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Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #1374602
vampires, vampire hunters, traitors, and a forbidden love between it all.
Deceiver of Hearts
J. L. Leeper   
Part 1

  Catharine Hart’s Diary : January 12- 1910 – 3:07pm

  It seems so abnormal, this weather. For living in Boston during the winter is known for such treacherous weather. And yet the air has a coming scent of spring. And Oh, so early! Although I can’t say it harms me at all, for spring is so beautiful. How the flowers bloom in the Commons, and then become bouquets in lovely laced weddings. So glorious. And after months of severe snowfall and temperatures nearly unbearable, it seems such a relief to feel the rays of the sun again.
  I suppose I shall sit upon my balcony once I return home from school and enjoy the view of the Boston Commons. As it is directly outside from my family’s townhouse.  I suppose their shall be many mothers and children about this day, playing in the rose flowers near the swan lake. It makes the day all so much more inspirational.  Although I must say there is just one thing missing from this surreal feeling, and that would be my good friend Calvin A. Borden. We had met through our senior year of high school through the schools marching band. He always hated marching season, that hectic time of year, but even he thanks it for one thing, and one thing only. That was when we met. Calvin and I became good friends last autumn, and are becoming closer it seems each day. But I must say, it’s all very new to me, even now. I’ve always only made friends with my own gender, so it gets rather awkward with Calvin and me sometimes. But he is a truly caring person at times. I just wish he could be less haughty and arrogant. Oh well. Hmm, I suppose later I may visit him.


  What a lovely surprise! Elizabeth came to walk home with me! Perhaps I may review our discussion.
  She seemed very jovial when she came to me after school. That only seems awkward because usually she is the very pessimistic one.  But thankfully today was quite the opposite.
  “Oh Catharine you absolutely won’t believe what has just happened only moments ago!” she said to me.  “I caught that adorable college boy staring at me from across the hall again!” I automatically began thinking about what a college boy would have to be doing in a high school again.
  “Oh Catharine what do you think I should do with him? It’s all so confusing.”
I knew then I had to say something, or her monologue would be endless. “Well haven’t you two spoken at all yet? It seems that may be a good way to get to know each other.” I then looked away, randomly thinking about Calvin.
  “Miss Catharine,” Oh no. When she says that I know I’m in for sarcasm. “Just when are you going to make a move on that mean friend of yours Calvin? He obviously adores you!”
“Don’t be silly Elizabeth, we are only friends. You know that.” I had to reassure her with something.
  “I find that very hard to believe you know.” She retorted. I knew it was coming, and I also agreed with her statement. But I couldn’t let her in on everything.
“Please Elizabeth, you know I would tell you if their was anything interesting going on between us.” Bad statement. I brought my self-esteem down again by pretending to dislike Calvin.  Me and my mouth…

  “Well Catharine, think about it will you. The two of you are so perfect for one another you know. It’s a shame you’re so shy.”
  “Yes, well, it looks like I’m home now. I suppose I shall see you tomorrow then.”
  “Right, goodbye.”

  And that leads up to now.  I’m sitting on my balcony. Looking over at the blooming flowers of the Boston Commons and the Public Gardens.  Enjoying the peace, sucking in the earth’s air. Thinking about Calvin again.


I am really thinking about visiting Calvin now. But I don’t know what to say. I mean I could speak of anything since I know he wouldn’t listen anyway.  He would be to busy fantasizing again like he once said. So I know he does truly adore me like I said earlier. Perhaps I could slightly imply my feelings for him. Who knows where our winding road would end up tonight! After all, it isn’t as though anyone else has their eyes set on our actions for gossip.
  Hmmm, then again, perhaps I will do that tomorrow. Besides I have to have time to think up the perfect statement for him. Yes I’ll visit him tomorrow.

  Oh dear, Mother and father just returned from a convention. I must go greet them. Goodnight Calvin. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Calvin A. Borden’s Journal: January 13-1910—3:15pm

  Just spoke with Catharine Hart. She seemed a bit different today. As though she was trying to say something, yet couldn’t find the right words to do so. Wondering what had been bothering her so. Honestly, she can be so shy and innocent sometimes. It’s a quality of hers I admire greatly. Yet it would be nearly impossible for me to acquire such a trait. Although I often am a bit too haughty I suppose.....
  Can’t help it though. After all, people at school can often be Oh so very annoying. You get to the point where you can’t stand it any longer, and find yourself incapable of being shy and innocent. Catharine really is special in that way. Perhaps I shall speak with her more from now on. After all, you can’t win a girl’s heart by just cautiously staring and speaking barely at all a brief moment before Physics. It’s just that, I’m afraid we’re too different when it comes to personalities and I would find myself in a position where I couldn’t say anything at all. I really do admire Catharine greatly and adore her loving personality. Her soft, pale features seem to even reflect her sympathetic nature. How I do adore her.

  Oh, so lovely Catharine, there must be more to our relationship than just friendship. I believe it is finally time to step up and capture her delicate heart.  And besides, it’s not like anyone else has their eyes set on her, right?

  Catharine Hart’s Diary: January 14-1910—9:35pm

  My dear Calvin seems so unbelievably friendly…

  Oh, that seems such an awful way of putting it! No, he was enthusiastic, as though he couldn’t see one single flaw in society! Why I do say, he couldn’t leave my side all afternoon after school! (He came to visit).
  Yes, we walked through the Commons, sat by the lake. I watched some small children playing near the lakes edge. Calvin watched me. Oh, the whole situation between us is so flattering! I believe we may be creating a stronger relationship!   

  Hmmm, I must tell my friend Elizabeth, as she is so interested with the fact that Calvin and I may be so called ‘Lovers’.
  Oh! it seems so distant and new to call us lovers! Elizabeth will be absolutely ecstatic at just the thought! After all, she has been practically listening to our very thoughts since Marching Season ended last autumn. Since it was there that Calvin and I first met.  Why before I came along and showed him what the world really looked like, he was a beast, swearing and joking with his beastly friends. But he saw something in me. He watched me from afar, and kept a good eye on me always. So shy and careful with me. Constantly nervous to say the wrong thing, or offend me in any way.
  Eventually we became friends because we strangely couldn’t stop talking. And its funny how something like that can happen. I mean I’m just a quiet, normal school girl. Calvin is quite the opposite. Wild, arrogant, haughty, you name it. But somehow a fire was lit between us and we’ve been friends ever since.
  I can still remember when half time was over, and we had a bit more free time, Calvin and I would sit and watch the last quarter of the games. Of course, he knew everyone on the team, for they were all our fellow students and of course his friends. He introduced me to them, so now I have somewhat more knowledge on what is happening on the field. (I know nothing and do nothing sport related obviously).
  But Calvin and I absolutely loved the stadiums. The games and the contests that came with it. There are still such countless memories of us from each endless event. And due to our formed friendship, the pain of Marching Season, and our weary eyes at contests were no more. It was so magical. And I know, and I promise Calvin must feel the same. For because of our odd friendship, he’s changed, in a good way. Even if he doesn’t realize it yet.

  Calvin A. Borden’s Journal: January 15-1910—4:05pm

  Catharine and I are officially “dating”, or at least as our fellow students like to say. But I don’t want them involved at all. They never see the real side of situations anyway. I just want to be with Catharine without them involved. Because the minute they over hear any of what we say, the entire school will suddenly know everything. You can’t trust anyone you don’t know. That’s one thing school has succeeded to teach me. And because of it, I know I need to find a way to get Catharine and me together, alone.
  I mean, Catharine isn’t in any way popular, but I appear to be widely known. And that’s where the trouble starts. I’m the one with the problem it seems.  But it is a good thing she isn’t ‘popular’, for that simply means there shall be less worry for interference. But I say, as God as my witness, there shall be no disturbance between our one hearted tranquility.

  Catharine Hart’s Diary: January 20-1910—10:32pm

  It feels like an age since I have last written an account here. But, Oh, so much has happened! My dear Calvin is as sweet to me as ever, but it seems he glares at every one else. Especially at school. How good he is to me though! At least I may stop reiterating how much our relationship has come, for now, I do believe it has reached the peak of its everlasting existence.
  We have walked through the Boston Commons and spoke of such good things. We have even taken swan-boat rides through the park. Although It’s still dreadfully cold, the weather, and yet the sun shines down in full view. I have been so busy with him though, that the weather conditions have failed to pass my mind. Even when it was raining.

  Hmmm, I really need to speak with Elizabeth still. Although the school students have more than likely told her everything already. Nonetheless, I haven’t spoken with her since the 14th! Oh, she must be so curious about my current situation. And there truly is so much to tell her. Why just this day Calvin and I spoke at his home for what seemed an eternity! Or at least an eternity passed by too quickly. Why he couldn’t stop looking straight into my eyes.  He even stated quite simply that my “hazel eyes are perfectly gorgeous.”
  Anyway, we then came to the Commons and the Public Gardens. We couldn’t stop laughing and joking.
  I have enjoyed my time with him completely, and we have decided to stay together for the upcoming spring Senior Prom. But I wonder now where our road together will lead once high school ends. Where shall we go from there?

  Calvin A. Borden’s Journal: January 21-1910—6:55pm

  Catharine has been absolutely in love with the sunlight lately I must say. After all these long days of nonstop blizzard conditions, we seem to be outside with the still blooming flowers (or May I say ‘dead flowers’) constantly. We still take walks and talk outside, we eat outside, and we practically live outside. Every magical moment is spent in the rays of the sun, up until the stars are beginning to show light and the moon rises. And then it is we part for the day, and await the next. But she is so happy now. And I love seeing her this way.
  It would tear my heart apart to see anything negative happen to her. I couldn’t stand it.  For Catharine could be hurt so easily. What with her being so small and fragile. But I shouldn’t worry so, for she remains yet as lovely and lively as ever. Just as she has been all her life.

  Catharine Hart’s Diary: February 1-1910—10:50pm

  I know that lately I have been very jovial, but something very strange has just occurred. I suppose I will write everything in the exact order it happened, and try to make more sense of it myself. You see, my parents were gone tonight for a party at the mayor’s home. So I decided to finish some English homework after Calvin left for the night.
  So there I was, out on my bedrooms balcony finishing homework in the quiet, peaceful atmosphere. Nothing unusual for me. And as I sat there, I became lost in my thoughts and the nature that surrounded me in the Boston Commons and Public Gardens. (As I said there is a straight on view of the park from my balcony).
  The lake, the trees, all the walkways. I saw that the sun had just shown its last vision of color before sinking behind the old buildings beyond.
  It had also been an unusually beautiful sunset. Casting rays of vivid color across the green parks. I was almost in shock when I saw the sky. It was so much like a dream, or even another world. And I sat there staring up at the strange sunset. Why even the clouds seemed colorful.

    Now the color was mainly a dark red, and orange, and a faint shade of pink. But it was the crimson that caught my eye. It was not quite the color of blood, yet you could say that the sky was bleeding. And the further the sun sank, the more the sky bled the red. Until there was nothing but darkness. And that was it. The day was done. Bled itself into night. February the first was dead, just as it had been the year before.

    I suddenly felt cold in the darkness and walked into my room for a match to light the ornate candelabra on my balcony. When I returned from my mission I noticed that the oil lamps of the Commons and Public Gardens had been lit. Casting a dark shadow of light beneath the old trees. I saw that no one was in the park, obviously because it is closed when night approaches. But it still didn’t seem right.

  Although now that everything eventful was over, there was still something about the presence of this night that I full heartedly distrusted. Apparently the trick in the wind playing my mind was no trick at all. There really was something odd about this night. For suddenly a dark figure appeared out of no where on the bridge of the Public gardens. As though it just popped into existence.  I stared at the mysterious dark figure, and it appeared to look human. Although my mind may have really been playing tricks with me. An aftershock of the strange sunset. But the shadowed figure, perhaps cloaked, didn’t move it just stood there. Still as a corpse.
  Suddenly the night air grew colder than before, howling through the old trees below.
  I don’t know why, but I was frightened. Begging for this strange night to turn to morning. For I wanted Calvin by my side. My comfort, my guardian.

  But Oh I could swear that shape was human. For it looked just like it was clad in a long black coat.

  I turned away for a mere second to light the oil lamp by my side, and when I looked back towards the old bridge, the dark figure was gone. Vanished out of existence.  And the night air came to a halt. No wind, no temperature. The night became still. As did I. 
  The horrid events of the night seemed to never end in my mind. Constantly re-playing for these past few hours until I just had to record it.

  But everything is normal now. All will be fine. It was nothing. Only a memory now. But oh, if Calvin were here with me would he have seen it too? Would he believe me if I told him I saw a ghost or a monster?

  Oh, dear God! I’m losing my mind! It just disappeared! But it’s still there in my mind, and I’m scared. Truly frightened now. What am I to do? What was that thing in the park?  What is to become of me now? And why?


  Calvin A. Borden’s Journal: February 2-1910—4:05pm

  I hadn’t seen Catharine all day. Although this actually isn’t abnormal, since we don’t have one single class together on A day, which would be today. But I found she also hadn’t shown for lunch either. And that we should have together on an A day.

  Well I suppose it is Monday. Perhaps she became ill over the past weekend.

  Oh dear. Here comes one of my band friends William Giovanni. I will have to continue this document after school. That is if I don’t visit Catharine.


  After school was over, I hurried across the three streets separating Catharine’s home and the school. I didn’t care to stop by my house and leave my bag, even though it looked as though we were in for a storm. I didn’t care at all. All I needed to do was find Catharine. So the only reasonable location to begin the search would obviously be her home.

  It took of few minutes to get there, until finally I saw the tall old townhouse with its bronze ornate stone. I quickly climbed the front steps and rang the buzzer. I waited for what seemed longer than it possibly could be, until finally the front door opened. Her mother, Eleanora, stepped out and discovered who it was with a smile. I gently asked her where Catharine was, although not pushing her for information in such an absurd manner. She told me softly that Catharine was in the Commons or the Gardens. I thanked her and sped off across the stone road and through a side gate.

  I was looking everywhere for her. Every bench, upon the bridge, beneath each tree. But it was the side of the lake that I discovered her.

  There she was. Sitting in the grass, watching the waves upon the water. She held a newly bloomed Rose Moss or maybe it was a zinnia (I know not which for I am in no means a floral man.) in her hand that she kept twirling. Her face was turned away, but I could tell she was thinking. She looked so serious.
  Such a beauty she was by the waters edge, the wind blowing through her dark hair.
  And though she looked so perfect, like in a good dream, she hardly noticed my presence, and I knew I had to say something.
  “My poor, dear Catharine. Whatever is it that may trouble you in such a glorious place?” I asked her sweetly. She nearly jumped at the sound of my voice as though I had loudly awakened her from a terrible trance. Although her eyes didn’t mention it when she turned around. They were pale, emotionless.

  “Calvin,” she began, almost in a whisper. “There is something I must tell you.  Though I fear you shan’t believe me. But do try to understand. I saw something. And it scared me so.” Her face was suddenly covered in this awful plague of fear. She turned away now. As if staring wide-eyed into a world I couldn’t follow.     

  “There was something here in the park last night. In the Gardens. It seemed like it was just a person clad in black apparel, almost as if still in mourning. I thought it was just a person sneaking in to watch the sunset. And Oh the sunset alone was so strangely majestic. How could I forget such colors as it cast upon the clouds? I thought the person; the creature was just enjoying it! But Oh when I turned away it just disappeared! It just vanished! And I’m so scared Calvin, I’m so scared!”
  She was almost in tears now. “Oh Calvin, what was it I saw? What was it that haunts my thoughts this instant? The creature from below I have described? I saw it with my own eyes! It was no dream!
  ‘Oh My darling Calvin, how good you are to me, in such an awful state as mine! But I’m terrified of what will happen when the sun no longer shines this coming night, and I am left alone in the dark again!”

    She was pleading for an answer. But there was none I could offer her. And though now she cried to me and looked on for my help. I see now what a fool I have been. All I could say after her moments of verbal torture was, “You’re eyes were probably just playing tricks on you. I’m here now and shall keep you safe. I promise, I shall never leave you Catharine. I will stay with you for as long as I must even if it be forever. I promise. I’ll stay here with you.”
  She smiled, even through her tears. Tears that split my heart in two. How I loved her in that moment. How innocent and frightened she looked. Catharine was no more than a child. Scared in the dark after a bad nightmare. And suddenly, I felt like the guardian who slept through her piercing screams. I didn’t know how to keep her safe. I didn’t know how I could stay with her “forever”. But I would try. And at that moment I took her hand, and we walked away from the water, towards her home.

  Catharine Hart’s Diary: February 4-1910—11:46pm

  I write this very late at night, I know. But I am much to frightened to sleep. For you see the dark figure returned to The Boston Commons once again earlier this evening. I had brought Calvin along to make sure I was truly safe. We had sat on the veranda once the sun began to set.  The sunset was not as pretty as it was the first night, but the darkness was just as cold. Shadows played beneath the swaying trees of The Commons just as the oil lamps dimly flickered on. Illuminating the park for the coming hours.

Calvin and I had been speaking of all the things that had happened
Earlier that day, though keeping a good eye on the park below constantly.

I know he just wanted to keep me calm, and so decided to make conversation. Yet I was so keen on finding the ‘thing’, it hardly effected me at all. Minutes passed by. We waited in the cold winter air. Searching every foot of the Commons for something unfamiliar. Calvin held my hand, but it didn’t help my terrified expressions, for what I saw horrified me so.

No words can describe the moment, but I shall try. I breathed heavily and gasped for reality. But it was too late. I had seen what I hoped would not appear. For below me, directly below me was the figure. And yet it was not terrifying as I thought it should be. For the ‘it’ was a man.

He stared straight up at me with pure black eyes. His face held no expression. I could see every detail of him. He wore black shoes, and trousers that looked as if they were silk. The shirt was surrounded by a Victorian embroidered black coat that hung nearly from his neck to the stone ground. His features looked as if they had all been carved from the purest marble. Such a white, pale face around perfect set lips. His black hair was neatly curled back almost to his broad shoulders.

When I finally regained my balance I began studying his wide open eyes. I can’t remember anything after that until Calvin turned me towards him. And I think I fainted.

  I opened my eyes to see Calvin fanning me. He appeared so concerned. I had to say something, or this would get awkward.
  “Didn’t you see him? That man down there?”
  “Catharine, there’s been nothing happening. What did you think you saw?”
    I was so confused now. For when I glanced back at where the man had been standing, there was nothing. Just the stone ground. I then began shivering in the cold and told Calvin I would see him tomorrow, that I needed to be alone for some time.
He seemed even more concerned now, but I blamed the ‘vision’ on my lack of sleep. And it was true. I have been so tired lately, I’ve barely slept.

Oh that beautiful man was there. It was all too real. And he saw me too. Looked straight into my eyes and I his. How come Calvin did not though? Oh, I can’t stop thinking of that strange encounter. Who was the gorgeous, perfect young man who stared into my eyes?
I am now frightened. Truly and completely frightened for good this time. There must be an explanation to this. And I shall find it one way or another. For I am far too stunned, horrified, and most of all, I find myself feeling rather curious.

  Calvin A. Borden’s Journal: February 5-1910—2:30pm

  Why is all this happening and what? Such a blank question for such an awful amount of experience.

Oh, now it is me who makes no sense! But, what on this earth is bothering Catharine so? And is it even on the earth at all? Or is it, below the world? If only I could really see out of her sweet eyes.

Oh, the torture she must be going through! It pains me to see her so broken. Just three days ago she was Catharine. Not this life living in a nightmare. Oh, my dear Catharine, how will I get you to tell me what you see? What you’re really seeing. I want to understand you. For I do believe you. And besides, I promised to protect you. But you must tell me what it is I must protect you from!

  Catharine Hart’s Diary: February 5-1910—3:05pm

  Leave me Alone! That’s all that I ask for!
  I am being followed! I can feel it; I can sense him all around me. Everywhere I go, I am being tracked. And oh, he haunts my dreams! What be this creature of darkness?

  And Oh, his eyes! Those pure black eyes, like deep holes in the sockets. At night they glow in the dark, they turn crimson! Who is this man? What does he want with me? What have I done to the world to deserve such reward? Is it possible to have been forgotten by grace and the opposite now taking its place?

  Oh, just leave me be! He haunts my dreams at night; he follows in the shadows during daylight. And I sense him even now! Standing somewhere near, waiting patiently. I am terrified of where my road shall lead now. And Calvin is my only light. I need him now and to the end. He shall protect me from the monster. The beautiful monster. He promised me. But, oh, what if it is I who looks in the eyes of darkness again? How is it that I can simply say, “The eyes of the night draw me to the shadows?” I must hide from this world, but every time I try I enter his! Help me Calvin! It is now that I need you most!

  Calvin A. Borden’s Journal: February 5-1910—5:00pm

  I just spoke with Ms. Catharine Hart. As I said, I had to get information from her. Today she told me of her encounter with a pale man who seems like a “stalker”. I shall try to tell it as closely as she first put it. Though I may stumble on a few words. But I have to say, a conversation like that is hard to forget. Any way, this is how it all went:
  We were leaving the back doors of our old brick school. It was raining, and the sky was dark with clouds casting a great shadow over the city of Boston. She came to me. And oh, the sight of her was so painful. How pale and frightened she looked. More so than usual. You could almost compare her to a solid ghost.

She came to me straight away. I took her hand and she began to speak, yet only in a whisper as not to distract the other students leaving school. “Oh Calvin, I saw him again. He was there in the school. I was just walking past the library and I looked up and everyone was gone. Not a soul remained in the halls or even the class rooms. And I became so frightened I began running through the dark lit hallways until I passed a corner, and He was there. Staring into my eyes. Only about five feet away.
  My face, I know turned ghastly white. But I kept running and running until I found you.  But where were all the students? Why was it I couldn’t see them?  Oh Calvin, it’s all his fault isn’t it? I’m being followed. But why does he want me?”

  What am I to do? Must I just simply stand back and watch the action that only she can see alone? I don’t know how to save her from this nightmare. The evil that has been strangely thrust upon her. If only I knew the cause of this “things” actions. Then I would fight for her life. Her happiness.

Our tranquility that I once said could never be disturbed has been ruined.

  Calvin A. Borden’s Journal: February 5-1910—6:03pm

  I had decided to walk my dear, broken Catharine home. And when we arrived, an idea came to my overcrowded thoughts. And so it was, the fool that I am asked her, “Catharine, my poor, sweet Catharine, perhaps I can help calm you by this offer.” She stared at me with compassionate eyes. The eyes I knew.
  “I know a friend who works at a local theatre. The Boston Opera House to be exact. He tells me there shall be a performance this night. Perhaps we could come together and get you’re tortured mind away from the darkness that has taken you. And my friend Broderic Amadius could allow us in his back stage office.”
  She seemed so bright now. Finally something good has happened. This has been a moment from the past. And oh, it feels wonderful to come back to the way things used to be before Catharine began seeing this the creature of darkness. Whatever it be.

  “Calvin, how good you are too me. Truly. And Oh, I need so very much to live in the real world again. It seems lately I haven’t been here. As though I have been in a different world. The colors have turned so dark, and no one exists anymore but me and this monster. It is an endless night for me now, and I have forgotten the meaning of reality. So I would adore coming with you to the performance tonight. Thank you Calvin.” She said as a smile sprang upon her lips. Although her eyes had turned so pale, and tired. But nevertheless, she would be alive this night. Just the two of us.

  And this time there shall be no disturbances. Or so I deeply hope…

Calvin A. Borden’s Journal: February 5-1910—10:53pm

  Catharine and I arrived at The Boston Opera a bit late actually. Luckily we had reserved seats for box seven, overlooking center stage directly. And the historical stage was intriguing; as I always thought each time I came. Not to mention the performance reflected it’s highly historical atmosphere.
  The candlelight illuminated the arena so gloriously. It was fantastic. It was pure beauty alone. And the arch along the great red curtain had gargoyles made of stone along the edges. They appeared so well crafted, almost as if stoned from real life. Candles lighted the rim of the apron upon the old wood stage as usual. It all fit the dark and gothic play perfectly.

  Catharine, whom sat to my direct right, was intrigued right away. The performance had been going for about forty five minutes now, and I suddenly looked up to see the sets being changed behind the crimson curtain. And as that went on, a ballet of white emerged from both wings of the stage.
  The main girl in the ballet seemed to be portraying a fair nightingale and held withered roses in her hands while singing of love lost. The minor, strange music was so amazing; it had drawn all the audience nearly into what looked like a trance like gaze. Not to mention Catharine blinked not once through the whole of the scene. And yet after the ballet finished, there were only thirty minutes left of the main, abnormally short show. And as it came to the finale, Catharine stood and clapped for the actors and actresses and especially to the ballet girls and Prima Donna. She appeared very pleased with the overall performance. And I must say, even I enjoyed it.

  We then left the auditorium for the main hall, and just as we turned into another hall to leave, I heard a familiar, heavily accented voice hidden in a shadow.
  “My friend Calvin, who is this you bring to the opera?” It was none other than my old friend Broderic Amadius, of about thirty six years of age. His black hair was slicked back upon his head, and his black eyes seemed to pierce straight through us in wonder.
“Oh, it is only you Broderic. I was startled by your voice. And pardon my asking, but how long is it you stay in this theater? It seems like you’ve had no sunlight upon you in years!” he nodded. Understanding the joking behavior I often portrayed. And yet he did look a bit too pale.
“May I introduce Ms. Catharine Hart? Catharine, this is the friend I told you of Broderic Amadius.” Catharine shook his hand in friendly delight. “May we speak with you in private”, I asked. He gestured us both forward through another dark, lovely decorated hall. When we arrived at his private backstage office, I could see a dim lamp shining upon papers that appeared to be written in Dutch or perhaps Portuguese. There were also dusty bookshelves along the brown walls. I wondered just how old some of the books upon it were, or how long it had been since they were opened. Everything looked basically as if he owned an antique shop.

    I noticed then that Catharine looked to be rather uncomfortable, though she had never met this man. Although Broderic Amadius and I had known one another for quite some time through my father. Broderic is a literary professor and owner of the Boston Opera. Also a lover for all other arts and rather unsocial, apart from few friends.
  I had many questions to ask him, all concerning Catharine’s horrible nightmares and knowing he would be the one who could listen. After all, he was the only literary professor I knew, and probably had answers form his many books.

  “Broderic, There is something I would like to discuss concerning my dear Catharine here. You see, lately she has been seeing a dark figure in her sleep. And when she awakens, it appears too. It’s almost like an illusion I think. She is just lost in a world I can’t follow and so gradually losing reality. She describes the figure to look like a man, with gleaming blood-shot eyes that draws her to him. And I thought you may have an opinion on what is taking place. Do you have any ideas?”

    He looked at me so seriously, as usual, and yet his dark eyes seemed even more unstable then usual. I knew it was something very serious.

  “I do not know how to tell you this Calvin without scaring her more. Perhaps I shall escort her to the sitting room in the main lobby.”

  And so it was again, the fools re-emerged. Catharine was led out into the main entrance of the theatre. And when Broderic returned, what I heard froze my bones. It was worse than I could have imagined.

    “My friend, Catharine has been seeing something that has not been seen here for centuries. At least, to have seen it long enough and remain mortal. This creature of darkness that you spoke of is no man. Even if he may lead them to believe he is. No, this is the undead you speak of. Immortal forever. She is crossing into the world of shadows, and not losing reality, but leaving. He is a vampire. And there is only so much that can be done, and even then it is probably too late to save her. Catharine will more than likely die in time. What time shall allow. For this Vampire wants someone to share what’s left of his body with. Someone who can stay by his side and feast with him. A companion. And if I have heard correctly, than I believe I know of who this particular vampire is.”

  With that Broderic drew out of a dusty cabinet a small portrait of a lady. “This dates back to 1636. Her name is Eloisa Hildegard. It’s been said she had dark fantasies growing up, mainly caused by an awful childhood. And so as she grew up, she became obsessed with death. She went around to ancient places where she tried to hide in old Cathedrals and churches. A place where death sleeps or screams. Until it was she found what she wanted. A vampire. His name is Isaias Caesar. One of the most ancient of the vampires known to this day. I have been collecting evidence of his existence for years now. One of my main studies. Isaias Is death himself. And he has created more death through the centuries. Many of them became a group of companions, but fortunately they have been asleep for years now. But Isaias does still remain present in the world today. And has now been searching for his new companion.”

    I tried hard to understand his words, but they haunted me so. “So tell me Broderic, why is he looking for a new companion? Why are his old ones asleep now? And what ever has become of Eloisa Hildegard?”

  “Eloisa was his first companion. You see, Isaias was the vampire that found her in the old Cathedral and taught her how to ‘play dead’. And because of it, her first kill was her own brother, and she fled her homeland because of a witness. The two came then here to America. And it was there that together they created more companions to ‘re-create the world.’ But as time passed, a bold move was taken. A mortal man killed Eloisa. For she was the reason the world was decreasing in population. She had all the horrible ideas, and was far too powerful. She was stabbed right through the heart. And at last put to a real grave. But Isaias was still unfortunately in the world and viciously furious. He sent his other weak companions out to suck the world dry. To put Eloisa’s requests to action.”

    I still wasn’t sure how all this tied in to Catharine, but I sat there and listened waiting for a final conclusion answering my questions.

  “You see, Calvin, I have here in my very secret research, much private information about the two of them. Tracing back to their original companions. Apparently, Eloisa and her three new companions returned to Germany in 1698. Isaias and his two companions left for Italy. About a hundred years passed, and the year was now about 1796. Isaias hears the news of Eloisa’s sudden death when her three shrieking companions Carmina, Fanchette, and Alorah come to him for his guidance.  Isaias then became furious and sent the girls away and his two companions Felix and Cairo. He wanted to be alone and search for Eloisa’s new relatives on his own. His hundred year project. He wandered the nights from country to country. City by city, until he came here to Boston and found Catharine. It only makes sense that Eloisa and Catharine are somehow related, and Isaias can sense the relation. He wants his former love to be born again Calvin. He wants Catharine.”

    I was horrified. It all did make sense, and when I heard the conclusion I quickly looked down at the old portrait and discovered how alike Eloisa’s features were to Catharine. They had to be related. And Oh, dear God! Save us all! For my Catharine is easily an exact replica of this morbid vampire mistress! It is so easy for Isaias to find a clone of his dead love! I was so frightened by the thought of one vampire that I asked about the other five companions and where they were now.
  “They were young. And so they had no choice, no master to teach them the new rules of life. The only sensible thing they knew was to sleep for the remainder of the world’s existence. They have all been asleep for centuries now.”

  “And if they were to somehow be awoken?”

  “I don’t know,” Broderic answered gravely. “That is the thought that scares me. One vampire is bad enough, but six, seven more if it be Catharine. It is beyond my current knowledge to know just what our future would hold. Eloisa and Isaias were awful to the world enough, and to now have Catharine take here place…”

  I sat there.

  What more could I do? In a matter of days, Catharine could be dying! And Oh, I promised to protect her!? But I have not any clue how!

  “Broderic, I promised to protect Catharine, and I wouldn’t let her down for anything. But I don’t know what to do.”

  With that he could feel my pain, and he smiled re-assuringly.
“That, my friend, shall not be as difficult as you may think. For I shall help you.”

  We took that as our parting, and he led me to the door. We walked silently through the many maze of halls until we approached the entrance of the Theatre. But when we reached where Catharine had been sent, only one dim candle remained lit. And in the darkness we could see that Broderic and I were clearly alone.
There were flowers strewn across the room, which held a thick smell of garlic.

  What does this mean? Why would this vampire come into the Opera when there is garlic all around? It had surrounded the door and all windows. And they had been locked tightly by now! How did he come in here and leave as though nothing was ever there preventing his arrival. And Oh! Where did it take my innocent Catharine!

  No, I must stay strong. For I promised to protect her, and I shan’t forget that! Broderic was at least on my side, and he knew what we were dealing with. Nothing is going to harm her, and I won’t allow myself to give up hope! For I know there is still time to save her from this furious beast!
  Oh, if only I knew where to look! There must be a sign.
Broderic. If anyone can find a vampire, it is Broderic Amadius and his research. Yes. We will find Catharine. And we shall search for the answers until the last spark of fire is blown away. We will find a way to save her! And Catharine shall remain mortal yet!

Catharine Hart’s Diary: February 6 -1910---12:17am

  The whole night has been such a blur. The beautiful man returned. For some odd reason, I had such trouble refusing the look of his eyes and his outstretched hand. I think he took me to a dark room. I couldn’t see anything. Everything was as though I was blind! But I could still see the ring around the fire in his eyes. Oh, those great, red eyes that glow! I could have sworn that for a brief instant, I saw everything in the room suddenly light up. But I had no time to observe the location.

  Such cold it was that death surrounded. All corners of the room so dark became like morbid angels vision. What was this occurrence in the presence of a man now monster? Insanity, my only answer.

  During that instant of painful light became a searing pain of agony. A cry from such pain did I find a trail of crimson blood fall gently to my collar. My neck was bleeding from an unknown reason. One I have yet to discover.

    The shock began to weaken me, and I could feel the pain increasing through each vein and artery that seems to be cursing my pale body. And as the pain swam through my blood, I can’t recall anything after. I must have fainted.


  I awoke in my own bedroom in our family’s comforting townhouse. No one was there. I was alone, surrounded by my white curtains blowing around the side of my face telling that the windows were somehow open. My room seemed dark still, and I questioned the time. So I just lay there. Unaware of anything that had happened through the night, until bright stains of fresh blood was spotted running madly down my white night gown. Streaming downwards into my bed from my neck. I screamed for I knew then what must have happened. Screamed a shrieking cry into the night. Towards the dim moon and black clouds surrounding it. Screaming towards the monster. Shrieking in pain. But it was not like a normal scream. I felt like a corpse awakening from the dead. Or like bangees from the old Irish folk tales.


  It wasn’t natural.  I had been somehow murdered in the night by the man. The monster had finally taken me to his dark lair of death. Letting his pale, cold arms embrace me into his side of the world. And I am so confused! How could this…

  Calvin. What had become of him? Or his mysterious friend at the old theatre last night before my dream became of me? Where was Calvin?

  A face! A face! A shadowed face in the distance! Somewhere in the dark streets of the commons where thousands of thought to be witches died by mobs of towns people only a century or too ago. Rising from the earth like a real witch or corpse. Or worse…

  What did happen last night? I could still remember the pain that slit the marks in the flesh of my neck. But what was it really? I tried to stand then and run. But where? The inexistent light outside? Into the dead mans trap?

  I tried to stand, but it hurt all over my body. Like venom of the devil’s blood sucking the sanity from my internal self.  Suddenly I was cold. Fragile. Vulnerable.

  I pulled out of my bed side drawers a gold mirror my grandmother had given me. Trying to discover what went wrong. But the face wasn’t mine at all!
  Oh, had I always been so deathly pale? So ghastly? Perhaps it was just the sudden loss of blood drained from my neck. But still, even my eyes held a blackness never before seen. Everything about me seemed to be rapidly changing at an unexplainable rate. But why?
  I opened my mouth then as my canines had begun aching and pulling at the back of my gums. My entire jaw hurt horribly actually. And were my front teeth longer? Sharper?
  Suddenly I became tired, although I had just been so widely awake moments before.
  Nothing is making sense anymore. Oh and I feel so lightheaded? Dearest Calvin where are you?!
  Please find me Calvin! Be my knight in shining armor like I always looked at you as before! The carriage of death could arrive at my heart’s gate any moment now!

Calvin A. Borden’s Journal: February 6-1910---9:31am

  Broderic and I have not slept all night. We have been searching for any signs of Catharine all this time, from a blizzard at midnight to the mist of this foggy morning.
  The first place we searched was her family’s townhouse. That was about 11:30pm. Nothing. Since then we have been running through countless homes, churches, parks, community centers. Nothing. Although finding her so late at night is in fact nearly impossible I must say! It was not until 7:00am this morning that Broderic and I, filled with hopeful determination, decided to return to her townhouse and check once more. When we arrived, grave news from her mother’s handwriting welcomed us through a front door letter.

  It is important, I believe, to restate what it said completely, so that I may have some time to do slight analyses later, for it affected me greatly:

    “Dear Calvin, and anyone, the Hart residence will be out today due to a sudden emergency on our daughter’s behalf. We shall be at the nearest hospital here in Boston if you need us.
  Signed, Eleanora Hart.”

  Oh Catharine! Do tell me that we have not failed you so! For I promised to protect you and I could not have let you down! Did you ever know it was a vampire who took you away from me that night? A vampire that has been watching you from the deepest shadows of the sacred nights of ours. If not, then I shall see you soon. I haven’t given up on you Catharine! I’m still here, and so are you!

To Be Continued...
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