Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1378271-Devons-Weight-Gain-Part-4
by Gav
Rated: 13+ · Other · Young Adult · #1378271
the gaining continues continues
The boys' new weights were so impressive, that everyone at school couldn't help but stare in shock. To their disappointment, Amanda was no where in sight.

"How sucky will it be if she isn't even HERE?" Devon whispered to Gavin as they entered homeroom. The two fat boys took their usual spots in class. They each noticed that both their butts were hanging over the sides slightly. They looked up and smiled at the thought of being too big for the chairs.

"Do you SEE them," a girl whispered to her friend. "They've gotten HUGE!"

Everyone in the classroom seemed to be whispering and gesturing to the two fat boys. They didn't mid of course, in fact, they LIKED the attention. The whispering broke abruptly when the teacher entered the room.

"Settle down, settle down!" she commanded.

The class obeyed. They recited the pledge and listened to the morning announcements in silence.

"Okay, okay, let's start the day," the teacher said, shuffling stacks of papers. "Today's lesson will be a review on what we've learned about atomic structure. I'm passing out an open-book test. You are allowed to work with either one or two partners."

The kids scrambled to the desks of their friends. Already together, Devon and Gavin remained stationary. To their surprise, someone else came to them.

"Your not hiding anything guys," Alec laughed, pulling up a chair and sitting down.

Devon and Gavin were on-off friends of Alec's, who was fat as well. The black-haired, freckled boy weighed in at a chunky 151 pounds, but was short for his age, so the weight in his tummy was noticeably flabby.

"Yeah, yeah, so we've gained weight," Devon said. "What do you care, anyway?"

"We fat people should stick together," Alec said. "I'm fully supportive of your gaining, and would like to gain myself."

"Sorry, but we can't help you there right now," Gavin said. "We have a sumo wrestling match planned after school and need to spread the word."

"Sumo wrestling?" Alec said. "I wanna do that!"

"Then you'll be one of the wrestlers in the match," Devon said. "Along with me, Gavin, and any other fat boy who thinks they can take us on."

"Then we have to spread the word!" Alec said. "We can tell everyone at lunch!"

"Great idea," Gavin said. "But you guys have to finish your test first like I just did."

"Oh no! I completely forgot!" Devon and Alec screamed together. And they finished their tests quickly and eagerly awaited lunch.

Second and third period were barely survivable for the two fat boys. They were both filled with boring grammar and math lectures and every single student present whispered on how big they had gotten. Alec was close by and constantly reminded the boys that lunch was getting closer and closer.

Fourth period and lunch finally arrived, and all three fat boys were extremely excited. They were all first in line, and scooped extra everything until there was no room on their trays.

When they sat down, they eagerly ate all of their food in a relatively small amount of time. Everyone stared at them, but they didn't care at all. When all of the hamburgers, hotdogs, fries, brownies, and cookies were cleared from their trays, they still felt hungry. All three fat boys bough out the lunches of other kids, who didn't really care if they lost their food as long as they made five bucks.

"Guys, I'm feeling kind of full now," Alec grumbled. "When do you think we should stop?"

"There's never a good time to stop, Alec," Devon mumbled, his mouth full.

"Look at you guys," a girl said from across the table. "Your such pigs!"

"But we need this food!" Gavin explained. "We're all sumo wrestling after school."

"Sumo wrestling?" said Michael (a short, spikey-haired, round-bellied fat boy). "I could get into that!"

"Me too," said Ike (a tall, chubby cheeked, flabby-bellied boy).

"Me three," said Zach (an average-height boy who had a similiar fat build to Devon and Gavin).

"Then spread the word!" Alec said. "Sumo wrestling, 3:30, behind the school! Pass it down!"

The kids all spread the word down the lunch tables, and to Devon and Gavin's excitement, it reached Amanda at the far end.


Devon, Gavin, and Alec all agreed they would skip gym. The other fat boys they were to wrestle with expressed interest, but later chickened out. The trio agreed the safest place was the bathroom, for it was the only place they were allowed to go freely.

"We'll hide in the stalls," Devon said.

The other fat boys agreed, and squeezed inside. Alec was just able to sit comfortably inside the stall, but poor Gavin and Devon had gotten so fat, that they could barely change position when crammed inside the stalls. Their bellies almost touched the door, it was so cramped.

"We'll be safe here," Alec said, "and look, I came prepared."

Devon and Gavin smiled and took the cookies Alec passed them from under the stalls. Even in the bathroom, food was not unappealing to them. They sat back and wondered if they gained. THey all had fantasies of breaking 200 pounds.


"Where are those boys?" the gym coach said, staring at his attendance list. "They've been absent two days now!"

"They were here today," a suck-up girl piped up. "You might wanna check if they're in the bathroom."


The three fat boys were content with themselves. They knew their plan was going perfectly. They rubbed their full bellies lazily and waited for 3:30 to come. When suddenly, someone entered the bathroom.


The three fat boys were so startled by the gym coach, that they fell to the floor out of the stalls.

"Skippin' gym, huh?" the coach said angrily. "Detention for all of you! I'm gonna call your parents!"

Of course, the boys couldn't feel less threatened by the coach. They went to detention without a fight.

"Well, look who's here!" Zach said as the boys entered the large, circular detention room. "We were waiting for you!"

"What?" the three boys all asked in confusion.

"We all got detention," Ike said. "So we could all fight in case you got detention too."

"I'm glad you're all here," Amanda said. "Ive been looking forward to this!"

All of the fat boys smiled and stripped down to their underwear, and packed all of their undies into their buttcracks.

"Let the sumo fight begin!" Devon screamed. "Last one standing wins!"

All of the fat boys started wrestling. Alec was the smallest, and was no match for everyone else. Devon and Gavin were sad to see him fall down first.

Bellies bumped against each other fiercely, and everyone jiggled in the uproar. There was screaming and cheering as the wrestling continued.

Ike was the next to fall. Gavin had successfully bumped him down to the ground. His roundness "out-fatted" Ike's flabbiness. Ike was being a sore loser. He tried to say that Gavin had obviously cheated, but everyone dismissed his accusation as dumb.

Michael was defeated by both Zach and Devon. Even though he had a round belly, his shortness was a big disadvantage when up against too boys taller than him.

Now only three sumo wrestlers remained. Gavin was Zach's first target. Devon didn't have the heart to beat his friend, so he let Zach do all the dirty work. Eventually, Gavin was down and cheering on Devon.

Devon and Zach were drenched in sweat. They felt like giving up, but just couldn't let the other one win. They bumped their bellies together until they were pink. They bumped each other with their butts too. Both sumos jiggled and tripped, but they never fell down. It would be extremely close.

"De-von, De-von, De-von, De-von!" chanted one end of the room.

"Zach, Zach, Zach, Zach!" chanted the other end.

After another belly bump, the two sumos grabbed each others armed and tried to push each other down. The chanting quickened.

"Zach," Devon panted. "Please! Amanda, she won't love me unless I win."

"Amanda?" Zach said. "This is all about a GIRL?"

"Uh...yeah?" Devon said slowly

"Heck, I don't want Amanda," Zach said. "I may be fat, but I don't like fat girls."

Zach loosened his grip. Devon gave him one last belly bump and he hit the floor.

"DEVON WINS!" Gavin screamed. The entire room cheered.

All of the sumos got back in their clothes. Devon approached Amanda.

"So," he said, trying to sound as cool as possible. "I won."

The fat boy lifted up his hirt and gave his belly a jiggle. He fingered his belly button and smiled.

Amanda blushed. "Sorry, Devon. You're sweet, but I've already found someone."

"Say what?"

"Me," Alec said. "Amanda loves ME and she's gonna help me gain weight and get bigger!"

The chunky Alec slapped his belly and gave Devon a "what do ya think about THAT?" look.

"B-but, I won!"" Devon said.

"I don't care about that," Amanda said. "I love Alec because he and I have a lot in common and he understands me! And together, we'll gain weight! Good-bye, Devon! I hope we can still be friends."

Devon's heart was broken. All that, and he still didn't have Amanda. He gained all that weight for her, and NOTHING.

"Ah, forget about it," Gavin said. "I didn't really like her anyway."

"Are you KIDDING?" Devon laughed. "You were nuts about her!"

"You may not have the girl," Gavin said, "but you still don't have this."

Gavin had lifted Devon's shirt and had patted his tummy. Devon smiled.

"We need to keep gaining no matter what," Devon said.

"We may be competiton with Alec," Gavin said.

"So what?" Devon said. "It doesn't matter if we are or if we aren't. Your like my brother, Gavin. I would help you gain up to 300 or even 400 pounds."

"And I would help you to," Gavin said. "C'mon, let's go home."


Both fat boys' fully supportive parents had gotten together at Devon's house.

"So you lost Amanda," Devon's father said. "Don't worry son, there are plenty of other fish in the sea."

"Right," Devon sighed.

"Well, boys, we're going to have to leave you alone again," said Gavin's mother. "Eat whatever you want for dinner. We'll be out shopping."

"For new clothes, I hope," Devon said, trying to zip his pants up, with no success.

"Right," chuckled Devon's dad.

And with that, the adults left.

"Well, big boy," Gavin smiled, patting Devon on his tummy. "Hungry?"

"Yeah," Devon laughed. "Pizza?"

"No, I'm tired of pizza," Gavin said. "We need something new to eat. Something easy to order or get."

"Why don't we keep it simple with just some snadwiches."

"Like 10 PB&J?"

"And 20 ham and cheese?"

"Or 30 PB&J and 30 ham and cheese?"

"That's a lot of food," Devon chuckled, smacking Gavin in his gut."Sure you can handle it?"

"I can if you can."

"Then let's get started."

"And I'm sure your over Amanda by now, right?"

"Yeah," Devon said. "Leah has a nice pot belly, and I'm sure she's glanced at me...once...or twice."

"Your pathetic," Gavin snorted.

"Whatever," Devon said. "I'm sure Amanda is doing a pretty good job of chunking up Alec right now.

"And as for us," Gavin said, stepping on the scale. "Starting weight, 200."


"Um...220 to start maybe even 250."

"Heck, why NOT?"

Are Amanda and Alec happy together? How will Devon and Gavin's gaining go? We'll all just have to wait and see. Good-bye...until next time, that is.

© Copyright 2008 Gav (devfat at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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