “What?” I asked. Then I saw it too. It was just a lock of hair. Red Hair. Then we ran. We ran like it was our job. It was a full on sprint. Times 16. I could feel that nobody would be able to get us if we went that fast. I saw the hair again. Right in front of us. “Hello, It is time to die,”The man said. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAA,” we all screamed so loud that after I couldnt hear myself talking.
Entry #2 (Culton)
We had just left the cave when Rachel said that we should keep running. I was really tired but she talked me into it. Then I stopped. I saw the red hair. I was so scared I almost peeed myself. “Did you,”“Ya,” Cliffe interupted me. “What?”Rachel asked. I saw by the look on her face that she had just saw it too. We started to run a million times faster then before. I hoped he couldnt catch us. I saw a blurr of red in front of my face. “Hello, It is time to die,”the guy said. “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,” we screamed. I screamed way louder than the others because I was sure I was way more scared.
Entry #3 (Redenjalove)
The kids left the cave. They started running again. I showed myself just long enough for all of the kids to see. I heard them talking but couldnt hear.Then they started running again. They acctually thought that they could out run the Master of all Human Life.Ha. I ran and stopped right in front of them. They stopped also. The look on their face almost made me laugh out loud. “Hello, It is time to die,”I said.
Entry #3 (Cliffe)
Then , I saw the knife. I could almost feel it impaling my chest. I looked down and saw that it wasnt just a feeling. It broke the skin making blood spew everywhere. “Every 8 millenia 3 immunity children are born. I, Redenjalove, the current master of all human beings , are supposed to kill one of you. Not the girl though. If I killed the girl the line of masters would end and humans would have control over their body. The one that I kill is the next Master. I have chosen you.In 8 millenia you will have to kill another boy. If you kill the girl the world will be completely chaotic.Use your powers well,” said Redenjalove. Then he was gone. Just like that. I felt like I was turning into dust particles. As a matter of fact I was. After that process was over I was wisked away into the sky.
Entry #3 (Rachel)
His knife appeared out of Nowhere. I saw him raise the knife and peirced Cliffe’s chest. Blood spilled out of his body like rushing waters. I almost couldnt hear what the guy was saying over my constant weeping. “Every 8 millenia 3 immunity Children are born. I, Redenjalove, the current master of all beings, are supposed to kill one of you.Not the girl though.If I killed the girl the line of masters would end and humans would have control over their body. The one that I kill is the next Master. I have chosen you.In 8 millenia you will have to kill another boy. If you kill the girl the world will be completely chaotic.Use your powers well,” said Redenjalove. He then disappeared.It looked like cliffe was turning to sand and then he floated towards the sky.
Entry #3 (Culton)
He swept his knife out. He slowly stabbed into cliffe’s heart.Blood gushed out of his limp body. I felt like I was going to past out because of all the blood. “Every 8 millenia 3 immunity children ar born.I, Redenjalove, the current master of all beings, are supposed to kill one of you.Not the girl though.If I killed the girl the line of masters would end and humans would have control over their body. The one that I kill is the next Master. I have chosen you.In 8 millenia you will have to kill another boy. If you kill the girl the world will be completely chaotic.Use your powers well,” Said Redenjalove. Then in a blink of an eye he vanished without a trace.Cliffe started to tuen into a soft chalky powder and floated on a cushin of air towards the heavens.

8 millenia later!!!!!
Entry #4 (Cliffe)
“It is time,” My servant said. “Who are they?” I asked. “Well who is the girl,”I added. “Her name is Kaya Liker. “I am going down,” I said. As I drifted down to earth I made my self appear like Redenjalove had appeared to me. I saw her. I slowly walked behind her. I took out the knife and was getting ready to plundge it into her heart. This would end all masters. The girl and I would both die. Well I wold disappear and she would die. She would have the luck not to live 8 millenia in misery. She turned around right before the knife stabbed her body but I didn’t stop. The knife burst though her skin littarilly breaking her heart. “I am sorry but it has to be this way. Then I was gone. I am writing this from the deepest cells of the darkest most dreary place i have ever had the displeasure to step into. I am next to the continuous line of masters who are urging me to try to escape and go back to fix what I did. They say that i should have ust taught everyone to resist. There has to be a Master or the whole world will fall into chaos. I am going to try to escape tomorrow. If i don't make it out alive tomorrow this will be the last entry I write. EVER!
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